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commit 7cda67da814a7c1c8530f063dacb8e93a66ac386
parent 5944224be972313db64aabf7b6480128c482491f
Author: dankert <devnull@localhost>
Date:   Wed, 23 Jun 2010 20:05:52 +0200

Diese Datei blieb nach dem letzten Commit leer - Grund bisher unbekannt :-O

themes/default/pages/html/folder/select.tpl.php | 577+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 577 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/themes/default/pages/html/folder/select.tpl.php b/themes/default/pages/html/folder/select.tpl.php @@ -0,0 +1,576 @@ +<?php $a1_class='main'; ?><?php + if (!defined('OR_VERSION')) die('Forbidden'); + if (!headers_sent()) header('Content-Type: text/html; charset='.$charset) +?><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> +<html> +<head> + <title><?php echo isset($a1_title)?langHtml($a1_title).' - ':(isset($windowTitle)?langHtml($windowTitle).' - ':'') ?><?php echo $cms_title ?></title> + <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=<?php echo $charset ?>" > +<?php if ( isset($refresh_url) ) { ?> + <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="<?php echo isset($refresh_timeout)?$refresh_timeout:0 ?>; URL=<?php echo $refresh_url; if (ini_get('session.use_trans_sid')) echo '&'.session_name().'='.session_id(); ?>"> +<?php } ?> + <meta name="MSSmartTagsPreventParsing" content="true" > + <meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow" > +<?php if (isset($windowMenu) && is_array($windowMenu)) foreach( $windowMenu as $menu ) + { + ?> + <link rel="section" href="<?php echo Html::url($actionName,@$menu['subaction'],$this->getRequestId() ) ?>" title="<?php echo lang($menu['text']) ?>" > +<?php + } +?><?php if (isset($metaList) && is_array($metaList)) foreach( $metaList as $meta ) + { + ?> + <link rel="<?php echo $meta['name'] ?>" href="<?php echo $meta['url'] ?>" title="<?php echo $meta['title'] ?>" ><?php + } +?><?php if(!empty($root_stylesheet)) { ?> + <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo $root_stylesheet ?>" > +<?php } ?> +<?php if($root_stylesheet!=$user_stylesheet) { ?> + <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo $user_stylesheet ?>" > +<?php } ?> +</head> +<body class="main" <?php if (@$conf['interface']['application_mode']) { ?> style="padding:0px;margin:0px;"<?php } ?> > +<?php /* Debug-Information */ if ($showDuration) { echo "<!-- Output Variables are:\n";echo str_replace('-->','-- >',print_r($this->templateVars,true));echo "\n-->";} ?><?php unset($a1_class) ?><?php $a2_action='folder';$a2_subaction='edit';$a2_name='';$a2_target='_self';$a2_method='post';$a2_enctype='application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; ?><?php + $a2_id = $this->getRequestId(); + if ($this->isEditable()) + { + if ($this->isEditMode()) + { + $a2_method = 'POST'; + } + else + { + $a2_method = 'GET'; + $a2_subaction = $subActionName; + } + } +?><form name="<?php echo $a2_name ?>" + target="<?php echo $a2_target ?>" + action="<?php echo Html::url( $a2_action,$a2_subaction,$a2_id ) ?>" + method="<?php echo $a2_method ?>" + enctype="<?php echo $a2_enctype ?>" style="margin:0px;padding:0px;"> +<?php if ($this->isEditable() && !$this->isEditMode()) { ?> +<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="edit" /> +<?php } ?> +<input type="hidden" name="<?php echo REQ_PARAM_TOKEN ?>" value="<?php echo token() ?>" /> +<input type="hidden" name="<?php echo REQ_PARAM_ACTION ?>" value="<?php echo $a2_action ?>" /> +<input type="hidden" name="<?php echo REQ_PARAM_SUBACTION ?>" value="<?php echo $a2_subaction ?>" /> +<input type="hidden" name="<?php echo REQ_PARAM_ID ?>" value="<?php echo $a2_id ?>" /><?php + if ( $conf['interface']['url_sessionid'] ) + echo '<input type="hidden" name="'.session_name().'" value="'.session_id().'" />'."\n"; +?><?php unset($a2_action,$a2_subaction,$a2_name,$a2_target,$a2_method,$a2_enctype) ?><?php $a3_title='titelso';$a3_name='bla';$a3_widths='5%,75%';$a3_width='93%';$a3_rowclasses='odd,even';$a3_columnclasses='1,2,3'; ?><?php + $coloumn_widths=array(); + $icon=$actionName; + $coldumn_widths = explode(',',$a3_widths); + $row_classes = explode(',',$a3_rowclasses); + $row_class_idx = 999; + $column_classes = explode(',',$a3_columnclasses); + $row_idx = 0; + $column_idx = 0; + global $image_dir; + if (@$conf['interface']['application_mode'] ) + { + echo '<table class="main" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="100%" style="margin:0px;border:0px; padding:0px;" height_oo="100%">'; + } + else + { + echo '<br/><br/><br/><center>'; + echo '<table class="main" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" width="'.$a3_width.'">'; + } + if (!@$conf['interface']['application_mode'] ) + { + echo '<tr class="title"><td>'; + echo '<img src="'.$image_dir.'icon_'.$icon.IMG_ICON_EXT.'" align="left" border="0">'; + if ($this->isEditable()) { ?> + <?php if ($this->isEditMode()) { + ?><a href="<?php echo Html::url($actionName,$subActionName,$this->getRequestId() ) ?>" accesskey="1" title="<?php echo langHtml('MODE_EDIT_DESC') ?>" class="path" style="text-align:right;font-weight:bold;font-weight:bold;"><img src="<?php echo $image_dir ?>mode-edit.png" style="vertical-align:top; " border="0" /></a> <?php } + elseif (readonly()) { + ?><img src="<?php echo $image_dir ?>readonly.png" style="vertical-align:top; " border="0" /> <?php } else { + ?><a href="<?php echo Html::url($actionName,$subActionName,$this->getRequestId(),array('mode'=>'edit') ) ?>" accesskey="1" title="<?php echo langHtml('MODE_SHOW_DESC') ?>" class="path" style="text-align:right;font-weight:bold;font-weight:bold;"><img src="<?php echo $image_dir ?>readonly.png" style="vertical-align:top; " border="0" /></a> <?php } + ?><?php } + echo '<span class="path">'.langHtml($actionName).'</span>&nbsp;<strong>&raquo;</strong>&nbsp;'; + if ( !isset($path) || is_array($path) ) + $path = array(); + foreach( $path as $pathElement) + { + extract($pathElement); + echo '<a href="'.$url.'" class="path">'.langHtml($name).'</a>'; + echo '&nbsp;&raquo;&nbsp;'; + } + echo '<span class="title">'.langHtml($windowTitle).'</span>'; + if ( isset($notice_status)) + { + ?><img src="<?php echo $image_dir.'notice_'.$notice_status.IMG_ICON_EXT ?>" align="right" /><?php + } + ?> + </td> + <?php + } + ?> +<?php ?> <!--<td class="menu" style="align:right;"> + <?php if (isset($windowIcons)) foreach( $windowIcons as $icon ) + { + ?><a href="<?php echo $icon['url'] ?>" title="<?php echo 'ICON_'.langHtml($menu['type'].'_DESC') ?>"><image border="0" src="<?php echo $image_dir.$icon['type'].IMG_ICON_EXT ?>"></a>&nbsp;<?php + } + ?> + </td>--> + </tr> + <tr class="menu"><td> + <table class="menu"><tr> + <?php if ( !isset($windowMenu) || !is_array($windowMenu) ) + $windowMenu = array(); + foreach( $windowMenu as $menu ) + { + $tmp_text = langHtml($menu['text']); + $tmp_key = strtoupper(langHtml($menu['key' ])); + $tmp_pos = strpos(strtolower($tmp_text),strtolower($tmp_key)); + if ( $tmp_pos !== false ) + $tmp_text = substr($tmp_text,0,max($tmp_pos,0)).'<span class="accesskey">'. substr($tmp_text,$tmp_pos,1).'</span>'.substr($tmp_text,$tmp_pos+1); + if ( isset($menu['url']) ) + { + ?><td class="action"><a href="<?php echo Html::url($actionName,$menu['subaction'],$this->getRequestId() ) ?>" accesskey="<?php echo $tmp_key ?>" title="<?php echo langHtml($menu['text'].'_DESC') ?>" class="menu<?php echo $this->subActionName==$menu['subaction']?'_highlight':'' ?>"><?php echo $tmp_text ?></a></td><?php + } + else + { + ?><td class="noaction"><?php echo $tmp_text ?></td><?php + } + } + if (@$conf['help']['enabled'] ) + { + ?><td><a href="<?php echo $conf['help']['url'].$actionName.'/'.$subActionName.@$conf['help']['suffix'] ?> " target="_new" title="<?php echo langHtml('MENU_HELP_DESC') ?>" class="menu" style="cursor:help;"><?php echo @$conf['help']['only_question_mark']?'?':langHtml('MENU_HELP') ?></a></td><?php + } + ?> + </tr></table></td> + </tr> +<?php if (isset($notices) && count($notices)>0 ) + { ?> + <tr> + <td align="center" class="notice"> + <?php foreach( $notices as $notice_idx=>$notice ) { ?> + <br><table class="notice"> + <?php if ($notice['name']!='') { ?> + <tr> + <th colspan="2"><img src="<?php echo $image_dir.'icon_'.$notice['type'].IMG_ICON_EXT ?>" align="left" /><?php echo $notice['name'] ?> + </th> + </tr> +<?php } ?> + <tr class="<?php echo $notice['status'] ?>"> + <td style="padding:10px;" width="30px"><img src="<?php echo $image_dir.'notice_'.$notice['status'].IMG_ICON_EXT ?>" style="padding:10px" /></td> + <td style="padding:10px;padding-right:10px;padding-bottom:10px;"><?php if ($notice['status']=='error') { ?><strong><?php } ?><?php echo langHtml($notice['key'],$notice['vars']) ?><?php if ($notice['status']=='error') { ?></strong><?php } ?> + <?php if (!empty($notice['log'])) { ?><pre><?php echo htmlentities(implode("\n",$notice['log'])) ?></pre><?php } ?> + </td> + </tr> + </table> + <?php } ?> + </td> + </tr> + <tr> + <td colspan="2"><fieldset></fieldset></td> + </tr> +<?php } ?> + <tr> + <td class="window"> + <table cellspacing="0" width="100%" cellpadding="4"> +<?php unset($a3_title,$a3_name,$a3_widths,$a3_width,$a3_rowclasses,$a3_columnclasses) ?><?php $a4_class='headline'; ?><?php + $row_idx++; + $column_idx = 0; +?> +<tr + class="headline" +> +<?php unset($a4_class) ?><?php $a5_class='help'; ?><?php $column_idx++; ?><td +<?php if (!empty($column_widths)) { ?> + width="<?php echo $column_widths[($column_idx-1)%count($column_widths)] ?>" +<?php } ?> + class="help" +><?php unset($a5_class) ?><?php $a6_class='text';$a6_key='SELECT';$a6_escape=true;$a6_cut='both'; ?><?php + $a6_title = ''; + $tmp_tag = 'span'; +?><<?php echo $tmp_tag ?> class="<?php echo $a6_class ?>" title="<?php echo $a6_title ?>"><?php + $langF = $a6_escape?'langHtml':'lang'; + $tmp_text = $langF($a6_key); + $tmp_text = nl2br($tmp_text); + echo $tmp_text; + unset($tmp_text); +?></<?php echo $tmp_tag ?>><?php unset($a6_class,$a6_key,$a6_escape,$a6_cut) ?></td><?php $a5_class='help'; ?><?php $column_idx++; ?><td +<?php if (!empty($column_widths)) { ?> + width="<?php echo $column_widths[($column_idx-1)%count($column_widths)] ?>" +<?php } ?> + class="help" +><?php unset($a5_class) ?><?php $a6_class='text';$a6_key='GLOBAL_TYPE';$a6_escape=true;$a6_cut='both'; ?><?php + $a6_title = ''; + $tmp_tag = 'span'; +?><<?php echo $tmp_tag ?> class="<?php echo $a6_class ?>" title="<?php echo $a6_title ?>"><?php + $langF = $a6_escape?'langHtml':'lang'; + $tmp_text = $langF($a6_key); + $tmp_text = nl2br($tmp_text); + echo $tmp_text; + unset($tmp_text); +?></<?php echo $tmp_tag ?>><?php unset($a6_class,$a6_key,$a6_escape,$a6_cut) ?><?php $a6_class='text';$a6_raw='_/_';$a6_escape=true;$a6_cut='both'; ?><?php + $a6_title = ''; + $tmp_tag = 'span'; +?><<?php echo $tmp_tag ?> class="<?php echo $a6_class ?>" title="<?php echo $a6_title ?>"><?php + $langF = $a6_escape?'langHtml':'lang'; + $tmp_text = str_replace('_','&nbsp;',$a6_raw); + $tmp_text = nl2br($tmp_text); + echo $tmp_text; + unset($tmp_text); +?></<?php echo $tmp_tag ?>><?php unset($a6_class,$a6_raw,$a6_escape,$a6_cut) ?><?php $a6_class='text';$a6_key='GLOBAL_NAME';$a6_escape=true;$a6_cut='both'; ?><?php + $a6_title = ''; + $tmp_tag = 'span'; +?><<?php echo $tmp_tag ?> class="<?php echo $a6_class ?>" title="<?php echo $a6_title ?>"><?php + $langF = $a6_escape?'langHtml':'lang'; + $tmp_text = $langF($a6_key); + $tmp_text = nl2br($tmp_text); + echo $tmp_text; + unset($tmp_text); +?></<?php echo $tmp_tag ?>><?php unset($a6_class,$a6_key,$a6_escape,$a6_cut) ?></td></tr><?php $a4_list='object';$a4_extract=true;$a4_key='list_key';$a4_value='list_value'; ?><?php + $a4_list_tmp_key = $a4_key; + $a4_list_tmp_value = $a4_value; + $a4_list_extract = $a4_extract; + unset($a4_key); + unset($a4_value); + if ( !isset($$a4_list) || !is_array($$a4_list) ) + $$a4_list = array(); + foreach( $$a4_list as $$a4_list_tmp_key => $$a4_list_tmp_value ) + { + if ( $a4_list_extract ) + { + if ( !is_array($$a4_list_tmp_value) ) + { + print_r($$a4_list_tmp_value); + die( 'not an array at key: '.$$a4_list_tmp_key ); + } + extract($$a4_list_tmp_value); + } +?><?php unset($a4_list,$a4_extract,$a4_key,$a4_value) ?><?php $a5_class='data'; ?><?php + $row_idx++; + $column_idx = 0; +?> +<tr + class="data" +> +<?php unset($a5_class) ?><?php $column_idx++; ?><td +<?php if (!empty($column_widths)) { ?> + width="<?php echo $column_widths[($column_idx-1)%count($column_widths)] ?>" +<?php } ?> +<?php if (!empty($column_classes)) { ?> + class="<?php echo $column_classes[($column_idx-1)%count($column_classes)] ?>" +<?php } ?> +><?php $a7_true='writable'; ?><?php + if (gettype($a7_true) === '' && gettype($a7_true) === '1') + $a7_tmp_exec = $$a7_true == true; + else + $a7_tmp_exec = $a7_true == true; + $a7_tmp_last_exec = $a7_tmp_exec; + if ( $a7_tmp_exec ) + { +?> +<?php unset($a7_true) ?><?php $a8_default=false;$a8_readonly=false;$a8_name=$id; ?><?php + if ($this->isEditable() && !$this->isEditMode()) $a8_readonly=true; + if ( isset($$a8_name) ) + $checked = $$a8_name; + else + $checked = $a8_default; +?><input class="checkbox" type="checkbox" id="id_<?php echo $a8_name ?>" name="<?php echo $a8_name ?>" <?php if ($a8_readonly) echo ' disabled="disabled"' ?> value="1" <?php if( $checked ) echo 'checked="checked"' ?><?php if (in_array($a8_name,$errors)) echo ' style="background-color:red;"' ?> /><?php +if ( $a8_readonly && $checked ) +{ +?><input type="hidden" name="<?php echo $a8_name ?>" value="1" /><?php +} +?><?php unset($a8_name); unset($a8_readonly); unset($a8_default); ?><?php unset($a8_default,$a8_readonly,$a8_name) ?><?php } ?><?php $a7_false='writable'; ?><?php + if (gettype($a7_false) === '' && gettype($a7_false) === '1') + $a7_tmp_exec = $$a7_false == false; + else + $a7_tmp_exec = $a7_false == false; + $a7_tmp_last_exec = $a7_tmp_exec; + if ( $a7_tmp_exec ) + { +?> +<?php unset($a7_false) ?><?php $a8_class='text';$a8_raw='_';$a8_escape=true;$a8_cut='both'; ?><?php + $a8_title = ''; + $tmp_tag = 'span'; +?><<?php echo $tmp_tag ?> class="<?php echo $a8_class ?>" title="<?php echo $a8_title ?>"><?php + $langF = $a8_escape?'langHtml':'lang'; + $tmp_text = str_replace('_','&nbsp;',$a8_raw); + $tmp_text = nl2br($tmp_text); + echo $tmp_text; + unset($tmp_text); +?></<?php echo $tmp_tag ?>><?php unset($a8_class,$a8_raw,$a8_escape,$a8_cut) ?><?php } ?></td><?php $column_idx++; ?><td +<?php if (!empty($column_widths)) { ?> + width="<?php echo $column_widths[($column_idx-1)%count($column_widths)] ?>" +<?php } ?> +<?php if (!empty($column_classes)) { ?> + class="<?php echo $column_classes[($column_idx-1)%count($column_classes)] ?>" +<?php } ?> +><?php $a7_for=$id; ?><label for="id_<?php echo $a7_for ?><?php if (!empty($a7_value)) echo '_'.$a7_value ?>"><?php unset($a7_for) ?><?php $a8_align='left';$a8_type=$icon; ?><?php + $a8_tmp_image_file = $image_dir.'icon_'.$a8_type.IMG_ICON_EXT; + $a8_size = '16x16'; + $a8_tmp_title = basename($a8_tmp_image_file); +?><img alt="<?php echo $a8_tmp_title; if (isset($a8_size)) { echo ' ('; list($a8_tmp_width,$a8_tmp_height)=explode('x',$a8_size);echo $a8_tmp_width.'x'.$a8_tmp_height; echo')';} ?>" src="<?php echo $a8_tmp_image_file ?>" border="0"<?php if(isset($a8_align)) echo ' align="'.$a8_align.'"' ?><?php if (isset($a8_size)) { list($a8_tmp_width,$a8_tmp_height)=explode('x',$a8_size);echo ' width="'.$a8_tmp_width.'" height="'.$a8_tmp_height.'"';} ?>><?php unset($a8_align,$a8_type) ?><?php $a8_class='text';$a8_var='name';$a8_escape=true;$a8_cut='both'; ?><?php + $a8_title = ''; + $tmp_tag = 'span'; +?><<?php echo $tmp_tag ?> class="<?php echo $a8_class ?>" title="<?php echo $a8_title ?>"><?php + $langF = $a8_escape?'langHtml':'lang'; + $tmp_text = isset($$a8_var)?$$a8_var:$langF('UNKNOWN'); + $tmp_text = nl2br($tmp_text); + echo $tmp_text; + unset($tmp_text); +?></<?php echo $tmp_tag ?>><?php unset($a8_class,$a8_var,$a8_escape,$a8_cut) ?><?php $a8_class='text';$a8_raw='_';$a8_escape=true;$a8_cut='both'; ?><?php + $a8_title = ''; + $tmp_tag = 'span'; +?><<?php echo $tmp_tag ?> class="<?php echo $a8_class ?>" title="<?php echo $a8_title ?>"><?php + $langF = $a8_escape?'langHtml':'lang'; + $tmp_text = str_replace('_','&nbsp;',$a8_raw); + $tmp_text = nl2br($tmp_text); + echo $tmp_text; + unset($tmp_text); +?></<?php echo $tmp_tag ?>><?php unset($a8_class,$a8_raw,$a8_escape,$a8_cut) ?></label></td></tr><?php } ?><?php + $row_idx++; + $column_idx = 0; +?> +<tr +> +<?php $a5_colspan='2'; ?><?php $column_idx++; ?><td +<?php if (!empty($column_widths)) { ?> + width="<?php echo $column_widths[($column_idx-1)%count($column_widths)] ?>" +<?php } ?> +<?php if (!empty($column_classes)) { ?> + class="<?php echo $column_classes[($column_idx-1)%count($column_classes)] ?>" +<?php } ?> + colspan="2" +><?php unset($a5_colspan) ?><?php $a6_align='left';$a6_fileext='tree_none_end.gif'; ?><?php + $a6_tmp_image_file = $image_dir.$a6_fileext; + $a6_tmp_title = basename($a6_tmp_image_file); +?><img alt="<?php echo $a6_tmp_title; if (isset($a6_size)) { echo ' ('; list($a6_tmp_width,$a6_tmp_height)=explode('x',$a6_size);echo $a6_tmp_width.'x'.$a6_tmp_height; echo')';} ?>" src="<?php echo $a6_tmp_image_file ?>" border="0"<?php if(isset($a6_align)) echo ' align="'.$a6_align.'"' ?><?php if (isset($a6_size)) { list($a6_tmp_width,$a6_tmp_height)=explode('x',$a6_size);echo ' width="'.$a6_tmp_width.'" height="'.$a6_tmp_height.'"';} ?>><?php unset($a6_align,$a6_fileext) ?><?php $a6_class='text';$a6_raw='_';$a6_escape=true;$a6_cut='both'; ?><?php + $a6_title = ''; + $tmp_tag = 'span'; +?><<?php echo $tmp_tag ?> class="<?php echo $a6_class ?>" title="<?php echo $a6_title ?>"><?php + $langF = $a6_escape?'langHtml':'lang'; + $tmp_text = str_replace('_','&nbsp;',$a6_raw); + $tmp_text = nl2br($tmp_text); + echo $tmp_text; + unset($tmp_text); +?></<?php echo $tmp_tag ?>><?php unset($a6_class,$a6_raw,$a6_escape,$a6_cut) ?><?php $a6_title='';$a6_target='_self';$a6_class='';$a6_action=$actionName;$a6_subaction='select';$a6_var1='markall';$a6_value1='1'; ?><?php + $params = array(); + $params[$a6_var1]=$a6_value1; + $tmp_url = ''; + $tmp_url = Html::url($a6_action,$a6_subaction,!empty($a6_id)?$a6_id:$this->getRequestId(),$params); +?><a<?php if (isset($a6_name)) echo ' name="'.$a6_name.'"'; else echo ' href="'.$tmp_url.(isset($a6_anchor)?'#'.$a6_anchor:'').'"' ?> class="<?php echo $a6_class ?>" target="<?php echo $a6_target ?>"<?php if (isset($a6_accesskey)) echo ' accesskey="'.$a6_accesskey.'"' ?> title="<?php echo encodeHtml($a6_title) ?>"><?php unset($a6_title,$a6_target,$a6_class,$a6_action,$a6_subaction,$a6_var1,$a6_value1) ?><?php $a7_class='text';$a7_key='FOLDER_MARK_ALL';$a7_escape=true;$a7_cut='both'; ?><?php + $a7_title = ''; + $tmp_tag = 'span'; +?><<?php echo $tmp_tag ?> class="<?php echo $a7_class ?>" title="<?php echo $a7_title ?>"><?php + $langF = $a7_escape?'langHtml':'lang'; + $tmp_text = $langF($a7_key); + $tmp_text = nl2br($tmp_text); + echo $tmp_text; + unset($tmp_text); +?></<?php echo $tmp_tag ?>><?php unset($a7_class,$a7_key,$a7_escape,$a7_cut) ?></a><?php $a6_class='text';$a6_raw='_|_';$a6_escape=true;$a6_cut='both'; ?><?php + $a6_title = ''; + $tmp_tag = 'span'; +?><<?php echo $tmp_tag ?> class="<?php echo $a6_class ?>" title="<?php echo $a6_title ?>"><?php + $langF = $a6_escape?'langHtml':'lang'; + $tmp_text = str_replace('_','&nbsp;',$a6_raw); + $tmp_text = nl2br($tmp_text); + echo $tmp_text; + unset($tmp_text); +?></<?php echo $tmp_tag ?>><?php unset($a6_class,$a6_raw,$a6_escape,$a6_cut) ?><?php $a6_title='';$a6_target='_self';$a6_url='javascript:unmark();';$a6_class=''; ?><?php + $params = array(); + $tmp_url = ''; + $tmp_url = $a6_url; +?><a<?php if (isset($a6_name)) echo ' name="'.$a6_name.'"'; else echo ' href="'.$tmp_url.(isset($a6_anchor)?'#'.$a6_anchor:'').'"' ?> class="<?php echo $a6_class ?>" target="<?php echo $a6_target ?>"<?php if (isset($a6_accesskey)) echo ' accesskey="'.$a6_accesskey.'"' ?> title="<?php echo encodeHtml($a6_title) ?>"><?php unset($a6_title,$a6_target,$a6_url,$a6_class) ?><?php $a7_class='text';$a7_key='FOLDER_UNMARK_ALL';$a7_escape=true;$a7_cut='both'; ?><?php + $a7_title = ''; + $tmp_tag = 'span'; +?><<?php echo $tmp_tag ?> class="<?php echo $a7_class ?>" title="<?php echo $a7_title ?>"><?php + $langF = $a7_escape?'langHtml':'lang'; + $tmp_text = $langF($a7_key); + $tmp_text = nl2br($tmp_text); + echo $tmp_text; + unset($tmp_text); +?></<?php echo $tmp_tag ?>><?php unset($a7_class,$a7_key,$a7_escape,$a7_cut) ?></a><?php $a6_class='text';$a6_raw='_|_';$a6_escape=true;$a6_cut='both'; ?><?php + $a6_title = ''; + $tmp_tag = 'span'; +?><<?php echo $tmp_tag ?> class="<?php echo $a6_class ?>" title="<?php echo $a6_title ?>"><?php + $langF = $a6_escape?'langHtml':'lang'; + $tmp_text = str_replace('_','&nbsp;',$a6_raw); + $tmp_text = nl2br($tmp_text); + echo $tmp_text; + unset($tmp_text); +?></<?php echo $tmp_tag ?>><?php unset($a6_class,$a6_raw,$a6_escape,$a6_cut) ?><?php $a6_title='';$a6_target='_self';$a6_url='javascript:flip();';$a6_class=''; ?><?php + $params = array(); + $tmp_url = ''; + $tmp_url = $a6_url; +?><a<?php if (isset($a6_name)) echo ' name="'.$a6_name.'"'; else echo ' href="'.$tmp_url.(isset($a6_anchor)?'#'.$a6_anchor:'').'"' ?> class="<?php echo $a6_class ?>" target="<?php echo $a6_target ?>"<?php if (isset($a6_accesskey)) echo ' accesskey="'.$a6_accesskey.'"' ?> title="<?php echo encodeHtml($a6_title) ?>"><?php unset($a6_title,$a6_target,$a6_url,$a6_class) ?><?php $a7_class='text';$a7_key='FOLDER_FLIP_MARK';$a7_escape=true;$a7_cut='both'; ?><?php + $a7_title = ''; + $tmp_tag = 'span'; +?><<?php echo $tmp_tag ?> class="<?php echo $a7_class ?>" title="<?php echo $a7_title ?>"><?php + $langF = $a7_escape?'langHtml':'lang'; + $tmp_text = $langF($a7_key); + $tmp_text = nl2br($tmp_text); + echo $tmp_text; + unset($tmp_text); +?></<?php echo $tmp_tag ?>><?php unset($a7_class,$a7_key,$a7_escape,$a7_cut) ?></a></td></tr><?php + $row_idx++; + $column_idx = 0; +?> +<tr +> +<?php $a5_colspan='2'; ?><?php $column_idx++; ?><td +<?php if (!empty($column_widths)) { ?> + width="<?php echo $column_widths[($column_idx-1)%count($column_widths)] ?>" +<?php } ?> +<?php if (!empty($column_classes)) { ?> + class="<?php echo $column_classes[($column_idx-1)%count($column_classes)] ?>" +<?php } ?> + colspan="2" +><?php unset($a5_colspan) ?><?php $a6_title=lang('options'); ?><fieldset><?php if(isset($a6_title)) { ?><legend><?php echo encodeHtml($a6_title) ?></legend><?php } ?><?php unset($a6_title) ?></fieldset></td></tr><?php + $row_idx++; + $column_idx = 0; +?> +<tr +> +<?php $a5_colspan='2'; ?><?php $column_idx++; ?><td +<?php if (!empty($column_widths)) { ?> + width="<?php echo $column_widths[($column_idx-1)%count($column_widths)] ?>" +<?php } ?> +<?php if (!empty($column_classes)) { ?> + class="<?php echo $column_classes[($column_idx-1)%count($column_classes)] ?>" +<?php } ?> + colspan="2" +><?php unset($a5_colspan) ?><?php $a6_var='type';$a6_value=$defaulttype; ?><?php + if (isset($a6_key)) + $$a6_var = $a6_value[$a6_key]; + else + $$a6_var = $a6_value; +?><?php unset($a6_var,$a6_value) ?><?php $a6_list='actionlist';$a6_extract=false;$a6_key='list_key';$a6_value='actiontype'; ?><?php + $a6_list_tmp_key = $a6_key; + $a6_list_tmp_value = $a6_value; + $a6_list_extract = $a6_extract; + unset($a6_key); + unset($a6_value); + if ( !isset($$a6_list) || !is_array($$a6_list) ) + $$a6_list = array(); + foreach( $$a6_list as $$a6_list_tmp_key => $$a6_list_tmp_value ) + { + if ( $a6_list_extract ) + { + if ( !is_array($$a6_list_tmp_value) ) + { + print_r($$a6_list_tmp_value); + die( 'not an array at key: '.$$a6_list_tmp_key ); + } + extract($$a6_list_tmp_value); + } +?><?php unset($a6_list,$a6_extract,$a6_key,$a6_value) ?><?php $a7_readonly=false;$a7_name='type';$a7_value=$actiontype;$a7_default=false;$a7_prefix='';$a7_suffix='';$a7_class='';$a7_onchange=''; ?><?php + if ($this->isEditable() && !$this->isEditMode()) $a7_readonly=true; + if ( isset($$a7_name) ) + $a7_tmp_default = $$a7_name; + elseif ( isset($a7_default) ) + $a7_tmp_default = $a7_default; + else + $a7_tmp_default = ''; + ?><input onclick="" class="radio" type="radio" id="id_<?php echo $a7_name.'_'.$a7_value ?>" name="<?php echo $a7_prefix.$a7_name ?>"<?php if ( $a7_readonly ) echo ' disabled="disabled"' ?> value="<?php echo $a7_value ?>" <?php if($a7_value==$a7_tmp_default) echo 'checked="checked"' ?><?php if (in_array($a7_name,$errors)) echo ' style="borderx:2px dashed red; background-color:red;"' ?> /> +<?php /* #END-IF# */ ?><?php unset($a7_readonly,$a7_name,$a7_value,$a7_default,$a7_prefix,$a7_suffix,$a7_class,$a7_onchange) ?><?php $a7_for='type';$a7_value=$actiontype; ?><label for="id_<?php echo $a7_for ?><?php if (!empty($a7_value)) echo '_'.$a7_value ?>"><?php unset($a7_for,$a7_value) ?><?php $a8_class='text';$a8_raw='_';$a8_escape=true;$a8_cut='both'; ?><?php + $a8_title = ''; + $tmp_tag = 'span'; +?><<?php echo $tmp_tag ?> class="<?php echo $a8_class ?>" title="<?php echo $a8_title ?>"><?php + $langF = $a8_escape?'langHtml':'lang'; + $tmp_text = str_replace('_','&nbsp;',$a8_raw); + $tmp_text = nl2br($tmp_text); + echo $tmp_text; + unset($tmp_text); +?></<?php echo $tmp_tag ?>><?php unset($a8_class,$a8_raw,$a8_escape,$a8_cut) ?><?php $a8_class='text';$a8_key=$actiontype;$a8_prefix='FOLDER_SELECT_';$a8_escape=true;$a8_cut='both'; ?><?php + $a8_key = $a8_prefix.$a8_key; + $a8_title = ''; + $tmp_tag = 'span'; +?><<?php echo $tmp_tag ?> class="<?php echo $a8_class ?>" title="<?php echo $a8_title ?>"><?php + $langF = $a8_escape?'langHtml':'lang'; + $tmp_text = $langF($a8_key); + $tmp_text = nl2br($tmp_text); + echo $tmp_text; + unset($tmp_text); +?></<?php echo $tmp_tag ?>><?php unset($a8_class,$a8_key,$a8_prefix,$a8_escape,$a8_cut) ?></label><br/><?php } ?></td></tr><?php + $row_idx++; + $column_idx = 0; +?> +<tr +> +<?php $a5_class='act';$a5_colspan='2'; ?><?php $column_idx++; ?><td +<?php if (!empty($column_widths)) { ?> + width="<?php echo $column_widths[($column_idx-1)%count($column_widths)] ?>" +<?php } ?> + class="act" + colspan="2" +><?php unset($a5_class,$a5_colspan) ?><?php $a6_type='ok';$a6_class='ok';$a6_value='ok';$a6_text='button_next'; ?><?php + if ($this->isEditable() && !$this->isEditMode()) + $a6_text = 'MODE_EDIT'; + $a6_type = 'submit'; + if ( $this->isEditable() && readonly() ) + $a6_type = ''; // Knopf nicht anzeigen + $a6_src = ''; + if ( !empty($a6_type) ) { +?><input type="<?php echo $a6_type ?>"<?php if(isset($a6_src)) { ?> src="<?php echo $image_dir.'icon_'.$a6_src.IMG_ICON_EXT ?>"<?php } ?> name="<?php echo $a6_value ?>" class="ok" title="<?php echo lang($a6_text.'_DESC') ?>" value="&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<?php echo langHtml($a6_text) ?>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" /><?php unset($a6_src) +?><?php } +?><?php unset($a6_type,$a6_class,$a6_value,$a6_text) ?></td></tr><?php $a4_empty='object'; ?><?php + if ( !isset($$a4_empty) ) + $a4_tmp_exec = empty($a4_empty); + elseif ( is_array($$a4_empty) ) + $a4_tmp_exec = (count($$a4_empty)==0); + elseif ( is_bool($$a4_empty) ) + $a4_tmp_exec = true; + else + $a4_tmp_exec = empty( $$a4_empty ); + $a4_tmp_last_exec = $a4_tmp_exec; + if ( $a4_tmp_exec ) + { +?> +<?php unset($a4_empty) ?><?php + $row_idx++; + $column_idx = 0; +?> +<tr +> +<?php $a6_colspan='2'; ?><?php $column_idx++; ?><td +<?php if (!empty($column_widths)) { ?> + width="<?php echo $column_widths[($column_idx-1)%count($column_widths)] ?>" +<?php } ?> +<?php if (!empty($column_classes)) { ?> + class="<?php echo $column_classes[($column_idx-1)%count($column_classes)] ?>" +<?php } ?> + colspan="2" +><?php unset($a6_colspan) ?><?php $a7_class='text';$a7_text='GLOBAL_NOT_FOUND';$a7_escape=true;$a7_cut='both'; ?><?php + $a7_title = ''; + $tmp_tag = 'span'; +?><<?php echo $tmp_tag ?> class="<?php echo $a7_class ?>" title="<?php echo $a7_title ?>"><?php + $langF = $a7_escape?'langHtml':'lang'; + $tmp_text = $langF($a7_text); + $tmp_text = nl2br($tmp_text); + echo $tmp_text; + unset($tmp_text); +?></<?php echo $tmp_tag ?>><?php unset($a7_class,$a7_text,$a7_escape,$a7_cut) ?></td></tr><?php } ?> </table> + </td> + </tr> +</table> +</center> +<?php if ($showDuration) + { ?> +<br/> +<center><small>&nbsp; +<?php $dur = time()-START_TIME; + echo floor($dur/60).':'.str_pad($dur%60,2,'0',STR_PAD_LEFT); ?></small></center> +<?php } ?> +</form> +<?php $a2_script='mark';$a2_inline=true; ?><?php +$a2_tmp_file = $tpl_dir.'../../js/'.basename($a2_script).'.js'; +if (!$a2_inline) +{ + ?><script src="<?php echo $a2_tmp_file ?>" type="text/javascript"></script><?php +} +else +{ + echo '<script type="text/javascript">'; + echo str_replace(' ',' ',str_replace('~','',strtr(implode('',file($a2_tmp_file)),"\t\n\b",'~~~'))); + echo '</script>'; +} +?> +<?php unset($a2_script,$a2_inline) ?></body> +</html>+ \ No newline at end of file