
# OpenRat Content Management System
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Log | Files | Refs

commit bd07ae8aa64b49996b4858aae2958941d0286cbb
parent 8266ad25718340b86f094ae23717902b30aeb4cd
Author: Jan Dankert <>
Date:   Sat, 11 May 2019 00:07:02 +0200

Angepasste Toolbar für den Markdown-Editor mit Material Icons.

modules/cms-ui/themes/default/production/combined.min.css | 2+-
modules/cms-ui/themes/default/production/combined.min.js | 8671++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
modules/cms-ui/themes/default/style/openrat-ui.css | 58++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
modules/cms-ui/themes/default/style/openrat-ui.less | 23++++++++++++++++++++++-
modules/cms-ui/themes/default/style/openrat-ui.min.css | 4++--
modules/template-engine/components/html/editor/editor.js | 122++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
modules/template-engine/components/html/editor/editor.min.js | 4++--
7 files changed, 8865 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

diff --git a/modules/cms-ui/themes/default/production/combined.min.css b/modules/cms-ui/themes/default/production/combined.min.css @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/*! normalize.css v3.0.1 | MIT License | */html{font-family: 'Oxygen', 'Roboto', -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", "Open Sans", "Ubuntu", "Cantarell", "Fira Sans", "Droid Sans", "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif;font-size: 0.8em;-ms-text-size-adjust: 100%;-webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%}body{margin: 0}article,aside,details,figcaption,figure,footer,header,hgroup,main,nav,section,summary{display: block}audio,canvas,progress,video{display: inline-block;vertical-align: baseline}audio:not([controls]){display: none;height: 0}[hidden],template{display: none}a{background: transparent}a:active,a:hover{outline: 0}abbr[title]{border-bottom: 1px dotted}b,strong{font-weight: bold}dfn{font-style: italic}h1{font-size: 1.2em;margin: .67em 0}mark{background: #ff0;color: #000}small{font-size: 80%}sub,sup{font-size: 75%;line-height: 0;position: 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"slideshow"}.image-icon.image-icon--method-src:after{content: "code"}.image-icon.image-icon--method-acl:after{content: "https"}.image-icon.image-icon--method-rights:after{content: "https"}.image-icon.image-icon--method-archive:after{content: "schedule"}.image-icon.image-icon--method-mail:after{content: "mail"}.image-icon.image-icon--method-search:after{content: "search"}.image-icon.image-icon--method-add:after{content: "add_box"}.image-icon.image-icon--menu-close:after{content: "close"}.image-icon.image-icon--menu-fullscreen:after{content: "fullscreen"}.image-icon.image-icon--menu-menu:after{content: "menu"}.image-icon.image-icon--menu-minimize:after{content: "compare_arrows"}.image-icon.image-icon--menu-qrcode:after{content: "phone_android"}.image-icon.image-icon--node-open:after{content: "expand_more"}.image-icon.image-icon--node-closed:after{content: "chevron_right"}.image-icon.image-icon--form-ok:after{content: "done"}.image-icon.image-icon--form-cancel:after{content: 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i}({1:[function(e,t,n){"use strict";function r(){for(var e="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/",t=0,n=e.length;n>t;++t)s[t]=e[t],c[e.charCodeAt(t)]=t;c["-".charCodeAt(0)]=62,c["_".charCodeAt(0)]=63}function i(e){var t,n,r,i,o,a,l=e.length;if(l%4>0)throw new Error("Invalid string. Length must be a multiple of 4");o="="===e[l-2]?2:"="===e[l-1]?1:0,a=new u(3*l/4-o),r=o>0?l-4:l;var s=0;for(t=0,n=0;r>t;t+=4,n+=3)i=c[e.charCodeAt(t)]<<18|c[e.charCodeAt(t+1)]<<12|c[e.charCodeAt(t+2)]<<6|c[e.charCodeAt(t+3)],a[s++]=i>>16&255,a[s++]=i>>8&255,a[s++]=255&i;return 2===o?(i=c[e.charCodeAt(t)]<<2|c[e.charCodeAt(t+1)]>>4,a[s++]=255&i):1===o&&(i=c[e.charCodeAt(t)]<<10|c[e.charCodeAt(t+1)]<<4|c[e.charCodeAt(t+2)]>>2,a[s++]=i>>8&255,a[s++]=255&i),a}function o(e){return s[e>>18&63]+s[e>>12&63]+s[e>>6&63]+s[63&e]}function a(e,t,n){for(var r,i=[],a=t;n>a;a+=3)r=(e[a]<<16)+(e[a+1]<<8)+e[a+2],i.push(o(r));return i.join("")}function l(e){for(var t,n=e.length,r=n%3,i="",o=[],l=16383,c=0,u=n-r;u>c;c+=l)o.push(a(e,c,c+l>u?u:c+l));return 1===r?(t=e[n-1],i+=s[t>>2],i+=s[t<<4&63],i+="=="):2===r&&(t=(e[n-2]<<8)+e[n-1],i+=s[t>>10],i+=s[t>>4&63],i+=s[t<<2&63],i+="="),o.push(i),o.join("")}n.toByteArray=i,n.fromByteArray=l;var s=[],c=[],u="undefined"!=typeof Uint8Array?Uint8Array:Array;r()},{}],2:[function(e,t,n){},{}],3:[function(e,t,n){(function(t){"use strict";function r(){try{var e=new Uint8Array(1);return{return 42},"function"==typeof e.subarray&&0===e.subarray(1,1).byteLength}catch(t){return!1}}function i(){return a.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?2147483647:1073741823}function o(e,t){if(i()<t)throw new RangeError("Invalid typed array length");return a.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?(e=new Uint8Array(t),e.__proto__=a.prototype):(null===e&&(e=new a(t)),e.length=t),e}function a(e,t,n){if(!(a.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT||this instanceof a))return new a(e,t,n);if("number"==typeof e){if("string"==typeof t)throw new Error("If encoding is specified then the first argument must be a string");return u(this,e)}return l(this,e,t,n)}function l(e,t,n,r){if("number"==typeof t)throw new TypeError('"value" argument must not be a number');return"undefined"!=typeof ArrayBuffer&&t instanceof ArrayBuffer?d(e,t,n,r):"string"==typeof t?f(e,t,n):p(e,t)}function s(e){if("number"!=typeof e)throw new TypeError('"size" argument must be a number')}function c(e,t,n,r){return s(t),0>=t?o(e,t):void 0!==n?"string"==typeof r?o(e,t).fill(n,r):o(e,t).fill(n):o(e,t)}function u(e,t){if(s(t),e=o(e,0>t?0:0|m(t)),!a.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT)for(var n=0;t>n;n++)e[n]=0;return e}function f(e,t,n){if("string"==typeof n&&""!==n||(n="utf8"),!a.isEncoding(n))throw new TypeError('"encoding" must be a valid string encoding');var r=0|v(t,n);return e=o(e,r),e.write(t,n),e}function h(e,t){var n=0|m(t.length);e=o(e,n);for(var r=0;n>r;r+=1)e[r]=255&t[r];return e}function d(e,t,n,r){if(t.byteLength,0>n||t.byteLength<n)throw new RangeError("'offset' is out of bounds");if(t.byteLength<n+(r||0))throw new RangeError("'length' is out of bounds");return t=void 0===r?new Uint8Array(t,n):new Uint8Array(t,n,r),a.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?(e=t,e.__proto__=a.prototype):e=h(e,t),e}function p(e,t){if(a.isBuffer(t)){var n=0|m(t.length);return e=o(e,n),0===e.length?e:(t.copy(e,0,0,n),e)}if(t){if("undefined"!=typeof ArrayBuffer&&t.buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer||"length"in t)return"number"!=typeof t.length||K(t.length)?o(e,0):h(e,t);if("Buffer"===t.type&&J( h(e,}throw new TypeError("First argument must be a string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or array-like object.")}function m(e){if(e>=i())throw new RangeError("Attempt to allocate Buffer larger than maximum size: 0x"+i().toString(16)+" bytes");return 0|e}function g(e){return+e!=e&&(e=0),a.alloc(+e)}function v(e,t){if(a.isBuffer(e))return e.length;if("undefined"!=typeof ArrayBuffer&&"function"==typeof ArrayBuffer.isView&&(ArrayBuffer.isView(e)||e instanceof ArrayBuffer))return e.byteLength;"string"!=typeof e&&(e=""+e);var n=e.length;if(0===n)return 0;for(var r=!1;;)switch(t){case"ascii":case"binary":case"raw":case"raws":return n;case"utf8":case"utf-8":case void 0:return q(e).length;case"ucs2":case"ucs-2":case"utf16le":case"utf-16le":return 2*n;case"hex":return n>>>1;case"base64":return $(e).length;default:if(r)return q(e).length;t=(""+t).toLowerCase(),r=!0}}function y(e,t,n){var r=!1;if((void 0===t||0>t)&&(t=0),t>this.length)return"";if((void 0===n||n>this.length)&&(n=this.length),0>=n)return"";if(n>>>=0,t>>>=0,t>=n)return"";for(e||(e="utf8");;)switch(e){case"hex":return I(this,t,n);case"utf8":case"utf-8":return N(this,t,n);case"ascii":return E(this,t,n);case"binary":return O(this,t,n);case"base64":return M(this,t,n);case"ucs2":case"ucs-2":case"utf16le":case"utf-16le":return P(this,t,n);default:if(r)throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: "+e);e=(e+"").toLowerCase(),r=!0}}function x(e,t,n){var r=e[t];e[t]=e[n],e[n]=r}function b(e,t,n,r){function i(e,t){return 1===o?e[t]:e.readUInt16BE(t*o)}var o=1,a=e.length,l=t.length;if(void 0!==r&&(r=String(r).toLowerCase(),"ucs2"===r||"ucs-2"===r||"utf16le"===r||"utf-16le"===r)){if(e.length<2||t.length<2)return-1;o=2,a/=2,l/=2,n/=2}for(var s=-1,c=0;a>n+c;c++)if(i(e,n+c)===i(t,-1===s?0:c-s)){if(-1===s&&(s=c),c-s+1===l)return(n+s)*o}else-1!==s&&(c-=c-s),s=-1;return-1}function w(e,t,n,r){n=Number(n)||0;var i=e.length-n;r?(r=Number(r),r>i&&(r=i)):r=i;var o=t.length;if(o%2!==0)throw new Error("Invalid hex string");r>o/2&&(r=o/2);for(var a=0;r>a;a++){var l=parseInt(t.substr(2*a,2),16);if(isNaN(l))return a;e[n+a]=l}return a}function k(e,t,n,r){return V(q(t,e.length-n),e,n,r)}function S(e,t,n,r){return V(G(t),e,n,r)}function C(e,t,n,r){return S(e,t,n,r)}function L(e,t,n,r){return V($(t),e,n,r)}function T(e,t,n,r){return V(Y(t,e.length-n),e,n,r)}function M(e,t,n){return 0===t&&n===e.length?X.fromByteArray(e):X.fromByteArray(e.slice(t,n))}function N(e,t,n){n=Math.min(e.length,n);for(var r=[],i=t;n>i;){var o=e[i],a=null,l=o>239?4:o>223?3:o>191?2:1;if(n>=i+l){var s,c,u,f;switch(l){case 1:128>o&&(a=o);break;case 2:s=e[i+1],128===(192&s)&&(f=(31&o)<<6|63&s,f>127&&(a=f));break;case 3:s=e[i+1],c=e[i+2],128===(192&s)&&128===(192&c)&&(f=(15&o)<<12|(63&s)<<6|63&c,f>2047&&(55296>f||f>57343)&&(a=f));break;case 4:s=e[i+1],c=e[i+2],u=e[i+3],128===(192&s)&&128===(192&c)&&128===(192&u)&&(f=(15&o)<<18|(63&s)<<12|(63&c)<<6|63&u,f>65535&&1114112>f&&(a=f))}}null===a?(a=65533,l=1):a>65535&&(a-=65536,r.push(a>>>10&1023|55296),a=56320|1023&a),r.push(a),i+=l}return A(r)}function A(e){var t=e.length;if(Q>=t)return String.fromCharCode.apply(String,e);for(var n="",r=0;t>r;)n+=String.fromCharCode.apply(String,e.slice(r,r+=Q));return n}function E(e,t,n){var r="";n=Math.min(e.length,n);for(var i=t;n>i;i++)r+=String.fromCharCode(127&e[i]);return r}function O(e,t,n){var r="";n=Math.min(e.length,n);for(var i=t;n>i;i++)r+=String.fromCharCode(e[i]);return r}function I(e,t,n){var r=e.length;(!t||0>t)&&(t=0),(!n||0>n||n>r)&&(n=r);for(var i="",o=t;n>o;o++)i+=U(e[o]);return i}function P(e,t,n){for(var r=e.slice(t,n),i="",o=0;o<r.length;o+=2)i+=String.fromCharCode(r[o]+256*r[o+1]);return i}function R(e,t,n){if(e%1!==0||0>e)throw new RangeError("offset is not uint");if(e+t>n)throw new RangeError("Trying to access beyond buffer length")}function D(e,t,n,r,i,o){if(!a.isBuffer(e))throw new TypeError('"buffer" argument must be a Buffer instance');if(t>i||o>t)throw new RangeError('"value" argument is out of bounds');if(n+r>e.length)throw new RangeError("Index out of range")}function H(e,t,n,r){0>t&&(t=65535+t+1);for(var i=0,o=Math.min(e.length-n,2);o>i;i++)e[n+i]=(t&255<<8*(r?i:1-i))>>>8*(r?i:1-i)}function W(e,t,n,r){0>t&&(t=4294967295+t+1);for(var i=0,o=Math.min(e.length-n,4);o>i;i++)e[n+i]=t>>>8*(r?i:3-i)&255}function B(e,t,n,r,i,o){if(n+r>e.length)throw new RangeError("Index out of range");if(0>n)throw new RangeError("Index out of range")}function _(e,t,n,r,i){return i||B(e,t,n,4,3.4028234663852886e38,-3.4028234663852886e38),Z.write(e,t,n,r,23,4),n+4}function F(e,t,n,r,i){return i||B(e,t,n,8,1.7976931348623157e308,-1.7976931348623157e308),Z.write(e,t,n,r,52,8),n+8}function z(e){if(e=j(e).replace(ee,""),e.length<2)return"";for(;e.length%4!==0;)e+="=";return e}function j(e){return e.trim?e.trim():e.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"")}function U(e){return 16>e?"0"+e.toString(16):e.toString(16)}function q(e,t){t=t||1/0;for(var n,r=e.length,i=null,o=[],a=0;r>a;a++){if(n=e.charCodeAt(a),n>55295&&57344>n){if(!i){if(n>56319){(t-=3)>-1&&o.push(239,191,189);continue}if(a+1===r){(t-=3)>-1&&o.push(239,191,189);continue}i=n;continue}if(56320>n){(t-=3)>-1&&o.push(239,191,189),i=n;continue}n=(i-55296<<10|n-56320)+65536}else i&&(t-=3)>-1&&o.push(239,191,189);if(i=null,128>n){if((t-=1)<0)break;o.push(n)}else if(2048>n){if((t-=2)<0)break;o.push(n>>6|192,63&n|128)}else if(65536>n){if((t-=3)<0)break;o.push(n>>12|224,n>>6&63|128,63&n|128)}else{if(!(1114112>n))throw new Error("Invalid code point");if((t-=4)<0)break;o.push(n>>18|240,n>>12&63|128,n>>6&63|128,63&n|128)}}return o}function G(e){for(var t=[],n=0;n<e.length;n++)t.push(255&e.charCodeAt(n));return t}function Y(e,t){for(var n,r,i,o=[],a=0;a<e.length&&!((t-=2)<0);a++)n=e.charCodeAt(a),r=n>>8,i=n%256,o.push(i),o.push(r);return o}function $(e){return X.toByteArray(z(e))}function V(e,t,n,r){for(var i=0;r>i&&!(i+n>=t.length||i>=e.length);i++)t[i+n]=e[i];return i}function K(e){return e!==e}var X=e("base64-js"),Z=e("ieee754"),J=e("isarray");n.Buffer=a,n.SlowBuffer=g,n.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES=50,a.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT=void 0!==t.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?t.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT:r(),n.kMaxLength=i(),a.poolSize=8192,a._augment=function(e){return e.__proto__=a.prototype,e},a.from=function(e,t,n){return l(null,e,t,n)},a.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT&&(a.prototype.__proto__=Uint8Array.prototype,a.__proto__=Uint8Array,"undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&Symbol.species&&a[Symbol.species]===a&&Object.defineProperty(a,Symbol.species,{value:null,configurable:!0})),a.alloc=function(e,t,n){return c(null,e,t,n)},a.allocUnsafe=function(e){return u(null,e)},a.allocUnsafeSlow=function(e){return u(null,e)},a.isBuffer=function(e){return!(null==e||!e._isBuffer)},,t){if(!a.isBuffer(e)||!a.isBuffer(t))throw new TypeError("Arguments must be Buffers");if(e===t)return 0;for(var n=e.length,r=t.length,i=0,o=Math.min(n,r);o>i;++i)if(e[i]!==t[i]){n=e[i],r=t[i];break}return r>n?-1:n>r?1:0},a.isEncoding=function(e){switch(String(e).toLowerCase()){case"hex":case"utf8":case"utf-8":case"ascii":case"binary":case"base64":case"raw":case"ucs2":case"ucs-2":case"utf16le":case"utf-16le":return!0;default:return!1}},a.concat=function(e,t){if(!J(e))throw new TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers');if(0===e.length)return a.alloc(0);var n;if(void 0===t)for(t=0,n=0;n<e.length;n++)t+=e[n].length;var r=a.allocUnsafe(t),i=0;for(n=0;n<e.length;n++){var o=e[n];if(!a.isBuffer(o))throw new TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers');o.copy(r,i),i+=o.length}return r},a.byteLength=v,a.prototype._isBuffer=!0,a.prototype.swap16=function(){var e=this.length;if(e%2!==0)throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 16-bits");for(var t=0;e>t;t+=2)x(this,t,t+1);return this},a.prototype.swap32=function(){var e=this.length;if(e%4!==0)throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 32-bits");for(var t=0;e>t;t+=4)x(this,t,t+3),x(this,t+1,t+2);return this},a.prototype.toString=function(){var e=0|this.length;return 0===e?"":0===arguments.length?N(this,0,e):y.apply(this,arguments)},a.prototype.equals=function(e){if(!a.isBuffer(e))throw new TypeError("Argument must be a Buffer");return this===e?!,e)},a.prototype.inspect=function(){var e="",t=n.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES;return this.length>0&&(e=this.toString("hex",0,t).match(/.{2}/g).join(" "),this.length>t&&(e+=" ... ")),"<Buffer "+e+">"},,t,n,r,i){if(!a.isBuffer(e))throw new TypeError("Argument must be a Buffer");if(void 0===t&&(t=0),void 0===n&&(n=e?e.length:0),void 0===r&&(r=0),void 0===i&&(i=this.length),0>t||n>e.length||0>r||i>this.length)throw new RangeError("out of range index");if(r>=i&&t>=n)return 0;if(r>=i)return-1;if(t>=n)return 1;if(t>>>=0,n>>>=0,r>>>=0,i>>>=0,this===e)return 0;for(var o=i-r,l=n-t,s=Math.min(o,l),c=this.slice(r,i),u=e.slice(t,n),f=0;s>f;++f)if(c[f]!==u[f]){o=c[f],l=u[f];break}return l>o?-1:o>l?1:0},a.prototype.indexOf=function(e,t,n){if("string"==typeof t?(n=t,t=0):t>2147483647?t=2147483647:-2147483648>t&&(t=-2147483648),t>>=0,0===this.length)return-1;if(t>=this.length)return-1;if(0>t&&(t=Math.max(this.length+t,0)),"string"==typeof e&&(e=a.from(e,n)),a.isBuffer(e))return 0===e.length?-1:b(this,e,t,n);if("number"==typeof e)return a.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT&&"function"===Uint8Array.prototype.indexOf?,e,t):b(this,[e],t,n);throw new TypeError("val must be string, number or Buffer")},a.prototype.includes=function(e,t,n){return-1!==this.indexOf(e,t,n)},a.prototype.write=function(e,t,n,r){if(void 0===t)r="utf8",n=this.length,t=0;else if(void 0===n&&"string"==typeof t)r=t,n=this.length,t=0;else{if(!isFinite(t))throw new Error("Buffer.write(string, encoding, offset[, length]) is no longer supported");t=0|t,isFinite(n)?(n=0|n,void 0===r&&(r="utf8")):(r=n,n=void 0)}var i=this.length-t;if((void 0===n||n>i)&&(n=i),e.length>0&&(0>n||0>t)||t>this.length)throw new RangeError("Attempt to write outside buffer bounds");r||(r="utf8");for(var o=!1;;)switch(r){case"hex":return w(this,e,t,n);case"utf8":case"utf-8":return k(this,e,t,n);case"ascii":return S(this,e,t,n);case"binary":return C(this,e,t,n);case"base64":return L(this,e,t,n);case"ucs2":case"ucs-2":case"utf16le":case"utf-16le":return T(this,e,t,n);default:if(o)throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: "+r);r=(""+r).toLowerCase(),o=!0}},a.prototype.toJSON=function(){return{type:"Buffer",||this,0)}};var Q=4096;a.prototype.slice=function(e,t){var n=this.length;e=~~e,t=void 0===t?n:~~t,0>e?(e+=n,0>e&&(e=0)):e>n&&(e=n),0>t?(t+=n,0>t&&(t=0)):t>n&&(t=n),e>t&&(t=e);var r;if(a.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT)r=this.subarray(e,t),r.__proto__=a.prototype;else{var i=t-e;r=new a(i,void 0);for(var o=0;i>o;o++)r[o]=this[o+e]}return r},a.prototype.readUIntLE=function(e,t,n){e=0|e,t=0|t,n||R(e,t,this.length);for(var r=this[e],i=1,o=0;++o<t&&(i*=256);)r+=this[e+o]*i;return r},a.prototype.readUIntBE=function(e,t,n){e=0|e,t=0|t,n||R(e,t,this.length);for(var r=this[e+--t],i=1;t>0&&(i*=256);)r+=this[e+--t]*i;return r},a.prototype.readUInt8=function(e,t){return t||R(e,1,this.length),this[e]},a.prototype.readUInt16LE=function(e,t){return t||R(e,2,this.length),this[e]|this[e+1]<<8},a.prototype.readUInt16BE=function(e,t){return t||R(e,2,this.length),this[e]<<8|this[e+1]},a.prototype.readUInt32LE=function(e,t){return t||R(e,4,this.length),(this[e]|this[e+1]<<8|this[e+2]<<16)+16777216*this[e+3]},a.prototype.readUInt32BE=function(e,t){return t||R(e,4,this.length),16777216*this[e]+(this[e+1]<<16|this[e+2]<<8|this[e+3])},a.prototype.readIntLE=function(e,t,n){e=0|e,t=0|t,n||R(e,t,this.length);for(var r=this[e],i=1,o=0;++o<t&&(i*=256);)r+=this[e+o]*i;return i*=128,r>=i&&(r-=Math.pow(2,8*t)),r},a.prototype.readIntBE=function(e,t,n){e=0|e,t=0|t,n||R(e,t,this.length);for(var r=t,i=1,o=this[e+--r];r>0&&(i*=256);)o+=this[e+--r]*i;return i*=128,o>=i&&(o-=Math.pow(2,8*t)),o},a.prototype.readInt8=function(e,t){return t||R(e,1,this.length),128&this[e]?-1*(255-this[e]+1):this[e]},a.prototype.readInt16LE=function(e,t){t||R(e,2,this.length);var n=this[e]|this[e+1]<<8;return 32768&n?4294901760|n:n},a.prototype.readInt16BE=function(e,t){t||R(e,2,this.length);var n=this[e+1]|this[e]<<8;return 32768&n?4294901760|n:n},a.prototype.readInt32LE=function(e,t){return t||R(e,4,this.length),this[e]|this[e+1]<<8|this[e+2]<<16|this[e+3]<<24},a.prototype.readInt32BE=function(e,t){return t||R(e,4,this.length),this[e]<<24|this[e+1]<<16|this[e+2]<<8|this[e+3]},a.prototype.readFloatLE=function(e,t){return t||R(e,4,this.length),,e,!0,23,4)},a.prototype.readFloatBE=function(e,t){return t||R(e,4,this.length),,e,!1,23,4)},a.prototype.readDoubleLE=function(e,t){return t||R(e,8,this.length),,e,!0,52,8)},a.prototype.readDoubleBE=function(e,t){return t||R(e,8,this.length),,e,!1,52,8)},a.prototype.writeUIntLE=function(e,t,n,r){if(e=+e,t=0|t,n=0|n,!r){var i=Math.pow(2,8*n)-1;D(this,e,t,n,i,0)}var o=1,a=0;for(this[t]=255&e;++a<n&&(o*=256);)this[t+a]=e/o&255;return t+n},a.prototype.writeUIntBE=function(e,t,n,r){if(e=+e,t=0|t,n=0|n,!r){var i=Math.pow(2,8*n)-1;D(this,e,t,n,i,0)}var o=n-1,a=1;for(this[t+o]=255&e;--o>=0&&(a*=256);)this[t+o]=e/a&255;return t+n},a.prototype.writeUInt8=function(e,t,n){return e=+e,t=0|t,n||D(this,e,t,1,255,0),a.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT||(e=Math.floor(e)),this[t]=255&e,t+1},a.prototype.writeUInt16LE=function(e,t,n){return e=+e,t=0|t,n||D(this,e,t,2,65535,0),a.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?(this[t]=255&e,this[t+1]=e>>>8):H(this,e,t,!0),t+2},a.prototype.writeUInt16BE=function(e,t,n){return e=+e,t=0|t,n||D(this,e,t,2,65535,0),a.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?(this[t]=e>>>8,this[t+1]=255&e):H(this,e,t,!1),t+2},a.prototype.writeUInt32LE=function(e,t,n){return e=+e,t=0|t,n||D(this,e,t,4,4294967295,0),a.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?(this[t+3]=e>>>24,this[t+2]=e>>>16,this[t+1]=e>>>8,this[t]=255&e):W(this,e,t,!0),t+4},a.prototype.writeUInt32BE=function(e,t,n){return e=+e,t=0|t,n||D(this,e,t,4,4294967295,0),a.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?(this[t]=e>>>24,this[t+1]=e>>>16,this[t+2]=e>>>8,this[t+3]=255&e):W(this,e,t,!1),t+4},a.prototype.writeIntLE=function(e,t,n,r){if(e=+e,t=0|t,!r){var i=Math.pow(2,8*n-1);D(this,e,t,n,i-1,-i)}var o=0,a=1,l=0;for(this[t]=255&e;++o<n&&(a*=256);)0>e&&0===l&&0!==this[t+o-1]&&(l=1),this[t+o]=(e/a>>0)-l&255;return t+n},a.prototype.writeIntBE=function(e,t,n,r){if(e=+e,t=0|t,!r){var i=Math.pow(2,8*n-1);D(this,e,t,n,i-1,-i)}var o=n-1,a=1,l=0;for(this[t+o]=255&e;--o>=0&&(a*=256);)0>e&&0===l&&0!==this[t+o+1]&&(l=1),this[t+o]=(e/a>>0)-l&255;return t+n},a.prototype.writeInt8=function(e,t,n){return e=+e,t=0|t,n||D(this,e,t,1,127,-128),a.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT||(e=Math.floor(e)),0>e&&(e=255+e+1),this[t]=255&e,t+1},a.prototype.writeInt16LE=function(e,t,n){return e=+e,t=0|t,n||D(this,e,t,2,32767,-32768),a.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?(this[t]=255&e,this[t+1]=e>>>8):H(this,e,t,!0),t+2},a.prototype.writeInt16BE=function(e,t,n){return e=+e,t=0|t,n||D(this,e,t,2,32767,-32768),a.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT?(this[t]=e>>>8,this[t+1]=255&e):H(this,e,t,!1),t+2},a.prototype.writeInt32LE=function(e,t,n){return 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n=[],r=0;r<t.length;r++)n[r]=me(e,t[r]);return n}function xe(e,t,n,r){if(||e.extend){var i=t.anchor;if(r){var o=_o(n,i)<0;o!=_o(r,i)<0?(i=n,n=r):o!=_o(n,r)<0&&(n=r)}return new fe(i,n)}return new fe(r||n,n)}function be(e,t,n,r){Te(e,new ue([xe(e,e.sel.primary(),t,n)],0),r)}function we(e,t,n){for(var r=[],i=0;i<e.sel.ranges.length;i++)r[i]=xe(e,e.sel.ranges[i],t[i],null);var o=he(r,e.sel.primIndex);Te(e,o,n)}function ke(e,t,n,r){var i=e.sel.ranges.slice(0);i[t]=n,Te(e,he(i,e.sel.primIndex),r)}function Se(e,t,n,r){Te(e,de(t,n),r)}function Ce(e,t,n){var r={ranges:t.ranges,update:function(t){this.ranges=[];for(var n=0;n<t.length;n++)this.ranges[n]=new fe(me(e,t[n].anchor),me(e,t[n].head))},origin:n&&n.origin};return Pa(e,"beforeSelectionChange",e,r),,"beforeSelectionChange",,r),r.ranges!=t.ranges?he(r.ranges,r.ranges.length-1):t}function Le(e,t,n){var r=e.history.done,i=Ii(r);i&&i.ranges?(r[r.length-1]=t,Me(e,t,n)):Te(e,t,n)}function Te(e,t,n){Me(e,t,n),fi(e,e.sel,,n)}function 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c,u=s.find(0>r?1:-1);if((0>r?s.inclusiveRight:s.inclusiveLeft)&&(u=Pe(e,u,-r,u&&u.line==t.line?o:null)),u&&u.line==t.line&&(c=_o(u,n))&&(0>r?0>c:c>0))return Oe(e,u,t,r,i)}var f=s.find(0>r?-1:1);return(0>r?s.inclusiveLeft:s.inclusiveRight)&&(f=Pe(e,f,r,f.line==t.line?o:null)),f?Oe(e,f,t,r,i):null}}return t}function Ie(e,t,n,r,i){var o=r||1,a=Oe(e,t,n,o,i)||!i&&Oe(e,t,n,o,!0)||Oe(e,t,n,-o,i)||!i&&Oe(e,t,n,-o,!0);return a?a:(e.cantEdit=!0,Bo(e.first,0))}function Pe(e,t,n,r){return 0>n&&>e.first?me(e,Bo(t.line-1)):null:n>0&&||Zr(e,t.line)).text.length?t.line<e.first+e.size-1?Bo(t.line+1,0):null:new Bo(t.line,}function Re(e){e.display.input.showSelection(e.display.input.prepareSelection())}function De(e,t){for(var n=e.doc,r={},i=r.cursors=document.createDocumentFragment(),o=r.selection=document.createDocumentFragment(),a=0;a<n.sel.ranges.length;a++)if(t!==!1||a!=n.sel.primIndex){var l=n.sel.ranges[a];if(!(l.from().line>=e.display.viewTo||<e.display.viewFrom)){var 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Qn(o,s==t.line?,s==n.line?,++s}),o.collapsed&&e.iter(t.line,n.line+1,function(t){kr(e,t)&&ei(t,0)}),o.clearOnEnter&&Ea(o,"beforeCursorEnter",function(){o.clear()}),o.readOnly&&(Ho=!0,(e.history.done.length||e.history.undone.length)&&e.clearHistory()),o.collapsed&&(,o.atomic=!0),c){if(l&&(c.curOp.updateMaxLine=!0),o.collapsed)Dt(c,t.line,n.line+1);else if(o.className||o.title||o.startStyle||o.endStyle||o.css)for(var u=t.line;u<=n.line;u++)Ht(c,u,"text");o.atomic&&Ae(c.doc),Ci(c,"markerAdded",c,o)}return o}function Kn(e,t,n,r,i){r=Wi(r),r.shared=!1;var o=[Vn(e,t,n,r,i)],a=o[0],l=r.widgetNode;return Kr(e,function(e){l&&(r.widgetNode=l.cloneNode(!0)),o.push(Vn(e,me(e,t),me(e,n),r,i));for(var s=0;s<e.linked.length;++s)if(e.linked[s].isParent)return;a=Ii(o)}),new ya(o,a)}function Xn(e){return e.findMarks(Bo(e.first,0),e.clipPos(Bo(e.lastLine())),function(e){return e.parent})}function Zn(e,t){for(var n=0;n<t.length;n++){var r=t[n],i=r.find(),o=e.clipPos(i.from),a=e.clipPos(;if(_o(o,a)){var 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e.length?e:null}function lr(e,t){var n=mi(e,t),r=or(e,t);if(!n)return r;if(!r)return n;for(var i=0;i<n.length;++i){var o=n[i],a=r[i];if(o&&a)e:for(var l=0;l<a.length;++l){for(var s=a[l],c=0;c<o.length;++c)if(o[c].marker==s.marker)continue e;o.push(s)}else a&&(n[i]=a)}return n}function sr(e,t,n){var r=null;if(e.iter(t.line,n.line+1,function(e){if(e.markedSpans)for(var t=0;t<e.markedSpans.length;++t){var n=e.markedSpans[t].marker;!n.readOnly||r&&-1!=Pi(r,n)||(r||(r=[])).push(n)}}),!r)return null;for(var i=[{from:t,to:n}],o=0;o<r.length;++o)for(var a=r[o],l=a.find(0),s=0;s<i.length;++s){var c=i[s];if(!(_o(,l.from)<0||_o(c.from,>0)){var u=[s,1],f=_o(c.from,l.from),h=_o(,;(0>f||!a.inclusiveLeft&&!f)&&u.push({from:c.from,to:l.from}),(h>0||!a.inclusiveRight&&!h)&&u.push({,}),i.splice.apply(i,u),s+=u.length-1}}return i}function cr(e){var t=e.markedSpans;if(t){for(var n=0;n<t.length;++n)t[n].marker.detachLine(e);e.markedSpans=null}}function ur(e,t){if(t){for(var n=0;n<t.length;++n)t[n].marker.attachLine(e);e.markedSpans=t}}function fr(e){return e.inclusiveLeft?-1:0}function hr(e){return e.inclusiveRight?1:0}function dr(e,t){var n=e.lines.length-t.lines.length;if(0!=n)return n;var r=e.find(),i=t.find(),o=_o(r.from,i.from)||fr(e)-fr(t);if(o)return-o;var a=_o(,||hr(e)-hr(t);return a?}function pr(e,t){var n,r=Wo&&e.markedSpans;if(r)for(var i,o=0;o<r.length;++o)i=r[o],i.marker.collapsed&&null==(t?!n||dr(n,i.marker)<0)&&(n=i.marker);return n}function mr(e){return pr(e,!0)}function gr(e){return pr(e,!1)}function vr(e,t,n,r,i){var o=Zr(e,t),a=Wo&&o.markedSpans;if(a)for(var l=0;l<a.length;++l){var s=a[l];if(s.marker.collapsed){var c=s.marker.find(0),u=_o(c.from,n)||fr(s.marker)-fr(i),f=_o(,r)||hr(s.marker)-hr(i);if(!(u>=0&&0>=f||0>=u&&f>=0)&&(0>=u&&(s.marker.inclusiveRight&&i.inclusiveLeft?_o(,n)>=0:_o(,n)>0)||u>=0&&(s.marker.inclusiveRight&&i.inclusiveLeft?_o(c.from,r)<=0:_o(c.from,r)<0)))return!0}}}function yr(e){for(var 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0,this.clearAutosavedValue())},t.exports=B},{"./codemirror/tablist":19,codemirror:10,"codemirror-spell-checker":4,"codemirror/addon/display/fullscreen.js":5,"codemirror/addon/display/placeholder.js":6,"codemirror/addon/edit/continuelist.js":7,"codemirror/addon/mode/overlay.js":8,"codemirror/addon/selection/mark-selection.js":9,"codemirror/mode/gfm/gfm.js":11,"codemirror/mode/markdown/markdown.js":12,"codemirror/mode/xml/xml.js":14,marked:17}]},{},[20])(20)}); +!function (e) { + if ("object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module) module.exports = e(); else if ("function" == typeof define && define.amd) define([], e); else { + var t; + t = "undefined" != typeof window ? window : "undefined" != typeof global ? global : "undefined" != typeof self ? self : this, t.SimpleMDE = e() + } +}(function () { + var e; + return function t(e, n, r) { + function i(a, l) { + if (!n[a]) { + if (!e[a]) { + var s = "function" == typeof require && require; + if (!l && s) return s(a, !0); + if (o) return o(a, !0); + var c = new Error("Cannot find module '" + a + "'"); + throw c.code = "MODULE_NOT_FOUND", c + } + var u = n[a] = {exports: {}}; + e[a][0].call(u.exports, function (t) { + var n = e[a][1][t]; + return i(n ? n : t) + }, u, u.exports, t, e, n, r) + } + return n[a].exports + } + + for (var o = "function" == typeof require && require, a = 0; a < r.length; a++) i(r[a]); + return i + }({ + 1: [function (e, t, n) { + "use strict"; + + function r() { + for (var e = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/", t = 0, n = e.length; n > t; ++t) s[t] = e[t], c[e.charCodeAt(t)] = t; + c["-".charCodeAt(0)] = 62, c["_".charCodeAt(0)] = 63 + } + + function i(e) { + var t, n, r, i, o, a, l = e.length; + if (l % 4 > 0) throw new Error("Invalid string. Length must be a multiple of 4"); + o = "=" === e[l - 2] ? 2 : "=" === e[l - 1] ? 1 : 0, a = new u(3 * l / 4 - o), r = o > 0 ? l - 4 : l; + var s = 0; + for (t = 0, n = 0; r > t; t += 4, n += 3) i = c[e.charCodeAt(t)] << 18 | c[e.charCodeAt(t + 1)] << 12 | c[e.charCodeAt(t + 2)] << 6 | c[e.charCodeAt(t + 3)], a[s++] = i >> 16 & 255, a[s++] = i >> 8 & 255, a[s++] = 255 & i; + return 2 === o ? (i = c[e.charCodeAt(t)] << 2 | c[e.charCodeAt(t + 1)] >> 4, a[s++] = 255 & i) : 1 === o && (i = c[e.charCodeAt(t)] << 10 | c[e.charCodeAt(t + 1)] << 4 | c[e.charCodeAt(t + 2)] >> 2, a[s++] = i >> 8 & 255, a[s++] = 255 & i), a + } + + function o(e) { + return s[e >> 18 & 63] + s[e >> 12 & 63] + s[e >> 6 & 63] + s[63 & e] + } + + function a(e, t, n) { + for (var r, i = [], a = t; n > a; a += 3) r = (e[a] << 16) + (e[a + 1] << 8) + e[a + 2], i.push(o(r)); + return i.join("") + } + + function l(e) { + for (var t, n = e.length, r = n % 3, i = "", o = [], l = 16383, c = 0, u = n - r; u > c; c += l) o.push(a(e, c, c + l > u ? u : c + l)); + return 1 === r ? (t = e[n - 1], i += s[t >> 2], i += s[t << 4 & 63], i += "==") : 2 === r && (t = (e[n - 2] << 8) + e[n - 1], i += s[t >> 10], i += s[t >> 4 & 63], i += s[t << 2 & 63], i += "="), o.push(i), o.join("") + } + + n.toByteArray = i, n.fromByteArray = l; + var s = [], c = [], u = "undefined" != typeof Uint8Array ? Uint8Array : Array; + r() + }, {}], + 2: [function (e, t, n) { + }, {}], + 3: [function (e, t, n) { + (function (t) { + "use strict"; + + function r() { + try { + var e = new Uint8Array(1); + return = function () { + return 42 + }, 42 === && "function" == typeof e.subarray && 0 === e.subarray(1, 1).byteLength + } catch (t) { + return !1 + } + } + + function i() { + return a.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT ? 2147483647 : 1073741823 + } + + function o(e, t) { + if (i() < t) throw new RangeError("Invalid typed array length"); + return a.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT ? (e = new Uint8Array(t), e.__proto__ = a.prototype) : (null === e && (e = new a(t)), e.length = t), e + } + + function a(e, t, n) { + if (!(a.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT || this instanceof a)) return new a(e, t, n); + if ("number" == typeof e) { + if ("string" == typeof t) throw new Error("If encoding is specified then the first argument must be a string"); + return u(this, e) + } + return l(this, e, t, n) + } + + function l(e, t, n, r) { + if ("number" == typeof t) throw new TypeError('"value" argument must not be a number'); + return "undefined" != typeof ArrayBuffer && t instanceof ArrayBuffer ? d(e, t, n, r) : "string" == typeof t ? f(e, t, n) : p(e, t) + } + + function s(e) { + if ("number" != typeof e) throw new TypeError('"size" argument must be a number') + } + + function c(e, t, n, r) { + return s(t), 0 >= t ? o(e, t) : void 0 !== n ? "string" == typeof r ? o(e, t).fill(n, r) : o(e, t).fill(n) : o(e, t) + } + + function u(e, t) { + if (s(t), e = o(e, 0 > t ? 0 : 0 | m(t)), !a.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT) for (var n = 0; t > n; n++) e[n] = 0; + return e + } + + function f(e, t, n) { + if ("string" == typeof n && "" !== n || (n = "utf8"), !a.isEncoding(n)) throw new TypeError('"encoding" must be a valid string encoding'); + var r = 0 | v(t, n); + return e = o(e, r), e.write(t, n), e + } + + function h(e, t) { + var n = 0 | m(t.length); + e = o(e, n); + for (var r = 0; n > r; r += 1) e[r] = 255 & t[r]; + return e + } + + function d(e, t, n, r) { + if (t.byteLength, 0 > n || t.byteLength < n) throw new RangeError("'offset' is out of bounds"); + if (t.byteLength < n + (r || 0)) throw new RangeError("'length' is out of bounds"); + return t = void 0 === r ? new Uint8Array(t, n) : new Uint8Array(t, n, r), a.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT ? (e = t, e.__proto__ = a.prototype) : e = h(e, t), e + } + + function p(e, t) { + if (a.isBuffer(t)) { + var n = 0 | m(t.length); + return e = o(e, n), 0 === e.length ? e : (t.copy(e, 0, 0, n), e) + } + if (t) { + if ("undefined" != typeof ArrayBuffer && t.buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer || "length" in t) return "number" != typeof t.length || K(t.length) ? o(e, 0) : h(e, t); + if ("Buffer" === t.type && J( return h(e, + } + throw new TypeError("First argument must be a string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or array-like object.") + } + + function m(e) { + if (e >= i()) throw new RangeError("Attempt to allocate Buffer larger than maximum size: 0x" + i().toString(16) + " bytes"); + return 0 | e + } + + function g(e) { + return +e != e && (e = 0), a.alloc(+e) + } + + function v(e, t) { + if (a.isBuffer(e)) return e.length; + if ("undefined" != typeof ArrayBuffer && "function" == typeof ArrayBuffer.isView && (ArrayBuffer.isView(e) || e instanceof ArrayBuffer)) return e.byteLength; + "string" != typeof e && (e = "" + e); + var n = e.length; + if (0 === n) return 0; + for (var r = !1; ;) switch (t) { + case"ascii": + case"binary": + case"raw": + case"raws": + return n; + case"utf8": + case"utf-8": + case void 0: + return q(e).length; + case"ucs2": + case"ucs-2": + case"utf16le": + case"utf-16le": + return 2 * n; + case"hex": + return n >>> 1; + case"base64": + return $(e).length; + default: + if (r) return q(e).length; + t = ("" + t).toLowerCase(), r = !0 + } + } + + function y(e, t, n) { + var r = !1; + if ((void 0 === t || 0 > t) && (t = 0), t > this.length) return ""; + if ((void 0 === n || n > this.length) && (n = this.length), 0 >= n) return ""; + if (n >>>= 0, t >>>= 0, t >= n) return ""; + for (e || (e = "utf8"); ;) switch (e) { + case"hex": + return I(this, t, n); + case"utf8": + case"utf-8": + return N(this, t, n); + case"ascii": + return E(this, t, n); + case"binary": + return O(this, t, n); + case"base64": + return M(this, t, n); + case"ucs2": + case"ucs-2": + case"utf16le": + case"utf-16le": + return P(this, t, n); + default: + if (r) throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + e); + e = (e + "").toLowerCase(), r = !0 + } + } + + function x(e, t, n) { + var r = e[t]; + e[t] = e[n], e[n] = r + } + + function b(e, t, n, r) { + function i(e, t) { + return 1 === o ? e[t] : e.readUInt16BE(t * o) + } + + var o = 1, a = e.length, l = t.length; + if (void 0 !== r && (r = String(r).toLowerCase(), "ucs2" === r || "ucs-2" === r || "utf16le" === r || "utf-16le" === r)) { + if (e.length < 2 || t.length < 2) return -1; + o = 2, a /= 2, l /= 2, n /= 2 + } + for (var s = -1, c = 0; a > n + c; c++) if (i(e, n + c) === i(t, -1 === s ? 0 : c - s)) { + if (-1 === s && (s = c), c - s + 1 === l) return (n + s) * o + } else -1 !== s && (c -= c - s), s = -1; + return -1 + } + + function w(e, t, n, r) { + n = Number(n) || 0; + var i = e.length - n; + r ? (r = Number(r), r > i && (r = i)) : r = i; + var o = t.length; + if (o % 2 !== 0) throw new Error("Invalid hex string"); + r > o / 2 && (r = o / 2); + for (var a = 0; r > a; a++) { + var l = parseInt(t.substr(2 * a, 2), 16); + if (isNaN(l)) return a; + e[n + a] = l + } + return a + } + + function k(e, t, n, r) { + return V(q(t, e.length - n), e, n, r) + } + + function S(e, t, n, r) { + return V(G(t), e, n, r) + } + + function C(e, t, n, r) { + return S(e, t, n, r) + } + + function L(e, t, n, r) { + return V($(t), e, n, r) + } + + function T(e, t, n, r) { + return V(Y(t, e.length - n), e, n, r) + } + + function M(e, t, n) { + return 0 === t && n === e.length ? X.fromByteArray(e) : X.fromByteArray(e.slice(t, n)) + } + + function N(e, t, n) { + n = Math.min(e.length, n); + for (var r = [], i = t; n > i;) { + var o = e[i], a = null, l = o > 239 ? 4 : o > 223 ? 3 : o > 191 ? 2 : 1; + if (n >= i + l) { + var s, c, u, f; + switch (l) { + case 1: + 128 > o && (a = o); + break; + case 2: + s = e[i + 1], 128 === (192 & s) && (f = (31 & o) << 6 | 63 & s, f > 127 && (a = f)); + break; + case 3: + s = e[i + 1], c = e[i + 2], 128 === (192 & s) && 128 === (192 & c) && (f = (15 & o) << 12 | (63 & s) << 6 | 63 & c, f > 2047 && (55296 > f || f > 57343) && (a = f)); + break; + case 4: + s = e[i + 1], c = e[i + 2], u = e[i + 3], 128 === (192 & s) && 128 === (192 & c) && 128 === (192 & u) && (f = (15 & o) << 18 | (63 & s) << 12 | (63 & c) << 6 | 63 & u, f > 65535 && 1114112 > f && (a = f)) + } + } + null === a ? (a = 65533, l = 1) : a > 65535 && (a -= 65536, r.push(a >>> 10 & 1023 | 55296), a = 56320 | 1023 & a), r.push(a), i += l + } + return A(r) + } + + function A(e) { + var t = e.length; + if (Q >= t) return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, e); + for (var n = "", r = 0; t > r;) n += String.fromCharCode.apply(String, e.slice(r, r += Q)); + return n + } + + function E(e, t, n) { + var r = ""; + n = Math.min(e.length, n); + for (var i = t; n > i; i++) r += String.fromCharCode(127 & e[i]); + return r + } + + function O(e, t, n) { + var r = ""; + n = Math.min(e.length, n); + for (var i = t; n > i; i++) r += String.fromCharCode(e[i]); + return r + } + + function I(e, t, n) { + var r = e.length; + (!t || 0 > t) && (t = 0), (!n || 0 > n || n > r) && (n = r); + for (var i = "", o = t; n > o; o++) i += U(e[o]); + return i + } + + function P(e, t, n) { + for (var r = e.slice(t, n), i = "", o = 0; o < r.length; o += 2) i += String.fromCharCode(r[o] + 256 * r[o + 1]); + return i + } + + function R(e, t, n) { + if (e % 1 !== 0 || 0 > e) throw new RangeError("offset is not uint"); + if (e + t > n) throw new RangeError("Trying to access beyond buffer length") + } + + function D(e, t, n, r, i, o) { + if (!a.isBuffer(e)) throw new TypeError('"buffer" argument must be a Buffer instance'); + if (t > i || o > t) throw new RangeError('"value" argument is out of bounds'); + if (n + r > e.length) throw new RangeError("Index out of range") + } + + function H(e, t, n, r) { + 0 > t && (t = 65535 + t + 1); + for (var i = 0, o = Math.min(e.length - n, 2); o > i; i++) e[n + i] = (t & 255 << 8 * (r ? i : 1 - i)) >>> 8 * (r ? i : 1 - i) + } + + function W(e, t, n, r) { + 0 > t && (t = 4294967295 + t + 1); + for (var i = 0, o = Math.min(e.length - n, 4); o > i; i++) e[n + i] = t >>> 8 * (r ? i : 3 - i) & 255 + } + + function B(e, t, n, r, i, o) { + if (n + r > e.length) throw new RangeError("Index out of range"); + if (0 > n) throw new RangeError("Index out of range") + } + + function _(e, t, n, r, i) { + return i || B(e, t, n, 4, 3.4028234663852886e38, -3.4028234663852886e38), Z.write(e, t, n, r, 23, 4), n + 4 + } + + function F(e, t, n, r, i) { + return i || B(e, t, n, 8, 1.7976931348623157e308, -1.7976931348623157e308), Z.write(e, t, n, r, 52, 8), n + 8 + } + + function z(e) { + if (e = j(e).replace(ee, ""), e.length < 2) return ""; + for (; e.length % 4 !== 0;) e += "="; + return e + } + + function j(e) { + return e.trim ? e.trim() : e.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "") + } + + function U(e) { + return 16 > e ? "0" + e.toString(16) : e.toString(16) + } + + function q(e, t) { + t = t || 1 / 0; + for (var n, r = e.length, i = null, o = [], a = 0; r > a; a++) { + if (n = e.charCodeAt(a), n > 55295 && 57344 > n) { + if (!i) { + if (n > 56319) { + (t -= 3) > -1 && o.push(239, 191, 189); + continue + } + if (a + 1 === r) { + (t -= 3) > -1 && o.push(239, 191, 189); + continue + } + i = n; + continue + } + if (56320 > n) { + (t -= 3) > -1 && o.push(239, 191, 189), i = n; + continue + } + n = (i - 55296 << 10 | n - 56320) + 65536 + } else i && (t -= 3) > -1 && o.push(239, 191, 189); + if (i = null, 128 > n) { + if ((t -= 1) < 0) break; + o.push(n) + } else if (2048 > n) { + if ((t -= 2) < 0) break; + o.push(n >> 6 | 192, 63 & n | 128) + } else if (65536 > n) { + if ((t -= 3) < 0) break; + o.push(n >> 12 | 224, n >> 6 & 63 | 128, 63 & n | 128) + } else { + if (!(1114112 > n)) throw new Error("Invalid code point"); + if ((t -= 4) < 0) break; + o.push(n >> 18 | 240, n >> 12 & 63 | 128, n >> 6 & 63 | 128, 63 & n | 128) + } + } + return o + } + + function G(e) { + for (var t = [], n = 0; n < e.length; n++) t.push(255 & e.charCodeAt(n)); + return t + } + + function Y(e, t) { + for (var n, r, i, o = [], a = 0; a < e.length && !((t -= 2) < 0); a++) n = e.charCodeAt(a), r = n >> 8, i = n % 256, o.push(i), o.push(r); + return o + } + + function $(e) { + return X.toByteArray(z(e)) + } + + function V(e, t, n, r) { + for (var i = 0; r > i && !(i + n >= t.length || i >= e.length); i++) t[i + n] = e[i]; + return i + } + + function K(e) { + return e !== e + } + + var X = e("base64-js"), Z = e("ieee754"), J = e("isarray"); + n.Buffer = a, n.SlowBuffer = g, n.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES = 50, a.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT = void 0 !== t.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT ? t.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT : r(), n.kMaxLength = i(), a.poolSize = 8192, a._augment = function (e) { + return e.__proto__ = a.prototype, e + }, a.from = function (e, t, n) { + return l(null, e, t, n) + }, a.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT && (a.prototype.__proto__ = Uint8Array.prototype, a.__proto__ = Uint8Array, "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.species && a[Symbol.species] === a && Object.defineProperty(a, Symbol.species, { + value: null, + configurable: !0 + })), a.alloc = function (e, t, n) { + return c(null, e, t, n) + }, a.allocUnsafe = function (e) { + return u(null, e) + }, a.allocUnsafeSlow = function (e) { + return u(null, e) + }, a.isBuffer = function (e) { + return !(null == e || !e._isBuffer) + }, = function (e, t) { + if (!a.isBuffer(e) || !a.isBuffer(t)) throw new TypeError("Arguments must be Buffers"); + if (e === t) return 0; + for (var n = e.length, r = t.length, i = 0, o = Math.min(n, r); o > i; ++i) if (e[i] !== t[i]) { + n = e[i], r = t[i]; + break + } + return r > n ? -1 : n > r ? 1 : 0 + }, a.isEncoding = function (e) { + switch (String(e).toLowerCase()) { + case"hex": + case"utf8": + case"utf-8": + case"ascii": + case"binary": + case"base64": + case"raw": + case"ucs2": + case"ucs-2": + case"utf16le": + case"utf-16le": + return !0; + default: + return !1 + } + }, a.concat = function (e, t) { + if (!J(e)) throw new TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers'); + if (0 === e.length) return a.alloc(0); + var n; + if (void 0 === t) for (t = 0, n = 0; n < e.length; n++) t += e[n].length; + var r = a.allocUnsafe(t), i = 0; + for (n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { + var o = e[n]; + if (!a.isBuffer(o)) throw new TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers'); + o.copy(r, i), i += o.length + } + return r + }, a.byteLength = v, a.prototype._isBuffer = !0, a.prototype.swap16 = function () { + var e = this.length; + if (e % 2 !== 0) throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 16-bits"); + for (var t = 0; e > t; t += 2) x(this, t, t + 1); + return this + }, a.prototype.swap32 = function () { + var e = this.length; + if (e % 4 !== 0) throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 32-bits"); + for (var t = 0; e > t; t += 4) x(this, t, t + 3), x(this, t + 1, t + 2); + return this + }, a.prototype.toString = function () { + var e = 0 | this.length; + return 0 === e ? "" : 0 === arguments.length ? N(this, 0, e) : y.apply(this, arguments) + }, a.prototype.equals = function (e) { + if (!a.isBuffer(e)) throw new TypeError("Argument must be a Buffer"); + return this === e ? !0 : 0 ===, e) + }, a.prototype.inspect = function () { + var e = "", t = n.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES; + return this.length > 0 && (e = this.toString("hex", 0, t).match(/.{2}/g).join(" "), this.length > t && (e += " ... ")), "<Buffer " + e + ">" + }, = function (e, t, n, r, i) { + if (!a.isBuffer(e)) throw new TypeError("Argument must be a Buffer"); + if (void 0 === t && (t = 0), void 0 === n && (n = e ? e.length : 0), void 0 === r && (r = 0), void 0 === i && (i = this.length), 0 > t || n > e.length || 0 > r || i > this.length) throw new RangeError("out of range index"); + if (r >= i && t >= n) return 0; + if (r >= i) return -1; + if (t >= n) return 1; + if (t >>>= 0, n >>>= 0, r >>>= 0, i >>>= 0, this === e) return 0; + for (var o = i - r, l = n - t, s = Math.min(o, l), c = this.slice(r, i), u = e.slice(t, n), f = 0; s > f; ++f) if (c[f] !== u[f]) { + o = c[f], l = u[f]; + break + } + return l > o ? -1 : o > l ? 1 : 0 + }, a.prototype.indexOf = function (e, t, n) { + if ("string" == typeof t ? (n = t, t = 0) : t > 2147483647 ? t = 2147483647 : -2147483648 > t && (t = -2147483648), t >>= 0, 0 === this.length) return -1; + if (t >= this.length) return -1; + if (0 > t && (t = Math.max(this.length + t, 0)), "string" == typeof e && (e = a.from(e, n)), a.isBuffer(e)) return 0 === e.length ? -1 : b(this, e, t, n); + if ("number" == typeof e) return a.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT && "function" === Uint8Array.prototype.indexOf ?, e, t) : b(this, [e], t, n); + throw new TypeError("val must be string, number or Buffer") + }, a.prototype.includes = function (e, t, n) { + return -1 !== this.indexOf(e, t, n) + }, a.prototype.write = function (e, t, n, r) { + if (void 0 === t) r = "utf8", n = this.length, t = 0; else if (void 0 === n && "string" == typeof t) r = t, n = this.length, t = 0; else { + if (!isFinite(t)) throw new Error("Buffer.write(string, encoding, offset[, length]) is no longer supported"); + t = 0 | t, isFinite(n) ? (n = 0 | n, void 0 === r && (r = "utf8")) : (r = n, n = void 0) + } + var i = this.length - t; + if ((void 0 === n || n > i) && (n = i), e.length > 0 && (0 > n || 0 > t) || t > this.length) throw new RangeError("Attempt to write outside buffer bounds"); + r || (r = "utf8"); + for (var o = !1; ;) switch (r) { + case"hex": + return w(this, e, t, n); + case"utf8": + case"utf-8": + return k(this, e, t, n); + case"ascii": + return S(this, e, t, n); + case"binary": + return C(this, e, t, n); + case"base64": + return L(this, e, t, n); + case"ucs2": + case"ucs-2": + case"utf16le": + case"utf-16le": + return T(this, e, t, n); + default: + if (o) throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + r); + r = ("" + r).toLowerCase(), o = !0 + } + }, a.prototype.toJSON = function () { + return {type: "Buffer", data: || this, 0)} + }; + var Q = 4096; + a.prototype.slice = function (e, t) { + var n = this.length; + e = ~~e, t = void 0 === t ? n : ~~t, 0 > e ? (e += n, 0 > e && (e = 0)) : e > n && (e = n), 0 > t ? (t += n, 0 > t && (t = 0)) : t > n && (t = n), e > t && (t = e); + var r; + if (a.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT) r = this.subarray(e, t), r.__proto__ = a.prototype; else { + var i = t - e; + r = new a(i, void 0); + for (var o = 0; i > o; o++) r[o] = this[o + e] + } + return r + }, a.prototype.readUIntLE = function (e, t, n) { + e = 0 | e, t = 0 | t, n || R(e, t, this.length); + for (var r = this[e], i = 1, o = 0; ++o < t && (i *= 256);) r += this[e + o] * i; + return r + }, a.prototype.readUIntBE = function (e, t, n) { + e = 0 | e, t = 0 | t, n || R(e, t, this.length); + for (var r = this[e + --t], i = 1; t > 0 && (i *= 256);) r += this[e + --t] * i; + return r + }, a.prototype.readUInt8 = function (e, t) { + return t || R(e, 1, this.length), this[e] + }, a.prototype.readUInt16LE = function (e, t) { + return t || R(e, 2, this.length), this[e] | this[e + 1] << 8 + }, a.prototype.readUInt16BE = function (e, t) { + return t || R(e, 2, this.length), this[e] << 8 | this[e + 1] + }, a.prototype.readUInt32LE = function (e, t) { + return t || R(e, 4, this.length), (this[e] | this[e + 1] << 8 | this[e + 2] << 16) + 16777216 * this[e + 3] + }, a.prototype.readUInt32BE = function (e, t) { + return t || R(e, 4, this.length), 16777216 * this[e] + (this[e + 1] << 16 | this[e + 2] << 8 | this[e + 3]) + }, a.prototype.readIntLE = function (e, t, n) { + e = 0 | e, t = 0 | t, n || R(e, t, this.length); + for (var r = this[e], i = 1, o = 0; ++o < t && (i *= 256);) r += this[e + o] * i; + return i *= 128, r >= i && (r -= Math.pow(2, 8 * t)), r + }, a.prototype.readIntBE = function (e, t, n) { + e = 0 | e, t = 0 | t, n || R(e, t, this.length); + for (var r = t, i = 1, o = this[e + --r]; r > 0 && (i *= 256);) o += this[e + --r] * i; + return i *= 128, o >= i && (o -= Math.pow(2, 8 * t)), o + }, a.prototype.readInt8 = function (e, t) { + return t || R(e, 1, this.length), 128 & this[e] ? -1 * (255 - this[e] + 1) : this[e] + }, a.prototype.readInt16LE = function (e, t) { + t || R(e, 2, this.length); + var n = this[e] | this[e + 1] << 8; + return 32768 & n ? 4294901760 | n : n + }, a.prototype.readInt16BE = function (e, t) { + t || R(e, 2, this.length); + var n = this[e + 1] | this[e] << 8; + return 32768 & n ? 4294901760 | n : n + }, a.prototype.readInt32LE = function (e, t) { + return t || R(e, 4, this.length), this[e] | this[e + 1] << 8 | this[e + 2] << 16 | this[e + 3] << 24 + }, a.prototype.readInt32BE = function (e, t) { + return t || R(e, 4, this.length), this[e] << 24 | this[e + 1] << 16 | this[e + 2] << 8 | this[e + 3] + }, a.prototype.readFloatLE = function (e, t) { + return t || R(e, 4, this.length),, e, !0, 23, 4) + }, a.prototype.readFloatBE = function (e, t) { + return t || R(e, 4, this.length),, e, !1, 23, 4) + }, a.prototype.readDoubleLE = function (e, t) { + return t || R(e, 8, this.length),, e, !0, 52, 8) + }, a.prototype.readDoubleBE = function (e, t) { + return t || R(e, 8, this.length),, e, !1, 52, 8) + }, a.prototype.writeUIntLE = function (e, t, n, r) { + if (e = +e, t = 0 | t, n = 0 | n, !r) { + var i = Math.pow(2, 8 * n) - 1; + D(this, e, t, n, i, 0) + } + var o = 1, a = 0; + for (this[t] = 255 & e; ++a < n && (o *= 256);) this[t + a] = e / o & 255; + return t + n + }, a.prototype.writeUIntBE = function (e, t, n, r) { + if (e = +e, t = 0 | t, n = 0 | n, !r) { + var i = Math.pow(2, 8 * n) - 1; + D(this, e, t, n, i, 0) + } + var o = n - 1, a = 1; + for (this[t + o] = 255 & e; --o >= 0 && (a *= 256);) this[t + o] = e / a & 255; + return t + n + }, a.prototype.writeUInt8 = function (e, t, n) { + return e = +e, t = 0 | t, n || D(this, e, t, 1, 255, 0), a.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT || (e = Math.floor(e)), this[t] = 255 & e, t + 1 + }, a.prototype.writeUInt16LE = function (e, t, n) { + return e = +e, t = 0 | t, n || D(this, e, t, 2, 65535, 0), a.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT ? (this[t] = 255 & e, this[t + 1] = e >>> 8) : H(this, e, t, !0), t + 2 + }, a.prototype.writeUInt16BE = function (e, t, n) { + return e = +e, t = 0 | t, n || D(this, e, t, 2, 65535, 0), a.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT ? (this[t] = e >>> 8, this[t + 1] = 255 & e) : H(this, e, t, !1), t + 2 + }, a.prototype.writeUInt32LE = function (e, t, n) { + return e = +e, t = 0 | t, n || D(this, e, t, 4, 4294967295, 0), a.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT ? (this[t + 3] = e >>> 24, this[t + 2] = e >>> 16, this[t + 1] = e >>> 8, this[t] = 255 & e) : W(this, e, t, !0), t + 4 + }, a.prototype.writeUInt32BE = function (e, t, n) { + return e = +e, t = 0 | t, n || D(this, e, t, 4, 4294967295, 0), a.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT ? (this[t] = e >>> 24, this[t + 1] = e >>> 16, this[t + 2] = e >>> 8, this[t + 3] = 255 & e) : W(this, e, t, !1), t + 4 + }, a.prototype.writeIntLE = function (e, t, n, r) { + if (e = +e, t = 0 | t, !r) { + var i = Math.pow(2, 8 * n - 1); + D(this, e, t, n, i - 1, -i) + } + var o = 0, a = 1, l = 0; + for (this[t] = 255 & e; ++o < n && (a *= 256);) 0 > e && 0 === l && 0 !== this[t + o - 1] && (l = 1), this[t + o] = (e / a >> 0) - l & 255; + return t + n + }, a.prototype.writeIntBE = function (e, t, n, r) { + if (e = +e, t = 0 | t, !r) { + var i = Math.pow(2, 8 * n - 1); + D(this, e, t, n, i - 1, -i) + } + var o = n - 1, a = 1, l = 0; + for (this[t + o] = 255 & e; --o >= 0 && (a *= 256);) 0 > e && 0 === l && 0 !== this[t + o + 1] && (l = 1), this[t + o] = (e / a >> 0) - l & 255; + return t + n + }, a.prototype.writeInt8 = function (e, t, n) { + return e = +e, t = 0 | t, n || D(this, e, t, 1, 127, -128), a.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT || (e = Math.floor(e)), 0 > e && (e = 255 + e + 1), this[t] = 255 & e, t + 1 + }, a.prototype.writeInt16LE = function (e, t, n) { + return e = +e, t = 0 | t, n || D(this, e, t, 2, 32767, -32768), a.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT ? (this[t] = 255 & e, this[t + 1] = e >>> 8) : H(this, e, t, !0), t + 2 + }, a.prototype.writeInt16BE = function (e, t, n) { + return e = +e, t = 0 | t, n || D(this, e, t, 2, 32767, -32768), a.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT ? (this[t] = e >>> 8, this[t + 1] = 255 & e) : H(this, e, t, !1), t + 2 + }, a.prototype.writeInt32LE = function (e, t, n) { + return e = +e, t = 0 | t, n || D(this, e, t, 4, 2147483647, -2147483648), a.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT ? (this[t] = 255 & e, this[t + 1] = e >>> 8, this[t + 2] = e >>> 16, this[t + 3] = e >>> 24) : W(this, e, t, !0), t + 4 + }, a.prototype.writeInt32BE = function (e, t, n) { + return e = +e, t = 0 | t, n || D(this, e, t, 4, 2147483647, -2147483648), 0 > e && (e = 4294967295 + e + 1), a.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT ? (this[t] = e >>> 24, this[t + 1] = e >>> 16, this[t + 2] = e >>> 8, this[t + 3] = 255 & e) : W(this, e, t, !1), t + 4 + }, a.prototype.writeFloatLE = function (e, t, n) { + return _(this, e, t, !0, n) + }, a.prototype.writeFloatBE = function (e, t, n) { + return _(this, e, t, !1, n) + }, a.prototype.writeDoubleLE = function (e, t, n) { + return F(this, e, t, !0, n) + }, a.prototype.writeDoubleBE = function (e, t, n) { + return F(this, e, t, !1, n) + }, a.prototype.copy = function (e, t, n, r) { + if (n || (n = 0), r || 0 === r || (r = this.length), t >= e.length && (t = e.length), t || (t = 0), r > 0 && n > r && (r = n), r === n) return 0; + if (0 === e.length || 0 === this.length) return 0; + if (0 > t) throw new RangeError("targetStart out of bounds"); + if (0 > n || n >= this.length) throw new RangeError("sourceStart out of bounds"); + if (0 > r) throw new RangeError("sourceEnd out of bounds"); + r > this.length && (r = this.length), e.length - t < r - n && (r = e.length - t + n); + var i, o = r - n; + if (this === e && t > n && r > t) for (i = o - 1; i >= 0; i--) e[i + t] = this[i + n]; else if (1e3 > o || !a.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT) for (i = 0; o > i; i++) e[i + t] = this[i + n]; else, this.subarray(n, n + o), t); + return o + }, a.prototype.fill = function (e, t, n, r) { + if ("string" == typeof e) { + if ("string" == typeof t ? (r = t, t = 0, n = this.length) : "string" == typeof n && (r = n, n = this.length), 1 === e.length) { + var i = e.charCodeAt(0); + 256 > i && (e = i) + } + if (void 0 !== r && "string" != typeof r) throw new TypeError("encoding must be a string"); + if ("string" == typeof r && !a.isEncoding(r)) throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + r) + } else "number" == typeof e && (e = 255 & e); + if (0 > t || this.length < t || this.length < n) throw new RangeError("Out of range index"); + if (t >= n) return this; + t >>>= 0, n = void 0 === n ? this.length : n >>> 0, e || (e = 0); + var o; + if ("number" == typeof e) for (o = t; n > o; o++) this[o] = e; else { + var l = a.isBuffer(e) ? e : q(new a(e, r).toString()), s = l.length; + for (o = 0; n - t > o; o++) this[o + t] = l[o % s] + } + return this + }; + var ee = /[^+\/0-9A-Za-z-_]/g + }).call(this, "undefined" != typeof global ? global : "undefined" != typeof self ? self : "undefined" != typeof window ? window : {}) + }, {"base64-js": 1, ieee754: 15, isarray: 16}], + 4: [function (e, t, n) { + "use strict"; + + function r(e) { + return e = e || {}, "function" != typeof e.codeMirrorInstance || "function" != typeof e.codeMirrorInstance.defineMode ? void console.log("CodeMirror Spell Checker: You must provide an instance of CodeMirror via the option `codeMirrorInstance`") : (String.prototype.includes || (String.prototype.includes = function () { + return -1 !== String.prototype.indexOf.apply(this, arguments) + }), void e.codeMirrorInstance.defineMode("spell-checker", function (t) { + if (!r.aff_loading) { + r.aff_loading = !0; + var n = new XMLHttpRequest; +"GET", "", !0), n.onload = function () { + 4 === n.readyState && 200 === n.status && (r.aff_data = n.responseText, r.num_loaded++, 2 == r.num_loaded && (r.typo = new i("en_US", r.aff_data, r.dic_data, {platform: "any"}))) + }, n.send(null) + } + if (!r.dic_loading) { + r.dic_loading = !0; + var o = new XMLHttpRequest; +"GET", "", !0), o.onload = function () { + 4 === o.readyState && 200 === o.status && (r.dic_data = o.responseText, r.num_loaded++, 2 == r.num_loaded && (r.typo = new i("en_US", r.aff_data, r.dic_data, {platform: "any"}))) + }, o.send(null) + } + var a = '!"#$%&()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~ ', l = { + token: function (e) { + var t = e.peek(), n = ""; + if (a.includes(t)) return, null; + for (; null != (t = e.peek()) && !a.includes(t);) n += t,; + return r.typo && !r.typo.check(n) ? "spell-error" : null + } + }, s = e.codeMirrorInstance.getMode(t, t.backdrop || "text/plain"); + return e.codeMirrorInstance.overlayMode(s, l, !0) + })) + } + + var i = e("typo-js"); + r.num_loaded = 0, r.aff_loading = !1, r.dic_loading = !1, r.aff_data = "", r.dic_data = "", r.typo, t.exports = r + }, {"typo-js": 18}], + 5: [function (t, n, r) { + !function (i) { + "object" == typeof r && "object" == typeof n ? i(t("../../lib/codemirror")) : "function" == typeof e && e.amd ? e(["../../lib/codemirror"], i) : i(CodeMirror) + }(function (e) { + "use strict"; + + function t(e) { + var t = e.getWrapperElement(); + e.state.fullScreenRestore = { + scrollTop: window.pageYOffset, + scrollLeft: window.pageXOffset, + width:, + height: + }, = "", = "auto", t.className += " CodeMirror-fullscreen", = "hidden", e.refresh() + } + + function n(e) { + var t = e.getWrapperElement(); + t.className = t.className.replace(/\s*CodeMirror-fullscreen\b/, ""), = ""; + var n = e.state.fullScreenRestore; + = n.width, = n.height, window.scrollTo(n.scrollLeft, n.scrollTop), e.refresh() + } + + e.defineOption("fullScreen", !1, function (r, i, o) { + o == e.Init && (o = !1), !o != !i && (i ? t(r) : n(r)) + }) + }) + }, {"../../lib/codemirror": 10}], + 6: [function (t, n, r) { + !function (i) { + "object" == typeof r && "object" == typeof n ? i(t("../../lib/codemirror")) : "function" == typeof e && e.amd ? e(["../../lib/codemirror"], i) : i(CodeMirror) + }(function (e) { + function t(e) { + e.state.placeholder && (e.state.placeholder.parentNode.removeChild(e.state.placeholder), e.state.placeholder = null) + } + + function n(e) { + t(e); + var n = e.state.placeholder = document.createElement("pre"); + = "height: 0; overflow: visible", n.className = "CodeMirror-placeholder"; + var r = e.getOption("placeholder"); + "string" == typeof r && (r = document.createTextNode(r)), n.appendChild(r), e.display.lineSpace.insertBefore(n, e.display.lineSpace.firstChild) + } + + function r(e) { + o(e) && n(e) + } + + function i(e) { + var r = e.getWrapperElement(), i = o(e); + r.className = r.className.replace(" CodeMirror-empty", "") + (i ? " CodeMirror-empty" : ""), i ? n(e) : t(e) + } + + function o(e) { + return 1 === e.lineCount() && "" === e.getLine(0) + } + + e.defineOption("placeholder", "", function (n, o, a) { + var l = a && a != e.Init; + if (o && !l) n.on("blur", r), n.on("change", i), n.on("swapDoc", i), i(n); else if (!o && l) { +"blur", r),"change", i),"swapDoc", i), t(n); + var s = n.getWrapperElement(); + s.className = s.className.replace(" CodeMirror-empty", "") + } + o && !n.hasFocus() && r(n) + }) + }) + }, {"../../lib/codemirror": 10}], + 7: [function (t, n, r) { + !function (i) { + "object" == typeof r && "object" == typeof n ? i(t("../../lib/codemirror")) : "function" == typeof e && e.amd ? e(["../../lib/codemirror"], i) : i(CodeMirror) + }(function (e) { + "use strict"; + var t = /^(\s*)(>[> ]*|[*+-]\s|(\d+)([.)]))(\s*)/, n = /^(\s*)(>[> ]*|[*+-]|(\d+)[.)])(\s*)$/, + r = /[*+-]\s/; + e.commands.newlineAndIndentContinueMarkdownList = function (i) { + if (i.getOption("disableInput")) return e.Pass; + for (var o = i.listSelections(), a = [], l = 0; l < o.length; l++) { + var s = o[l].head, c = i.getStateAfter(s.line), u = c.list !== !1, f = 0 !== c.quote, + h = i.getLine(s.line), d = t.exec(h); + if (!o[l].empty() || !u && !f || !d) return void i.execCommand("newlineAndIndent"); + if (n.test(h)) i.replaceRange("", {line: s.line, ch: 0}, { + line: s.line, + ch: + 1 + }), a[l] = "\n"; else { + var p = d[1], m = d[5], + g = r.test(d[2]) || d[2].indexOf(">") >= 0 ? d[2] : parseInt(d[3], 10) + 1 + d[4]; + a[l] = "\n" + p + g + m + } + } + i.replaceSelections(a) + } + }) + }, {"../../lib/codemirror": 10}], + 8: [function (t, n, r) { + !function (i) { + "object" == typeof r && "object" == typeof n ? i(t("../../lib/codemirror")) : "function" == typeof e && e.amd ? e(["../../lib/codemirror"], i) : i(CodeMirror) + }(function (e) { + "use strict"; + e.overlayMode = function (t, n, r) { + return { + startState: function () { + return { + base: e.startState(t), + overlay: e.startState(n), + basePos: 0, + baseCur: null, + overlayPos: 0, + overlayCur: null, + streamSeen: null + } + }, copyState: function (r) { + return { + base: e.copyState(t, r.base), + overlay: e.copyState(n, r.overlay), + basePos: r.basePos, + baseCur: null, + overlayPos: r.overlayPos, + overlayCur: null + } + }, token: function (e, i) { + return (e != i.streamSeen || Math.min(i.basePos, i.overlayPos) < e.start) && (i.streamSeen = e, i.basePos = i.overlayPos = e.start), e.start == i.basePos && (i.baseCur = t.token(e, i.base), i.basePos = e.pos), e.start == i.overlayPos && (e.pos = e.start, i.overlayCur = n.token(e, i.overlay), i.overlayPos = e.pos), e.pos = Math.min(i.basePos, i.overlayPos), null == i.overlayCur ? i.baseCur : null != i.baseCur && i.overlay.combineTokens || r && null == i.overlay.combineTokens ? i.baseCur + " " + i.overlayCur : i.overlayCur + }, indent: t.indent && function (e, n) { + return t.indent(e.base, n) + }, electricChars: t.electricChars, innerMode: function (e) { + return {state: e.base, mode: t} + }, blankLine: function (e) { + t.blankLine && t.blankLine(e.base), n.blankLine && n.blankLine(e.overlay) + } + } + } + }) + }, {"../../lib/codemirror": 10}], + 9: [function (t, n, r) { + !function (i) { + "object" == typeof r && "object" == typeof n ? i(t("../../lib/codemirror")) : "function" == typeof e && e.amd ? e(["../../lib/codemirror"], i) : i(CodeMirror) + }(function (e) { + "use strict"; + + function t(e) { + e.operation(function () { + a(e) + }) + } + + function n(e) { + e.state.markedSelection.length && e.operation(function () { + i(e) + }) + } + + function r(e, t, n, r) { + if (0 != c(t, n)) for (var i = e.state.markedSelection, o = e.state.markedSelectionStyle, a = t.line; ;) { + var u = a == t.line ? t : s(a, 0), f = a + l, h = f >= n.line, d = h ? n : s(f, 0), + p = e.markText(u, d, {className: o}); + if (null == r ? i.push(p) : i.splice(r++, 0, p), h) break; + a = f + } + } + + function i(e) { + for (var t = e.state.markedSelection, n = 0; n < t.length; ++n) t[n].clear(); + t.length = 0 + } + + function o(e) { + i(e); + for (var t = e.listSelections(), n = 0; n < t.length; n++) r(e, t[n].from(), t[n].to()) + } + + function a(e) { + if (!e.somethingSelected()) return i(e); + if (e.listSelections().length > 1) return o(e); + var t = e.getCursor("start"), n = e.getCursor("end"), a = e.state.markedSelection; + if (!a.length) return r(e, t, n); + var s = a[0].find(), u = a[a.length - 1].find(); + if (!s || !u || n.line - t.line < l || c(t, >= 0 || c(n, s.from) <= 0) return o(e); + for (; c(t, s.from) > 0;) a.shift().clear(), s = a[0].find(); + for (c(t, s.from) < 0 && ( - t.line < l ? (a.shift().clear(), r(e, t,, 0)) : r(e, t, s.from, 0)); c(n, < 0;) a.pop().clear(), u = a[a.length - 1].find(); + c(n, > 0 && (n.line - u.from.line < l ? (a.pop().clear(), r(e, u.from, n)) : r(e,, n)) + } + + e.defineOption("styleSelectedText", !1, function (r, a, l) { + var s = l && l != e.Init; + a && !s ? (r.state.markedSelection = [], r.state.markedSelectionStyle = "string" == typeof a ? a : "CodeMirror-selectedtext", o(r), r.on("cursorActivity", t), r.on("change", n)) : !a && s && ("cursorActivity", t),"change", n), i(r), r.state.markedSelection = r.state.markedSelectionStyle = null) + }); + var l = 8, s = e.Pos, c = e.cmpPos + }) + }, {"../../lib/codemirror": 10}], + 10: [function (t, n, r) { + !function (t) { + if ("object" == typeof r && "object" == typeof n) n.exports = t(); else { + if ("function" == typeof e && e.amd) return e([], t); + (this || window).CodeMirror = t() + } + }(function () { + "use strict"; + + function e(n, r) { + if (!(this instanceof e)) return new e(n, r); + this.options = r = r ? Wi(r) : {}, Wi(ea, r, !1), d(r); + var i = r.value; + "string" == typeof i && (i = new Ca(i, r.mode, null, r.lineSeparator)), this.doc = i; + var o = new e.inputStyles[r.inputStyle](this), a = this.display = new t(n, i, o); + a.wrapper.CodeMirror = this, c(this), l(this), r.lineWrapping && (this.display.wrapper.className += " CodeMirror-wrap"), r.autofocus && !Ao && a.input.focus(), v(this), this.state = { + keyMaps: [], + overlays: [], + modeGen: 0, + overwrite: !1, + delayingBlurEvent: !1, + focused: !1, + suppressEdits: !1, + pasteIncoming: !1, + cutIncoming: !1, + selectingText: !1, + draggingText: !1, + highlight: new Ei, + keySeq: null, + specialChars: null + }; + var s = this; + xo && 11 > bo && setTimeout(function () { + s.display.input.reset(!0) + }, 20), jt(this), Ki(), bt(this), this.curOp.forceUpdate = !0, Xr(this, i), r.autofocus && !Ao || s.hasFocus() ? setTimeout(Bi(vn, this), 20) : yn(this); + for (var u in ta) ta.hasOwnProperty(u) && ta[u](this, r[u], na); + k(this), r.finishInit && r.finishInit(this); + for (var f = 0; f < aa.length; ++f) aa[f](this); + kt(this), wo && r.lineWrapping && "optimizelegibility" == getComputedStyle(a.lineDiv).textRendering && ( = "auto") + } + + function t(e, t, n) { + var r = this; + this.input = n, r.scrollbarFiller = ji("div", null, "CodeMirror-scrollbar-filler"), r.scrollbarFiller.setAttribute("cm-not-content", "true"), r.gutterFiller = ji("div", null, "CodeMirror-gutter-filler"), r.gutterFiller.setAttribute("cm-not-content", "true"), r.lineDiv = ji("div", null, "CodeMirror-code"), r.selectionDiv = ji("div", null, null, "position: relative; z-index: 1"), r.cursorDiv = ji("div", null, "CodeMirror-cursors"), r.measure = ji("div", null, "CodeMirror-measure"), r.lineMeasure = ji("div", null, "CodeMirror-measure"), r.lineSpace = ji("div", [r.measure, r.lineMeasure, r.selectionDiv, r.cursorDiv, r.lineDiv], null, "position: relative; outline: none"), r.mover = ji("div", [ji("div", [r.lineSpace], "CodeMirror-lines")], null, "position: relative"), r.sizer = ji("div", [r.mover], "CodeMirror-sizer"), r.sizerWidth = null, r.heightForcer = ji("div", null, null, "position: absolute; height: " + Da + "px; width: 1px;"), r.gutters = ji("div", null, "CodeMirror-gutters"), r.lineGutter = null, r.scroller = ji("div", [r.sizer, r.heightForcer, r.gutters], "CodeMirror-scroll"), r.scroller.setAttribute("tabIndex", "-1"), r.wrapper = ji("div", [r.scrollbarFiller, r.gutterFiller, r.scroller], "CodeMirror"), xo && 8 > bo && ( = -1, = 0), wo || go && Ao || (r.scroller.draggable = !0), e && (e.appendChild ? e.appendChild(r.wrapper) : e(r.wrapper)), r.viewFrom = r.viewTo = t.first, r.reportedViewFrom = r.reportedViewTo = t.first, r.view = [], r.renderedView = null, r.externalMeasured = null, r.viewOffset = 0, r.lastWrapHeight = r.lastWrapWidth = 0, r.updateLineNumbers = null, r.nativeBarWidth = r.barHeight = r.barWidth = 0, r.scrollbarsClipped = !1, r.lineNumWidth = r.lineNumInnerWidth = r.lineNumChars = null, r.alignWidgets = !1, r.cachedCharWidth = r.cachedTextHeight = r.cachedPaddingH = null, + r.maxLine = null, r.maxLineLength = 0, r.maxLineChanged = !1, r.wheelDX = r.wheelDY = r.wheelStartX = r.wheelStartY = null, r.shift = !1, r.selForContextMenu = null, r.activeTouch = null, n.init(r) + } + + function n(t) { + t.doc.mode = e.getMode(t.options, t.doc.modeOption), r(t) + } + + function r(e) { + e.doc.iter(function (e) { + e.stateAfter && (e.stateAfter = null), e.styles && (e.styles = null) + }), = e.doc.first, _e(e, 100), e.state.modeGen++, e.curOp && Dt(e) + } + + function i(e) { + e.options.lineWrapping ? (Ja(e.display.wrapper, "CodeMirror-wrap"), = "", e.display.sizerWidth = null) : (Za(e.display.wrapper, "CodeMirror-wrap"), h(e)), a(e), Dt(e), lt(e), setTimeout(function () { + y(e) + }, 100) + } + + function o(e) { + var t = yt(e.display), n = e.options.lineWrapping, + r = n && Math.max(5, e.display.scroller.clientWidth / xt(e.display) - 3); + return function (i) { + if (kr(e.doc, i)) return 0; + var o = 0; + if (i.widgets) for (var a = 0; a < i.widgets.length; a++) i.widgets[a].height && (o += i.widgets[a].height); + return n ? o + (Math.ceil(i.text.length / r) || 1) * t : o + t + } + } + + function a(e) { + var t = e.doc, n = o(e); + t.iter(function (e) { + var t = n(e); + t != e.height && ei(e, t) + }) + } + + function l(e) { + e.display.wrapper.className = e.display.wrapper.className.replace(/\s*cm-s-\S+/g, "") + e.options.theme.replace(/(^|\s)\s*/g, " cm-s-"), lt(e) + } + + function s(e) { + c(e), Dt(e), setTimeout(function () { + w(e) + }, 20) + } + + function c(e) { + var t = e.display.gutters, n = e.options.gutters; + Ui(t); + for (var r = 0; r < n.length; ++r) { + var i = n[r], o = t.appendChild(ji("div", null, "CodeMirror-gutter " + i)); + "CodeMirror-linenumbers" == i && (e.display.lineGutter = o, = (e.display.lineNumWidth || 1) + "px") + } + = r ? "" : "none", u(e) + } + + function u(e) { + var t = e.display.gutters.offsetWidth; + = t + "px" + } + + function f(e) { + if (0 == e.height) return 0; + for (var t, n = e.text.length, r = e; t = mr(r);) { + var i = t.find(0, !0); + r = i.from.line, n += - + } + for (r = e; t = gr(r);) { + var i = t.find(0, !0); + n -= r.text.length -, r =, n += r.text.length - + } + return n + } + + function h(e) { + var t = e.display, n = e.doc; + t.maxLine = Zr(n, n.first), t.maxLineLength = f(t.maxLine), t.maxLineChanged = !0, n.iter(function (e) { + var n = f(e); + n > t.maxLineLength && (t.maxLineLength = n, t.maxLine = e) + }) + } + + function d(e) { + var t = Pi(e.gutters, "CodeMirror-linenumbers"); + -1 == t && e.lineNumbers ? e.gutters = e.gutters.concat(["CodeMirror-linenumbers"]) : t > -1 && !e.lineNumbers && (e.gutters = e.gutters.slice(0), e.gutters.splice(t, 1)) + } + + function p(e) { + var t = e.display, n = t.gutters.offsetWidth, r = Math.round(e.doc.height + qe(e.display)); + return { + clientHeight: t.scroller.clientHeight, + viewHeight: t.wrapper.clientHeight, + scrollWidth: t.scroller.scrollWidth, + clientWidth: t.scroller.clientWidth, + viewWidth: t.wrapper.clientWidth, + barLeft: e.options.fixedGutter ? n : 0, + docHeight: r, + scrollHeight: r + Ye(e) + t.barHeight, + nativeBarWidth: t.nativeBarWidth, + gutterWidth: n + } + } + + function m(e, t, n) { + = n; + var r = this.vert = ji("div", [ji("div", null, null, "min-width: 1px")], "CodeMirror-vscrollbar"), + i = this.horiz = ji("div", [ji("div", null, null, "height: 100%; min-height: 1px")], "CodeMirror-hscrollbar"); + e(r), e(i), Ea(r, "scroll", function () { + r.clientHeight && t(r.scrollTop, "vertical") + }), Ea(i, "scroll", function () { + i.clientWidth && t(i.scrollLeft, "horizontal") + }), this.checkedZeroWidth = !1, xo && 8 > bo && ( = = "18px") + } + + function g() { + } + + function v(t) { + t.display.scrollbars && (t.display.scrollbars.clear(), t.display.scrollbars.addClass && Za(t.display.wrapper, t.display.scrollbars.addClass)), t.display.scrollbars = new e.scrollbarModel[t.options.scrollbarStyle](function (e) { + t.display.wrapper.insertBefore(e, t.display.scrollbarFiller), Ea(e, "mousedown", function () { + t.state.focused && setTimeout(function () { + t.display.input.focus() + }, 0) + }), e.setAttribute("cm-not-content", "true") + }, function (e, n) { + "horizontal" == n ? on(t, e) : rn(t, e) + }, t), t.display.scrollbars.addClass && Ja(t.display.wrapper, t.display.scrollbars.addClass) + } + + function y(e, t) { + t || (t = p(e)); + var n = e.display.barWidth, r = e.display.barHeight; + x(e, t); + for (var i = 0; 4 > i && n != e.display.barWidth || r != e.display.barHeight; i++) n != e.display.barWidth && e.options.lineWrapping && O(e), x(e, p(e)), n = e.display.barWidth, r = e.display.barHeight + } + + function x(e, t) { + var n = e.display, r = n.scrollbars.update(t); + = (n.barWidth = r.right) + "px", = (n.barHeight = r.bottom) + "px", = r.bottom + "px solid transparent", r.right && r.bottom ? ( = "block", = r.bottom + "px", = r.right + "px") : = "", r.bottom && e.options.coverGutterNextToScrollbar && e.options.fixedGutter ? ( = "block", = r.bottom + "px", = t.gutterWidth + "px") : = "" + } + + function b(e, t, n) { + var r = n && null != ? Math.max(0, : e.scroller.scrollTop; + r = Math.floor(r - Ue(e)); + var i = n && null != n.bottom ? n.bottom : r + e.wrapper.clientHeight, o = ni(t, r), a = ni(t, i); + if (n && n.ensure) { + var l = n.ensure.from.line, s =; + o > l ? (o = l, a = ni(t, ri(Zr(t, l)) + e.wrapper.clientHeight)) : Math.min(s, t.lastLine()) >= a && (o = ni(t, ri(Zr(t, s)) - e.wrapper.clientHeight), a = s) + } + return {from: o, to: Math.max(a, o + 1)} + } + + function w(e) { + var t = e.display, n = t.view; + if (t.alignWidgets || t.gutters.firstChild && e.options.fixedGutter) { + for (var r = C(t) - t.scroller.scrollLeft + e.doc.scrollLeft, i = t.gutters.offsetWidth, o = r + "px", a = 0; a < n.length; a++) if (!n[a].hidden) { + e.options.fixedGutter && n[a].gutter && (n[a] = o); + var l = n[a].alignable; + if (l) for (var s = 0; s < l.length; s++) l[s].style.left = o + } + e.options.fixedGutter && ( = r + i + "px") + } + } + + function k(e) { + if (!e.options.lineNumbers) return !1; + var t = e.doc, n = S(e.options, t.first + t.size - 1), r = e.display; + if (n.length != r.lineNumChars) { + var i = r.measure.appendChild(ji("div", [ji("div", n)], "CodeMirror-linenumber CodeMirror-gutter-elt")), + o = i.firstChild.offsetWidth, a = i.offsetWidth - o; + return = "", r.lineNumInnerWidth = Math.max(o, r.lineGutter.offsetWidth - a) + 1, r.lineNumWidth = r.lineNumInnerWidth + a, r.lineNumChars = r.lineNumInnerWidth ? n.length : -1, = r.lineNumWidth + "px", u(e), !0 + } + return !1 + } + + function S(e, t) { + return String(e.lineNumberFormatter(t + e.firstLineNumber)) + } + + function C(e) { + return e.scroller.getBoundingClientRect().left - e.sizer.getBoundingClientRect().left + } + + function L(e, t, n) { + var r = e.display; + this.viewport = t, this.visible = b(r, e.doc, t), this.editorIsHidden = !r.wrapper.offsetWidth, this.wrapperHeight = r.wrapper.clientHeight, this.wrapperWidth = r.wrapper.clientWidth, this.oldDisplayWidth = $e(e), this.force = n, this.dims = P(e), = [] + } + + function T(e) { + var t = e.display; + !t.scrollbarsClipped && t.scroller.offsetWidth && (t.nativeBarWidth = t.scroller.offsetWidth - t.scroller.clientWidth, = Ye(e) + "px", = -t.nativeBarWidth + "px", = Ye(e) + "px", t.scrollbarsClipped = !0) + } + + function M(e, t) { + var n = e.display, r = e.doc; + if (t.editorIsHidden) return Wt(e), !1; + if (!t.force && t.visible.from >= n.viewFrom && <= n.viewTo && (null == n.updateLineNumbers || n.updateLineNumbers >= n.viewTo) && n.renderedView == n.view && 0 == zt(e)) return !1; + k(e) && (Wt(e), t.dims = P(e)); + var i = r.first + r.size, o = Math.max(t.visible.from - e.options.viewportMargin, r.first), + a = Math.min(i, + e.options.viewportMargin); + n.viewFrom < o && o - n.viewFrom < 20 && (o = Math.max(r.first, n.viewFrom)), n.viewTo > a && n.viewTo - a < 20 && (a = Math.min(i, n.viewTo)), Wo && (o = br(e.doc, o), a = wr(e.doc, a)); + var l = o != n.viewFrom || a != n.viewTo || n.lastWrapHeight != t.wrapperHeight || n.lastWrapWidth != t.wrapperWidth; + Ft(e, o, a), n.viewOffset = ri(Zr(e.doc, n.viewFrom)), = n.viewOffset + "px"; + var s = zt(e); + if (!l && 0 == s && !t.force && n.renderedView == n.view && (null == n.updateLineNumbers || n.updateLineNumbers >= n.viewTo)) return !1; + var c = Gi(); + return s > 4 && ( = "none"), R(e, n.updateLineNumbers, t.dims), s > 4 && ( = ""), n.renderedView = n.view, c && Gi() != c && c.offsetHeight && c.focus(), Ui(n.cursorDiv), Ui(n.selectionDiv), = = 0, l && (n.lastWrapHeight = t.wrapperHeight, n.lastWrapWidth = t.wrapperWidth, _e(e, 400)), n.updateLineNumbers = null, !0 + } + + function N(e, t) { + for (var n = t.viewport, r = !0; (r && e.options.lineWrapping && t.oldDisplayWidth != $e(e) || (n && null != && (n = {top: Math.min(e.doc.height + qe(e.display) - Ve(e),}), t.visible = b(e.display, e.doc, n), !(t.visible.from >= e.display.viewFrom && <= e.display.viewTo))) && M(e, t); r = !1) { + O(e); + var i = p(e); + Re(e), y(e, i), E(e, i) + } + t.signal(e, "update", e), e.display.viewFrom == e.display.reportedViewFrom && e.display.viewTo == e.display.reportedViewTo || (t.signal(e, "viewportChange", e, e.display.viewFrom, e.display.viewTo), e.display.reportedViewFrom = e.display.viewFrom, e.display.reportedViewTo = e.display.viewTo) + } + + function A(e, t) { + var n = new L(e, t); + if (M(e, n)) { + O(e), N(e, n); + var r = p(e); + Re(e), y(e, r), E(e, r), n.finish() + } + } + + function E(e, t) { + = t.docHeight + "px", = t.docHeight + "px", = t.docHeight + e.display.barHeight + Ye(e) + "px" + } + + function O(e) { + for (var t = e.display, n = t.lineDiv.offsetTop, r = 0; r < t.view.length; r++) { + var i, o = t.view[r]; + if (!o.hidden) { + if (xo && 8 > bo) { + var a = o.node.offsetTop + o.node.offsetHeight; + i = a - n, n = a + } else { + var l = o.node.getBoundingClientRect(); + i = l.bottom - + } + var s = o.line.height - i; + if (2 > i && (i = yt(t)), (s > .001 || -.001 > s) && (ei(o.line, i), I(o.line), for (var c = 0; c <; c++) I([c]) + } + } + } + + function I(e) { + if (e.widgets) for (var t = 0; t < e.widgets.length; ++t) e.widgets[t].height = e.widgets[t].node.parentNode.offsetHeight + } + + function P(e) { + for (var t = e.display, n = {}, r = {}, i = t.gutters.clientLeft, o = t.gutters.firstChild, a = 0; o; o = o.nextSibling, ++a) n[e.options.gutters[a]] = o.offsetLeft + o.clientLeft + i, r[e.options.gutters[a]] = o.clientWidth; + return { + fixedPos: C(t), + gutterTotalWidth: t.gutters.offsetWidth, + gutterLeft: n, + gutterWidth: r, + wrapperWidth: t.wrapper.clientWidth + } + } + + function R(e, t, n) { + function r(t) { + var n = t.nextSibling; + return wo && Eo && e.display.currentWheelTarget == t ? = "none" : t.parentNode.removeChild(t), n + } + + for (var i = e.display, o = e.options.lineNumbers, a = i.lineDiv, l = a.firstChild, s = i.view, c = i.viewFrom, u = 0; u < s.length; u++) { + var f = s[u]; + if (f.hidden) ; else if (f.node && f.node.parentNode == a) { + for (; l != f.node;) l = r(l); + var h = o && null != t && c >= t && f.lineNumber; + f.changes && (Pi(f.changes, "gutter") > -1 && (h = !1), D(e, f, c, n)), h && (Ui(f.lineNumber), f.lineNumber.appendChild(document.createTextNode(S(e.options, c)))), l = f.node.nextSibling + } else { + var d = U(e, f, c, n); + a.insertBefore(d, l) + } + c += f.size + } + for (; l;) l = r(l) + } + + function D(e, t, n, r) { + for (var i = 0; i < t.changes.length; i++) { + var o = t.changes[i]; + "text" == o ? _(e, t) : "gutter" == o ? z(e, t, n, r) : "class" == o ? F(t) : "widget" == o && j(e, t, r) + } + t.changes = null + } + + function H(e) { + return e.node == e.text && (e.node = ji("div", null, null, "position: relative"), e.text.parentNode && e.text.parentNode.replaceChild(e.node, e.text), e.node.appendChild(e.text), xo && 8 > bo && ( = 2)), e.node + } + + function W(e) { + var t = e.bgClass ? e.bgClass + " " + (e.line.bgClass || "") : e.line.bgClass; + if (t && (t += " CodeMirror-linebackground"), e.background) t ? e.background.className = t : (e.background.parentNode.removeChild(e.background), e.background = null); else if (t) { + var n = H(e); + e.background = n.insertBefore(ji("div", null, t), n.firstChild) + } + } + + function B(e, t) { + var n = e.display.externalMeasured; + return n && n.line == t.line ? (e.display.externalMeasured = null, t.measure = n.measure, n.built) : Br(e, t) + } + + function _(e, t) { + var n = t.text.className, r = B(e, t); + t.text == t.node && (t.node = r.pre), t.text.parentNode.replaceChild(r.pre, t.text), t.text = r.pre, r.bgClass != t.bgClass || r.textClass != t.textClass ? (t.bgClass = r.bgClass, t.textClass = r.textClass, F(t)) : n && (t.text.className = n) + } + + function F(e) { + W(e), e.line.wrapClass ? H(e).className = e.line.wrapClass : e.node != e.text && (e.node.className = ""); + var t = e.textClass ? e.textClass + " " + (e.line.textClass || "") : e.line.textClass; + e.text.className = t || "" + } + + function z(e, t, n, r) { + if (t.gutter && (t.node.removeChild(t.gutter), t.gutter = null), t.gutterBackground && (t.node.removeChild(t.gutterBackground), t.gutterBackground = null), t.line.gutterClass) { + var i = H(t); + t.gutterBackground = ji("div", null, "CodeMirror-gutter-background " + t.line.gutterClass, "left: " + (e.options.fixedGutter ? r.fixedPos : -r.gutterTotalWidth) + "px; width: " + r.gutterTotalWidth + "px"), i.insertBefore(t.gutterBackground, t.text) + } + var o = t.line.gutterMarkers; + if (e.options.lineNumbers || o) { + var i = H(t), + a = t.gutter = ji("div", null, "CodeMirror-gutter-wrapper", "left: " + (e.options.fixedGutter ? r.fixedPos : -r.gutterTotalWidth) + "px"); + if (e.display.input.setUneditable(a), i.insertBefore(a, t.text), t.line.gutterClass && (a.className += " " + t.line.gutterClass), !e.options.lineNumbers || o && o["CodeMirror-linenumbers"] || (t.lineNumber = a.appendChild(ji("div", S(e.options, n), "CodeMirror-linenumber CodeMirror-gutter-elt", "left: " + r.gutterLeft["CodeMirror-linenumbers"] + "px; width: " + e.display.lineNumInnerWidth + "px"))), o) for (var l = 0; l < e.options.gutters.length; ++l) { + var s = e.options.gutters[l], c = o.hasOwnProperty(s) && o[s]; + c && a.appendChild(ji("div", [c], "CodeMirror-gutter-elt", "left: " + r.gutterLeft[s] + "px; width: " + r.gutterWidth[s] + "px")) + } + } + } + + function j(e, t, n) { + t.alignable && (t.alignable = null); + for (var r, i = t.node.firstChild; i; i = r) { + var r = i.nextSibling; + "CodeMirror-linewidget" == i.className && t.node.removeChild(i) + } + q(e, t, n) + } + + function U(e, t, n, r) { + var i = B(e, t); + return t.text = t.node = i.pre, i.bgClass && (t.bgClass = i.bgClass), i.textClass && (t.textClass = i.textClass), F(t), z(e, t, n, r), q(e, t, r), t.node + } + + function q(e, t, n) { + if (G(e, t.line, t, n, !0), for (var r = 0; r <; r++) G(e,[r], t, n, !1) + } + + function G(e, t, n, r, i) { + if (t.widgets) for (var o = H(n), a = 0, l = t.widgets; a < l.length; ++a) { + var s = l[a], c = ji("div", [s.node], "CodeMirror-linewidget"); + s.handleMouseEvents || c.setAttribute("cm-ignore-events", "true"), Y(s, c, n, r), e.display.input.setUneditable(c), i && s.above ? o.insertBefore(c, n.gutter || n.text) : o.appendChild(c), Ci(s, "redraw") + } + } + + function Y(e, t, n, r) { + if (e.noHScroll) { + (n.alignable || (n.alignable = [])).push(t); + var i = r.wrapperWidth; + = r.fixedPos + "px", e.coverGutter || (i -= r.gutterTotalWidth, = r.gutterTotalWidth + "px"), = i + "px" + } + e.coverGutter && ( = 5, = "relative", e.noHScroll || ( = -r.gutterTotalWidth + "px")) + } + + function $(e) { + return Bo(e.line, + } + + function V(e, t) { + return _o(e, t) < 0 ? t : e + } + + function K(e, t) { + return _o(e, t) < 0 ? e : t + } + + function X(e) { + e.state.focused || (e.display.input.focus(), vn(e)) + } + + function Z(e, t, n, r, i) { + var o = e.doc; + e.display.shift = !1, r || (r = o.sel); + var a = e.state.pasteIncoming || "paste" == i, l = o.splitLines(t), s = null; + if (a && r.ranges.length > 1) if (Fo && Fo.text.join("\n") == t) { + if (r.ranges.length % Fo.text.length == 0) { + s = []; + for (var c = 0; c < Fo.text.length; c++) s.push(o.splitLines(Fo.text[c])) + } + } else l.length == r.ranges.length && (s = Ri(l, function (e) { + return [e] + })); + for (var c = r.ranges.length - 1; c >= 0; c--) { + var u = r.ranges[c], f = u.from(), h =; + u.empty() && (n && n > 0 ? f = Bo(f.line, - n) : e.state.overwrite && !a ? h = Bo(h.line, Math.min(Zr(o, h.line).text.length, + Ii(l).length)) : Fo && Fo.lineWise && Fo.text.join("\n") == t && (f = h = Bo(f.line, 0))); + var d = e.curOp.updateInput, p = { + from: f, + to: h, + text: s ? s[c % s.length] : l, + origin: i || (a ? "paste" : e.state.cutIncoming ? "cut" : "+input") + }; + Tn(e.doc, p), Ci(e, "inputRead", e, p) + } + t && !a && Q(e, t), Bn(e), e.curOp.updateInput = d, e.curOp.typing = !0, e.state.pasteIncoming = e.state.cutIncoming = !1 + } + + function J(e, t) { + var n = e.clipboardData && e.clipboardData.getData("text/plain"); + return n ? (e.preventDefault(), t.isReadOnly() || t.options.disableInput || At(t, function () { + Z(t, n, 0, null, "paste") + }), !0) : void 0 + } + + function Q(e, t) { + if (e.options.electricChars && e.options.smartIndent) for (var n = e.doc.sel, r = n.ranges.length - 1; r >= 0; r--) { + var i = n.ranges[r]; + if (!( > 100 || r && n.ranges[r - 1].head.line == i.head.line)) { + var o = e.getModeAt(i.head), a = !1; + if (o.electricChars) { + for (var l = 0; l < o.electricChars.length; l++) if (t.indexOf(o.electricChars.charAt(l)) > -1) { + a = Fn(e, i.head.line, "smart"); + break + } + } else o.electricInput && o.electricInput.test(Zr(e.doc, i.head.line).text.slice(0, && (a = Fn(e, i.head.line, "smart")); + a && Ci(e, "electricInput", e, i.head.line) + } + } + } + + function ee(e) { + for (var t = [], n = [], r = 0; r < e.doc.sel.ranges.length; r++) { + var i = e.doc.sel.ranges[r].head.line, o = {anchor: Bo(i, 0), head: Bo(i + 1, 0)}; + n.push(o), t.push(e.getRange(o.anchor, o.head)) + } + return {text: t, ranges: n} + } + + function te(e) { + e.setAttribute("autocorrect", "off"), e.setAttribute("autocapitalize", "off"), e.setAttribute("spellcheck", "false") + } + + function ne(e) { + = e, this.prevInput = "", this.pollingFast = !1, this.polling = new Ei, this.inaccurateSelection = !1, this.hasSelection = !1, this.composing = null + } + + function re() { + var e = ji("textarea", null, null, "position: absolute; padding: 0; width: 1px; height: 1em; outline: none"), + t = ji("div", [e], null, "overflow: hidden; position: relative; width: 3px; height: 0px;"); + return wo ? = "1000px" : e.setAttribute("wrap", "off"), No && ( = "1px solid black"), te(e), t + } + + function ie(e) { + = e, this.lastAnchorNode = this.lastAnchorOffset = this.lastFocusNode = this.lastFocusOffset = null, this.polling = new Ei, this.gracePeriod = !1 + } + + function oe(e, t) { + var n = Qe(e, t.line); + if (!n || n.hidden) return null; + var r = Zr(e.doc, t.line), i = Xe(n, r, t.line), o = ii(r), a = "left"; + if (o) { + var l = co(o,; + a = l % 2 ? "right" : "left" + } + var s = nt(,, a); + return s.offset = "right" == s.collapse ? s.end : s.start, s + } + + function ae(e, t) { + return t && (e.bad = !0), e + } + + function le(e, t, n) { + var r; + if (t == e.display.lineDiv) { + if (r = e.display.lineDiv.childNodes[n], !r) return ae(e.clipPos(Bo(e.display.viewTo - 1)), !0); + t = null, n = 0 + } else for (r = t; ; r = r.parentNode) { + if (!r || r == e.display.lineDiv) return null; + if (r.parentNode && r.parentNode == e.display.lineDiv) break + } + for (var i = 0; i < e.display.view.length; i++) { + var o = e.display.view[i]; + if (o.node == r) return se(o, t, n) + } + } + + function se(e, t, n) { + function r(t, n, r) { + for (var i = -1; i < (u ? u.length : 0); i++) for (var o = 0 > i ? : u[i], a = 0; a < o.length; a += 3) { + var l = o[a + 2]; + if (l == t || l == n) { + var s = ti(0 > i ? e.line :[i]), f = o[a] + r; + return (0 > r || l != t) && (f = o[a + (r ? 1 : 0)]), Bo(s, f) + } + } + } + + var i = e.text.firstChild, o = !1; + if (!t || !Va(i, t)) return ae(Bo(ti(e.line), 0), !0); + if (t == i && (o = !0, t = i.childNodes[n], n = 0, !t)) { + var a = ? Ii( : e.line; + return ae(Bo(ti(a), a.text.length), o) + } + var l = 3 == t.nodeType ? t : null, s = t; + for (l || 1 != t.childNodes.length || 3 != t.firstChild.nodeType || (l = t.firstChild, n && (n = l.nodeValue.length)); s.parentNode != i;) s = s.parentNode; + var c = e.measure, u = c.maps, f = r(l, s, n); + if (f) return ae(f, o); + for (var h = s.nextSibling, d = l ? l.nodeValue.length - n : 0; h; h = h.nextSibling) { + if (f = r(h, h.firstChild, 0)) return ae(Bo(f.line, - d), o); + d += h.textContent.length + } + for (var p = s.previousSibling, d = n; p; p = p.previousSibling) { + if (f = r(p, p.firstChild, -1)) return ae(Bo(f.line, + d), o); + d += h.textContent.length + } + } + + function ce(e, t, n, r, i) { + function o(e) { + return function (t) { + return == e + } + } + + function a(t) { + if (1 == t.nodeType) { + var n = t.getAttribute("cm-text"); + if (null != n) return "" == n && (n = t.textContent.replace(/\u200b/g, "")), void(l += n); + var u, f = t.getAttribute("cm-marker"); + if (f) { + var h = e.findMarks(Bo(r, 0), Bo(i + 1, 0), o(+f)); + return void(h.length && (u = h[0].find()) && (l += Jr(e.doc, u.from, + } + if ("false" == t.getAttribute("contenteditable")) return; + for (var d = 0; d < t.childNodes.length; d++) a(t.childNodes[d]); + /^(pre|div|p)$/i.test(t.nodeName) && (s = !0) + } else if (3 == t.nodeType) { + var p = t.nodeValue; + if (!p) return; + s && (l += c, s = !1), l += p + } + } + + for (var l = "", s = !1, c = e.doc.lineSeparator(); a(t), t != n;) t = t.nextSibling; + return l + } + + function ue(e, t) { + this.ranges = e, this.primIndex = t + } + + function fe(e, t) { + this.anchor = e, this.head = t + } + + function he(e, t) { + var n = e[t]; + e.sort(function (e, t) { + return _o(e.from(), t.from()) + }), t = Pi(e, n); + for (var r = 1; r < e.length; r++) { + var i = e[r], o = e[r - 1]; + if (_o(, i.from()) >= 0) { + var a = K(o.from(), i.from()), l = V(,, + s = o.empty() ? i.from() == i.head : o.from() == o.head; + t >= r && --t, e.splice(--r, 2, new fe(s ? l : a, s ? a : l)) + } + } + return new ue(e, t) + } + + function de(e, t) { + return new ue([new fe(e, t || e)], 0) + } + + function pe(e, t) { + return Math.max(e.first, Math.min(t, e.first + e.size - 1)) + } + + function me(e, t) { + if (t.line < e.first) return Bo(e.first, 0); + var n = e.first + e.size - 1; + return t.line > n ? Bo(n, Zr(e, n).text.length) : ge(t, Zr(e, t.line).text.length) + } + + function ge(e, t) { + var n =; + return null == n || n > t ? Bo(e.line, t) : 0 > n ? Bo(e.line, 0) : e + } + + function ve(e, t) { + return t >= e.first && t < e.first + e.size + } + + function ye(e, t) { + for (var n = [], r = 0; r < t.length; r++) n[r] = me(e, t[r]); + return n + } + + function xe(e, t, n, r) { + if ( && || e.extend) { + var i = t.anchor; + if (r) { + var o = _o(n, i) < 0; + o != _o(r, i) < 0 ? (i = n, n = r) : o != _o(n, r) < 0 && (n = r) + } + return new fe(i, n) + } + return new fe(r || n, n) + } + + function be(e, t, n, r) { + Te(e, new ue([xe(e, e.sel.primary(), t, n)], 0), r) + } + + function we(e, t, n) { + for (var r = [], i = 0; i < e.sel.ranges.length; i++) r[i] = xe(e, e.sel.ranges[i], t[i], null); + var o = he(r, e.sel.primIndex); + Te(e, o, n) + } + + function ke(e, t, n, r) { + var i = e.sel.ranges.slice(0); + i[t] = n, Te(e, he(i, e.sel.primIndex), r) + } + + function Se(e, t, n, r) { + Te(e, de(t, n), r) + } + + function Ce(e, t, n) { + var r = { + ranges: t.ranges, update: function (t) { + this.ranges = []; + for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) this.ranges[n] = new fe(me(e, t[n].anchor), me(e, t[n].head)) + }, origin: n && n.origin + }; + return Pa(e, "beforeSelectionChange", e, r), && Pa(, "beforeSelectionChange",, r), r.ranges != t.ranges ? he(r.ranges, r.ranges.length - 1) : t + } + + function Le(e, t, n) { + var r = e.history.done, i = Ii(r); + i && i.ranges ? (r[r.length - 1] = t, Me(e, t, n)) : Te(e, t, n) + } + + function Te(e, t, n) { + Me(e, t, n), fi(e, e.sel, ? : NaN, n) + } + + function Me(e, t, n) { + (Ni(e, "beforeSelectionChange") || && Ni(, "beforeSelectionChange")) && (t = Ce(e, t, n)); + var r = n && n.bias || (_o(t.primary().head, e.sel.primary().head) < 0 ? -1 : 1); + Ne(e, Ee(e, t, r, !0)), n && n.scroll === !1 || ! || Bn( + } + + function Ne(e, t) { + t.equals(e.sel) || (e.sel = t, && ( = = !0, Mi(, Ci(e, "cursorActivity", e)) + } + + function Ae(e) { + Ne(e, Ee(e, e.sel, null, !1), Wa) + } + + function Ee(e, t, n, r) { + for (var i, o = 0; o < t.ranges.length; o++) { + var a = t.ranges[o], l = t.ranges.length == e.sel.ranges.length && e.sel.ranges[o], + s = Ie(e, a.anchor, l && l.anchor, n, r), c = Ie(e, a.head, l && l.head, n, r); + (i || s != a.anchor || c != a.head) && (i || (i = t.ranges.slice(0, o)), i[o] = new fe(s, c)) + } + return i ? he(i, t.primIndex) : t + } + + function Oe(e, t, n, r, i) { + var o = Zr(e, t.line); + if (o.markedSpans) for (var a = 0; a < o.markedSpans.length; ++a) { + var l = o.markedSpans[a], s = l.marker; + if ((null == l.from || (s.inclusiveLeft ? l.from <= : l.from < && (null == || (s.inclusiveRight ? >= : > { + if (i && (Pa(s, "beforeCursorEnter"), s.explicitlyCleared)) { + if (o.markedSpans) { + --a; + continue + } + break + } + if (!s.atomic) continue; + if (n) { + var c, u = s.find(0 > r ? 1 : -1); + if ((0 > r ? s.inclusiveRight : s.inclusiveLeft) && (u = Pe(e, u, -r, u && u.line == t.line ? o : null)), u && u.line == t.line && (c = _o(u, n)) && (0 > r ? 0 > c : c > 0)) return Oe(e, u, t, r, i) + } + var f = s.find(0 > r ? -1 : 1); + return (0 > r ? s.inclusiveLeft : s.inclusiveRight) && (f = Pe(e, f, r, f.line == t.line ? o : null)), f ? Oe(e, f, t, r, i) : null + } + } + return t + } + + function Ie(e, t, n, r, i) { + var o = r || 1, + a = Oe(e, t, n, o, i) || !i && Oe(e, t, n, o, !0) || Oe(e, t, n, -o, i) || !i && Oe(e, t, n, -o, !0); + return a ? a : (e.cantEdit = !0, Bo(e.first, 0)) + } + + function Pe(e, t, n, r) { + return 0 > n && 0 == ? t.line > e.first ? me(e, Bo(t.line - 1)) : null : n > 0 && == (r || Zr(e, t.line)).text.length ? t.line < e.first + e.size - 1 ? Bo(t.line + 1, 0) : null : new Bo(t.line, + n) + } + + function Re(e) { + e.display.input.showSelection(e.display.input.prepareSelection()) + } + + function De(e, t) { + for (var n = e.doc, r = {}, i = r.cursors = document.createDocumentFragment(), o = r.selection = document.createDocumentFragment(), a = 0; a < n.sel.ranges.length; a++) if (t !== !1 || a != n.sel.primIndex) { + var l = n.sel.ranges[a]; + if (!(l.from().line >= e.display.viewTo || < e.display.viewFrom)) { + var s = l.empty(); + (s || e.options.showCursorWhenSelecting) && He(e, l.head, i), s || We(e, l, o) + } + } + return r + } + + function He(e, t, n) { + var r = dt(e, t, "div", null, null, !e.options.singleCursorHeightPerLine), + i = n.appendChild(ji("div", " ", "CodeMirror-cursor")); + if ( = r.left + "px", = + "px", = Math.max(0, r.bottom - * e.options.cursorHeight + "px", r.other) { + var o = n.appendChild(ji("div", " ", "CodeMirror-cursor CodeMirror-secondarycursor")); + = "", = r.other.left + "px", = + "px", = .85 * (r.other.bottom - + "px" + } + } + + function We(e, t, n) { + function r(e, t, n, r) { + 0 > t && (t = 0), t = Math.round(t), r = Math.round(r), l.appendChild(ji("div", null, "CodeMirror-selected", "position: absolute; left: " + e + "px; top: " + t + "px; width: " + (null == n ? u - e : n) + "px; height: " + (r - t) + "px")) + } + + function i(t, n, i) { + function o(n, r) { + return ht(e, Bo(t, n), "div", f, r) + } + + var l, s, f = Zr(a, t), h = f.text.length; + return eo(ii(f), n || 0, null == i ? h : i, function (e, t, a) { + var f, d, p, m = o(e, "left"); + if (e == t) f = m, d = p = m.left; else { + if (f = o(t - 1, "right"), "rtl" == a) { + var g = m; + m = f, f = g + } + d = m.left, p = f.right + } + null == n && 0 == e && (d = c), - > 3 && (r(d,, null, m.bottom), d = c, m.bottom < && r(d, m.bottom, null,, null == i && t == h && (p = u), (!l || < || == && m.left < l.left) && (l = m), (!s || f.bottom > s.bottom || f.bottom == s.bottom && f.right > s.right) && (s = f), c + 1 > d && (d = c), r(d,, p - d, f.bottom) + }), {start: l, end: s} + } + + var o = e.display, a = e.doc, l = document.createDocumentFragment(), s = Ge(e.display), c = s.left, + u = Math.max(o.sizerWidth, $e(e) - o.sizer.offsetLeft) - s.right, f = t.from(), h =; + if (f.line == h.line) i(f.line,,; else { + var d = Zr(a, f.line), p = Zr(a, h.line), m = yr(d) == yr(p), + g = i(f.line,, m ? d.text.length + 1 : null).end, + v = i(h.line, m ? 0 : null,; + m && ( < - 2 ? (r(g.right,, null, g.bottom), r(c,, v.left, v.bottom)) : r(g.right,, v.left - g.right, g.bottom)), g.bottom < && r(c, g.bottom, null, + } + n.appendChild(l) + } + + function Be(e) { + if (e.state.focused) { + var t = e.display; + clearInterval(t.blinker); + var n = !0; + = "", e.options.cursorBlinkRate > 0 ? t.blinker = setInterval(function () { + = (n = !n) ? "" : "hidden" + }, e.options.cursorBlinkRate) : e.options.cursorBlinkRate < 0 && ( = "hidden") + } + } + + function _e(e, t) { + e.doc.mode.startState && < e.display.viewTo && e.state.highlight.set(t, Bi(Fe, e)) + } + + function Fe(e) { + var t = e.doc; + if ( < t.first && ( = t.first), !( >= e.display.viewTo)) { + var n = +new Date + e.options.workTime, r = sa(t.mode, je(e,, i = []; + t.iter(, Math.min(t.first + t.size, e.display.viewTo + 500), function (o) { + if ( >= e.display.viewFrom) { + var a = o.styles, l = o.text.length > e.options.maxHighlightLength, + s = Rr(e, o, l ? sa(t.mode, r) : r, !0); + o.styles = s.styles; + var c = o.styleClasses, u = s.classes; + u ? o.styleClasses = u : c && (o.styleClasses = null); + for (var f = !a || a.length != o.styles.length || c != u && (!c || !u || c.bgClass != u.bgClass || c.textClass != u.textClass), h = 0; !f && h < a.length; ++h) f = a[h] != o.styles[h]; + f && i.push(, o.stateAfter = l ? r : sa(t.mode, r) + } else o.text.length <= e.options.maxHighlightLength && Hr(e, o.text, r), o.stateAfter = % 5 == 0 ? sa(t.mode, r) : null; + return, +new Date > n ? (_e(e, e.options.workDelay), !0) : void 0 + }), i.length && At(e, function () { + for (var t = 0; t < i.length; t++) Ht(e, i[t], "text") + }) + } + } + + function ze(e, t, n) { + for (var r, i, o = e.doc, a = n ? -1 : t - (e.doc.mode.innerMode ? 1e3 : 100), l = t; l > a; --l) { + if (l <= o.first) return o.first; + var s = Zr(o, l - 1); + if (s.stateAfter && (!n || l <= return l; + var c = Fa(s.text, null, e.options.tabSize); + (null == i || r > c) && (i = l - 1, r = c) + } + return i + } + + function je(e, t, n) { + var r = e.doc, i = e.display; + if (!r.mode.startState) return !0; + var o = ze(e, t, n), a = o > r.first && Zr(r, o - 1).stateAfter; + return a = a ? sa(r.mode, a) : ca(r.mode), r.iter(o, t, function (n) { + Hr(e, n.text, a); + var l = o == t - 1 || o % 5 == 0 || o >= i.viewFrom && o < i.viewTo; + n.stateAfter = l ? sa(r.mode, a) : null, ++o + }), n && ( = o), a + } + + function Ue(e) { + return e.lineSpace.offsetTop + } + + function qe(e) { + return e.mover.offsetHeight - e.lineSpace.offsetHeight + } + + function Ge(e) { + if (e.cachedPaddingH) return e.cachedPaddingH; + var t = qi(e.measure, ji("pre", "x")), + n = window.getComputedStyle ? window.getComputedStyle(t) : t.currentStyle, + r = {left: parseInt(n.paddingLeft), right: parseInt(n.paddingRight)}; + return isNaN(r.left) || isNaN(r.right) || (e.cachedPaddingH = r), r + } + + function Ye(e) { + return Da - e.display.nativeBarWidth + } + + function $e(e) { + return e.display.scroller.clientWidth - Ye(e) - e.display.barWidth + } + + function Ve(e) { + return e.display.scroller.clientHeight - Ye(e) - e.display.barHeight + } + + function Ke(e, t, n) { + var r = e.options.lineWrapping, i = r && $e(e); + if (!t.measure.heights || r && t.measure.width != i) { + var o = t.measure.heights = []; + if (r) { + t.measure.width = i; + for (var a = t.text.firstChild.getClientRects(), l = 0; l < a.length - 1; l++) { + var s = a[l], c = a[l + 1]; + Math.abs(s.bottom - c.bottom) > 2 && o.push((s.bottom + / 2 - + } + } + o.push(n.bottom - + } + } + + function Xe(e, t, n) { + if (e.line == t) return {map:, cache: e.measure.cache}; + for (var r = 0; r <; r++) if ([r] == t) return { + map: e.measure.maps[r], + cache: e.measure.caches[r] + }; + for (var r = 0; r <; r++) if (ti([r]) > n) return { + map: e.measure.maps[r], + cache: e.measure.caches[r], + before: !0 + } + } + + function Ze(e, t) { + t = yr(t); + var n = ti(t), r = e.display.externalMeasured = new Pt(e.doc, t, n); + r.lineN = n; + var i = r.built = Br(e, r); + return r.text = i.pre, qi(e.display.lineMeasure, i.pre), r + } + + function Je(e, t, n, r) { + return tt(e, et(e, t), n, r) + } + + function Qe(e, t) { + if (t >= e.display.viewFrom && t < e.display.viewTo) return e.display.view[Bt(e, t)]; + var n = e.display.externalMeasured; + return n && t >= n.lineN && t < n.lineN + n.size ? n : void 0 + } + + function et(e, t) { + var n = ti(t), r = Qe(e, n); + r && !r.text ? r = null : r && r.changes && (D(e, r, n, P(e)), e.curOp.forceUpdate = !0), r || (r = Ze(e, t)); + var i = Xe(r, t, n); + return {line: t, view: r, rect: null, map:, cache: i.cache, before: i.before, hasHeights: !1} + } + + function tt(e, t, n, r, i) { + t.before && (n = -1); + var o, a = n + (r || ""); + return t.cache.hasOwnProperty(a) ? o = t.cache[a] : (t.rect || (t.rect = t.view.text.getBoundingClientRect()), t.hasHeights || (Ke(e, t.view, t.rect), t.hasHeights = !0), o = rt(e, t, n, r), o.bogus || (t.cache[a] = o)), { + left: o.left, + right: o.right, + top: i ? o.rtop :, + bottom: i ? o.rbottom : o.bottom + } + } + + function nt(e, t, n) { + for (var r, i, o, a, l = 0; l < e.length; l += 3) { + var s = e[l], c = e[l + 1]; + if (s > t ? (i = 0, o = 1, a = "left") : c > t ? (i = t - s, o = i + 1) : (l == e.length - 3 || t == c && e[l + 3] > t) && (o = c - s, i = o - 1, t >= c && (a = "right")), null != i) { + if (r = e[l + 2], s == c && n == (r.insertLeft ? "left" : "right") && (a = n), "left" == n && 0 == i) for (; l && e[l - 2] == e[l - 3] && e[l - 1].insertLeft;) r = e[(l -= 3) + 2], a = "left"; + if ("right" == n && i == c - s) for (; l < e.length - 3 && e[l + 3] == e[l + 4] && !e[l + 5].insertLeft;) r = e[(l += 3) + 2], a = "right"; + break + } + } + return {node: r, start: i, end: o, collapse: a, coverStart: s, coverEnd: c} + } + + function rt(e, t, n, r) { + var i, o = nt(, n, r), a = o.node, l = o.start, s = o.end, c = o.collapse; + if (3 == a.nodeType) { + for (var u = 0; 4 > u; u++) { + for (; l && zi(t.line.text.charAt(o.coverStart + l));) --l; + for (; o.coverStart + s < o.coverEnd && zi(t.line.text.charAt(o.coverStart + s));) ++s; + if (xo && 9 > bo && 0 == l && s == o.coverEnd - o.coverStart) i = a.parentNode.getBoundingClientRect(); else if (xo && e.options.lineWrapping) { + var f = qa(a, l, s).getClientRects(); + i = f.length ? f["right" == r ? f.length - 1 : 0] : qo + } else i = qa(a, l, s).getBoundingClientRect() || qo; + if (i.left || i.right || 0 == l) break; + s = l, l -= 1, c = "right" + } + xo && 11 > bo && (i = it(e.display.measure, i)) + } else { + l > 0 && (c = r = "right"); + var f; + i = e.options.lineWrapping && (f = a.getClientRects()).length > 1 ? f["right" == r ? f.length - 1 : 0] : a.getBoundingClientRect() + } + if (xo && 9 > bo && !l && (!i || !i.left && !i.right)) { + var h = a.parentNode.getClientRects()[0]; + i = h ? {left: h.left, right: h.left + xt(e.display), top:, bottom: h.bottom} : qo + } + for (var d = -, p = i.bottom -, m = (d + p) / 2, g = t.view.measure.heights, u = 0; u < g.length - 1 && !(m < g[u]); u++) ; + var v = u ? g[u - 1] : 0, y = g[u], x = { + left: ("right" == c ? i.right : i.left) - t.rect.left, + right: ("left" == c ? i.left : i.right) - t.rect.left, + top: v, + bottom: y + }; + return i.left || i.right || (x.bogus = !0), e.options.singleCursorHeightPerLine || (x.rtop = d, x.rbottom = p), x + } + + function it(e, t) { + if (!window.screen || null == screen.logicalXDPI || screen.logicalXDPI == screen.deviceXDPI || !Qi(e)) return t; + var n = screen.logicalXDPI / screen.deviceXDPI, r = screen.logicalYDPI / screen.deviceYDPI; + return {left: t.left * n, right: t.right * n, top: * r, bottom: t.bottom * r} + } + + function ot(e) { + if (e.measure && (e.measure.cache = {}, e.measure.heights = null, for (var t = 0; t <; t++) e.measure.caches[t] = {} + } + + function at(e) { + e.display.externalMeasure = null, Ui(e.display.lineMeasure); + for (var t = 0; t < e.display.view.length; t++) ot(e.display.view[t]) + } + + function lt(e) { + at(e), e.display.cachedCharWidth = e.display.cachedTextHeight = e.display.cachedPaddingH = null, e.options.lineWrapping || (e.display.maxLineChanged = !0), e.display.lineNumChars = null + } + + function st() { + return window.pageXOffset || (document.documentElement || document.body).scrollLeft + } + + function ct() { + return window.pageYOffset || (document.documentElement || document.body).scrollTop + } + + function ut(e, t, n, r) { + if (t.widgets) for (var i = 0; i < t.widgets.length; ++i) if (t.widgets[i].above) { + var o = Lr(t.widgets[i]); + += o, n.bottom += o + } + if ("line" == r) return n; + r || (r = "local"); + var a = ri(t); + if ("local" == r ? a += Ue(e.display) : a -= e.display.viewOffset, "page" == r || "window" == r) { + var l = e.display.lineSpace.getBoundingClientRect(); + a += + ("window" == r ? 0 : ct()); + var s = l.left + ("window" == r ? 0 : st()); + n.left += s, n.right += s + } + return += a, n.bottom += a, n + } + + function ft(e, t, n) { + if ("div" == n) return t; + var r = t.left, i =; + if ("page" == n) r -= st(), + i -= ct(); else if ("local" == n || !n) { + var o = e.display.sizer.getBoundingClientRect(); + r += o.left, i += + } + var a = e.display.lineSpace.getBoundingClientRect(); + return {left: r - a.left, top: i -} + } + + function ht(e, t, n, r, i) { + return r || (r = Zr(e.doc, t.line)), ut(e, r, Je(e, r,, i), n) + } + + function dt(e, t, n, r, i, o) { + function a(t, a) { + var l = tt(e, i, t, a ? "right" : "left", o); + return a ? l.left = l.right : l.right = l.left, ut(e, r, l, n) + } + + function l(e, t) { + var n = s[t], r = n.level % 2; + return e == to(n) && t && n.level < s[t - 1].level ? (n = s[--t], e = no(n) - (n.level % 2 ? 0 : 1), r = !0) : e == no(n) && t < s.length - 1 && n.level < s[t + 1].level && (n = s[++t], e = to(n) - n.level % 2, r = !1), r && e == && e > n.from ? a(e - 1) : a(e, r) + } + + r = r || Zr(e.doc, t.line), i || (i = et(e, r)); + var s = ii(r), c =; + if (!s) return a(c); + var u = co(s, c), f = l(c, u); + return null != al && (f.other = l(c, al)), f + } + + function pt(e, t) { + var n = 0, t = me(e.doc, t); + e.options.lineWrapping || (n = xt(e.display) *; + var r = Zr(e.doc, t.line), i = ri(r) + Ue(e.display); + return {left: n, right: n, top: i, bottom: i + r.height} + } + + function mt(e, t, n, r) { + var i = Bo(e, t); + return i.xRel = r, n && (i.outside = !0), i + } + + function gt(e, t, n) { + var r = e.doc; + if (n += e.display.viewOffset, 0 > n) return mt(r.first, 0, !0, -1); + var i = ni(r, n), o = r.first + r.size - 1; + if (i > o) return mt(r.first + r.size - 1, Zr(r, o).text.length, !0, 1); + 0 > t && (t = 0); + for (var a = Zr(r, i); ;) { + var l = vt(e, a, i, t, n), s = gr(a), c = s && s.find(0, !0); + if (!s || !( > || == && l.xRel > 0)) return l; + i = ti(a = + } + } + + function vt(e, t, n, r, i) { + function o(r) { + var i = dt(e, Bo(n, r), "line", t, c); + return l = !0, a > i.bottom ? i.left - s : a < ? i.left + s : (l = !1, i.left) + } + + var a = i - ri(t), l = !1, s = 2 * e.display.wrapper.clientWidth, c = et(e, t), u = ii(t), + f = t.text.length, h = ro(t), d = io(t), p = o(h), m = l, g = o(d), v = l; + if (r > g) return mt(n, d, v, 1); + for (; ;) { + if (u ? d == h || d == fo(t, h, 1) : 1 >= d - h) { + for (var y = p > r || g - r >= r - p ? h : d, x = r - (y == h ? p : g); zi(t.text.charAt(y));) ++y; + var b = mt(n, y, y == h ? m : v, -1 > x ? -1 : x > 1 ? 1 : 0); + return b + } + var w = Math.ceil(f / 2), k = h + w; + if (u) { + k = h; + for (var S = 0; w > S; ++S) k = fo(t, k, 1) + } + var C = o(k); + C > r ? (d = k, g = C, (v = l) && (g += 1e3), f = w) : (h = k, p = C, m = l, f -= w) + } + } + + function yt(e) { + if (null != e.cachedTextHeight) return e.cachedTextHeight; + if (null == zo) { + zo = ji("pre"); + for (var t = 0; 49 > t; ++t) zo.appendChild(document.createTextNode("x")), zo.appendChild(ji("br")); + zo.appendChild(document.createTextNode("x")) + } + qi(e.measure, zo); + var n = zo.offsetHeight / 50; + return n > 3 && (e.cachedTextHeight = n), Ui(e.measure), n || 1 + } + + function xt(e) { + if (null != e.cachedCharWidth) return e.cachedCharWidth; + var t = ji("span", "xxxxxxxxxx"), n = ji("pre", [t]); + qi(e.measure, n); + var r = t.getBoundingClientRect(), i = (r.right - r.left) / 10; + return i > 2 && (e.cachedCharWidth = i), i || 10 + } + + function bt(e) { + e.curOp = { + cm: e, + viewChanged: !1, + startHeight: e.doc.height, + forceUpdate: !1, + updateInput: null, + typing: !1, + changeObjs: null, + cursorActivityHandlers: null, + cursorActivityCalled: 0, + selectionChanged: !1, + updateMaxLine: !1, + scrollLeft: null, + scrollTop: null, + scrollToPos: null, + focus: !1, + id: ++Yo + }, Go ? Go.ops.push(e.curOp) : e.curOp.ownsGroup = Go = {ops: [e.curOp], delayedCallbacks: []} + } + + function wt(e) { + var t = e.delayedCallbacks, n = 0; + do { + for (; n < t.length; n++) t[n].call(null); + for (var r = 0; r < e.ops.length; r++) { + var i = e.ops[r]; + if (i.cursorActivityHandlers) for (; i.cursorActivityCalled < i.cursorActivityHandlers.length;) i.cursorActivityHandlers[i.cursorActivityCalled++].call(null, + } + } while (n < t.length) + } + + function kt(e) { + var t = e.curOp, n = t.ownsGroup; + if (n) try { + wt(n) + } finally { + Go = null; + for (var r = 0; r < n.ops.length; r++) n.ops[r].cm.curOp = null; + St(n) + } + } + + function St(e) { + for (var t = e.ops, n = 0; n < t.length; n++) Ct(t[n]); + for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) Lt(t[n]); + for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) Tt(t[n]); + for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) Mt(t[n]); + for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) Nt(t[n]) + } + + function Ct(e) { + var t =, n = t.display; + T(t), e.updateMaxLine && h(t), e.mustUpdate = e.viewChanged || e.forceUpdate || null != e.scrollTop || e.scrollToPos && (e.scrollToPos.from.line < n.viewFrom || >= n.viewTo) || n.maxLineChanged && t.options.lineWrapping, e.update = e.mustUpdate && new L(t, e.mustUpdate && { + top: e.scrollTop, + ensure: e.scrollToPos + }, e.forceUpdate) + } + + function Lt(e) { + e.updatedDisplay = e.mustUpdate && M(, e.update) + } + + function Tt(e) { + var t =, n = t.display; + e.updatedDisplay && O(t), e.barMeasure = p(t), n.maxLineChanged && !t.options.lineWrapping && (e.adjustWidthTo = Je(t, n.maxLine, n.maxLine.text.length).left + 3, t.display.sizerWidth = e.adjustWidthTo, e.barMeasure.scrollWidth = Math.max(n.scroller.clientWidth, n.sizer.offsetLeft + e.adjustWidthTo + Ye(t) + t.display.barWidth), e.maxScrollLeft = Math.max(0, n.sizer.offsetLeft + e.adjustWidthTo - $e(t))), (e.updatedDisplay || e.selectionChanged) && (e.preparedSelection = n.input.prepareSelection(e.focus)) + } + + function Mt(e) { + var t =; + null != e.adjustWidthTo && ( = e.adjustWidthTo + "px", e.maxScrollLeft < t.doc.scrollLeft && on(t, Math.min(t.display.scroller.scrollLeft, e.maxScrollLeft), !0), t.display.maxLineChanged = !1); + var n = e.focus && e.focus == Gi() && (!document.hasFocus || document.hasFocus()); + e.preparedSelection && t.display.input.showSelection(e.preparedSelection, n), (e.updatedDisplay || e.startHeight != t.doc.height) && y(t, e.barMeasure), e.updatedDisplay && E(t, e.barMeasure), e.selectionChanged && Be(t), t.state.focused && e.updateInput && t.display.input.reset(e.typing), n && X( + } + + function Nt(e) { + var t =, n = t.display, r = t.doc; + if (e.updatedDisplay && N(t, e.update), null == n.wheelStartX || null == e.scrollTop && null == e.scrollLeft && !e.scrollToPos || (n.wheelStartX = n.wheelStartY = null), null == e.scrollTop || n.scroller.scrollTop == e.scrollTop && !e.forceScroll || (r.scrollTop = Math.max(0, Math.min(n.scroller.scrollHeight - n.scroller.clientHeight, e.scrollTop)), n.scrollbars.setScrollTop(r.scrollTop), n.scroller.scrollTop = r.scrollTop), null == e.scrollLeft || n.scroller.scrollLeft == e.scrollLeft && !e.forceScroll || (r.scrollLeft = Math.max(0, Math.min(n.scroller.scrollWidth - n.scroller.clientWidth, e.scrollLeft)), n.scrollbars.setScrollLeft(r.scrollLeft), n.scroller.scrollLeft = r.scrollLeft, w(t)), e.scrollToPos) { + var i = Rn(t, me(r, e.scrollToPos.from), me(r,, e.scrollToPos.margin); + e.scrollToPos.isCursor && t.state.focused && Pn(t, i) + } + var o = e.maybeHiddenMarkers, a = e.maybeUnhiddenMarkers; + if (o) for (var l = 0; l < o.length; ++l) o[l].lines.length || Pa(o[l], "hide"); + if (a) for (var l = 0; l < a.length; ++l) a[l].lines.length && Pa(a[l], "unhide"); + n.wrapper.offsetHeight && (r.scrollTop = t.display.scroller.scrollTop), e.changeObjs && Pa(t, "changes", t, e.changeObjs), e.update && e.update.finish() + } + + function At(e, t) { + if (e.curOp) return t(); + bt(e); + try { + return t() + } finally { + kt(e) + } + } + + function Et(e, t) { + return function () { + if (e.curOp) return t.apply(e, arguments); + bt(e); + try { + return t.apply(e, arguments) + } finally { + kt(e) + } + } + } + + function Ot(e) { + return function () { + if (this.curOp) return e.apply(this, arguments); + bt(this); + try { + return e.apply(this, arguments) + } finally { + kt(this) + } + } + } + + function It(e) { + return function () { + var t =; + if (!t || t.curOp) return e.apply(this, arguments); + bt(t); + try { + return e.apply(this, arguments) + } finally { + kt(t) + } + } + } + + function Pt(e, t, n) { + this.line = t, = xr(t), this.size = ? ti(Ii( - n + 1 : 1, this.node = this.text = null, this.hidden = kr(e, t) + } + + function Rt(e, t, n) { + for (var r, i = [], o = t; n > o; o = r) { + var a = new Pt(e.doc, Zr(e.doc, o), o); + r = o + a.size, i.push(a) + } + return i + } + + function Dt(e, t, n, r) { + null == t && (t = e.doc.first), null == n && (n = e.doc.first + e.doc.size), r || (r = 0); + var i = e.display; + if (r && n < i.viewTo && (null == i.updateLineNumbers || i.updateLineNumbers > t) && (i.updateLineNumbers = t), e.curOp.viewChanged = !0, t >= i.viewTo) Wo && br(e.doc, t) < i.viewTo && Wt(e); else if (n <= i.viewFrom) Wo && wr(e.doc, n + r) > i.viewFrom ? Wt(e) : (i.viewFrom += r, i.viewTo += r); else if (t <= i.viewFrom && n >= i.viewTo) Wt(e); else if (t <= i.viewFrom) { + var o = _t(e, n, n + r, 1); + o ? (i.view = i.view.slice(o.index), i.viewFrom = o.lineN, i.viewTo += r) : Wt(e) + } else if (n >= i.viewTo) { + var o = _t(e, t, t, -1); + o ? (i.view = i.view.slice(0, o.index), i.viewTo = o.lineN) : Wt(e) + } else { + var a = _t(e, t, t, -1), l = _t(e, n, n + r, 1); + a && l ? (i.view = i.view.slice(0, a.index).concat(Rt(e, a.lineN, l.lineN)).concat(i.view.slice(l.index)), i.viewTo += r) : Wt(e) + } + var s = i.externalMeasured; + s && (n < s.lineN ? s.lineN += r : t < s.lineN + s.size && (i.externalMeasured = null)) + } + + function Ht(e, t, n) { + e.curOp.viewChanged = !0; + var r = e.display, i = e.display.externalMeasured; + if (i && t >= i.lineN && t < i.lineN + i.size && (r.externalMeasured = null), !(t < r.viewFrom || t >= r.viewTo)) { + var o = r.view[Bt(e, t)]; + if (null != o.node) { + var a = o.changes || (o.changes = []); + -1 == Pi(a, n) && a.push(n) + } + } + } + + function Wt(e) { + e.display.viewFrom = e.display.viewTo = e.doc.first, e.display.view = [], e.display.viewOffset = 0 + } + + function Bt(e, t) { + if (t >= e.display.viewTo) return null; + if (t -= e.display.viewFrom, 0 > t) return null; + for (var n = e.display.view, r = 0; r < n.length; r++) if (t -= n[r].size, 0 > t) return r + } + + function _t(e, t, n, r) { + var i, o = Bt(e, t), a = e.display.view; + if (!Wo || n == e.doc.first + e.doc.size) return {index: o, lineN: n}; + for (var l = 0, s = e.display.viewFrom; o > l; l++) s += a[l].size; + if (s != t) { + if (r > 0) { + if (o == a.length - 1) return null; + i = s + a[o].size - t, o++ + } else i = s - t; + t += i, n += i + } + for (; br(e.doc, n) != n;) { + if (o == (0 > r ? 0 : a.length - 1)) return null; + n += r * a[o - (0 > r ? 1 : 0)].size, o += r + } + return {index: o, lineN: n} + } + + function Ft(e, t, n) { + var r = e.display, i = r.view; + 0 == i.length || t >= r.viewTo || n <= r.viewFrom ? (r.view = Rt(e, t, n), r.viewFrom = t) : (r.viewFrom > t ? r.view = Rt(e, t, r.viewFrom).concat(r.view) : r.viewFrom < t && (r.view = r.view.slice(Bt(e, t))), r.viewFrom = t, r.viewTo < n ? r.view = r.view.concat(Rt(e, r.viewTo, n)) : r.viewTo > n && (r.view = r.view.slice(0, Bt(e, n)))), r.viewTo = n + } + + function zt(e) { + for (var t = e.display.view, n = 0, r = 0; r < t.length; r++) { + var i = t[r]; + i.hidden || i.node && !i.changes || ++n + } + return n + } + + function jt(e) { + function t() { + i.activeTouch && (o = setTimeout(function () { + i.activeTouch = null + }, 1e3), a = i.activeTouch, a.end = +new Date) + } + + function n(e) { + if (1 != e.touches.length) return !1; + var t = e.touches[0]; + return t.radiusX <= 1 && t.radiusY <= 1 + } + + function r(e, t) { + if (null == t.left) return !0; + var n = t.left - e.left, r = -; + return n * n + r * r > 400 + } + + var i = e.display; + Ea(i.scroller, "mousedown", Et(e, $t)), xo && 11 > bo ? Ea(i.scroller, "dblclick", Et(e, function (t) { + if (!Ti(e, t)) { + var n = Yt(e, t); + if (n && !Jt(e, t) && !Gt(e.display, t)) { + Ma(t); + var r = e.findWordAt(n); + be(e.doc, r.anchor, r.head) + } + } + })) : Ea(i.scroller, "dblclick", function (t) { + Ti(e, t) || Ma(t) + }), Do || Ea(i.scroller, "contextmenu", function (t) { + xn(e, t) + }); + var o, a = {end: 0}; + Ea(i.scroller, "touchstart", function (t) { + if (!Ti(e, t) && !n(t)) { + clearTimeout(o); + var r = +new Date; + i.activeTouch = { + start: r, + moved: !1, + prev: r - a.end <= 300 ? a : null + }, 1 == t.touches.length && (i.activeTouch.left = t.touches[0].pageX, = t.touches[0].pageY) + } + }), Ea(i.scroller, "touchmove", function () { + i.activeTouch && (i.activeTouch.moved = !0) + }), Ea(i.scroller, "touchend", function (n) { + var o = i.activeTouch; + if (o && !Gt(i, n) && null != o.left && !o.moved && new Date - o.start < 300) { + var a, l = e.coordsChar(i.activeTouch, "page"); + a = !o.prev || r(o, o.prev) ? new fe(l, l) : !o.prev.prev || r(o, o.prev.prev) ? e.findWordAt(l) : new fe(Bo(l.line, 0), me(e.doc, Bo(l.line + 1, 0))), e.setSelection(a.anchor, a.head), e.focus(), Ma(n) + } + t() + }), Ea(i.scroller, "touchcancel", t), Ea(i.scroller, "scroll", function () { + i.scroller.clientHeight && (rn(e, i.scroller.scrollTop), on(e, i.scroller.scrollLeft, !0), Pa(e, "scroll", e)) + }), Ea(i.scroller, "mousewheel", function (t) { + an(e, t) + }), Ea(i.scroller, "DOMMouseScroll", function (t) { + an(e, t) + }), Ea(i.wrapper, "scroll", function () { + i.wrapper.scrollTop = i.wrapper.scrollLeft = 0 + }), i.dragFunctions = { + enter: function (t) { + Ti(e, t) || Aa(t) + }, over: function (t) { + Ti(e, t) || (tn(e, t), Aa(t)) + }, start: function (t) { + en(e, t) + }, drop: Et(e, Qt), leave: function (t) { + Ti(e, t) || nn(e) + } + }; + var l = i.input.getField(); + Ea(l, "keyup", function (t) { +, t) + }), Ea(l, "keydown", Et(e, hn)), Ea(l, "keypress", Et(e, mn)), Ea(l, "focus", Bi(vn, e)), Ea(l, "blur", Bi(yn, e)) + } + + function Ut(t, n, r) { + var i = r && r != e.Init; + if (!n != !i) { + var o = t.display.dragFunctions, a = n ? Ea : Ia; + a(t.display.scroller, "dragstart", o.start), a(t.display.scroller, "dragenter", o.enter), a(t.display.scroller, "dragover", o.over), a(t.display.scroller, "dragleave", o.leave), a(t.display.scroller, "drop", o.drop) + } + } + + function qt(e) { + var t = e.display; + t.lastWrapHeight == t.wrapper.clientHeight && t.lastWrapWidth == t.wrapper.clientWidth || (t.cachedCharWidth = t.cachedTextHeight = t.cachedPaddingH = null, t.scrollbarsClipped = !1, e.setSize()) + } + + function Gt(e, t) { + for (var n = wi(t); n != e.wrapper; n = n.parentNode) if (!n || 1 == n.nodeType && "true" == n.getAttribute("cm-ignore-events") || n.parentNode == e.sizer && n != e.mover) return !0 + } + + function Yt(e, t, n, r) { + var i = e.display; + if (!n && "true" == wi(t).getAttribute("cm-not-content")) return null; + var o, a, l = i.lineSpace.getBoundingClientRect(); + try { + o = t.clientX - l.left, a = t.clientY - + } catch (t) { + return null + } + var s, c = gt(e, o, a); + if (r && 1 == c.xRel && (s = Zr(e.doc, c.line).text).length == { + var u = Fa(s, s.length, e.options.tabSize) - s.length; + c = Bo(c.line, Math.max(0, Math.round((o - Ge(e.display).left) / xt(e.display)) - u)) + } + return c + } + + function $t(e) { + var t = this, n = t.display; + if (!(Ti(t, e) || n.activeTouch && n.input.supportsTouch())) { + if (n.shift = e.shiftKey, Gt(n, e)) return void(wo || (n.scroller.draggable = !1, setTimeout(function () { + n.scroller.draggable = !0 + }, 100))); + if (!Jt(t, e)) { + var r = Yt(t, e); + switch (window.focus(), ki(e)) { + case 1: + t.state.selectingText ? t.state.selectingText(e) : r ? Vt(t, e, r) : wi(e) == n.scroller && Ma(e); + break; + case 2: + wo && (t.state.lastMiddleDown = +new Date), r && be(t.doc, r), setTimeout(function () { + n.input.focus() + }, 20), Ma(e); + break; + case 3: + Do ? xn(t, e) : gn(t) + } + } + } + } + + function Vt(e, t, n) { + xo ? setTimeout(Bi(X, e), 0) : e.curOp.focus = Gi(); + var r, i = +new Date; + Uo && Uo.time > i - 400 && 0 == _o(Uo.pos, n) ? r = "triple" : jo && jo.time > i - 400 && 0 == _o(jo.pos, n) ? (r = "double", Uo = { + time: i, + pos: n + }) : (r = "single", jo = {time: i, pos: n}); + var o, a = e.doc.sel, l = Eo ? t.metaKey : t.ctrlKey; + e.options.dragDrop && el && !e.isReadOnly() && "single" == r && (o = a.contains(n)) > -1 && (_o((o = a.ranges[o]).from(), n) < 0 || n.xRel > 0) && (_o(, n) > 0 || n.xRel < 0) ? Kt(e, t, n, l) : Xt(e, t, n, r, l) + } + + function Kt(e, t, n, r) { + var i = e.display, o = +new Date, a = Et(e, function (l) { + wo && (i.scroller.draggable = !1), e.state.draggingText = !1, Ia(document, "mouseup", a), Ia(i.scroller, "drop", a), Math.abs(t.clientX - l.clientX) + Math.abs(t.clientY - l.clientY) < 10 && (Ma(l), !r && +new Date - 200 < o && be(e.doc, n), wo || xo && 9 == bo ? setTimeout(function () { + document.body.focus(), i.input.focus() + }, 20) : i.input.focus()) + }); + wo && (i.scroller.draggable = !0), e.state.draggingText = a, i.scroller.dragDrop && i.scroller.dragDrop(), Ea(document, "mouseup", a), Ea(i.scroller, "drop", a) + } + + function Xt(e, t, n, r, i) { + function o(t) { + if (0 != _o(g, t)) if (g = t, "rect" == r) { + for (var i = [], o = e.options.tabSize, a = Fa(Zr(c, n.line).text,, o), l = Fa(Zr(c, t.line).text,, o), s = Math.min(a, l), d = Math.max(a, l), p = Math.min(n.line, t.line), m = Math.min(e.lastLine(), Math.max(n.line, t.line)); m >= p; p++) { + var v = Zr(c, p).text, y = za(v, s, o); + s == d ? i.push(new fe(Bo(p, y), Bo(p, y))) : v.length > y && i.push(new fe(Bo(p, y), Bo(p, za(v, d, o)))) + } + i.length || i.push(new fe(n, n)), Te(c, he(h.ranges.slice(0, f).concat(i), f), { + origin: "*mouse", + scroll: !1 + }), e.scrollIntoView(t) + } else { + var x = u, b = x.anchor, w = t; + if ("single" != r) { + if ("double" == r) var k = e.findWordAt(t); else var k = new fe(Bo(t.line, 0), me(c, Bo(t.line + 1, 0))); + _o(k.anchor, b) > 0 ? (w = k.head, b = K(x.from(), k.anchor)) : (w = k.anchor, b = V(, k.head)) + } + var i = h.ranges.slice(0); + i[f] = new fe(me(c, b), w), Te(c, he(i, f), Ba) + } + } + + function a(t) { + var n = ++y, i = Yt(e, t, !0, "rect" == r); + if (i) if (0 != _o(i, g)) { + e.curOp.focus = Gi(), o(i); + var l = b(s, c); + (i.line >= || i.line < l.from) && setTimeout(Et(e, function () { + y == n && a(t) + }), 150) + } else { + var u = t.clientY < ? -20 : t.clientY > v.bottom ? 20 : 0; + u && setTimeout(Et(e, function () { + y == n && (s.scroller.scrollTop += u, a(t)) + }), 50) + } + } + + function l(t) { + e.state.selectingText = !1, y = 1 / 0, Ma(t), s.input.focus(), Ia(document, "mousemove", x), Ia(document, "mouseup", w), c.history.lastSelOrigin = null + } + + var s = e.display, c = e.doc; + Ma(t); + var u, f, h = c.sel, d = h.ranges; + if (i && !t.shiftKey ? (f = c.sel.contains(n), u = f > -1 ? d[f] : new fe(n, n)) : (u = c.sel.primary(), f = c.sel.primIndex), Oo ? t.shiftKey && t.metaKey : t.altKey) r = "rect", i || (u = new fe(n, n)), n = Yt(e, t, !0, !0), f = -1; else if ("double" == r) { + var p = e.findWordAt(n); + u = e.display.shift || c.extend ? xe(c, u, p.anchor, p.head) : p + } else if ("triple" == r) { + var m = new fe(Bo(n.line, 0), me(c, Bo(n.line + 1, 0))); + u = e.display.shift || c.extend ? xe(c, u, m.anchor, m.head) : m + } else u = xe(c, u, n); + i ? -1 == f ? (f = d.length, Te(c, he(d.concat([u]), f), { + scroll: !1, + origin: "*mouse" + })) : d.length > 1 && d[f].empty() && "single" == r && !t.shiftKey ? (Te(c, he(d.slice(0, f).concat(d.slice(f + 1)), 0), { + scroll: !1, + origin: "*mouse" + }), h = c.sel) : ke(c, f, u, Ba) : (f = 0, Te(c, new ue([u], 0), Ba), h = c.sel); + var g = n, v = s.wrapper.getBoundingClientRect(), y = 0, x = Et(e, function (e) { + ki(e) ? a(e) : l(e) + }), w = Et(e, l); + e.state.selectingText = w, Ea(document, "mousemove", x), Ea(document, "mouseup", w) + } + + function Zt(e, t, n, r) { + try { + var i = t.clientX, o = t.clientY + } catch (t) { + return !1 + } + if (i >= Math.floor(e.display.gutters.getBoundingClientRect().right)) return !1; + r && Ma(t); + var a = e.display, l = a.lineDiv.getBoundingClientRect(); + if (o > l.bottom || !Ni(e, n)) return bi(t); + o -= - a.viewOffset; + for (var s = 0; s < e.options.gutters.length; ++s) { + var c = a.gutters.childNodes[s]; + if (c && c.getBoundingClientRect().right >= i) { + var u = ni(e.doc, o), f = e.options.gutters[s]; + return Pa(e, n, e, u, f, t), bi(t) + } + } + } + + function Jt(e, t) { + return Zt(e, t, "gutterClick", !0) + } + + function Qt(e) { + var t = this; + if (nn(t), !Ti(t, e) && !Gt(t.display, e)) { + Ma(e), xo && ($o = +new Date); + var n = Yt(t, e, !0), r = e.dataTransfer.files; + if (n && !t.isReadOnly()) if (r && r.length && window.FileReader && window.File) for (var i = r.length, o = Array(i), a = 0, l = function (e, r) { + if (!t.options.allowDropFileTypes || -1 != Pi(t.options.allowDropFileTypes, e.type)) { + var l = new FileReader; + l.onload = Et(t, function () { + var e = l.result; + if (/[\x00-\x08\x0e-\x1f]{2}/.test(e) && (e = ""), o[r] = e, ++a == i) { + n = me(t.doc, n); + var s = { + from: n, + to: n, + text: t.doc.splitLines(o.join(t.doc.lineSeparator())), + origin: "paste" + }; + Tn(t.doc, s), Le(t.doc, de(n, Qo(s))) + } + }), l.readAsText(e) + } + }, s = 0; i > s; ++s) l(r[s], s); else { + if (t.state.draggingText && t.doc.sel.contains(n) > -1) return t.state.draggingText(e), void setTimeout(function () { + t.display.input.focus() + }, 20); + try { + var o = e.dataTransfer.getData("Text"); + if (o) { + if (t.state.draggingText && !(Eo ? e.altKey : e.ctrlKey)) var c = t.listSelections(); + if (Me(t.doc, de(n, n)), c) for (var s = 0; s < c.length; ++s) In(t.doc, "", c[s].anchor, c[s].head, "drag"); + t.replaceSelection(o, "around", "paste"), t.display.input.focus() + } + } catch (e) { + } + } + } + } + + function en(e, t) { + if (xo && (!e.state.draggingText || +new Date - $o < 100)) return void Aa(t); + if (!Ti(e, t) && !Gt(e.display, t) && (t.dataTransfer.setData("Text", e.getSelection()), t.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = "copyMove", t.dataTransfer.setDragImage && !Lo)) { + var n = ji("img", null, null, "position: fixed; left: 0; top: 0;"); + n.src = "", Co && (n.width = n.height = 1, e.display.wrapper.appendChild(n), n._top = n.offsetTop), t.dataTransfer.setDragImage(n, 0, 0), Co && n.parentNode.removeChild(n) + } + } + + function tn(e, t) { + var n = Yt(e, t); + if (n) { + var r = document.createDocumentFragment(); + He(e, n, r), e.display.dragCursor || (e.display.dragCursor = ji("div", null, "CodeMirror-cursors CodeMirror-dragcursors"), e.display.lineSpace.insertBefore(e.display.dragCursor, e.display.cursorDiv)), qi(e.display.dragCursor, r) + } + } + + function nn(e) { + e.display.dragCursor && (e.display.lineSpace.removeChild(e.display.dragCursor), e.display.dragCursor = null) + } + + function rn(e, t) { + Math.abs(e.doc.scrollTop - t) < 2 || (e.doc.scrollTop = t, go || A(e, {top: t}), e.display.scroller.scrollTop != t && (e.display.scroller.scrollTop = t), e.display.scrollbars.setScrollTop(t), go && A(e), _e(e, 100)) + } + + function on(e, t, n) { + (n ? t == e.doc.scrollLeft : Math.abs(e.doc.scrollLeft - t) < 2) || (t = Math.min(t, e.display.scroller.scrollWidth - e.display.scroller.clientWidth), e.doc.scrollLeft = t, w(e), e.display.scroller.scrollLeft != t && (e.display.scroller.scrollLeft = t), e.display.scrollbars.setScrollLeft(t)) + } + + function an(e, t) { + var n = Xo(t), r = n.x, i = n.y, o = e.display, a = o.scroller, l = a.scrollWidth > a.clientWidth, + s = a.scrollHeight > a.clientHeight; + if (r && l || i && s) { + if (i && Eo && wo) e:for (var c =, u = o.view; c != a; c = c.parentNode) for (var f = 0; f < u.length; f++) if (u[f].node == c) { + e.display.currentWheelTarget = c; + break e + } + if (r && !go && !Co && null != Ko) return i && s && rn(e, Math.max(0, Math.min(a.scrollTop + i * Ko, a.scrollHeight - a.clientHeight))), on(e, Math.max(0, Math.min(a.scrollLeft + r * Ko, a.scrollWidth - a.clientWidth))), (!i || i && s) && Ma(t), void(o.wheelStartX = null); + if (i && null != Ko) { + var h = i * Ko, d = e.doc.scrollTop, p = d + o.wrapper.clientHeight; + 0 > h ? d = Math.max(0, d + h - 50) : p = Math.min(e.doc.height, p + h + 50), A(e, { + top: d, + bottom: p + }) + } + 20 > Vo && (null == o.wheelStartX ? (o.wheelStartX = a.scrollLeft, o.wheelStartY = a.scrollTop, o.wheelDX = r, o.wheelDY = i, setTimeout(function () { + if (null != o.wheelStartX) { + var e = a.scrollLeft - o.wheelStartX, t = a.scrollTop - o.wheelStartY, + n = t && o.wheelDY && t / o.wheelDY || e && o.wheelDX && e / o.wheelDX; + o.wheelStartX = o.wheelStartY = null, n && (Ko = (Ko * Vo + n) / (Vo + 1), ++Vo) + } + }, 200)) : (o.wheelDX += r, o.wheelDY += i)) + } + } + + function ln(e, t, n) { + if ("string" == typeof t && (t = ua[t], !t)) return !1; + e.display.input.ensurePolled(); + var r = e.display.shift, i = !1; + try { + e.isReadOnly() && (e.state.suppressEdits = !0), n && (e.display.shift = !1), i = t(e) != Ha + } finally { + e.display.shift = r, e.state.suppressEdits = !1 + } + return i + } + + function sn(e, t, n) { + for (var r = 0; r < e.state.keyMaps.length; r++) { + var i = ha(t, e.state.keyMaps[r], n, e); + if (i) return i + } + return e.options.extraKeys && ha(t, e.options.extraKeys, n, e) || ha(t, e.options.keyMap, n, e) + } + + function cn(e, t, n, r) { + var i = e.state.keySeq; + if (i) { + if (da(t)) return "handled"; + Zo.set(50, function () { + e.state.keySeq == i && (e.state.keySeq = null, e.display.input.reset()) + }), t = i + " " + t + } + var o = sn(e, t, r); + return "multi" == o && (e.state.keySeq = t), "handled" == o && Ci(e, "keyHandled", e, t, n), "handled" != o && "multi" != o || (Ma(n), Be(e)), i && !o && /\'$/.test(t) ? (Ma(n), !0) : !!o + } + + function un(e, t) { + var n = pa(t, !0); + return n ? t.shiftKey && !e.state.keySeq ? cn(e, "Shift-" + n, t, function (t) { + return ln(e, t, !0) + }) || cn(e, n, t, function (t) { + return ("string" == typeof t ? /^go[A-Z]/.test(t) : t.motion) ? ln(e, t) : void 0 + }) : cn(e, n, t, function (t) { + return ln(e, t) + }) : !1 + } + + function fn(e, t, n) { + return cn(e, "'" + n + "'", t, function (t) { + return ln(e, t, !0) + }) + } + + function hn(e) { + var t = this; + if (t.curOp.focus = Gi(), !Ti(t, e)) { + xo && 11 > bo && 27 == e.keyCode && (e.returnValue = !1); + var n = e.keyCode; + t.display.shift = 16 == n || e.shiftKey; + var r = un(t, e); + Co && (Jo = r ? n : null, !r && 88 == n && !rl && (Eo ? e.metaKey : e.ctrlKey) && t.replaceSelection("", null, "cut")), 18 != n || /\bCodeMirror-crosshair\b/.test(t.display.lineDiv.className) || dn(t) + } + } + + function dn(e) { + function t(e) { + 18 != e.keyCode && e.altKey || (Za(n, "CodeMirror-crosshair"), Ia(document, "keyup", t), Ia(document, "mouseover", t)) + } + + var n = e.display.lineDiv; + Ja(n, "CodeMirror-crosshair"), Ea(document, "keyup", t), Ea(document, "mouseover", t) + } + + function pn(e) { + 16 == e.keyCode && (this.doc.sel.shift = !1), Ti(this, e) + } + + function mn(e) { + var t = this; + if (!(Gt(t.display, e) || Ti(t, e) || e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey || Eo && e.metaKey)) { + var n = e.keyCode, r = e.charCode; + if (Co && n == Jo) return Jo = null, void Ma(e); + if (!Co || e.which && !(e.which < 10) || !un(t, e)) { + var i = String.fromCharCode(null == r ? n : r); + fn(t, e, i) || t.display.input.onKeyPress(e) + } + } + } + + function gn(e) { + e.state.delayingBlurEvent = !0, setTimeout(function () { + e.state.delayingBlurEvent && (e.state.delayingBlurEvent = !1, yn(e)) + }, 100) + } + + function vn(e) { + e.state.delayingBlurEvent && (e.state.delayingBlurEvent = !1), "nocursor" != e.options.readOnly && (e.state.focused || (Pa(e, "focus", e), e.state.focused = !0, Ja(e.display.wrapper, "CodeMirror-focused"), e.curOp || e.display.selForContextMenu == e.doc.sel || (e.display.input.reset(), wo && setTimeout(function () { + e.display.input.reset(!0) + }, 20)), e.display.input.receivedFocus()), Be(e)) + } + + function yn(e) { + e.state.delayingBlurEvent || (e.state.focused && (Pa(e, "blur", e), e.state.focused = !1, Za(e.display.wrapper, "CodeMirror-focused")), clearInterval(e.display.blinker), setTimeout(function () { + e.state.focused || (e.display.shift = !1) + }, 150)) + } + + function xn(e, t) { + Gt(e.display, t) || bn(e, t) || Ti(e, t, "contextmenu") || e.display.input.onContextMenu(t) + } + + function bn(e, t) { + return Ni(e, "gutterContextMenu") ? Zt(e, t, "gutterContextMenu", !1) : !1 + } + + function wn(e, t) { + if (_o(e, t.from) < 0) return e; + if (_o(e, <= 0) return Qo(t); + var n = e.line + t.text.length - ( - t.from.line) - 1, r =; + return e.line == && (r += Qo(t).ch -, Bo(n, r) + } + + function kn(e, t) { + for (var n = [], r = 0; r < e.sel.ranges.length; r++) { + var i = e.sel.ranges[r]; + n.push(new fe(wn(i.anchor, t), wn(i.head, t))) + } + return he(n, e.sel.primIndex) + } + + function Sn(e, t, n) { + return e.line == t.line ? Bo(n.line, - + : Bo(n.line + (e.line - t.line), + } + + function Cn(e, t, n) { + for (var r = [], i = Bo(e.first, 0), o = i, a = 0; a < t.length; a++) { + var l = t[a], s = Sn(l.from, i, o), c = Sn(Qo(l), i, o); + if (i =, o = c, "around" == n) { + var u = e.sel.ranges[a], f = _o(u.head, u.anchor) < 0; + r[a] = new fe(f ? c : s, f ? s : c) + } else r[a] = new fe(s, s) + } + return new ue(r, e.sel.primIndex) + } + + function Ln(e, t, n) { + var r = { + canceled: !1, from: t.from, to:, text: t.text, origin: t.origin, cancel: function () { + this.canceled = !0 + } + }; + return n && (r.update = function (t, n, r, i) { + t && (this.from = me(e, t)), n && ( = me(e, n)), r && (this.text = r), void 0 !== i && (this.origin = i) + }), Pa(e, "beforeChange", e, r), && Pa(, "beforeChange",, r), r.canceled ? null : { + from: r.from, + to:, + text: r.text, + origin: r.origin + } + } + + function Tn(e, t, n) { + if ( { + if (! return Et(, Tn)(e, t, n); + if ( return + } + if (!(Ni(e, "beforeChange") || && Ni(, "beforeChange")) || (t = Ln(e, t, !0))) { + var r = Ho && !n && sr(e, t.from,; + if (r) for (var i = r.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) Mn(e, { + from: r[i].from, + to: r[i].to, + text: i ? [""] : t.text + }); else Mn(e, t) + } + } + + function Mn(e, t) { + if (1 != t.text.length || "" != t.text[0] || 0 != _o(t.from, { + var n = kn(e, t); + ci(e, t, n, ? : NaN), En(e, t, n, or(e, t)); + var r = []; + Kr(e, function (e, n) { + n || -1 != Pi(r, e.history) || (xi(e.history, t), r.push(e.history)), En(e, t, null, or(e, t)) + }) + } + } + + function Nn(e, t, n) { + if (! || ! { + for (var r, i = e.history, o = e.sel, a = "undo" == t ? i.done : i.undone, l = "undo" == t ? i.undone : i.done, s = 0; s < a.length && (r = a[s], n ? !r.ranges || r.equals(e.sel) : r.ranges); s++) ; + if (s != a.length) { + for (i.lastOrigin = i.lastSelOrigin = null; r = a.pop(), r.ranges;) { + if (hi(r, l), n && !r.equals(e.sel)) return void Te(e, r, {clearRedo: !1}); + o = r + } + var c = []; + hi(o, l), l.push({ + changes: c, + generation: i.generation + }), i.generation = r.generation || ++i.maxGeneration; + for (var u = Ni(e, "beforeChange") || && Ni(, "beforeChange"), s = r.changes.length - 1; s >= 0; --s) { + var f = r.changes[s]; + if (f.origin = t, u && !Ln(e, f, !1)) return void(a.length = 0); + c.push(ai(e, f)); + var h = s ? kn(e, f) : Ii(a); + En(e, f, h, lr(e, f)), !s && &&{from: f.from, to: Qo(f)}); + var d = []; + Kr(e, function (e, t) { + t || -1 != Pi(d, e.history) || (xi(e.history, f), d.push(e.history)), En(e, f, null, lr(e, f)) + }) + } + } + } + } + + function An(e, t) { + if (0 != t && (e.first += t, e.sel = new ue(Ri(e.sel.ranges, function (e) { + return new fe(Bo(e.anchor.line + t,, Bo(e.head.line + t, + }), e.sel.primIndex), { + Dt(, e.first, e.first - t, t); + for (var n =, r = n.viewFrom; r < n.viewTo; r++) Ht(, r, "gutter") + } + } + + function En(e, t, n, r) { + if ( && ! return Et(, En)(e, t, n, r); + if ( < e.first) return void An(e, t.text.length - 1 - ( - t.from.line)); + if (!(t.from.line > e.lastLine())) { + if (t.from.line < e.first) { + var i = t.text.length - 1 - (e.first - t.from.line); + An(e, i), t = { + from: Bo(e.first, 0), + to: Bo( + i,, + text: [Ii(t.text)], + origin: t.origin + } + } + var o = e.lastLine(); + > o && (t = { + from: t.from, + to: Bo(o, Zr(e, o).text.length), + text: [t.text[0]], + origin: t.origin + }), t.removed = Jr(e, t.from,, n || (n = kn(e, t)), ? On(, t, r) : Yr(e, t, r), Me(e, n, Wa) + } + } + + function On(e, t, n) { + var r = e.doc, i = e.display, a = t.from, l =, s = !1, c = a.line; + e.options.lineWrapping || (c = ti(yr(Zr(r, a.line))), r.iter(c, l.line + 1, function (e) { + return e == i.maxLine ? (s = !0, !0) : void 0 + })), r.sel.contains(t.from, > -1 && Mi(e), Yr(r, t, n, o(e)), e.options.lineWrapping || (r.iter(c, a.line + t.text.length, function (e) { + var t = f(e); + t > i.maxLineLength && (i.maxLine = e, i.maxLineLength = t, i.maxLineChanged = !0, s = !1) + }), s && (e.curOp.updateMaxLine = !0)), = Math.min(, a.line), _e(e, 400); + var u = t.text.length - (l.line - a.line) - 1; + t.full ? Dt(e) : a.line != l.line || 1 != t.text.length || Gr(e.doc, t) ? Dt(e, a.line, l.line + 1, u) : Ht(e, a.line, "text"); + var h = Ni(e, "changes"), d = Ni(e, "change"); + if (d || h) { + var p = {from: a, to: l, text: t.text, removed: t.removed, origin: t.origin}; + d && Ci(e, "change", e, p), h && (e.curOp.changeObjs || (e.curOp.changeObjs = [])).push(p) + } + e.display.selForContextMenu = null + } + + function In(e, t, n, r, i) { + if (r || (r = n), _o(r, n) < 0) { + var o = r; + r = n, n = o + } + "string" == typeof t && (t = e.splitLines(t)), Tn(e, {from: n, to: r, text: t, origin: i}) + } + + function Pn(e, t) { + if (!Ti(e, "scrollCursorIntoView")) { + var n = e.display, r = n.sizer.getBoundingClientRect(), i = null; + if ( + < 0 ? i = !0 : t.bottom + > (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight) && (i = !1), null != i && !Mo) { + var o = ji("div", "​", null, "position: absolute; top: " + ( - n.viewOffset - Ue(e.display)) + "px; height: " + (t.bottom - + Ye(e) + n.barHeight) + "px; left: " + t.left + "px; width: 2px;"); + e.display.lineSpace.appendChild(o), o.scrollIntoView(i), e.display.lineSpace.removeChild(o) + } + } + } + + function Rn(e, t, n, r) { + null == r && (r = 0); + for (var i = 0; 5 > i; i++) { + var o = !1, a = dt(e, t), l = n && n != t ? dt(e, n) : a, + s = Hn(e, Math.min(a.left, l.left), Math.min(, - r, Math.max(a.left, l.left), Math.max(a.bottom, l.bottom) + r), + c = e.doc.scrollTop, u = e.doc.scrollLeft; + if (null != s.scrollTop && (rn(e, s.scrollTop), Math.abs(e.doc.scrollTop - c) > 1 && (o = !0)), null != s.scrollLeft && (on(e, s.scrollLeft), Math.abs(e.doc.scrollLeft - u) > 1 && (o = !0)), !o) break + } + return a + } + + function Dn(e, t, n, r, i) { + var o = Hn(e, t, n, r, i); + null != o.scrollTop && rn(e, o.scrollTop), null != o.scrollLeft && on(e, o.scrollLeft) + } + + function Hn(e, t, n, r, i) { + var o = e.display, a = yt(e.display); + 0 > n && (n = 0); + var l = e.curOp && null != e.curOp.scrollTop ? e.curOp.scrollTop : o.scroller.scrollTop, s = Ve(e), + c = {}; + i - n > s && (i = n + s); + var u = e.doc.height + qe(o), f = a > n, h = i > u - a; + if (l > n) c.scrollTop = f ? 0 : n; else if (i > l + s) { + var d = Math.min(n, (h ? u : i) - s); + d != l && (c.scrollTop = d) + } + var p = e.curOp && null != e.curOp.scrollLeft ? e.curOp.scrollLeft : o.scroller.scrollLeft, + m = $e(e) - (e.options.fixedGutter ? o.gutters.offsetWidth : 0), g = r - t > m; + return g && (r = t + m), 10 > t ? c.scrollLeft = 0 : p > t ? c.scrollLeft = Math.max(0, t - (g ? 0 : 10)) : r > m + p - 3 && (c.scrollLeft = r + (g ? 0 : 10) - m), c + } + + function Wn(e, t, n) { + null == t && null == n || _n(e), null != t && (e.curOp.scrollLeft = (null == e.curOp.scrollLeft ? e.doc.scrollLeft : e.curOp.scrollLeft) + t), null != n && (e.curOp.scrollTop = (null == e.curOp.scrollTop ? e.doc.scrollTop : e.curOp.scrollTop) + n) + } + + function Bn(e) { + _n(e); + var t = e.getCursor(), n = t, r = t; + e.options.lineWrapping || (n = ? Bo(t.line, - 1) : t, r = Bo(t.line, + 1)), e.curOp.scrollToPos = { + from: n, + to: r, + margin: e.options.cursorScrollMargin, + isCursor: !0 + } + } + + function _n(e) { + var t = e.curOp.scrollToPos; + if (t) { + e.curOp.scrollToPos = null; + var n = pt(e, t.from), r = pt(e,, + i = Hn(e, Math.min(n.left, r.left), Math.min(, - t.margin, Math.max(n.right, r.right), Math.max(n.bottom, r.bottom) + t.margin); + e.scrollTo(i.scrollLeft, i.scrollTop) + } + } + + function Fn(e, t, n, r) { + var i, o = e.doc; + null == n && (n = "add"), "smart" == n && (o.mode.indent ? i = je(e, t) : n = "prev"); + var a = e.options.tabSize, l = Zr(o, t), s = Fa(l.text, null, a); + l.stateAfter && (l.stateAfter = null); + var c, u = l.text.match(/^\s*/)[0]; + if (r || /\S/.test(l.text)) { + if ("smart" == n && (c = o.mode.indent(i, l.text.slice(u.length), l.text), c == Ha || c > 150)) { + if (!r) return; + n = "prev" + } + } else c = 0, n = "not"; + "prev" == n ? c = t > o.first ? Fa(Zr(o, t - 1).text, null, a) : 0 : "add" == n ? c = s + e.options.indentUnit : "subtract" == n ? c = s - e.options.indentUnit : "number" == typeof n && (c = s + n), c = Math.max(0, c); + var f = "", h = 0; + if (e.options.indentWithTabs) for (var d = Math.floor(c / a); d; --d) h += a, f += " "; + if (c > h && (f += Oi(c - h)), f != u) return In(o, f, Bo(t, 0), Bo(t, u.length), "+input"), l.stateAfter = null, !0; + for (var d = 0; d < o.sel.ranges.length; d++) { + var p = o.sel.ranges[d]; + if (p.head.line == t && < u.length) { + var h = Bo(t, u.length); + ke(o, d, new fe(h, h)); + break + } + } + } + + function zn(e, t, n, r) { + var i = t, o = t; + return "number" == typeof t ? o = Zr(e, pe(e, t)) : i = ti(t), null == i ? null : (r(o, i) && && Ht(, i, n), o) + } + + function jn(e, t) { + for (var n = e.doc.sel.ranges, r = [], i = 0; i < n.length; i++) { + for (var o = t(n[i]); r.length && _o(o.from, Ii(r).to) <= 0;) { + var a = r.pop(); + if (_o(a.from, o.from) < 0) { + o.from = a.from; + break + } + } + r.push(o) + } + At(e, function () { + for (var t = r.length - 1; t >= 0; t--) In(e.doc, "", r[t].from, r[t].to, "+delete"); + Bn(e) + }) + } + + function Un(e, t, n, r, i) { + function o() { + var t = l + n; + return t < e.first || t >= e.first + e.size ? !1 : (l = t, u = Zr(e, t)) + } + + function a(e) { + var t = (i ? fo : ho)(u, s, n, !0); + if (null == t) { + if (e || !o()) return !1; + s = i ? (0 > n ? io : ro)(u) : 0 > n ? u.text.length : 0 + } else s = t; + return !0 + } + + var l = t.line, s =, c = n, u = Zr(e, l); + if ("char" == r) a(); else if ("column" == r) a(!0); else if ("word" == r || "group" == r) for (var f = null, h = "group" == r, d = &&, "wordChars"), p = !0; !(0 > n) || a(!p); p = !1) { + var m = u.text.charAt(s) || "\n", + g = _i(m, d) ? "w" : h && "\n" == m ? "n" : !h || /\s/.test(m) ? null : "p"; + if (!h || p || g || (g = "s"), f && f != g) { + 0 > n && (n = 1, a()); + break + } + if (g && (f = g), n > 0 && !a(!p)) break + } + var v = Ie(e, Bo(l, s), t, c, !0); + return _o(t, v) || (v.hitSide = !0), v + } + + function qn(e, t, n, r) { + var i, o = e.doc, a = t.left; + if ("page" == r) { + var l = Math.min(e.display.wrapper.clientHeight, window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight); + i = + n * (l - (0 > n ? 1.5 : .5) * yt(e.display)) + } else "line" == r && (i = n > 0 ? t.bottom + 3 : - 3); + for (; ;) { + var s = gt(e, a, i); + if (!s.outside) break; + if (0 > n ? 0 >= i : i >= o.height) { + s.hitSide = !0; + break + } + i += 5 * n + } + return s + } + + function Gn(t, n, r, i) { + e.defaults[t] = n, r && (ta[t] = i ? function (e, t, n) { + n != na && r(e, t, n) + } : r) + } + + function Yn(e) { + for (var t, n, r, i, o = e.split(/-(?!$)/), e = o[o.length - 1], a = 0; a < o.length - 1; a++) { + var l = o[a]; + if (/^(cmd|meta|m)$/i.test(l)) i = !0; else if (/^a(lt)?$/i.test(l)) t = !0; else if (/^(c|ctrl|control)$/i.test(l)) n = !0; else { + if (!/^s(hift)$/i.test(l)) throw new Error("Unrecognized modifier name: " + l); + r = !0 + } + } + return t && (e = "Alt-" + e), n && (e = "Ctrl-" + e), i && (e = "Cmd-" + e), r && (e = "Shift-" + e), e + } + + function $n(e) { + return "string" == typeof e ? fa[e] : e + } + + function Vn(e, t, n, r, i) { + if (r && r.shared) return Kn(e, t, n, r, i); + if ( && ! return Et(, Vn)(e, t, n, r, i); + var o = new va(e, i), a = _o(t, n); + if (r && Wi(r, o, !1), a > 0 || 0 == a && o.clearWhenEmpty !== !1) return o; + if (o.replacedWith && (o.collapsed = !0, o.widgetNode = ji("span", [o.replacedWith], "CodeMirror-widget"), r.handleMouseEvents || o.widgetNode.setAttribute("cm-ignore-events", "true"), r.insertLeft && (o.widgetNode.insertLeft = !0)), o.collapsed) { + if (vr(e, t.line, t, n, o) || t.line != n.line && vr(e, n.line, t, n, o)) throw new Error("Inserting collapsed marker partially overlapping an existing one"); + Wo = !0 + } + o.addToHistory && ci(e, {from: t, to: n, origin: "markText"}, e.sel, NaN); + var l, s = t.line, c =; + if (e.iter(s, n.line + 1, function (e) { + c && o.collapsed && !c.options.lineWrapping && yr(e) == c.display.maxLine && (l = !0), o.collapsed && s != t.line && ei(e, 0), nr(e, new Qn(o, s == t.line ? : null, s == n.line ? : null)), ++s + }), o.collapsed && e.iter(t.line, n.line + 1, function (t) { + kr(e, t) && ei(t, 0) + }), o.clearOnEnter && Ea(o, "beforeCursorEnter", function () { + o.clear() + }), o.readOnly && (Ho = !0, (e.history.done.length || e.history.undone.length) && e.clearHistory()), o.collapsed && ( = ++ga, o.atomic = !0), c) { + if (l && (c.curOp.updateMaxLine = !0), o.collapsed) Dt(c, t.line, n.line + 1); else if (o.className || o.title || o.startStyle || o.endStyle || o.css) for (var u = t.line; u <= n.line; u++) Ht(c, u, "text"); + o.atomic && Ae(c.doc), Ci(c, "markerAdded", c, o) + } + return o + } + + function Kn(e, t, n, r, i) { + r = Wi(r), r.shared = !1; + var o = [Vn(e, t, n, r, i)], a = o[0], l = r.widgetNode; + return Kr(e, function (e) { + l && (r.widgetNode = l.cloneNode(!0)), o.push(Vn(e, me(e, t), me(e, n), r, i)); + for (var s = 0; s < e.linked.length; ++s) if (e.linked[s].isParent) return; + a = Ii(o) + }), new ya(o, a) + } + + function Xn(e) { + return e.findMarks(Bo(e.first, 0), e.clipPos(Bo(e.lastLine())), function (e) { + return e.parent + }) + } + + function Zn(e, t) { + for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { + var r = t[n], i = r.find(), o = e.clipPos(i.from), a = e.clipPos(; + if (_o(o, a)) { + var l = Vn(e, o, a, r.primary, r.primary.type); + r.markers.push(l), l.parent = r + } + } + } + + function Jn(e) { + for (var t = 0; t < e.length; t++) { + var n = e[t], r = [n.primary.doc]; + Kr(n.primary.doc, function (e) { + r.push(e) + }); + for (var i = 0; i < n.markers.length; i++) { + var o = n.markers[i]; + -1 == Pi(r, o.doc) && (o.parent = null, n.markers.splice(i--, 1)) + } + } + } + + function Qn(e, t, n) { + this.marker = e, this.from = t, = n + } + + function er(e, t) { + if (e) for (var n = 0; n < e.length; ++n) { + var r = e[n]; + if (r.marker == t) return r + } + } + + function tr(e, t) { + for (var n, r = 0; r < e.length; ++r) e[r] != t && (n || (n = [])).push(e[r]); + return n + } + + function nr(e, t) { + e.markedSpans = e.markedSpans ? e.markedSpans.concat([t]) : [t], t.marker.attachLine(e) + } + + function rr(e, t, n) { + if (e) for (var r, i = 0; i < e.length; ++i) { + var o = e[i], a = o.marker, l = null == o.from || (a.inclusiveLeft ? o.from <= t : o.from < t); + if (l || o.from == t && "bookmark" == a.type && (!n || !o.marker.insertLeft)) { + var s = null == || (a.inclusiveRight ? >= t : > t); + (r || (r = [])).push(new Qn(a, o.from, s ? null : + } + } + return r + } + + function ir(e, t, n) { + if (e) for (var r, i = 0; i < e.length; ++i) { + var o = e[i], a = o.marker, l = null == || (a.inclusiveRight ? >= t : > t); + if (l || o.from == t && "bookmark" == a.type && (!n || o.marker.insertLeft)) { + var s = null == o.from || (a.inclusiveLeft ? o.from <= t : o.from < t); + (r || (r = [])).push(new Qn(a, s ? null : o.from - t, null == ? null : - t)) + } + } + return r + } + + function or(e, t) { + if (t.full) return null; + var n = ve(e, t.from.line) && Zr(e, t.from.line).markedSpans, + r = ve(e, && Zr(e,; + if (!n && !r) return null; + var i =, o =, a = 0 == _o(t.from,, l = rr(n, i, a), s = ir(r, o, a), + c = 1 == t.text.length, u = Ii(t.text).length + (c ? i : 0); + if (l) for (var f = 0; f < l.length; ++f) { + var h = l[f]; + if (null == { + var d = er(s, h.marker); + d ? c && ( = null == ? null : + u) : = i + } + } + if (s) for (var f = 0; f < s.length; ++f) { + var h = s[f]; + if (null != && ( += u), null == h.from) { + var d = er(l, h.marker); + d || (h.from = u, c && (l || (l = [])).push(h)) + } else h.from += u, c && (l || (l = [])).push(h) + } + l && (l = ar(l)), s && s != l && (s = ar(s)); + var p = [l]; + if (!c) { + var m, g = t.text.length - 2; + if (g > 0 && l) for (var f = 0; f < l.length; ++f) null == l[f].to && (m || (m = [])).push(new Qn(l[f].marker, null, null)); + for (var f = 0; g > f; ++f) p.push(m); + p.push(s) + } + return p + } + + function ar(e) { + for (var t = 0; t < e.length; ++t) { + var n = e[t]; + null != n.from && n.from == && n.marker.clearWhenEmpty !== !1 && e.splice(t--, 1) + } + return e.length ? e : null + } + + function lr(e, t) { + var n = mi(e, t), r = or(e, t); + if (!n) return r; + if (!r) return n; + for (var i = 0; i < n.length; ++i) { + var o = n[i], a = r[i]; + if (o && a) e:for (var l = 0; l < a.length; ++l) { + for (var s = a[l], c = 0; c < o.length; ++c) if (o[c].marker == s.marker) continue e; + o.push(s) + } else a && (n[i] = a) + } + return n + } + + function sr(e, t, n) { + var r = null; + if (e.iter(t.line, n.line + 1, function (e) { + if (e.markedSpans) for (var t = 0; t < e.markedSpans.length; ++t) { + var n = e.markedSpans[t].marker; + !n.readOnly || r && -1 != Pi(r, n) || (r || (r = [])).push(n) + } + }), !r) return null; + for (var i = [{ + from: t, + to: n + }], o = 0; o < r.length; ++o) for (var a = r[o], l = a.find(0), s = 0; s < i.length; ++s) { + var c = i[s]; + if (!(_o(, l.from) < 0 || _o(c.from, > 0)) { + var u = [s, 1], f = _o(c.from, l.from), h = _o(,; + (0 > f || !a.inclusiveLeft && !f) && u.push({ + from: c.from, + to: l.from + }), (h > 0 || !a.inclusiveRight && !h) && u.push({ + from:, + to: + }), i.splice.apply(i, u), s += u.length - 1 + } + } + return i + } + + function cr(e) { + var t = e.markedSpans; + if (t) { + for (var n = 0; n < t.length; ++n) t[n].marker.detachLine(e); + e.markedSpans = null + } + } + + function ur(e, t) { + if (t) { + for (var n = 0; n < t.length; ++n) t[n].marker.attachLine(e); + e.markedSpans = t + } + } + + function fr(e) { + return e.inclusiveLeft ? -1 : 0 + } + + function hr(e) { + return e.inclusiveRight ? 1 : 0 + } + + function dr(e, t) { + var n = e.lines.length - t.lines.length; + if (0 != n) return n; + var r = e.find(), i = t.find(), o = _o(r.from, i.from) || fr(e) - fr(t); + if (o) return -o; + var a = _o(, || hr(e) - hr(t); + return a ? a : - + } + + function pr(e, t) { + var n, r = Wo && e.markedSpans; + if (r) for (var i, o = 0; o < r.length; ++o) i = r[o], i.marker.collapsed && null == (t ? i.from : && (!n || dr(n, i.marker) < 0) && (n = i.marker); + return n + } + + function mr(e) { + return pr(e, !0) + } + + function gr(e) { + return pr(e, !1) + } + + function vr(e, t, n, r, i) { + var o = Zr(e, t), a = Wo && o.markedSpans; + if (a) for (var l = 0; l < a.length; ++l) { + var s = a[l]; + if (s.marker.collapsed) { + var c = s.marker.find(0), u = _o(c.from, n) || fr(s.marker) - fr(i), + f = _o(, r) || hr(s.marker) - hr(i); + if (!(u >= 0 && 0 >= f || 0 >= u && f >= 0) && (0 >= u && (s.marker.inclusiveRight && i.inclusiveLeft ? _o(, n) >= 0 : _o(, n) > 0) || u >= 0 && (s.marker.inclusiveRight && i.inclusiveLeft ? _o(c.from, r) <= 0 : _o(c.from, r) < 0))) return !0 + } + } + } + + function yr(e) { + for (var t; t = mr(e);) e = t.find(-1, !0).line; + return e + } + + function xr(e) { + for (var t, n; t = gr(e);) e = t.find(1, !0).line, (n || (n = [])).push(e); + return n + } + + function br(e, t) { + var n = Zr(e, t), r = yr(n); + return n == r ? t : ti(r) + } + + function wr(e, t) { + if (t > e.lastLine()) return t; + var n, r = Zr(e, t); + if (!kr(e, r)) return t; + for (; n = gr(r);) r = n.find(1, !0).line; + return ti(r) + 1 + } + + function kr(e, t) { + var n = Wo && t.markedSpans; + if (n) for (var r, i = 0; i < n.length; ++i) if (r = n[i], r.marker.collapsed) { + if (null == r.from) return !0; + if (!r.marker.widgetNode && 0 == r.from && r.marker.inclusiveLeft && Sr(e, t, r)) return !0 + } + } + + function Sr(e, t, n) { + if (null == { + var r = n.marker.find(1, !0); + return Sr(e, r.line, er(r.line.markedSpans, n.marker)) + } + if (n.marker.inclusiveRight && == t.text.length) return !0; + for (var i, o = 0; o < t.markedSpans.length; ++o) if (i = t.markedSpans[o], i.marker.collapsed && !i.marker.widgetNode && i.from == && (null == || != n.from) && (i.marker.inclusiveLeft || n.marker.inclusiveRight) && Sr(e, t, i)) return !0 + } + + function Cr(e, t, n) { + ri(t) < (e.curOp && e.curOp.scrollTop || e.doc.scrollTop) && Wn(e, null, n) + } + + function Lr(e) { + if (null != e.height) return e.height; + var t =; + if (!t) return 0; + if (!Va(document.body, e.node)) { + var n = "position: relative;"; + e.coverGutter && (n += "margin-left: -" + t.display.gutters.offsetWidth + "px;"), e.noHScroll && (n += "width: " + t.display.wrapper.clientWidth + "px;"), qi(t.display.measure, ji("div", [e.node], null, n)) + } + return e.height = e.node.parentNode.offsetHeight + } + + function Tr(e, t, n, r) { + var i = new xa(e, n, r), o =; + return o && i.noHScroll && (o.display.alignWidgets = !0), zn(e, t, "widget", function (t) { + var n = t.widgets || (t.widgets = []); + if (null == i.insertAt ? n.push(i) : n.splice(Math.min(n.length - 1, Math.max(0, i.insertAt)), 0, i), i.line = t, o && !kr(e, t)) { + var r = ri(t) < e.scrollTop; + ei(t, t.height + Lr(i)), r && Wn(o, null, i.height), o.curOp.forceUpdate = !0 + } + return !0 + }), i + } + + function Mr(e, t, n, r) { + e.text = t, e.stateAfter && (e.stateAfter = null), e.styles && (e.styles = null), null != e.order && (e.order = null), cr(e), ur(e, n); + var i = r ? r(e) : 1; + i != e.height && ei(e, i) + } + + function Nr(e) { + e.parent = null, cr(e) + } + + function Ar(e, t) { + if (e) for (; ;) { + var n = e.match(/(?:^|\s+)line-(background-)?(\S+)/); + if (!n) break; + e = e.slice(0, n.index) + e.slice(n.index + n[0].length); + var r = n[1] ? "bgClass" : "textClass"; + null == t[r] ? t[r] = n[2] : new RegExp("(?:^|s)" + n[2] + "(?:$|s)").test(t[r]) || (t[r] += " " + n[2]) + } + return e + } + + function Er(t, n) { + if (t.blankLine) return t.blankLine(n); + if (t.innerMode) { + var r = e.innerMode(t, n); + return r.mode.blankLine ? r.mode.blankLine(r.state) : void 0 + } + } + + function Or(t, n, r, i) { + for (var o = 0; 10 > o; o++) { + i && (i[0] = e.innerMode(t, r).mode); + var a = t.token(n, r); + if (n.pos > n.start) return a + } + throw new Error("Mode " + + " failed to advance stream.") + } + + function Ir(e, t, n, r) { + function i(e) { + return { + start: f.start, + end: f.pos, + string: f.current(), + type: o || null, + state: e ? sa(a.mode, u) : u + } + } + + var o, a = e.doc, l = a.mode; + t = me(a, t); + var s, c = Zr(a, t.line), u = je(e, t.line, n), f = new ma(c.text, e.options.tabSize); + for (r && (s = []); (r || f.pos < && !f.eol();) f.start = f.pos, o = Or(l, f, u), r && s.push(i(!0)); + return r ? s : i() + } + + function Pr(e, t, n, r, i, o, a) { + var l = n.flattenSpans; + null == l && (l = e.options.flattenSpans); + var s, c = 0, u = null, f = new ma(t, e.options.tabSize), h = e.options.addModeClass && [null]; + for ("" == t && Ar(Er(n, r), o); !f.eol();) { + if (f.pos > e.options.maxHighlightLength ? (l = !1, a && Hr(e, t, r, f.pos), f.pos = t.length, s = null) : s = Ar(Or(n, f, r, h), o), h) { + var d = h[0].name; + d && (s = "m-" + (s ? d + " " + s : d)) + } + if (!l || u != s) { + for (; c < f.start;) c = Math.min(f.start, c + 5e4), i(c, u); + u = s + } + f.start = f.pos + } + for (; c < f.pos;) { + var p = Math.min(f.pos, c + 5e4); + i(p, u), c = p + } + } + + function Rr(e, t, n, r) { + var i = [e.state.modeGen], o = {}; + Pr(e, t.text, e.doc.mode, n, function (e, t) { + i.push(e, t) + }, o, r); + for (var a = 0; a < e.state.overlays.length; ++a) { + var l = e.state.overlays[a], s = 1, c = 0; + Pr(e, t.text, l.mode, !0, function (e, t) { + for (var n = s; e > c;) { + var r = i[s]; + r > e && i.splice(s, 1, e, i[s + 1], r), s += 2, c = Math.min(e, r) + } + if (t) if (l.opaque) i.splice(n, s - n, e, "cm-overlay " + t), s = n + 2; else for (; s > n; n += 2) { + var o = i[n + 1]; + i[n + 1] = (o ? o + " " : "") + "cm-overlay " + t + } + }, o) + } + return {styles: i, classes: o.bgClass || o.textClass ? o : null} + } + + function Dr(e, t, n) { + if (!t.styles || t.styles[0] != e.state.modeGen) { + var r = je(e, ti(t)), + i = Rr(e, t, t.text.length > e.options.maxHighlightLength ? sa(e.doc.mode, r) : r); + t.stateAfter = r, t.styles = i.styles, i.classes ? t.styleClasses = i.classes : t.styleClasses && (t.styleClasses = null), n === && + } + return t.styles + } + + function Hr(e, t, n, r) { + var i = e.doc.mode, o = new ma(t, e.options.tabSize); + for (o.start = o.pos = r || 0, "" == t && Er(i, n); !o.eol();) Or(i, o, n), o.start = o.pos + } + + function Wr(e, t) { + if (!e || /^\s*$/.test(e)) return null; + var n = t.addModeClass ? ka : wa; + return n[e] || (n[e] = e.replace(/\S+/g, "cm-$&")) + } + + function Br(e, t) { + var n = ji("span", null, null, wo ? "padding-right: .1px" : null), r = { + pre: ji("pre", [n], "CodeMirror-line"), + content: n, + col: 0, + pos: 0, + cm: e, + splitSpaces: (xo || wo) && e.getOption("lineWrapping") + }; + t.measure = {}; + for (var i = 0; i <= ( ? : 0); i++) { + var o, a = i ?[i - 1] : t.line; + r.pos = 0, r.addToken = Fr, Ji(e.display.measure) && (o = ii(a)) && (r.addToken = jr(r.addToken, o)), = []; + var l = t != e.display.externalMeasured && ti(a); + qr(a, r, Dr(e, a, l)), a.styleClasses && (a.styleClasses.bgClass && (r.bgClass = $i(a.styleClasses.bgClass, r.bgClass || "")), a.styleClasses.textClass && (r.textClass = $i(a.styleClasses.textClass, r.textClass || ""))), 0 == &&, 0, r.content.appendChild(Zi(e.display.measure))), 0 == i ? ( =, t.measure.cache = {}) : ((t.measure.maps || (t.measure.maps = [])).push(, (t.measure.caches || (t.measure.caches = [])).push({})) + } + if (wo) { + var s = r.content.lastChild; + (/\bcm-tab\b/.test(s.className) || s.querySelector && s.querySelector(".cm-tab")) && (r.content.className = "cm-tab-wrap-hack") + } + return Pa(e, "renderLine", e, t.line, r.pre), r.pre.className && (r.textClass = $i(r.pre.className, r.textClass || "")), r + } + + function _r(e) { + var t = ji("span", "•", "cm-invalidchar"); + return t.title = "\\u" + e.charCodeAt(0).toString(16), t.setAttribute("aria-label", t.title), t + } + + function Fr(e, t, n, r, i, o, a) { + if (t) { + var l = e.splitSpaces ? t.replace(/ {3,}/g, zr) : t, s =, c = !1; + if (s.test(t)) for (var u = document.createDocumentFragment(), f = 0; ;) { + s.lastIndex = f; + var h = s.exec(t), d = h ? h.index - f : t.length - f; + if (d) { + var p = document.createTextNode(l.slice(f, f + d)); + xo && 9 > bo ? u.appendChild(ji("span", [p])) : u.appendChild(p),, e.pos + d, p), e.col += d, e.pos += d + } + if (!h) break; + if (f += d + 1, " " == h[0]) { + var m =, g = m - e.col % m, + p = u.appendChild(ji("span", Oi(g), "cm-tab")); + p.setAttribute("role", "presentation"), p.setAttribute("cm-text", " "), e.col += g + } else if ("\r" == h[0] || "\n" == h[0]) { + var p = u.appendChild(ji("span", "\r" == h[0] ? "␍" : "␤", "cm-invalidchar")); + p.setAttribute("cm-text", h[0]), e.col += 1 + } else { + var p =[0]); + p.setAttribute("cm-text", h[0]), xo && 9 > bo ? u.appendChild(ji("span", [p])) : u.appendChild(p), e.col += 1 + } +, e.pos + 1, p), e.pos++ + } else { + e.col += t.length; + var u = document.createTextNode(l); +, e.pos + t.length, u), xo && 9 > bo && (c = !0), e.pos += t.length + } + if (n || r || i || c || a) { + var v = n || ""; + r && (v += r), i && (v += i); + var y = ji("span", [u], v, a); + return o && (y.title = o), e.content.appendChild(y) + } + e.content.appendChild(u) + } + } + + function zr(e) { + for (var t = " ", n = 0; n < e.length - 2; ++n) t += n % 2 ? " " : " "; + return t += " " + } + + function jr(e, t) { + return function (n, r, i, o, a, l, s) { + i = i ? i + " cm-force-border" : "cm-force-border"; + for (var c = n.pos, u = c + r.length; ;) { + for (var f = 0; f < t.length; f++) { + var h = t[f]; + if ( > c && h.from <= c) break + } + if ( >= u) return e(n, r, i, o, a, l, s); + e(n, r.slice(0, - c), i, o, null, l, s), o = null, r = r.slice( - c), c = + } + } + } + + function Ur(e, t, n, r) { + var i = !r && n.widgetNode; + i &&, e.pos + t, i), !r && && (i || (i = e.content.appendChild(document.createElement("span"))), i.setAttribute("cm-marker",, i && (, e.content.appendChild(i)), e.pos += t + } + + function qr(e, t, n) { + var r = e.markedSpans, i = e.text, o = 0; + if (r) for (var a, l, s, c, u, f, h, d = i.length, p = 0, m = 1, g = "", v = 0; ;) { + if (v == p) { + s = c = u = f = l = "", h = null, v = 1 / 0; + for (var y, x = [], b = 0; b < r.length; ++b) { + var w = r[b], k = w.marker; + "bookmark" == k.type && w.from == p && k.widgetNode ? x.push(k) : w.from <= p && (null == || > p || k.collapsed && == p && w.from == p) ? (null != && != p && v > && (v =, c = ""), k.className && (s += " " + k.className), k.css && (l = (l ? l + ";" : "") + k.css), k.startStyle && w.from == p && (u += " " + k.startStyle), k.endStyle && == v && (y || (y = [])).push(k.endStyle,, k.title && !f && (f = k.title), k.collapsed && (!h || dr(h.marker, k) < 0) && (h = w)) : w.from > p && v > w.from && (v = w.from) + } + if (y) for (var b = 0; b < y.length; b += 2) y[b + 1] == v && (c += " " + y[b]); + if (!h || h.from == p) for (var b = 0; b < x.length; ++b) Ur(t, 0, x[b]); + if (h && (h.from || 0) == p) { + if (Ur(t, (null == ? d + 1 : - p, h.marker, null == h.from), null == return; + == p && (h = !1) + } + } + if (p >= d) break; + for (var S = Math.min(d, v); ;) { + if (g) { + var C = p + g.length; + if (!h) { + var L = C > S ? g.slice(0, S - p) : g; + t.addToken(t, L, a ? a + s : s, u, p + L.length == v ? c : "", f, l) + } + if (C >= S) { + g = g.slice(S - p), p = S; + break + } + p = C, u = "" + } + g = i.slice(o, o = n[m++]), a = Wr(n[m++], + } + } else for (var m = 1; m < n.length; m += 2) t.addToken(t, i.slice(o, o = n[m]), Wr(n[m + 1], + } + + function Gr(e, t) { + return 0 == && 0 == && "" == Ii(t.text) && (! || + } + + function Yr(e, t, n, r) { + function i(e) { + return n ? n[e] : null + } + + function o(e, n, i) { + Mr(e, n, i, r), Ci(e, "change", e, t) + } + + function a(e, t) { + for (var n = e, o = []; t > n; ++n) o.push(new ba(c[n], i(n), r)); + return o + } + + var l = t.from, s =, c = t.text, u = Zr(e, l.line), f = Zr(e, s.line), h = Ii(c), + d = i(c.length - 1), p = s.line - l.line; + if (t.full) e.insert(0, a(0, c.length)), e.remove(c.length, e.size - c.length); else if (Gr(e, t)) { + var m = a(0, c.length - 1); + o(f, f.text, d), p && e.remove(l.line, p), m.length && e.insert(l.line, m) + } else if (u == f) if (1 == c.length) o(u, u.text.slice(0, + h + u.text.slice(, d); else { + var m = a(1, c.length - 1); + m.push(new ba(h + u.text.slice(, d, r)), o(u, u.text.slice(0, + c[0], i(0)), e.insert(l.line + 1, m) + } else if (1 == c.length) o(u, u.text.slice(0, + c[0] + f.text.slice(, i(0)), e.remove(l.line + 1, p); else { + o(u, u.text.slice(0, + c[0], i(0)), o(f, h + f.text.slice(, d); + var m = a(1, c.length - 1); + p > 1 && e.remove(l.line + 1, p - 1), e.insert(l.line + 1, m) + } + Ci(e, "change", e, t) + } + + function $r(e) { + this.lines = e, this.parent = null; + for (var t = 0, n = 0; t < e.length; ++t) e[t].parent = this, n += e[t].height; + this.height = n + } + + function Vr(e) { + this.children = e; + for (var t = 0, n = 0, r = 0; r < e.length; ++r) { + var i = e[r]; + t += i.chunkSize(), n += i.height, i.parent = this + } + this.size = t, this.height = n, this.parent = null + } + + function Kr(e, t, n) { + function r(e, i, o) { + if (e.linked) for (var a = 0; a < e.linked.length; ++a) { + var l = e.linked[a]; + if (l.doc != i) { + var s = o && l.sharedHist; + n && !s || (t(l.doc, s), r(l.doc, e, s)) + } + } + } + + r(e, null, !0) + } + + function Xr(e, t) { + if ( throw new Error("This document is already in use."); + e.doc = t, = e, a(e), n(e), e.options.lineWrapping || h(e), e.options.mode = t.modeOption, Dt(e) + } + + function Zr(e, t) { + if (t -= e.first, 0 > t || t >= e.size) throw new Error("There is no line " + (t + e.first) + " in the document."); + for (var n = e; !n.lines;) for (var r = 0; ; ++r) { + var i = n.children[r], o = i.chunkSize(); + if (o > t) { + n = i; + break + } + t -= o + } + return n.lines[t] + } + + function Jr(e, t, n) { + var r = [], i = t.line; + return e.iter(t.line, n.line + 1, function (e) { + var o = e.text; + i == n.line && (o = o.slice(0,, i == t.line && (o = o.slice(, r.push(o), ++i + }), r + } + + function Qr(e, t, n) { + var r = []; + return e.iter(t, n, function (e) { + r.push(e.text) + }), r + } + + function ei(e, t) { + var n = t - e.height; + if (n) for (var r = e; r; r = r.parent) r.height += n + } + + function ti(e) { + if (null == e.parent) return null; + for (var t = e.parent, n = Pi(t.lines, e), r = t.parent; r; t = r, r = r.parent) for (var i = 0; r.children[i] != t; ++i) n += r.children[i].chunkSize(); + return n + t.first + } + + function ni(e, t) { + var n = e.first; + e:do { + for (var r = 0; r < e.children.length; ++r) { + var i = e.children[r], o = i.height; + if (o > t) { + e = i; + continue e + } + t -= o, n += i.chunkSize() + } + return n + } while (!e.lines); + for (var r = 0; r < e.lines.length; ++r) { + var a = e.lines[r], l = a.height; + if (l > t) break; + t -= l + } + return n + r + } + + function ri(e) { + e = yr(e); + for (var t = 0, n = e.parent, r = 0; r < n.lines.length; ++r) { + var i = n.lines[r]; + if (i == e) break; + t += i.height + } + for (var o = n.parent; o; n = o, o = n.parent) for (var r = 0; r < o.children.length; ++r) { + var a = o.children[r]; + if (a == n) break; + t += a.height + } + return t + } + + function ii(e) { + var t = e.order; + return null == t && (t = e.order = ll(e.text)), t + } + + function oi(e) { + this.done = [], this.undone = [], this.undoDepth = 1 / 0, this.lastModTime = this.lastSelTime = 0, this.lastOp = this.lastSelOp = null, this.lastOrigin = this.lastSelOrigin = null, this.generation = this.maxGeneration = e || 1 + } + + function ai(e, t) { + var n = {from: $(t.from), to: Qo(t), text: Jr(e, t.from,}; + return di(e, n, t.from.line, + 1), Kr(e, function (e) { + di(e, n, t.from.line, + 1) + }, !0), n + } + + function li(e) { + for (; e.length;) { + var t = Ii(e); + if (!t.ranges) break; + e.pop() + } + } + + function si(e, t) { + return t ? (li(e.done), Ii(e.done)) : e.done.length && !Ii(e.done).ranges ? Ii(e.done) : e.done.length > 1 && !e.done[e.done.length - 2].ranges ? (e.done.pop(), Ii(e.done)) : void 0 + } + + function ci(e, t, n, r) { + var i = e.history; + i.undone.length = 0; + var o, a = +new Date; + if ((i.lastOp == r || i.lastOrigin == t.origin && t.origin && ("+" == t.origin.charAt(0) && && i.lastModTime > a - || "*" == t.origin.charAt(0))) && (o = si(i, i.lastOp == r))) { + var l = Ii(o.changes); + 0 == _o(t.from, && 0 == _o(t.from, ? = Qo(t) : o.changes.push(ai(e, t)) + } else { + var s = Ii(i.done); + for (s && s.ranges || hi(e.sel, i.done), o = { + changes: [ai(e, t)], + generation: i.generation + }, i.done.push(o); i.done.length > i.undoDepth;) i.done.shift(), i.done[0].ranges || i.done.shift() + } + i.done.push(n), i.generation = ++i.maxGeneration, i.lastModTime = i.lastSelTime = a, i.lastOp = i.lastSelOp = r, i.lastOrigin = i.lastSelOrigin = t.origin, l || Pa(e, "historyAdded") + } + + function ui(e, t, n, r) { + var i = t.charAt(0); + return "*" == i || "+" == i && n.ranges.length == r.ranges.length && n.somethingSelected() == r.somethingSelected() && new Date - e.history.lastSelTime <= ( ? : 500) + } + + function fi(e, t, n, r) { + var i = e.history, o = r && r.origin; + n == i.lastSelOp || o && i.lastSelOrigin == o && (i.lastModTime == i.lastSelTime && i.lastOrigin == o || ui(e, o, Ii(i.done), t)) ? i.done[i.done.length - 1] = t : hi(t, i.done), i.lastSelTime = +new Date, i.lastSelOrigin = o, i.lastSelOp = n, r && r.clearRedo !== !1 && li(i.undone) + } + + function hi(e, t) { + var n = Ii(t); + n && n.ranges && n.equals(e) || t.push(e) + } + + function di(e, t, n, r) { + var i = t["spans_" +], o = 0; + e.iter(Math.max(e.first, n), Math.min(e.first + e.size, r), function (n) { + n.markedSpans && ((i || (i = t["spans_" +] = {}))[o] = n.markedSpans), ++o + }) + } + + function pi(e) { + if (!e) return null; + for (var t, n = 0; n < e.length; ++n) e[n].marker.explicitlyCleared ? t || (t = e.slice(0, n)) : t && t.push(e[n]); + return t ? t.length ? t : null : e + } + + function mi(e, t) { + var n = t["spans_" +]; + if (!n) return null; + for (var r = 0, i = []; r < t.text.length; ++r) i.push(pi(n[r])); + return i + } + + function gi(e, t, n) { + for (var r = 0, i = []; r < e.length; ++r) { + var o = e[r]; + if (o.ranges) i.push(n ? : o); else { + var a = o.changes, l = []; + i.push({changes: l}); + for (var s = 0; s < a.length; ++s) { + var c, u = a[s]; + if (l.push({ + from: u.from, + to:, + text: u.text + }), t) for (var f in u) (c = f.match(/^spans_(\d+)$/)) && Pi(t, Number(c[1])) > -1 && (Ii(l)[f] = u[f], delete u[f]) + } + } + } + return i + } + + function vi(e, t, n, r) { + n < e.line ? e.line += r : t < e.line && (e.line = t, = 0) + } + + function yi(e, t, n, r) { + for (var i = 0; i < e.length; ++i) { + var o = e[i], a = !0; + if (o.ranges) { + o.copied || (o = e[i] = o.deepCopy(), o.copied = !0); + for (var l = 0; l < o.ranges.length; l++) vi(o.ranges[l].anchor, t, n, r), vi(o.ranges[l].head, t, n, r) + } else { + for (var l = 0; l < o.changes.length; ++l) { + var s = o.changes[l]; + if (n < s.from.line) s.from = Bo(s.from.line + r,, = Bo( + r,; else if (t <= { + a = !1; + break + } + } + a || (e.splice(0, i + 1), i = 0) + } + } + } + + function xi(e, t) { + var n = t.from.line, r =, i = t.text.length - (r - n) - 1; + yi(e.done, n, r, i), yi(e.undone, n, r, i) + } + + function bi(e) { + return null != e.defaultPrevented ? e.defaultPrevented : 0 == e.returnValue + } + + function wi(e) { + return || e.srcElement + } + + function ki(e) { + var t = e.which; + return null == t && (1 & e.button ? t = 1 : 2 & e.button ? t = 3 : 4 & e.button && (t = 2)), Eo && e.ctrlKey && 1 == t && (t = 3), t + } + + function Si(e, t, n) { + var r = e._handlers && e._handlers[t]; + return n ? r && r.length > 0 ? r.slice() : Oa : r || Oa + } + + function Ci(e, t) { + function n(e) { + return function () { + e.apply(null, o) + } + } + + var r = Si(e, t, !1); + if (r.length) { + var i, o =, 2); + Go ? i = Go.delayedCallbacks : Ra ? i = Ra : (i = Ra = [], setTimeout(Li, 0)); + for (var a = 0; a < r.length; ++a) i.push(n(r[a])) + } + } + + function Li() { + var e = Ra; + Ra = null; + for (var t = 0; t < e.length; ++t) e[t]() + } + + function Ti(e, t, n) { + return "string" == typeof t && (t = { + type: t, preventDefault: function () { + this.defaultPrevented = !0 + } + }), Pa(e, n || t.type, e, t), bi(t) || t.codemirrorIgnore + } + + function Mi(e) { + var t = e._handlers && e._handlers.cursorActivity; + if (t) for (var n = e.curOp.cursorActivityHandlers || (e.curOp.cursorActivityHandlers = []), r = 0; r < t.length; ++r) -1 == Pi(n, t[r]) && n.push(t[r]) + } + + function Ni(e, t) { + return Si(e, t).length > 0 + } + + function Ai(e) { + e.prototype.on = function (e, t) { + Ea(this, e, t) + }, = function (e, t) { + Ia(this, e, t) + } + } + + function Ei() { + = null + } + + function Oi(e) { + for (; ja.length <= e;) ja.push(Ii(ja) + " "); + return ja[e] + } + + function Ii(e) { + return e[e.length - 1] + } + + function Pi(e, t) { + for (var n = 0; n < e.length; ++n) if (e[n] == t) return n; + return -1 + } + + function Ri(e, t) { + for (var n = [], r = 0; r < e.length; r++) n[r] = t(e[r], r); + return n + } + + function Di() { + } + + function Hi(e, t) { + var n; + return Object.create ? n = Object.create(e) : (Di.prototype = e, n = new Di), t && Wi(t, n), n + } + + function Wi(e, t, n) { + t || (t = {}); + for (var r in e) !e.hasOwnProperty(r) || n === !1 && t.hasOwnProperty(r) || (t[r] = e[r]); + return t + } + + function Bi(e) { + var t =, 1); + return function () { + return e.apply(null, t) + } + } + + function _i(e, t) { + return t ? t.source.indexOf("\\w") > -1 && Ya(e) ? !0 : t.test(e) : Ya(e) + } + + function Fi(e) { + for (var t in e) if (e.hasOwnProperty(t) && e[t]) return !1; + return !0 + } + + function zi(e) { + return e.charCodeAt(0) >= 768 && $a.test(e) + } + + function ji(e, t, n, r) { + var i = document.createElement(e); + if (n && (i.className = n), r && ( = r), "string" == typeof t) i.appendChild(document.createTextNode(t)); else if (t) for (var o = 0; o < t.length; ++o) i.appendChild(t[o]); + return i + } + + function Ui(e) { + for (var t = e.childNodes.length; t > 0; --t) e.removeChild(e.firstChild); + return e + } + + function qi(e, t) { + return Ui(e).appendChild(t) + } + + function Gi() { + for (var e = document.activeElement; e && e.root && e.root.activeElement;) e = e.root.activeElement; + return e + } + + function Yi(e) { + return new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + e + "(?:$|\\s)\\s*") + } + + function $i(e, t) { + for (var n = e.split(" "), r = 0; r < n.length; r++) n[r] && !Yi(n[r]).test(t) && (t += " " + n[r]); + return t + } + + function Vi(e) { + if (document.body.getElementsByClassName) for (var t = document.body.getElementsByClassName("CodeMirror"), n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { + var r = t[n].CodeMirror; + r && e(r) + } + } + + function Ki() { + Qa || (Xi(), Qa = !0) + } + + function Xi() { + var e; + Ea(window, "resize", function () { + null == e && (e = setTimeout(function () { + e = null, Vi(qt) + }, 100)) + }), Ea(window, "blur", function () { + Vi(yn) + }) + } + + function Zi(e) { + if (null == Ka) { + var t = ji("span", "​"); + qi(e, ji("span", [t, document.createTextNode("x")])), 0 != e.firstChild.offsetHeight && (Ka = t.offsetWidth <= 1 && t.offsetHeight > 2 && !(xo && 8 > bo)) + } + var n = Ka ? ji("span", "​") : ji("span", " ", null, "display: inline-block; width: 1px; margin-right: -1px"); + return n.setAttribute("cm-text", ""), n + } + + function Ji(e) { + if (null != Xa) return Xa; + var t = qi(e, document.createTextNode("AخA")), n = qa(t, 0, 1).getBoundingClientRect(); + if (!n || n.left == n.right) return !1; + var r = qa(t, 1, 2).getBoundingClientRect(); + return Xa = r.right - n.right < 3 + } + + function Qi(e) { + if (null != il) return il; + var t = qi(e, ji("span", "x")), n = t.getBoundingClientRect(), + r = qa(t, 0, 1).getBoundingClientRect(); + return il = Math.abs(n.left - r.left) > 1 + } + + function eo(e, t, n, r) { + if (!e) return r(t, n, "ltr"); + for (var i = !1, o = 0; o < e.length; ++o) { + var a = e[o]; + (a.from < n && > t || t == n && == t) && (r(Math.max(a.from, t), Math.min(, n), 1 == a.level ? "rtl" : "ltr"), i = !0) + } + i || r(t, n, "ltr") + } + + function to(e) { + return e.level % 2 ? : e.from + } + + function no(e) { + return e.level % 2 ? e.from : + } + + function ro(e) { + var t = ii(e); + return t ? to(t[0]) : 0 + } + + function io(e) { + var t = ii(e); + return t ? no(Ii(t)) : e.text.length + } + + function oo(e, t) { + var n = Zr(e.doc, t), r = yr(n); + r != n && (t = ti(r)); + var i = ii(r), o = i ? i[0].level % 2 ? io(r) : ro(r) : 0; + return Bo(t, o) + } + + function ao(e, t) { + for (var n, r = Zr(e.doc, t); n = gr(r);) r = n.find(1, !0).line, t = null; + var i = ii(r), o = i ? i[0].level % 2 ? ro(r) : io(r) : r.text.length; + return Bo(null == t ? ti(r) : t, o) + } + + function lo(e, t) { + var n = oo(e, t.line), r = Zr(e.doc, n.line), i = ii(r); + if (!i || 0 == i[0].level) { + var o = Math.max(0,\S/)), a = t.line == n.line && <= o &&; + return Bo(n.line, a ? 0 : o) + } + return n + } + + function so(e, t, n) { + var r = e[0].level; + return t == r ? !0 : n == r ? !1 : n > t + } + + function co(e, t) { + al = null; + for (var n, r = 0; r < e.length; ++r) { + var i = e[r]; + if (i.from < t && > t) return r; + if (i.from == t || == t) { + if (null != n) return so(e, i.level, e[n].level) ? (i.from != && (al = n), r) : (i.from != && (al = r), n); + n = r + } + } + return n + } + + function uo(e, t, n, r) { + if (!r) return t + n; + do t += n; while (t > 0 && zi(e.text.charAt(t))); + return t + } + + function fo(e, t, n, r) { + var i = ii(e); + if (!i) return ho(e, t, n, r); + for (var o = co(i, t), a = i[o], l = uo(e, t, a.level % 2 ? -n : n, r); ;) { + if (l > a.from && l < return l; + if (l == a.from || l == return co(i, l) == o ? l : (a = i[o += n], n > 0 == a.level % 2 ? : a.from); + if (a = i[o += n], !a) return null; + l = n > 0 == a.level % 2 ? uo(e,, -1, r) : uo(e, a.from, 1, r) + } + } + + function ho(e, t, n, r) { + var i = t + n; + if (r) for (; i > 0 && zi(e.text.charAt(i));) i += n; + return 0 > i || i > e.text.length ? null : i + } + + var po = navigator.userAgent, mo = navigator.platform, go = /gecko\/\d/i.test(po), + vo = /MSIE \d/.test(po), yo = /Trident\/(?:[7-9]|\d{2,})\..*rv:(\d+)/.exec(po), xo = vo || yo, + bo = xo && (vo ? document.documentMode || 6 : yo[1]), wo = /WebKit\//.test(po), + ko = wo && /Qt\/\d+\.\d+/.test(po), So = /Chrome\//.test(po), Co = /Opera\//.test(po), + Lo = /Apple Computer/.test(navigator.vendor), To = /Mac OS X 1\d\D([8-9]|\d\d)\D/.test(po), + Mo = /PhantomJS/.test(po), No = /AppleWebKit/.test(po) && /Mobile\/\w+/.test(po), + Ao = No || /Android|webOS|BlackBerry|Opera Mini|Opera Mobi|IEMobile/i.test(po), + Eo = No || /Mac/.test(mo), Oo = /\bCrOS\b/.test(po), Io = /win/i.test(mo), + Po = Co && po.match(/Version\/(\d*\.\d*)/); + Po && (Po = Number(Po[1])), Po && Po >= 15 && (Co = !1, wo = !0); + var Ro = Eo && (ko || Co && (null == Po || 12.11 > Po)), Do = go || xo && bo >= 9, Ho = !1, Wo = !1; + m.prototype = Wi({ + update: function (e) { + var t = e.scrollWidth > e.clientWidth + 1, n = e.scrollHeight > e.clientHeight + 1, + r = e.nativeBarWidth; + if (n) { + = "block", = t ? r + "px" : "0"; + var i = e.viewHeight - (t ? r : 0); + = Math.max(0, e.scrollHeight - e.clientHeight + i) + "px" + } else = "", = "0"; + if (t) { + = "block", = n ? r + "px" : "0", = e.barLeft + "px"; + var o = e.viewWidth - e.barLeft - (n ? r : 0); + = e.scrollWidth - e.clientWidth + o + "px" + } else = "", = "0"; + return !this.checkedZeroWidth && e.clientHeight > 0 && (0 == r && this.zeroWidthHack(), this.checkedZeroWidth = !0), { + right: n ? r : 0, + bottom: t ? r : 0 + } + }, setScrollLeft: function (e) { + this.horiz.scrollLeft != e && (this.horiz.scrollLeft = e), this.disableHoriz && this.enableZeroWidthBar(this.horiz, this.disableHoriz) + }, setScrollTop: function (e) { + this.vert.scrollTop != e && (this.vert.scrollTop = e), this.disableVert && this.enableZeroWidthBar(this.vert, this.disableVert) + }, zeroWidthHack: function () { + var e = Eo && !To ? "12px" : "18px"; + = = e, = = "none", this.disableHoriz = new Ei, this.disableVert = new Ei + }, enableZeroWidthBar: function (e, t) { + function n() { + var r = e.getBoundingClientRect(), i = document.elementFromPoint(r.left + 1, r.bottom - 1); + i != e ? = "none" : t.set(1e3, n) + } + + = "auto", t.set(1e3, n) + }, clear: function () { + var e = this.horiz.parentNode; + e.removeChild(this.horiz), e.removeChild(this.vert) + } + }, m.prototype), g.prototype = Wi({ + update: function () { + return {bottom: 0, right: 0} + }, setScrollLeft: function () { + }, setScrollTop: function () { + }, clear: function () { + } + }, g.prototype), e.scrollbarModel = {"native": m, "null": g}, L.prototype.signal = function (e, t) { + Ni(e, t) && + }, L.prototype.finish = function () { + for (var e = 0; e <; e++) Pa.apply(null,[e]) + }; + var Bo = e.Pos = function (e, t) { + return this instanceof Bo ? (this.line = e, void( = t)) : new Bo(e, t) + }, _o = e.cmpPos = function (e, t) { + return e.line - t.line || - + }, Fo = null; + ne.prototype = Wi({ + init: function (e) { + function t(e) { + if (!Ti(r, e)) { + if (r.somethingSelected()) Fo = { + lineWise: !1, + text: r.getSelections() + }, n.inaccurateSelection && (n.prevInput = "", n.inaccurateSelection = !1, o.value = Fo.text.join("\n"), Ua(o)); else { + if (!r.options.lineWiseCopyCut) return; + var t = ee(r); + Fo = { + lineWise: !0, + text: t.text + }, "cut" == e.type ? r.setSelections(t.ranges, null, Wa) : (n.prevInput = "", o.value = t.text.join("\n"), Ua(o)) + } + "cut" == e.type && (r.state.cutIncoming = !0) + } + } + + var n = this, r =, i = this.wrapper = re(), o = this.textarea = i.firstChild; + e.wrapper.insertBefore(i, e.wrapper.firstChild), No && ( = "0px"), Ea(o, "input", function () { + xo && bo >= 9 && n.hasSelection && (n.hasSelection = null), n.poll() + }), Ea(o, "paste", function (e) { + Ti(r, e) || J(e, r) || (r.state.pasteIncoming = !0, n.fastPoll()) + }), Ea(o, "cut", t), Ea(o, "copy", t), Ea(e.scroller, "paste", function (t) { + Gt(e, t) || Ti(r, t) || (r.state.pasteIncoming = !0, n.focus()) + }), Ea(e.lineSpace, "selectstart", function (t) { + Gt(e, t) || Ma(t) + }), Ea(o, "compositionstart", function () { + var e = r.getCursor("from"); + n.composing && n.composing.range.clear(), n.composing = { + start: e, + range: r.markText(e, r.getCursor("to"), {className: "CodeMirror-composing"}) + } + }), Ea(o, "compositionend", function () { + n.composing && (n.poll(), n.composing.range.clear(), n.composing = null) + }) + }, prepareSelection: function () { + var e =, t = e.display, n = e.doc, r = De(e); + if (e.options.moveInputWithCursor) { + var i = dt(e, n.sel.primary().head, "div"), o = t.wrapper.getBoundingClientRect(), + a = t.lineDiv.getBoundingClientRect(); + r.teTop = Math.max(0, Math.min(t.wrapper.clientHeight - 10, + -, r.teLeft = Math.max(0, Math.min(t.wrapper.clientWidth - 10, i.left + a.left - o.left)) + } + return r + }, showSelection: function (e) { + var t =, n = t.display; + qi(n.cursorDiv, e.cursors), qi(n.selectionDiv, e.selection), null != e.teTop && ( = e.teTop + "px", = e.teLeft + "px") + }, reset: function (e) { + if (!this.contextMenuPending) { + var t, n, r =, i = r.doc; + if (r.somethingSelected()) { + this.prevInput = ""; + var o = i.sel.primary(); + t = rl && ( - o.from().line > 100 || (n = r.getSelection()).length > 1e3); + var a = t ? "-" : n || r.getSelection(); + this.textarea.value = a, r.state.focused && Ua(this.textarea), xo && bo >= 9 && (this.hasSelection = a) + } else e || (this.prevInput = this.textarea.value = "", xo && bo >= 9 && (this.hasSelection = null)); + this.inaccurateSelection = t + } + }, getField: function () { + return this.textarea + }, supportsTouch: function () { + return !1 + }, focus: function () { + if ("nocursor" != && (!Ao || Gi() != this.textarea)) try { + this.textarea.focus() + } catch (e) { + } + }, blur: function () { + this.textarea.blur() + }, resetPosition: function () { + = = 0; + }, receivedFocus: function () { + this.slowPoll() + }, slowPoll: function () { + var e = this; + e.pollingFast || e.polling.set(, function () { + e.poll(), && e.slowPoll() + }) + }, fastPoll: function () { + function e() { + var r = n.poll(); + r || t ? (n.pollingFast = !1, n.slowPoll()) : (t = !0, n.polling.set(60, e)) + } + + var t = !1, n = this; + n.pollingFast = !0, n.polling.set(20, e) + }, poll: function () { + var e =, t = this.textarea, n = this.prevInput; + if (this.contextMenuPending || !e.state.focused || nl(t) && !n && !this.composing || e.isReadOnly() || e.options.disableInput || e.state.keySeq) return !1; + var r = t.value; + if (r == n && !e.somethingSelected()) return !1; + if (xo && bo >= 9 && this.hasSelection === r || Eo && /[\uf700-\uf7ff]/.test(r)) return e.display.input.reset(), !1; + if (e.doc.sel == e.display.selForContextMenu) { + var i = r.charCodeAt(0); + if (8203 != i || n || (n = "​"), 8666 == i) return this.reset(),"undo") + } + for (var o = 0, a = Math.min(n.length, r.length); a > o && n.charCodeAt(o) == r.charCodeAt(o);) ++o; + var l = this; + return At(e, function () { + Z(e, r.slice(o), n.length - o, null, l.composing ? "*compose" : null), r.length > 1e3 || r.indexOf("\n") > -1 ? t.value = l.prevInput = "" : l.prevInput = r, l.composing && (l.composing.range.clear(), l.composing.range = e.markText(l.composing.start, e.getCursor("to"), {className: "CodeMirror-composing"})) + }), !0 + }, ensurePolled: function () { + this.pollingFast && this.poll() && (this.pollingFast = !1) + }, onKeyPress: function () { + xo && bo >= 9 && (this.hasSelection = null), this.fastPoll() + }, onContextMenu: function (e) { + function t() { + if (null != a.selectionStart) { + var e = i.somethingSelected(), t = "​" + (e ? a.value : ""); + a.value = "⇚", a.value = t, r.prevInput = e ? "" : "​", a.selectionStart = 1, a.selectionEnd = t.length, o.selForContextMenu = i.doc.sel + } + } + + function n() { + if (r.contextMenuPending = !1, = f, = u, xo && 9 > bo && o.scrollbars.setScrollTop(o.scroller.scrollTop = s), null != a.selectionStart) { + (!xo || xo && 9 > bo) && t(); + var e = 0, n = function () { + o.selForContextMenu == i.doc.sel && 0 == a.selectionStart && a.selectionEnd > 0 && "​" == r.prevInput ? Et(i, ua.selectAll)(i) : e++ < 10 ? o.detectingSelectAll = setTimeout(n, 500) : o.input.reset() + }; + o.detectingSelectAll = setTimeout(n, 200) + } + } + + var r = this, i =, o = i.display, a = r.textarea, l = Yt(i, e), s = o.scroller.scrollTop; + if (l && !Co) { + var c = i.options.resetSelectionOnContextMenu; + c && -1 == i.doc.sel.contains(l) && Et(i, Te)(i.doc, de(l), Wa); + var u =, f =; + = "position: absolute"; + var h = r.wrapper.getBoundingClientRect(); + if ( = "position: absolute; width: 30px; height: 30px; top: " + (e.clientY - - 5) + "px; left: " + (e.clientX - h.left - 5) + "px; z-index: 1000; background: " + (xo ? "rgba(255, 255, 255, .05)" : "transparent") + "; outline: none; border-width: 0; outline: none; overflow: hidden; opacity: .05; filter: alpha(opacity=5);", wo) var d = window.scrollY; + if (o.input.focus(), wo && window.scrollTo(null, d), o.input.reset(), i.somethingSelected() || (a.value = r.prevInput = " "), r.contextMenuPending = !0, o.selForContextMenu = i.doc.sel, clearTimeout(o.detectingSelectAll), xo && bo >= 9 && t(), Do) { + Aa(e); + var p = function () { + Ia(window, "mouseup", p), setTimeout(n, 20) + }; + Ea(window, "mouseup", p) + } else setTimeout(n, 50) + } + }, readOnlyChanged: function (e) { + e || this.reset() + }, setUneditable: Di, needsContentAttribute: !1 + }, ne.prototype), ie.prototype = Wi({ + init: function (e) { + function t(e) { + if (!Ti(r, e)) { + if (r.somethingSelected()) Fo = { + lineWise: !1, + text: r.getSelections() + }, "cut" == e.type && r.replaceSelection("", null, "cut"); else { + if (!r.options.lineWiseCopyCut) return; + var t = ee(r); + Fo = {lineWise: !0, text: t.text}, "cut" == e.type && r.operation(function () { + r.setSelections(t.ranges, 0, Wa), r.replaceSelection("", null, "cut") + }) + } + if (e.clipboardData && !No) e.preventDefault(), e.clipboardData.clearData(), e.clipboardData.setData("text/plain", Fo.text.join("\n")); else { + var n = re(), i = n.firstChild; + r.display.lineSpace.insertBefore(n, r.display.lineSpace.firstChild), i.value = Fo.text.join("\n"); + var o = document.activeElement; + Ua(i), setTimeout(function () { + r.display.lineSpace.removeChild(n), o.focus() + }, 50) + } + } + } + + var n = this, r =, i = n.div = e.lineDiv; + te(i), Ea(i, "paste", function (e) { + Ti(r, e) || J(e, r) + }), Ea(i, "compositionstart", function (e) { + var t =; + if (n.composing = {sel: r.doc.sel, data: t, startData: t}, t) { + var i = r.doc.sel.primary(), o = r.getLine(i.head.line), + a = o.indexOf(t, Math.max(0, - t.length)); + a > -1 && a <= && (n.composing.sel = de(Bo(i.head.line, a), Bo(i.head.line, a + t.length))) + } + }), Ea(i, "compositionupdate", function (e) { + = + }), Ea(i, "compositionend", function (e) { + var t = n.composing; + t && ( == t.startData || /\u200b/.test( || ( =, setTimeout(function () { + t.handled || n.applyComposition(t), n.composing == t && (n.composing = null) + }, 50)) + }), Ea(i, "touchstart", function () { + n.forceCompositionEnd() + }), Ea(i, "input", function () { + n.composing || !r.isReadOnly() && n.pollContent() || At(, function () { + Dt(r) + }) + }), Ea(i, "copy", t), Ea(i, "cut", t) + }, prepareSelection: function () { + var e = De(, !1); + return e.focus =, e + }, showSelection: function (e, t) { + e && && ((e.focus || t) && this.showPrimarySelection(), this.showMultipleSelections(e)) + }, showPrimarySelection: function () { + var e = window.getSelection(), t =, + n = le(, e.anchorNode, e.anchorOffset), r = le(, e.focusNode, e.focusOffset); + if (!n || n.bad || !r || r.bad || 0 != _o(K(n, r), t.from()) || 0 != _o(V(n, r), { + var i = oe(, t.from()), o = oe(,; + if (i || o) { + var a =, l = e.rangeCount && e.getRangeAt(0); + if (i) { + if (!o) { + var s = a[a.length - 1].measure, c = s.maps ? s.maps[s.maps.length - 1] :; + o = {node: c[c.length - 1], offset: c[c.length - 2] - c[c.length - 3]} + } + } else i = {node: a[0][2], offset: 0}; + try { + var u = qa(i.node, i.offset, o.offset, o.node) + } catch (f) { + } + u && (!go && ? (e.collapse(i.node, i.offset), u.collapsed || e.addRange(u)) : (e.removeAllRanges(), e.addRange(u)), l && null == e.anchorNode ? e.addRange(l) : go && this.startGracePeriod()), this.rememberSelection() + } + } + }, startGracePeriod: function () { + var e = this; + clearTimeout(this.gracePeriod), this.gracePeriod = setTimeout(function () { + e.gracePeriod = !1, e.selectionChanged() && () { + = !0 + }) + }, 20) + }, showMultipleSelections: function (e) { + qi(, e.cursors), qi(, e.selection) + }, rememberSelection: function () { + var e = window.getSelection(); + this.lastAnchorNode = e.anchorNode, this.lastAnchorOffset = e.anchorOffset, this.lastFocusNode = e.focusNode, this.lastFocusOffset = e.focusOffset + }, selectionInEditor: function () { + var e = window.getSelection(); + if (!e.rangeCount) return !1; + var t = e.getRangeAt(0).commonAncestorContainer; + return Va(this.div, t) + }, focus: function () { + "nocursor" != && this.div.focus() + }, blur: function () { + this.div.blur() + }, getField: function () { + return this.div + }, supportsTouch: function () { + return !0 + }, receivedFocus: function () { + function e() { + && (t.pollSelection(), t.polling.set(, e)) + } + + var t = this; + this.selectionInEditor() ? this.pollSelection() : At(, function () { + = !0 + }), this.polling.set(, e) + }, selectionChanged: function () { + var e = window.getSelection(); + return e.anchorNode != this.lastAnchorNode || e.anchorOffset != this.lastAnchorOffset || e.focusNode != this.lastFocusNode || e.focusOffset != this.lastFocusOffset + }, pollSelection: function () { + if (!this.composing && !this.gracePeriod && this.selectionChanged()) { + var e = window.getSelection(), t =; + this.rememberSelection(); + var n = le(t, e.anchorNode, e.anchorOffset), r = le(t, e.focusNode, e.focusOffset); + n && r && At(t, function () { + Te(t.doc, de(n, r), Wa), (n.bad || r.bad) && (t.curOp.selectionChanged = !0) + }) + } + }, pollContent: function () { + var e =, t = e.display, n = e.doc.sel.primary(), r = n.from(), i =; + if (r.line < t.viewFrom || i.line > t.viewTo - 1) return !1; + var o; + if (r.line == t.viewFrom || 0 == (o = Bt(e, r.line))) var a = ti(t.view[0].line), + l = t.view[0].node; else var a = ti(t.view[o].line), l = t.view[o - 1].node.nextSibling; + var s = Bt(e, i.line); + if (s == t.view.length - 1) var c = t.viewTo - 1, + u = t.lineDiv.lastChild; else var c = ti(t.view[s + 1].line) - 1, + u = t.view[s + 1].node.previousSibling; + for (var f = e.doc.splitLines(ce(e, l, u, a, c)), h = Jr(e.doc, Bo(a, 0), Bo(c, Zr(e.doc, c).text.length)); f.length > 1 && h.length > 1;) if (Ii(f) == Ii(h)) f.pop(), h.pop(), c--; else { + if (f[0] != h[0]) break; + f.shift(), h.shift(), a++ + } + for (var d = 0, p = 0, m = f[0], g = h[0], v = Math.min(m.length, g.length); v > d && m.charCodeAt(d) == g.charCodeAt(d);) ++d; + for (var y = Ii(f), x = Ii(h), b = Math.min(y.length - (1 == f.length ? d : 0), x.length - (1 == h.length ? d : 0)); b > p && y.charCodeAt(y.length - p - 1) == x.charCodeAt(x.length - p - 1);) ++p; + f[f.length - 1] = y.slice(0, y.length - p), f[0] = f[0].slice(d); + var w = Bo(a, d), k = Bo(c, h.length ? Ii(h).length - p : 0); + return f.length > 1 || f[0] || _o(w, k) ? (In(e.doc, f, w, k, "+input"), !0) : void 0 + }, ensurePolled: function () { + this.forceCompositionEnd() + }, reset: function () { + this.forceCompositionEnd() + }, forceCompositionEnd: function () { + this.composing && !this.composing.handled && (this.applyComposition(this.composing), this.composing.handled = !0, this.div.blur(), this.div.focus()) + }, applyComposition: function (e) { + ? Et(, Dt)( : && != e.startData && Et(, Z)(,, 0, e.sel) + }, setUneditable: function (e) { + e.contentEditable = "false" + }, onKeyPress: function (e) { + e.preventDefault(), || Et(, Z)(, String.fromCharCode(null == e.charCode ? e.keyCode : e.charCode), 0) + }, readOnlyChanged: function (e) { + this.div.contentEditable = String("nocursor" != e) + }, onContextMenu: Di, resetPosition: Di, needsContentAttribute: !0 + }, ie.prototype), e.inputStyles = { + textarea: ne, + contenteditable: ie + }, ue.prototype = { + primary: function () { + return this.ranges[this.primIndex] + }, equals: function (e) { + if (e == this) return !0; + if (e.primIndex != this.primIndex || e.ranges.length != this.ranges.length) return !1; + for (var t = 0; t < this.ranges.length; t++) { + var n = this.ranges[t], r = e.ranges[t]; + if (0 != _o(n.anchor, r.anchor) || 0 != _o(n.head, r.head)) return !1 + } + return !0 + }, deepCopy: function () { + for (var e = [], t = 0; t < this.ranges.length; t++) e[t] = new fe($(this.ranges[t].anchor), $(this.ranges[t].head)); + return new ue(e, this.primIndex) + }, somethingSelected: function () { + for (var e = 0; e < this.ranges.length; e++) if (!this.ranges[e].empty()) return !0; + return !1 + }, contains: function (e, t) { + t || (t = e); + for (var n = 0; n < this.ranges.length; n++) { + var r = this.ranges[n]; + if (_o(t, r.from()) >= 0 && _o(e, <= 0) return n + } + return -1 + } + }, fe.prototype = { + from: function () { + return K(this.anchor, this.head) + }, to: function () { + return V(this.anchor, this.head) + }, empty: function () { + return this.head.line == this.anchor.line && == + } + }; + var zo, jo, Uo, qo = {left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0}, Go = null, Yo = 0, $o = 0, Vo = 0, + Ko = null; + xo ? Ko = -.53 : go ? Ko = 15 : So ? Ko = -.7 : Lo && (Ko = -1 / 3); + var Xo = function (e) { + var t = e.wheelDeltaX, n = e.wheelDeltaY; + return null == t && e.detail && e.axis == e.HORIZONTAL_AXIS && (t = e.detail), null == n && e.detail && e.axis == e.VERTICAL_AXIS ? n = e.detail : null == n && (n = e.wheelDelta), { + x: t, + y: n + } + }; + e.wheelEventPixels = function (e) { + var t = Xo(e); + return t.x *= Ko, t.y *= Ko, t + }; + var Zo = new Ei, Jo = null, Qo = e.changeEnd = function (e) { + return e.text ? Bo(e.from.line + e.text.length - 1, Ii(e.text).length + (1 == e.text.length ? : 0)) : + }; + e.prototype = { + constructor: e, + focus: function () { + window.focus(), this.display.input.focus() + }, + setOption: function (e, t) { + var n = this.options, r = n[e]; + n[e] == t && "mode" != e || (n[e] = t, ta.hasOwnProperty(e) && Et(this, ta[e])(this, t, r)) + }, + getOption: function (e) { + return this.options[e] + }, + getDoc: function () { + return this.doc + }, + addKeyMap: function (e, t) { + this.state.keyMaps[t ? "push" : "unshift"]($n(e)) + }, + removeKeyMap: function (e) { + for (var t = this.state.keyMaps, n = 0; n < t.length; ++n) if (t[n] == e || t[n].name == e) return t.splice(n, 1), !0 + }, + addOverlay: Ot(function (t, n) { + var r = t.token ? t : e.getMode(this.options, t); + if (r.startState) throw new Error("Overlays may not be stateful."); + this.state.overlays.push({ + mode: r, + modeSpec: t, + opaque: n && n.opaque + }), this.state.modeGen++, Dt(this) + }), + removeOverlay: Ot(function (e) { + for (var t = this.state.overlays, n = 0; n < t.length; ++n) { + var r = t[n].modeSpec; + if (r == e || "string" == typeof e && == e) return t.splice(n, 1), this.state.modeGen++, void Dt(this) + } + }), + indentLine: Ot(function (e, t, n) { + "string" != typeof t && "number" != typeof t && (t = null == t ? this.options.smartIndent ? "smart" : "prev" : t ? "add" : "subtract"), ve(this.doc, e) && Fn(this, e, t, n) + }), + indentSelection: Ot(function (e) { + for (var t = this.doc.sel.ranges, n = -1, r = 0; r < t.length; r++) { + var i = t[r]; + if (i.empty()) i.head.line > n && (Fn(this, i.head.line, e, !0), n = i.head.line, r == this.doc.sel.primIndex && Bn(this)); else { + var o = i.from(), a =, l = Math.max(n, o.line); + n = Math.min(this.lastLine(), a.line - ( ? 0 : 1)) + 1; + for (var s = l; n > s; ++s) Fn(this, s, e); + var c = this.doc.sel.ranges; + 0 == && t.length == c.length && c[r].from().ch > 0 && ke(this.doc, r, new fe(o, c[r].to()), Wa) + } + } + }), + getTokenAt: function (e, t) { + return Ir(this, e, t) + }, + getLineTokens: function (e, t) { + return Ir(this, Bo(e), t, !0) + }, + getTokenTypeAt: function (e) { + e = me(this.doc, e); + var t, n = Dr(this, Zr(this.doc, e.line)), r = 0, i = (n.length - 1) / 2, o =; + if (0 == o) t = n[2]; else for (; ;) { + var a = r + i >> 1; + if ((a ? n[2 * a - 1] : 0) >= o) i = a; else { + if (!(n[2 * a + 1] < o)) { + t = n[2 * a + 2]; + break + } + r = a + 1 + } + } + var l = t ? t.indexOf("cm-overlay ") : -1; + return 0 > l ? t : 0 == l ? null : t.slice(0, l - 1) + }, + getModeAt: function (t) { + var n = this.doc.mode; + return n.innerMode ? e.innerMode(n, this.getTokenAt(t).state).mode : n + }, + getHelper: function (e, t) { + return this.getHelpers(e, t)[0] + }, + getHelpers: function (e, t) { + var n = []; + if (!la.hasOwnProperty(t)) return n; + var r = la[t], i = this.getModeAt(e); + if ("string" == typeof i[t]) r[i[t]] && n.push(r[i[t]]); else if (i[t]) for (var o = 0; o < i[t].length; o++) { + var a = r[i[t][o]]; + a && n.push(a) + } else i.helperType && r[i.helperType] ? n.push(r[i.helperType]) : r[] && n.push(r[]); + for (var o = 0; o < r._global.length; o++) { + var l = r._global[o]; + l.pred(i, this) && -1 == Pi(n, l.val) && n.push(l.val) + } + return n + }, + getStateAfter: function (e, t) { + var n = this.doc; + return e = pe(n, null == e ? n.first + n.size - 1 : e), je(this, e + 1, t) + }, + cursorCoords: function (e, t) { + var n, r = this.doc.sel.primary(); + return n = null == e ? r.head : "object" == typeof e ? me(this.doc, e) : e ? r.from() :, dt(this, n, t || "page") + }, + charCoords: function (e, t) { + return ht(this, me(this.doc, e), t || "page") + }, + coordsChar: function (e, t) { + return e = ft(this, e, t || "page"), gt(this, e.left, + }, + lineAtHeight: function (e, t) { + return e = ft(this, { + top: e, + left: 0 + }, t || "page").top, ni(this.doc, e + this.display.viewOffset) + }, + heightAtLine: function (e, t) { + var n, r = !1; + if ("number" == typeof e) { + var i = this.doc.first + this.doc.size - 1; + e < this.doc.first ? e = this.doc.first : e > i && (e = i, r = !0), n = Zr(this.doc, e) + } else n = e; + return ut(this, n, {top: 0, left: 0}, t || "page").top + (r ? this.doc.height - ri(n) : 0) + }, + defaultTextHeight: function () { + return yt(this.display) + }, + defaultCharWidth: function () { + return xt(this.display) + }, + setGutterMarker: Ot(function (e, t, n) { + return zn(this.doc, e, "gutter", function (e) { + var r = e.gutterMarkers || (e.gutterMarkers = {}); + return r[t] = n, !n && Fi(r) && (e.gutterMarkers = null), !0 + }) + }), + clearGutter: Ot(function (e) { + var t = this, n = t.doc, r = n.first; + n.iter(function (n) { + n.gutterMarkers && n.gutterMarkers[e] && (n.gutterMarkers[e] = null, Ht(t, r, "gutter"), Fi(n.gutterMarkers) && (n.gutterMarkers = null)), ++r + }) + }), + lineInfo: function (e) { + if ("number" == typeof e) { + if (!ve(this.doc, e)) return null; + var t = e; + if (e = Zr(this.doc, e), !e) return null + } else { + var t = ti(e); + if (null == t) return null + } + return { + line: t, + handle: e, + text: e.text, + gutterMarkers: e.gutterMarkers, + textClass: e.textClass, + bgClass: e.bgClass, + wrapClass: e.wrapClass, + widgets: e.widgets + } + }, + getViewport: function () { + return {from: this.display.viewFrom, to: this.display.viewTo} + }, + addWidget: function (e, t, n, r, i) { + var o = this.display; + e = dt(this, me(this.doc, e)); + var a = e.bottom, l = e.left; + if ( = "absolute", t.setAttribute("cm-ignore-events", "true"), this.display.input.setUneditable(t), o.sizer.appendChild(t), "over" == r) a =; else if ("above" == r || "near" == r) { + var s = Math.max(o.wrapper.clientHeight, this.doc.height), + c = Math.max(o.sizer.clientWidth, o.lineSpace.clientWidth); + ("above" == r || e.bottom + t.offsetHeight > s) && > t.offsetHeight ? a = - t.offsetHeight : e.bottom + t.offsetHeight <= s && (a = e.bottom), l + t.offsetWidth > c && (l = c - t.offsetWidth) + } + = a + "px", = = "", "right" == i ? (l = o.sizer.clientWidth - t.offsetWidth, = "0px") : ("left" == i ? l = 0 : "middle" == i && (l = (o.sizer.clientWidth - t.offsetWidth) / 2), = l + "px"), n && Dn(this, l, a, l + t.offsetWidth, a + t.offsetHeight) + }, + triggerOnKeyDown: Ot(hn), + triggerOnKeyPress: Ot(mn), + triggerOnKeyUp: pn, + execCommand: function (e) { + return ua.hasOwnProperty(e) ? ua[e].call(null, this) : void 0 + }, + triggerElectric: Ot(function (e) { + Q(this, e) + }), + findPosH: function (e, t, n, r) { + var i = 1; + 0 > t && (i = -1, t = -t); + for (var o = 0, a = me(this.doc, e); t > o && (a = Un(this.doc, a, i, n, r), !a.hitSide); ++o) ; + return a + }, + moveH: Ot(function (e, t) { + var n = this; + n.extendSelectionsBy(function (r) { + return n.display.shift || n.doc.extend || r.empty() ? Un(n.doc, r.head, e, t, n.options.rtlMoveVisually) : 0 > e ? r.from() : + }, _a) + }), + deleteH: Ot(function (e, t) { + var n = this.doc.sel, r = this.doc; + n.somethingSelected() ? r.replaceSelection("", null, "+delete") : jn(this, function (n) { + var i = Un(r, n.head, e, t, !1); + return 0 > e ? {from: i, to: n.head} : {from: n.head, to: i} + }) + }), + findPosV: function (e, t, n, r) { + var i = 1, o = r; + 0 > t && (i = -1, t = -t); + for (var a = 0, l = me(this.doc, e); t > a; ++a) { + var s = dt(this, l, "div"); + if (null == o ? o = s.left : s.left = o, l = qn(this, s, i, n), l.hitSide) break + } + return l + }, + moveV: Ot(function (e, t) { + var n = this, r = this.doc, i = [], + o = !n.display.shift && !r.extend && r.sel.somethingSelected(); + if (r.extendSelectionsBy(function (a) { + if (o) return 0 > e ? a.from() :; + var l = dt(n, a.head, "div"); + null != a.goalColumn && (l.left = a.goalColumn), i.push(l.left); + var s = qn(n, l, e, t); + return "page" == t && a == r.sel.primary() && Wn(n, null, ht(n, s, "div").top -, s + }, _a), i.length) for (var a = 0; a < r.sel.ranges.length; a++) r.sel.ranges[a].goalColumn = i[a] + }), + findWordAt: function (e) { + var t = this.doc, n = Zr(t, e.line).text, r =, i =; + if (n) { + var o = this.getHelper(e, "wordChars"); + (e.xRel < 0 || i == n.length) && r ? --r : ++i; + for (var a = n.charAt(r), l = _i(a, o) ? function (e) { + return _i(e, o) + } : /\s/.test(a) ? function (e) { + return /\s/.test(e) + } : function (e) { + return !/\s/.test(e) && !_i(e) + }; r > 0 && l(n.charAt(r - 1));) --r; + for (; i < n.length && l(n.charAt(i));) ++i + } + return new fe(Bo(e.line, r), Bo(e.line, i)) + }, + toggleOverwrite: function (e) { + null != e && e == this.state.overwrite || ((this.state.overwrite = !this.state.overwrite) ? Ja(this.display.cursorDiv, "CodeMirror-overwrite") : Za(this.display.cursorDiv, "CodeMirror-overwrite"), Pa(this, "overwriteToggle", this, this.state.overwrite)) + }, + hasFocus: function () { + return this.display.input.getField() == Gi() + }, + isReadOnly: function () { + return !(!this.options.readOnly && !this.doc.cantEdit) + }, + scrollTo: Ot(function (e, t) { + null == e && null == t || _n(this), null != e && (this.curOp.scrollLeft = e), null != t && (this.curOp.scrollTop = t) + }), + getScrollInfo: function () { + var e = this.display.scroller; + return { + left: e.scrollLeft, + top: e.scrollTop, + height: e.scrollHeight - Ye(this) - this.display.barHeight, + width: e.scrollWidth - Ye(this) - this.display.barWidth, + clientHeight: Ve(this), + clientWidth: $e(this) + } + }, + scrollIntoView: Ot(function (e, t) { + if (null == e ? (e = { + from: this.doc.sel.primary().head, + to: null + }, null == t && (t = this.options.cursorScrollMargin)) : "number" == typeof e ? e = { + from: Bo(e, 0), + to: null + } : null == e.from && (e = { + from: e, + to: null + }), || ( = e.from), e.margin = t || 0, null != e.from.line) _n(this), this.curOp.scrollToPos = e; else { + var n = Hn(this, Math.min(e.from.left,, Math.min(, - e.margin, Math.max(e.from.right,, Math.max(e.from.bottom, + e.margin); + this.scrollTo(n.scrollLeft, n.scrollTop) + } + }), + setSize: Ot(function (e, t) { + function n(e) { + return "number" == typeof e || /^\d+$/.test(String(e)) ? e + "px" : e + } + + var r = this; + null != e && ( = n(e)), null != t && ( = n(t)), r.options.lineWrapping && at(this); + var i = r.display.viewFrom; + r.doc.iter(i, r.display.viewTo, function (e) { + if (e.widgets) for (var t = 0; t < e.widgets.length; t++) if (e.widgets[t].noHScroll) { + Ht(r, i, "widget"); + break + } + ++i + }), r.curOp.forceUpdate = !0, Pa(r, "refresh", this) + }), + operation: function (e) { + return At(this, e) + }, + refresh: Ot(function () { + var e = this.display.cachedTextHeight; + Dt(this), this.curOp.forceUpdate = !0, lt(this), this.scrollTo(this.doc.scrollLeft, this.doc.scrollTop), u(this), (null == e || Math.abs(e - yt(this.display)) > .5) && a(this), Pa(this, "refresh", this) + }), + swapDoc: Ot(function (e) { + var t = this.doc; + return = null, Xr(this, e), lt(this), this.display.input.reset(), this.scrollTo(e.scrollLeft, e.scrollTop), this.curOp.forceScroll = !0, Ci(this, "swapDoc", this, t), t + }), + getInputField: function () { + return this.display.input.getField() + }, + getWrapperElement: function () { + return this.display.wrapper + }, + getScrollerElement: function () { + return this.display.scroller + }, + getGutterElement: function () { + return this.display.gutters + } + }, Ai(e); + var ea = e.defaults = {}, ta = e.optionHandlers = {}, na = e.Init = { + toString: function () { + return "CodeMirror.Init" + } + }; + Gn("value", "", function (e, t) { + e.setValue(t) + }, !0), Gn("mode", null, function (e, t) { + e.doc.modeOption = t, n(e) + }, !0), Gn("indentUnit", 2, n, !0), Gn("indentWithTabs", !1), Gn("smartIndent", !0), Gn("tabSize", 4, function (e) { + r(e), lt(e), Dt(e) + }, !0), Gn("lineSeparator", null, function (e, t) { + if (e.doc.lineSep = t, t) { + var n = [], r = e.doc.first; + e.doc.iter(function (e) { + for (var i = 0; ;) { + var o = e.text.indexOf(t, i); + if (-1 == o) break; + i = o + t.length, n.push(Bo(r, o)) + } + r++ + }); + for (var i = n.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) In(e.doc, t, n[i], Bo(n[i].line, n[i].ch + t.length)) + } + }), Gn("specialChars", /[\u0000-\u001f\u007f\u00ad\u200b-\u200f\u2028\u2029\ufeff]/g, function (t, n, r) { + t.state.specialChars = new RegExp(n.source + (n.test(" ") ? "" : "| "), "g"), r != e.Init && t.refresh() + }), Gn("specialCharPlaceholder", _r, function (e) { + e.refresh() + }, !0), Gn("electricChars", !0), Gn("inputStyle", Ao ? "contenteditable" : "textarea", function () { + throw new Error("inputStyle can not (yet) be changed in a running editor") + }, !0), Gn("rtlMoveVisually", !Io), Gn("wholeLineUpdateBefore", !0), Gn("theme", "default", function (e) { + l(e), s(e) + }, !0), Gn("keyMap", "default", function (t, n, r) { + var i = $n(n), o = r != e.Init && $n(r); + o && o.detach && o.detach(t, i), i.attach && i.attach(t, o || null) + }), Gn("extraKeys", null), Gn("lineWrapping", !1, i, !0), Gn("gutters", [], function (e) { + d(e.options), s(e) + }, !0), Gn("fixedGutter", !0, function (e, t) { + = t ? C(e.display) + "px" : "0", e.refresh() + }, !0), Gn("coverGutterNextToScrollbar", !1, function (e) { + y(e) + }, !0), Gn("scrollbarStyle", "native", function (e) { + v(e), y(e), e.display.scrollbars.setScrollTop(e.doc.scrollTop), e.display.scrollbars.setScrollLeft(e.doc.scrollLeft) + }, !0), Gn("lineNumbers", !1, function (e) { + d(e.options), s(e) + }, !0), Gn("firstLineNumber", 1, s, !0), Gn("lineNumberFormatter", function (e) { + return e + }, s, !0), Gn("showCursorWhenSelecting", !1, Re, !0), Gn("resetSelectionOnContextMenu", !0), Gn("lineWiseCopyCut", !0), Gn("readOnly", !1, function (e, t) { + "nocursor" == t ? (yn(e), e.display.input.blur(), e.display.disabled = !0) : e.display.disabled = !1, e.display.input.readOnlyChanged(t) + }), Gn("disableInput", !1, function (e, t) { + t || e.display.input.reset() + }, !0), Gn("dragDrop", !0, Ut), Gn("allowDropFileTypes", null), Gn("cursorBlinkRate", 530), Gn("cursorScrollMargin", 0), Gn("cursorHeight", 1, Re, !0), Gn("singleCursorHeightPerLine", !0, Re, !0), Gn("workTime", 100), Gn("workDelay", 100), Gn("flattenSpans", !0, r, !0), Gn("addModeClass", !1, r, !0), Gn("pollInterval", 100), Gn("undoDepth", 200, function (e, t) { + e.doc.history.undoDepth = t + }), Gn("historyEventDelay", 1250), Gn("viewportMargin", 10, function (e) { + e.refresh() + }, !0), Gn("maxHighlightLength", 1e4, r, !0), Gn("moveInputWithCursor", !0, function (e, t) { + t || e.display.input.resetPosition() + }), Gn("tabindex", null, function (e, t) { + e.display.input.getField().tabIndex = t || "" + }), Gn("autofocus", null); + var ra = e.modes = {}, ia = e.mimeModes = {}; + e.defineMode = function (t, n) { + e.defaults.mode || "null" == t || (e.defaults.mode = t), arguments.length > 2 && (n.dependencies =, 2)), ra[t] = n + }, e.defineMIME = function (e, t) { + ia[e] = t + }, e.resolveMode = function (t) { + if ("string" == typeof t && ia.hasOwnProperty(t)) t = ia[t]; else if (t && "string" == typeof && ia.hasOwnProperty( { + var n = ia[]; + "string" == typeof n && (n = {name: n}), t = Hi(n, t), = + } else if ("string" == typeof t && /^[\w\-]+\/[\w\-]+\+xml$/.test(t)) return e.resolveMode("application/xml"); + return "string" == typeof t ? {name: t} : t || {name: "null"} + }, e.getMode = function (t, n) { + var n = e.resolveMode(n), r = ra[]; + if (!r) return e.getMode(t, "text/plain"); + var i = r(t, n); + if (oa.hasOwnProperty( { + var o = oa[]; + for (var a in o) o.hasOwnProperty(a) && (i.hasOwnProperty(a) && (i["_" + a] = i[a]), i[a] = o[a]) + } + if ( =, n.helperType && (i.helperType = n.helperType), n.modeProps) for (var a in n.modeProps) i[a] = n.modeProps[a]; + return i + }, e.defineMode("null", function () { + return { + token: function (e) { + e.skipToEnd() + } + } + }), e.defineMIME("text/plain", "null"); + var oa = e.modeExtensions = {}; + e.extendMode = function (e, t) { + var n = oa.hasOwnProperty(e) ? oa[e] : oa[e] = {}; + Wi(t, n) + }, e.defineExtension = function (t, n) { + e.prototype[t] = n + }, e.defineDocExtension = function (e, t) { + Ca.prototype[e] = t + }, e.defineOption = Gn; + var aa = []; + e.defineInitHook = function (e) { + aa.push(e) + }; + var la = e.helpers = {}; + e.registerHelper = function (t, n, r) { + la.hasOwnProperty(t) || (la[t] = e[t] = {_global: []}), la[t][n] = r + }, e.registerGlobalHelper = function (t, n, r, i) { + e.registerHelper(t, n, i), la[t]._global.push({pred: r, val: i}) + }; + var sa = e.copyState = function (e, t) { + if (t === !0) return t; + if (e.copyState) return e.copyState(t); + var n = {}; + for (var r in t) { + var i = t[r]; + i instanceof Array && (i = i.concat([])), n[r] = i + } + return n + }, ca = e.startState = function (e, t, n) { + return e.startState ? e.startState(t, n) : !0 + }; + e.innerMode = function (e, t) { + for (; e.innerMode;) { + var n = e.innerMode(t); + if (!n || n.mode == e) break; + t = n.state, e = n.mode + } + return n || {mode: e, state: t} + }; + var ua = e.commands = { + selectAll: function (e) { + e.setSelection(Bo(e.firstLine(), 0), Bo(e.lastLine()), Wa) + }, singleSelection: function (e) { + e.setSelection(e.getCursor("anchor"), e.getCursor("head"), Wa) + }, killLine: function (e) { + jn(e, function (t) { + if (t.empty()) { + var n = Zr(e.doc, t.head.line).text.length; + return == n && t.head.line < e.lastLine() ? { + from: t.head, + to: Bo(t.head.line + 1, 0) + } : {from: t.head, to: Bo(t.head.line, n)} + } + return {from: t.from(), to:} + }) + }, deleteLine: function (e) { + jn(e, function (t) { + return {from: Bo(t.from().line, 0), to: me(e.doc, Bo( + 1, 0))} + }) + }, delLineLeft: function (e) { + jn(e, function (e) { + return {from: Bo(e.from().line, 0), to: e.from()} + }) + }, delWrappedLineLeft: function (e) { + jn(e, function (t) { + var n = e.charCoords(t.head, "div").top + 5, r = e.coordsChar({left: 0, top: n}, "div"); + return {from: r, to: t.from()} + }) + }, delWrappedLineRight: function (e) { + jn(e, function (t) { + var n = e.charCoords(t.head, "div").top + 5, + r = e.coordsChar({left: e.display.lineDiv.offsetWidth + 100, top: n}, "div"); + return {from: t.from(), to: r} + }) + }, undo: function (e) { + e.undo() + }, redo: function (e) { + e.redo() + }, undoSelection: function (e) { + e.undoSelection() + }, redoSelection: function (e) { + e.redoSelection() + }, goDocStart: function (e) { + e.extendSelection(Bo(e.firstLine(), 0)) + }, goDocEnd: function (e) { + e.extendSelection(Bo(e.lastLine())) + }, goLineStart: function (e) { + e.extendSelectionsBy(function (t) { + return oo(e, t.head.line) + }, {origin: "+move", bias: 1}) + }, goLineStartSmart: function (e) { + e.extendSelectionsBy(function (t) { + return lo(e, t.head) + }, {origin: "+move", bias: 1}) + }, goLineEnd: function (e) { + e.extendSelectionsBy(function (t) { + return ao(e, t.head.line) + }, {origin: "+move", bias: -1}) + }, goLineRight: function (e) { + e.extendSelectionsBy(function (t) { + var n = e.charCoords(t.head, "div").top + 5; + return e.coordsChar({left: e.display.lineDiv.offsetWidth + 100, top: n}, "div") + }, _a) + }, goLineLeft: function (e) { + e.extendSelectionsBy(function (t) { + var n = e.charCoords(t.head, "div").top + 5; + return e.coordsChar({left: 0, top: n}, "div") + }, _a) + }, goLineLeftSmart: function (e) { + e.extendSelectionsBy(function (t) { + var n = e.charCoords(t.head, "div").top + 5, r = e.coordsChar({left: 0, top: n}, "div"); + return < e.getLine(r.line).search(/\S/) ? lo(e, t.head) : r + }, _a) + }, goLineUp: function (e) { + e.moveV(-1, "line") + }, goLineDown: function (e) { + e.moveV(1, "line") + }, goPageUp: function (e) { + e.moveV(-1, "page") + }, goPageDown: function (e) { + e.moveV(1, "page") + }, goCharLeft: function (e) { + e.moveH(-1, "char") + }, goCharRight: function (e) { + e.moveH(1, "char") + }, goColumnLeft: function (e) { + e.moveH(-1, "column") + }, goColumnRight: function (e) { + e.moveH(1, "column") + }, goWordLeft: function (e) { + e.moveH(-1, "word") + }, goGroupRight: function (e) { + e.moveH(1, "group") + }, goGroupLeft: function (e) { + e.moveH(-1, "group") + }, goWordRight: function (e) { + e.moveH(1, "word") + }, delCharBefore: function (e) { + e.deleteH(-1, "char") + }, delCharAfter: function (e) { + e.deleteH(1, "char") + }, delWordBefore: function (e) { + e.deleteH(-1, "word") + }, delWordAfter: function (e) { + e.deleteH(1, "word") + }, delGroupBefore: function (e) { + e.deleteH(-1, "group") + }, delGroupAfter: function (e) { + e.deleteH(1, "group") + }, indentAuto: function (e) { + e.indentSelection("smart") + }, indentMore: function (e) { + e.indentSelection("add") + }, indentLess: function (e) { + e.indentSelection("subtract") + }, insertTab: function (e) { + e.replaceSelection(" ") + }, insertSoftTab: function (e) { + for (var t = [], n = e.listSelections(), r = e.options.tabSize, i = 0; i < n.length; i++) { + var o = n[i].from(), a = Fa(e.getLine(o.line),, r); + t.push(Oi(r - a % r)) + } + e.replaceSelections(t) + }, defaultTab: function (e) { + e.somethingSelected() ? e.indentSelection("add") : e.execCommand("insertTab") + }, transposeChars: function (e) { + At(e, function () { + for (var t = e.listSelections(), n = [], r = 0; r < t.length; r++) { + var i = t[r].head, o = Zr(e.doc, i.line).text; + if (o) if ( == o.length && (i = new Bo(i.line, - 1)), > 0) i = new Bo(i.line, + 1), e.replaceRange(o.charAt( - 1) + o.charAt( - 2), Bo(i.line, - 2), i, "+transpose"); else if (i.line > e.doc.first) { + var a = Zr(e.doc, i.line - 1).text; + a && e.replaceRange(o.charAt(0) + e.doc.lineSeparator() + a.charAt(a.length - 1), Bo(i.line - 1, a.length - 1), Bo(i.line, 1), "+transpose") + } + n.push(new fe(i, i)) + } + e.setSelections(n) + }) + }, newlineAndIndent: function (e) { + At(e, function () { + for (var t = e.listSelections().length, n = 0; t > n; n++) { + var r = e.listSelections()[n]; + e.replaceRange(e.doc.lineSeparator(), r.anchor, r.head, "+input"), e.indentLine(r.from().line + 1, null, !0) + } + Bn(e) + }) + }, openLine: function (e) { + e.replaceSelection("\n", "start") + }, toggleOverwrite: function (e) { + e.toggleOverwrite() + } + }, fa = e.keyMap = {}; + fa.basic = { + Left: "goCharLeft", + Right: "goCharRight", + Up: "goLineUp", + Down: "goLineDown", + End: "goLineEnd", + Home: "goLineStartSmart", + PageUp: "goPageUp", + PageDown: "goPageDown", + Delete: "delCharAfter", + Backspace: "delCharBefore", + "Shift-Backspace": "delCharBefore", + Tab: "defaultTab", + "Shift-Tab": "indentAuto", + Enter: "newlineAndIndent", + Insert: "toggleOverwrite", + Esc: "singleSelection" + }, fa.pcDefault = { + "Ctrl-A": "selectAll", + "Ctrl-D": "deleteLine", + "Ctrl-Z": "undo", + "Shift-Ctrl-Z": "redo", + "Ctrl-Y": "redo", + "Ctrl-Home": "goDocStart", + "Ctrl-End": "goDocEnd", + "Ctrl-Up": "goLineUp", + "Ctrl-Down": "goLineDown", + "Ctrl-Left": "goGroupLeft", + "Ctrl-Right": "goGroupRight", + "Alt-Left": "goLineStart", + "Alt-Right": "goLineEnd", + "Ctrl-Backspace": "delGroupBefore", + "Ctrl-Delete": "delGroupAfter", + "Ctrl-S": "save", + "Ctrl-F": "find", + "Ctrl-G": "findNext", + "Shift-Ctrl-G": "findPrev", + "Shift-Ctrl-F": "replace", + "Shift-Ctrl-R": "replaceAll", + "Ctrl-[": "indentLess", + "Ctrl-]": "indentMore", + "Ctrl-U": "undoSelection", + "Shift-Ctrl-U": "redoSelection", + "Alt-U": "redoSelection", + fallthrough: "basic" + }, fa.emacsy = { + "Ctrl-F": "goCharRight", + "Ctrl-B": "goCharLeft", + "Ctrl-P": "goLineUp", + "Ctrl-N": "goLineDown", + "Alt-F": "goWordRight", + "Alt-B": "goWordLeft", + "Ctrl-A": "goLineStart", + "Ctrl-E": "goLineEnd", + "Ctrl-V": "goPageDown", + "Shift-Ctrl-V": "goPageUp", + "Ctrl-D": "delCharAfter", + "Ctrl-H": "delCharBefore", + "Alt-D": "delWordAfter", + "Alt-Backspace": "delWordBefore", + "Ctrl-K": "killLine", + "Ctrl-T": "transposeChars", + "Ctrl-O": "openLine" + }, fa.macDefault = { + "Cmd-A": "selectAll", + "Cmd-D": "deleteLine", + "Cmd-Z": "undo", + "Shift-Cmd-Z": "redo", + "Cmd-Y": "redo", + "Cmd-Home": "goDocStart", + "Cmd-Up": "goDocStart", + "Cmd-End": "goDocEnd", + "Cmd-Down": "goDocEnd", + "Alt-Left": "goGroupLeft", + "Alt-Right": "goGroupRight", + "Cmd-Left": "goLineLeft", + "Cmd-Right": "goLineRight", + "Alt-Backspace": "delGroupBefore", + "Ctrl-Alt-Backspace": "delGroupAfter", + "Alt-Delete": "delGroupAfter", + "Cmd-S": "save", + "Cmd-F": "find", + "Cmd-G": "findNext", + "Shift-Cmd-G": "findPrev", + "Cmd-Alt-F": "replace", + "Shift-Cmd-Alt-F": "replaceAll", + "Cmd-[": "indentLess", + "Cmd-]": "indentMore", + "Cmd-Backspace": "delWrappedLineLeft", + "Cmd-Delete": "delWrappedLineRight", + "Cmd-U": "undoSelection", + "Shift-Cmd-U": "redoSelection", + "Ctrl-Up": "goDocStart", + "Ctrl-Down": "goDocEnd", + fallthrough: ["basic", "emacsy"] + }, fa["default"] = Eo ? fa.macDefault : fa.pcDefault, e.normalizeKeyMap = function (e) { + var t = {}; + for (var n in e) if (e.hasOwnProperty(n)) { + var r = e[n]; + if (/^(name|fallthrough|(de|at)tach)$/.test(n)) continue; + if ("..." == r) { + delete e[n]; + continue + } + for (var i = Ri(n.split(" "), Yn), o = 0; o < i.length; o++) { + var a, l; + o == i.length - 1 ? (l = i.join(" "), a = r) : (l = i.slice(0, o + 1).join(" "), a = "..."); + var s = t[l]; + if (s) { + if (s != a) throw new Error("Inconsistent bindings for " + l) + } else t[l] = a + } + delete e[n] + } + for (var c in t) e[c] = t[c]; + return e + }; + var ha = e.lookupKey = function (e, t, n, r) { + t = $n(t); + var i = ?, r) : t[e]; + if (i === !1) return "nothing"; + if ("..." === i) return "multi"; + if (null != i && n(i)) return "handled"; + if (t.fallthrough) { + if ("[object Array]" != return ha(e, t.fallthrough, n, r); + for (var o = 0; o < t.fallthrough.length; o++) { + var a = ha(e, t.fallthrough[o], n, r); + if (a) return a + } + } + }, da = e.isModifierKey = function (e) { + var t = "string" == typeof e ? e : ol[e.keyCode]; + return "Ctrl" == t || "Alt" == t || "Shift" == t || "Mod" == t + }, pa = e.keyName = function (e, t) { + if (Co && 34 == e.keyCode && e["char"]) return !1; + var n = ol[e.keyCode], r = n; + return null == r || e.altGraphKey ? !1 : (e.altKey && "Alt" != n && (r = "Alt-" + r), (Ro ? e.metaKey : e.ctrlKey) && "Ctrl" != n && (r = "Ctrl-" + r), (Ro ? e.ctrlKey : e.metaKey) && "Cmd" != n && (r = "Cmd-" + r), !t && e.shiftKey && "Shift" != n && (r = "Shift-" + r), r) + }; + e.fromTextArea = function (t, n) { + function r() { + t.value = c.getValue() + } + + if (n = n ? Wi(n) : {}, n.value = t.value, !n.tabindex && t.tabIndex && (n.tabindex = t.tabIndex), !n.placeholder && t.placeholder && (n.placeholder = t.placeholder), null == n.autofocus) { + var i = Gi(); + n.autofocus = i == t || null != t.getAttribute("autofocus") && i == document.body + } + if (t.form && (Ea(t.form, "submit", r), !n.leaveSubmitMethodAlone)) { + var o = t.form, a = o.submit; + try { + var l = o.submit = function () { + r(), o.submit = a, o.submit(), o.submit = l + } + } catch (s) { + } + } + n.finishInit = function (e) { + = r, e.getTextArea = function () { + return t + }, e.toTextArea = function () { + e.toTextArea = isNaN, r(), t.parentNode.removeChild(e.getWrapperElement()), = "", t.form && (Ia(t.form, "submit", r), "function" == typeof t.form.submit && (t.form.submit = a)) + } + }, = "none"; + var c = e(function (e) { + t.parentNode.insertBefore(e, t.nextSibling) + }, n); + return c + }; + var ma = e.StringStream = function (e, t) { + this.pos = this.start = 0, this.string = e, this.tabSize = t || 8, this.lastColumnPos = this.lastColumnValue = 0, this.lineStart = 0 + }; + ma.prototype = { + eol: function () { + return this.pos >= this.string.length + }, sol: function () { + return this.pos == this.lineStart + }, peek: function () { + return this.string.charAt(this.pos) || void 0 + }, next: function () { + return this.pos < this.string.length ? this.string.charAt(this.pos++) : void 0 + }, eat: function (e) { + var t = this.string.charAt(this.pos); + if ("string" == typeof e) var n = t == e; else var n = t && (e.test ? e.test(t) : e(t)); + return n ? (++this.pos, t) : void 0 + }, eatWhile: function (e) { + for (var t = this.pos;;) ; + return this.pos > t + }, eatSpace: function () { + for (var e = this.pos; /[\s\u00a0]/.test(this.string.charAt(this.pos));) ++this.pos; + return this.pos > e + }, skipToEnd: function () { + this.pos = this.string.length + }, skipTo: function (e) { + var t = this.string.indexOf(e, this.pos); + return t > -1 ? (this.pos = t, !0) : void 0 + }, backUp: function (e) { + this.pos -= e + }, column: function () { + return this.lastColumnPos < this.start && (this.lastColumnValue = Fa(this.string, this.start, this.tabSize, this.lastColumnPos, this.lastColumnValue), this.lastColumnPos = this.start), this.lastColumnValue - (this.lineStart ? Fa(this.string, this.lineStart, this.tabSize) : 0) + }, indentation: function () { + return Fa(this.string, null, this.tabSize) - (this.lineStart ? Fa(this.string, this.lineStart, this.tabSize) : 0) + }, match: function (e, t, n) { + if ("string" != typeof e) { + var r = this.string.slice(this.pos).match(e); + return r && r.index > 0 ? null : (r && t !== !1 && (this.pos += r[0].length), r) + } + var i = function (e) { + return n ? e.toLowerCase() : e + }, o = this.string.substr(this.pos, e.length); + return i(o) == i(e) ? (t !== !1 && (this.pos += e.length), !0) : void 0 + }, current: function () { + return this.string.slice(this.start, this.pos) + }, hideFirstChars: function (e, t) { + this.lineStart += e; + try { + return t() + } finally { + this.lineStart -= e + } + } + }; + var ga = 0, va = e.TextMarker = function (e, t) { + this.lines = [], this.type = t, this.doc = e, = ++ga + }; + Ai(va), va.prototype.clear = function () { + if (!this.explicitlyCleared) { + var e =, t = e && !e.curOp; + if (t && bt(e), Ni(this, "clear")) { + var n = this.find(); + n && Ci(this, "clear", n.from, + } + for (var r = null, i = null, o = 0; o < this.lines.length; ++o) { + var a = this.lines[o], l = er(a.markedSpans, this); + e && !this.collapsed ? Ht(e, ti(a), "text") : e && (null != && (i = ti(a)), null != l.from && (r = ti(a))), a.markedSpans = tr(a.markedSpans, l), null == l.from && this.collapsed && !kr(this.doc, a) && e && ei(a, yt(e.display)) + } + if (e && this.collapsed && !e.options.lineWrapping) for (var o = 0; o < this.lines.length; ++o) { + var s = yr(this.lines[o]), c = f(s); + c > e.display.maxLineLength && (e.display.maxLine = s, e.display.maxLineLength = c, e.display.maxLineChanged = !0) + } + null != r && e && this.collapsed && Dt(e, r, i + 1), this.lines.length = 0, this.explicitlyCleared = !0, this.atomic && this.doc.cantEdit && (this.doc.cantEdit = !1, e && Ae(e.doc)), e && Ci(e, "markerCleared", e, this), t && kt(e), this.parent && this.parent.clear() + } + }, va.prototype.find = function (e, t) { + null == e && "bookmark" == this.type && (e = 1); + for (var n, r, i = 0; i < this.lines.length; ++i) { + var o = this.lines[i], a = er(o.markedSpans, this); + if (null != a.from && (n = Bo(t ? o : ti(o), a.from), -1 == e)) return n; + if (null != && (r = Bo(t ? o : ti(o),, 1 == e)) return r + } + return n && {from: n, to: r} + }, va.prototype.changed = function () { + var e = this.find(-1, !0), t = this, n =; + e && n && At(n, function () { + var r = e.line, i = ti(e.line), o = Qe(n, i); + if (o && (ot(o), n.curOp.selectionChanged = n.curOp.forceUpdate = !0), n.curOp.updateMaxLine = !0, !kr(t.doc, r) && null != t.height) { + var a = t.height; + t.height = null; + var l = Lr(t) - a; + l && ei(r, r.height + l) + } + }) + }, va.prototype.attachLine = function (e) { + if (!this.lines.length && { + var t =; + t.maybeHiddenMarkers && -1 != Pi(t.maybeHiddenMarkers, this) || (t.maybeUnhiddenMarkers || (t.maybeUnhiddenMarkers = [])).push(this) + } + this.lines.push(e) + }, va.prototype.detachLine = function (e) { + if (this.lines.splice(Pi(this.lines, e), 1), !this.lines.length && { + var t =; + (t.maybeHiddenMarkers || (t.maybeHiddenMarkers = [])).push(this) + } + }; + var ga = 0, ya = e.SharedTextMarker = function (e, t) { + this.markers = e, this.primary = t; + for (var n = 0; n < e.length; ++n) e[n].parent = this + }; + Ai(ya), ya.prototype.clear = function () { + if (!this.explicitlyCleared) { + this.explicitlyCleared = !0; + for (var e = 0; e < this.markers.length; ++e) this.markers[e].clear(); + Ci(this, "clear") + } + }, ya.prototype.find = function (e, t) { + return this.primary.find(e, t) + }; + var xa = e.LineWidget = function (e, t, n) { + if (n) for (var r in n) n.hasOwnProperty(r) && (this[r] = n[r]); + this.doc = e, this.node = t + }; + Ai(xa), xa.prototype.clear = function () { + var e =, t = this.line.widgets, n = this.line, r = ti(n); + if (null != r && t) { + for (var i = 0; i < t.length; ++i) t[i] == this && t.splice(i--, 1); + t.length || (n.widgets = null); + var o = Lr(this); + ei(n, Math.max(0, n.height - o)), e && At(e, function () { + Cr(e, n, -o), Ht(e, r, "widget") + }) + } + }, xa.prototype.changed = function () { + var e = this.height, t =, n = this.line; + this.height = null; + var r = Lr(this) - e; + r && (ei(n, n.height + r), t && At(t, function () { + t.curOp.forceUpdate = !0, Cr(t, n, r) + })) + }; + var ba = e.Line = function (e, t, n) { + this.text = e, ur(this, t), this.height = n ? n(this) : 1 + }; + Ai(ba), ba.prototype.lineNo = function () { + return ti(this) + }; + var wa = {}, ka = {}; + $r.prototype = { + chunkSize: function () { + return this.lines.length + }, removeInner: function (e, t) { + for (var n = e, r = e + t; r > n; ++n) { + var i = this.lines[n]; + this.height -= i.height, Nr(i), Ci(i, "delete") + } + this.lines.splice(e, t) + }, collapse: function (e) { + e.push.apply(e, this.lines) + }, insertInner: function (e, t, n) { + this.height += n, this.lines = this.lines.slice(0, e).concat(t).concat(this.lines.slice(e)); + for (var r = 0; r < t.length; ++r) t[r].parent = this + }, iterN: function (e, t, n) { + for (var r = e + t; r > e; ++e) if (n(this.lines[e])) return !0 + } + }, Vr.prototype = { + chunkSize: function () { + return this.size + }, removeInner: function (e, t) { + this.size -= t; + for (var n = 0; n < this.children.length; ++n) { + var r = this.children[n], i = r.chunkSize(); + if (i > e) { + var o = Math.min(t, i - e), a = r.height; + if (r.removeInner(e, o), this.height -= a - r.height, i == o && (this.children.splice(n--, 1), r.parent = null), 0 == (t -= o)) break; + e = 0 + } else e -= i + } + if (this.size - t < 25 && (this.children.length > 1 || !(this.children[0] instanceof $r))) { + var l = []; + this.collapse(l), this.children = [new $r(l)], this.children[0].parent = this + } + }, collapse: function (e) { + for (var t = 0; t < this.children.length; ++t) this.children[t].collapse(e) + }, insertInner: function (e, t, n) { + this.size += t.length, this.height += n; + for (var r = 0; r < this.children.length; ++r) { + var i = this.children[r], o = i.chunkSize(); + if (o >= e) { + if (i.insertInner(e, t, n), i.lines && i.lines.length > 50) { + for (var a = i.lines.length % 25 + 25, l = a; l < i.lines.length;) { + var s = new $r(i.lines.slice(l, l += 25)); + i.height -= s.height, this.children.splice(++r, 0, s), s.parent = this + } + i.lines = i.lines.slice(0, a), this.maybeSpill() + } + break + } + e -= o + } + }, maybeSpill: function () { + if (!(this.children.length <= 10)) { + var e = this; + do { + var t = e.children.splice(e.children.length - 5, 5), n = new Vr(t); + if (e.parent) { + e.size -= n.size, e.height -= n.height; + var r = Pi(e.parent.children, e); + e.parent.children.splice(r + 1, 0, n) + } else { + var i = new Vr(e.children); + i.parent = e, e.children = [i, n], e = i + } + n.parent = e.parent + } while (e.children.length > 10); + e.parent.maybeSpill() + } + }, iterN: function (e, t, n) { + for (var r = 0; r < this.children.length; ++r) { + var i = this.children[r], o = i.chunkSize(); + if (o > e) { + var a = Math.min(t, o - e); + if (i.iterN(e, a, n)) return !0; + if (0 == (t -= a)) break; + e = 0 + } else e -= o + } + } + }; + var Sa = 0, Ca = e.Doc = function (e, t, n, r) { + if (!(this instanceof Ca)) return new Ca(e, t, n, r); + null == n && (n = 0),, [new $r([new ba("", null)])]), this.first = n, this.scrollTop = this.scrollLeft = 0, this.cantEdit = !1, this.cleanGeneration = 1, = n; + var i = Bo(n, 0); + this.sel = de(i), this.history = new oi(null), = ++Sa, this.modeOption = t, this.lineSep = r, this.extend = !1, "string" == typeof e && (e = this.splitLines(e)), Yr(this, { + from: i, + to: i, + text: e + }), Te(this, de(i), Wa) + }; + Ca.prototype = Hi(Vr.prototype, { + constructor: Ca, iter: function (e, t, n) { + n ? this.iterN(e - this.first, t - e, n) : this.iterN(this.first, this.first + this.size, e) + }, insert: function (e, t) { + for (var n = 0, r = 0; r < t.length; ++r) n += t[r].height; + this.insertInner(e - this.first, t, n) + }, remove: function (e, t) { + this.removeInner(e - this.first, t) + }, getValue: function (e) { + var t = Qr(this, this.first, this.first + this.size); + return e === !1 ? t : t.join(e || this.lineSeparator()) + }, setValue: It(function (e) { + var t = Bo(this.first, 0), n = this.first + this.size - 1; + Tn(this, { + from: t, + to: Bo(n, Zr(this, n).text.length), + text: this.splitLines(e), + origin: "setValue", + full: !0 + }, !0), Te(this, de(t)) + }), replaceRange: function (e, t, n, r) { + t = me(this, t), n = n ? me(this, n) : t, In(this, e, t, n, r) + }, getRange: function (e, t, n) { + var r = Jr(this, me(this, e), me(this, t)); + return n === !1 ? r : r.join(n || this.lineSeparator()) + }, getLine: function (e) { + var t = this.getLineHandle(e); + return t && t.text + }, getLineHandle: function (e) { + return ve(this, e) ? Zr(this, e) : void 0 + }, getLineNumber: function (e) { + return ti(e) + }, getLineHandleVisualStart: function (e) { + return "number" == typeof e && (e = Zr(this, e)), yr(e) + }, lineCount: function () { + return this.size + }, firstLine: function () { + return this.first + }, lastLine: function () { + return this.first + this.size - 1 + }, clipPos: function (e) { + return me(this, e) + }, getCursor: function (e) { + var t, n = this.sel.primary(); + return t = null == e || "head" == e ? n.head : "anchor" == e ? n.anchor : "end" == e || "to" == e || e === !1 ? : n.from() + }, listSelections: function () { + return this.sel.ranges + }, somethingSelected: function () { + return this.sel.somethingSelected() + }, setCursor: It(function (e, t, n) { + Se(this, me(this, "number" == typeof e ? Bo(e, t || 0) : e), null, n) + }), setSelection: It(function (e, t, n) { + Se(this, me(this, e), me(this, t || e), n) + }), extendSelection: It(function (e, t, n) { + be(this, me(this, e), t && me(this, t), n) + }), extendSelections: It(function (e, t) { + we(this, ye(this, e), t) + }), extendSelectionsBy: It(function (e, t) { + var n = Ri(this.sel.ranges, e); + we(this, ye(this, n), t) + }), setSelections: It(function (e, t, n) { + if (e.length) { + for (var r = 0, i = []; r < e.length; r++) i[r] = new fe(me(this, e[r].anchor), me(this, e[r].head)); + null == t && (t = Math.min(e.length - 1, this.sel.primIndex)), Te(this, he(i, t), n) + } + }), addSelection: It(function (e, t, n) { + var r = this.sel.ranges.slice(0); + r.push(new fe(me(this, e), me(this, t || e))), Te(this, he(r, r.length - 1), n) + }), getSelection: function (e) { + for (var t, n = this.sel.ranges, r = 0; r < n.length; r++) { + var i = Jr(this, n[r].from(), n[r].to()); + t = t ? t.concat(i) : i + } + return e === !1 ? t : t.join(e || this.lineSeparator()) + }, getSelections: function (e) { + for (var t = [], n = this.sel.ranges, r = 0; r < n.length; r++) { + var i = Jr(this, n[r].from(), n[r].to()); + e !== !1 && (i = i.join(e || this.lineSeparator())), t[r] = i + } + return t + }, replaceSelection: function (e, t, n) { + for (var r = [], i = 0; i < this.sel.ranges.length; i++) r[i] = e; + this.replaceSelections(r, t, n || "+input") + }, replaceSelections: It(function (e, t, n) { + for (var r = [], i = this.sel, o = 0; o < i.ranges.length; o++) { + var a = i.ranges[o]; + r[o] = {from: a.from(), to:, text: this.splitLines(e[o]), origin: n} + } + for (var l = t && "end" != t && Cn(this, r, t), o = r.length - 1; o >= 0; o--) Tn(this, r[o]); + l ? Le(this, l) : && Bn( + }), undo: It(function () { + Nn(this, "undo") + }), redo: It(function () { + Nn(this, "redo") + }), undoSelection: It(function () { + Nn(this, "undo", !0) + }), redoSelection: It(function () { + Nn(this, "redo", !0) + }), setExtending: function (e) { + this.extend = e + }, getExtending: function () { + return this.extend + }, historySize: function () { + for (var e = this.history, t = 0, n = 0, r = 0; r < e.done.length; r++) e.done[r].ranges || ++t; + for (var r = 0; r < e.undone.length; r++) e.undone[r].ranges || ++n; + return {undo: t, redo: n} + }, clearHistory: function () { + this.history = new oi(this.history.maxGeneration) + }, markClean: function () { + this.cleanGeneration = this.changeGeneration(!0) + }, changeGeneration: function (e) { + return e && (this.history.lastOp = this.history.lastSelOp = this.history.lastOrigin = null), this.history.generation + }, isClean: function (e) { + return this.history.generation == (e || this.cleanGeneration) + }, getHistory: function () { + return {done: gi(this.history.done), undone: gi(this.history.undone)} + }, setHistory: function (e) { + var t = this.history = new oi(this.history.maxGeneration); + t.done = gi(e.done.slice(0), null, !0), t.undone = gi(e.undone.slice(0), null, !0) + }, addLineClass: It(function (e, t, n) { + return zn(this, e, "gutter" == t ? "gutter" : "class", function (e) { + var r = "text" == t ? "textClass" : "background" == t ? "bgClass" : "gutter" == t ? "gutterClass" : "wrapClass"; + if (e[r]) { + if (Yi(n).test(e[r])) return !1; + e[r] += " " + n + } else e[r] = n; + return !0 + }) + }), removeLineClass: It(function (e, t, n) { + return zn(this, e, "gutter" == t ? "gutter" : "class", function (e) { + var r = "text" == t ? "textClass" : "background" == t ? "bgClass" : "gutter" == t ? "gutterClass" : "wrapClass", + i = e[r]; + if (!i) return !1; + if (null == n) e[r] = null; else { + var o = i.match(Yi(n)); + if (!o) return !1; + var a = o.index + o[0].length; + e[r] = i.slice(0, o.index) + (o.index && a != i.length ? " " : "") + i.slice(a) || null + } + return !0 + }) + }), addLineWidget: It(function (e, t, n) { + return Tr(this, e, t, n) + }), removeLineWidget: function (e) { + e.clear() + }, markText: function (e, t, n) { + return Vn(this, me(this, e), me(this, t), n, n && n.type || "range") + }, setBookmark: function (e, t) { + var n = { + replacedWith: t && (null == t.nodeType ? t.widget : t), + insertLeft: t && t.insertLeft, + clearWhenEmpty: !1, + shared: t && t.shared, + handleMouseEvents: t && t.handleMouseEvents + }; + return e = me(this, e), Vn(this, e, e, n, "bookmark") + }, findMarksAt: function (e) { + e = me(this, e); + var t = [], n = Zr(this, e.line).markedSpans; + if (n) for (var r = 0; r < n.length; ++r) { + var i = n[r]; + (null == i.from || i.from <= && (null == || >= && t.push(i.marker.parent || i.marker) + } + return t + }, findMarks: function (e, t, n) { + e = me(this, e), t = me(this, t); + var r = [], i = e.line; + return this.iter(e.line, t.line + 1, function (o) { + var a = o.markedSpans; + if (a) for (var l = 0; l < a.length; l++) { + var s = a[l]; + null != && i == e.line && >= || null == s.from && i != e.line || null != s.from && i == t.line && s.from >= || n && !n(s.marker) || r.push(s.marker.parent || s.marker) + } + ++i + }), r + }, getAllMarks: function () { + var e = []; + return this.iter(function (t) { + var n = t.markedSpans; + if (n) for (var r = 0; r < n.length; ++r) null != n[r].from && e.push(n[r].marker) + }), e + }, posFromIndex: function (e) { + var t, n = this.first, r = this.lineSeparator().length; + return this.iter(function (i) { + var o = i.text.length + r; + return o > e ? (t = e, !0) : (e -= o, void++n) + }), me(this, Bo(n, t)) + }, indexFromPos: function (e) { + e = me(this, e); + var t =; + if (e.line < this.first || < 0) return 0; + var n = this.lineSeparator().length; + return this.iter(this.first, e.line, function (e) { + t += e.text.length + n + }), t + }, copy: function (e) { + var t = new Ca(Qr(this, this.first, this.first + this.size), this.modeOption, this.first, this.lineSep); + return t.scrollTop = this.scrollTop, t.scrollLeft = this.scrollLeft, t.sel = this.sel, t.extend = !1, e && (t.history.undoDepth = this.history.undoDepth, t.setHistory(this.getHistory())), t + }, linkedDoc: function (e) { + e || (e = {}); + var t = this.first, n = this.first + this.size; + null != e.from && e.from > t && (t = e.from), null != && < n && (n =; + var r = new Ca(Qr(this, t, n), e.mode || this.modeOption, t, this.lineSep); + return e.sharedHist && (r.history = this.history), (this.linked || (this.linked = [])).push({ + doc: r, + sharedHist: e.sharedHist + }), r.linked = [{doc: this, isParent: !0, sharedHist: e.sharedHist}], Zn(r, Xn(this)), r + }, unlinkDoc: function (t) { + if (t instanceof e && (t = t.doc), this.linked) for (var n = 0; n < this.linked.length; ++n) { + var r = this.linked[n]; + if (r.doc == t) { + this.linked.splice(n, 1), t.unlinkDoc(this), Jn(Xn(this)); + break + } + } + if (t.history == this.history) { + var i = []; + Kr(t, function (e) { + i.push( + }, !0), t.history = new oi(null), t.history.done = gi(this.history.done, i), t.history.undone = gi(this.history.undone, i) + } + }, iterLinkedDocs: function (e) { + Kr(this, e) + }, getMode: function () { + return this.mode + }, getEditor: function () { + return + }, splitLines: function (e) { + return this.lineSep ? e.split(this.lineSep) : tl(e) + }, lineSeparator: function () { + return this.lineSep || "\n" + } + }), Ca.prototype.eachLine = Ca.prototype.iter; + var La = "iter insert remove copy getEditor constructor".split(" "); + for (var Ta in Ca.prototype) Ca.prototype.hasOwnProperty(Ta) && Pi(La, Ta) < 0 && (e.prototype[Ta] = function (e) { + return function () { + return e.apply(this.doc, arguments) + } + }(Ca.prototype[Ta])); + Ai(Ca); + var Ma = e.e_preventDefault = function (e) { + e.preventDefault ? e.preventDefault() : e.returnValue = !1 + }, Na = e.e_stopPropagation = function (e) { + e.stopPropagation ? e.stopPropagation() : e.cancelBubble = !0 + }, Aa = e.e_stop = function (e) { + Ma(e), Na(e) + }, Ea = e.on = function (e, t, n) { + if (e.addEventListener) e.addEventListener(t, n, !1); else if (e.attachEvent) e.attachEvent("on" + t, n); else { + var r = e._handlers || (e._handlers = {}), i = r[t] || (r[t] = []); + i.push(n) + } + }, Oa = [], Ia = = function (e, t, n) { + if (e.removeEventListener) e.removeEventListener(t, n, !1); else if (e.detachEvent) e.detachEvent("on" + t, n); else for (var r = Si(e, t, !1), i = 0; i < r.length; ++i) if (r[i] == n) { + r.splice(i, 1); + break + } + }, Pa = e.signal = function (e, t) { + var n = Si(e, t, !0); + if (n.length) for (var r =, 2), i = 0; i < n.length; ++i) n[i].apply(null, r) + }, Ra = null, Da = 30, Ha = e.Pass = { + toString: function () { + return "CodeMirror.Pass" + } + }, Wa = {scroll: !1}, Ba = {origin: "*mouse"}, _a = {origin: "+move"}; + Ei.prototype.set = function (e, t) { + clearTimeout(, = setTimeout(t, e) + }; + var Fa = e.countColumn = function (e, t, n, r, i) { + null == t && (t =[^\s\u00a0]/), -1 == t && (t = e.length)); + for (var o = r || 0, a = i || 0; ;) { + var l = e.indexOf(" ", o); + if (0 > l || l >= t) return a + (t - o); + a += l - o, a += n - a % n, o = l + 1 + } + }, za = e.findColumn = function (e, t, n) { + for (var r = 0, i = 0; ;) { + var o = e.indexOf(" ", r); + -1 == o && (o = e.length); + var a = o - r; + if (o == e.length || i + a >= t) return r + Math.min(a, t - i); + if (i += o - r, i += n - i % n, r = o + 1, i >= t) return r + } + }, ja = [""], Ua = function (e) { + + }; + No ? Ua = function (e) { + e.selectionStart = 0, e.selectionEnd = e.value.length + } : xo && (Ua = function (e) { + try { + + } catch (t) { + } + }); + var qa, + Ga = /[\u00df\u0587\u0590-\u05f4\u0600-\u06ff\u3040-\u309f\u30a0-\u30ff\u3400-\u4db5\u4e00-\u9fcc\uac00-\ud7af]/, + Ya = e.isWordChar = function (e) { + return /\w/.test(e) || e > "€" && (e.toUpperCase() != e.toLowerCase() || Ga.test(e)) + }, + $a = /[\u0300-\u036f\u0483-\u0489\u0591-\u05bd\u05bf\u05c1\u05c2\u05c4\u05c5\u05c7\u0610-\u061a\u064b-\u065e\u0670\u06d6-\u06dc\u06de-\u06e4\u06e7\u06e8\u06ea-\u06ed\u0711\u0730-\u074a\u07a6-\u07b0\u07eb-\u07f3\u0816-\u0819\u081b-\u0823\u0825-\u0827\u0829-\u082d\u0900-\u0902\u093c\u0941-\u0948\u094d\u0951-\u0955\u0962\u0963\u0981\u09bc\u09be\u09c1-\u09c4\u09cd\u09d7\u09e2\u09e3\u0a01\u0a02\u0a3c\u0a41\u0a42\u0a47\u0a48\u0a4b-\u0a4d\u0a51\u0a70\u0a71\u0a75\u0a81\u0a82\u0abc\u0ac1-\u0ac5\u0ac7\u0ac8\u0acd\u0ae2\u0ae3\u0b01\u0b3c\u0b3e\u0b3f\u0b41-\u0b44\u0b4d\u0b56\u0b57\u0b62\u0b63\u0b82\u0bbe\u0bc0\u0bcd\u0bd7\u0c3e-\u0c40\u0c46-\u0c48\u0c4a-\u0c4d\u0c55\u0c56\u0c62\u0c63\u0cbc\u0cbf\u0cc2\u0cc6\u0ccc\u0ccd\u0cd5\u0cd6\u0ce2\u0ce3\u0d3e\u0d41-\u0d44\u0d4d\u0d57\u0d62\u0d63\u0dca\u0dcf\u0dd2-\u0dd4\u0dd6\u0ddf\u0e31\u0e34-\u0e3a\u0e47-\u0e4e\u0eb1\u0eb4-\u0eb9\u0ebb\u0ebc\u0ec8-\u0ecd\u0f18\u0f19\u0f35\u0f37\u0f39\u0f71-\u0f7e\u0f80-\u0f84\u0f86\u0f87\u0f90-\u0f97\u0f99-\u0fbc\u0fc6\u102d-\u1030\u1032-\u1037\u1039\u103a\u103d\u103e\u1058\u1059\u105e-\u1060\u1071-\u1074\u1082\u1085\u1086\u108d\u109d\u135f\u1712-\u1714\u1732-\u1734\u1752\u1753\u1772\u1773\u17b7-\u17bd\u17c6\u17c9-\u17d3\u17dd\u180b-\u180d\u18a9\u1920-\u1922\u1927\u1928\u1932\u1939-\u193b\u1a17\u1a18\u1a56\u1a58-\u1a5e\u1a60\u1a62\u1a65-\u1a6c\u1a73-\u1a7c\u1a7f\u1b00-\u1b03\u1b34\u1b36-\u1b3a\u1b3c\u1b42\u1b6b-\u1b73\u1b80\u1b81\u1ba2-\u1ba5\u1ba8\u1ba9\u1c2c-\u1c33\u1c36\u1c37\u1cd0-\u1cd2\u1cd4-\u1ce0\u1ce2-\u1ce8\u1ced\u1dc0-\u1de6\u1dfd-\u1dff\u200c\u200d\u20d0-\u20f0\u2cef-\u2cf1\u2de0-\u2dff\u302a-\u302f\u3099\u309a\ua66f-\ua672\ua67c\ua67d\ua6f0\ua6f1\ua802\ua806\ua80b\ua825\ua826\ua8c4\ua8e0-\ua8f1\ua926-\ua92d\ua947-\ua951\ua980-\ua982\ua9b3\ua9b6-\ua9b9\ua9bc\uaa29-\uaa2e\uaa31\uaa32\uaa35\uaa36\uaa43\uaa4c\uaab0\uaab2-\uaab4\uaab7\uaab8\uaabe\uaabf\uaac1\uabe5\uabe8\uabed\udc00-\udfff\ufb1e\ufe00-\ufe0f\ufe20-\ufe26\uff9e\uff9f]/; + qa = document.createRange ? function (e, t, n, r) { + var i = document.createRange(); + return i.setEnd(r || e, n), i.setStart(e, t), i + } : function (e, t, n) { + var r = document.body.createTextRange(); + try { + r.moveToElementText(e.parentNode) + } catch (i) { + return r + } + return r.collapse(!0), r.moveEnd("character", n), r.moveStart("character", t), r + }; + var Va = e.contains = function (e, t) { + if (3 == t.nodeType && (t = t.parentNode), e.contains) return e.contains(t); + do if (11 == t.nodeType && (t =, t == e) return !0; while (t = t.parentNode) + }; + xo && 11 > bo && (Gi = function () { + try { + return document.activeElement + } catch (e) { + return document.body + } + }); + var Ka, Xa, Za = e.rmClass = function (e, t) { + var n = e.className, r = Yi(t).exec(n); + if (r) { + var i = n.slice(r.index + r[0].length); + e.className = n.slice(0, r.index) + (i ? r[1] + i : "") + } + }, Ja = e.addClass = function (e, t) { + var n = e.className; + Yi(t).test(n) || (e.className += (n ? " " : "") + t) + }, Qa = !1, el = function () { + if (xo && 9 > bo) return !1; + var e = ji("div"); + return "draggable" in e || "dragDrop" in e + }(), tl = e.splitLines = 3 != "\n\nb".split(/\n/).length ? function (e) { + for (var t = 0, n = [], r = e.length; r >= t;) { + var i = e.indexOf("\n", t); + -1 == i && (i = e.length); + var o = e.slice(t, "\r" == e.charAt(i - 1) ? i - 1 : i), a = o.indexOf("\r"); + -1 != a ? (n.push(o.slice(0, a)), t += a + 1) : (n.push(o), t = i + 1) + } + return n + } : function (e) { + return e.split(/\r\n?|\n/) + }, nl = window.getSelection ? function (e) { + try { + return e.selectionStart != e.selectionEnd + } catch (t) { + return !1 + } + } : function (e) { + try { + var t = e.ownerDocument.selection.createRange() + } catch (n) { + } + return t && t.parentElement() == e ? 0 != t.compareEndPoints("StartToEnd", t) : !1 + }, rl = function () { + var e = ji("div"); + return "oncopy" in e ? !0 : (e.setAttribute("oncopy", "return;"), "function" == typeof e.oncopy) + }(), il = null, ol = e.keyNames = { + 3: "Enter", + 8: "Backspace", + 9: "Tab", + 13: "Enter", + 16: "Shift", + 17: "Ctrl", + 18: "Alt", + 19: "Pause", + 20: "CapsLock", + 27: "Esc", + 32: "Space", + 33: "PageUp", + 34: "PageDown", + 35: "End", + 36: "Home", + 37: "Left", + 38: "Up", + 39: "Right", + 40: "Down", + 44: "PrintScrn", + 45: "Insert", + 46: "Delete", + 59: ";", + 61: "=", + 91: "Mod", + 92: "Mod", + 93: "Mod", + 106: "*", + 107: "=", + 109: "-", + 110: ".", + 111: "/", + 127: "Delete", + 173: "-", + 186: ";", + 187: "=", + 188: ",", + 189: "-", + 190: ".", + 191: "/", + 192: "`", + 219: "[", + 220: "\\", + 221: "]", + 222: "'", + 63232: "Up", + 63233: "Down", + 63234: "Left", + 63235: "Right", + 63272: "Delete", + 63273: "Home", + 63275: "End", + 63276: "PageUp", + 63277: "PageDown", + 63302: "Insert" + }; + !function () { + for (var e = 0; 10 > e; e++) ol[e + 48] = ol[e + 96] = String(e); + for (var e = 65; 90 >= e; e++) ol[e] = String.fromCharCode(e); + for (var e = 1; 12 >= e; e++) ol[e + 111] = ol[e + 63235] = "F" + e + }(); + var al, ll = function () { + function e(e) { + return 247 >= e ? n.charAt(e) : e >= 1424 && 1524 >= e ? "R" : e >= 1536 && 1773 >= e ? r.charAt(e - 1536) : e >= 1774 && 2220 >= e ? "r" : e >= 8192 && 8203 >= e ? "w" : 8204 == e ? "b" : "L" + } + + function t(e, t, n) { + this.level = e, this.from = t, = n + } + + var n = "bbbbbbbbbtstwsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbssstwNN%%%NNNNNN,N,N1111111111NNNNNNNLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLNNNNNNLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLNNNNbbbbbbsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb,N%%%%NNNNLNNNNN%%11NLNNN1LNNNNNLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLNLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLN", + r = "rrrrrrrrrrrr,rNNmmmmmmrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrrrrrrrnnnnnnnnnn%nnrrrmrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmNmmmm", + i = /[\u0590-\u05f4\u0600-\u06ff\u0700-\u08ac]/, o = /[stwN]/, a = /[LRr]/, l = /[Lb1n]/, + s = /[1n]/, c = "L"; + return function (n) { + if (!i.test(n)) return !1; + for (var r, u = n.length, f = [], h = 0; u > h; ++h) f.push(r = e(n.charCodeAt(h))); + for (var h = 0, d = c; u > h; ++h) { + var r = f[h]; + "m" == r ? f[h] = d : d = r + } + for (var h = 0, p = c; u > h; ++h) { + var r = f[h]; + "1" == r && "r" == p ? f[h] = "n" : a.test(r) && (p = r, "r" == r && (f[h] = "R")) + } + for (var h = 1, d = f[0]; u - 1 > h; ++h) { + var r = f[h]; + "+" == r && "1" == d && "1" == f[h + 1] ? f[h] = "1" : "," != r || d != f[h + 1] || "1" != d && "n" != d || (f[h] = d), d = r + } + for (var h = 0; u > h; ++h) { + var r = f[h]; + if ("," == r) f[h] = "N"; else if ("%" == r) { + for (var m = h + 1; u > m && "%" == f[m]; ++m) ; + for (var g = h && "!" == f[h - 1] || u > m && "1" == f[m] ? "1" : "N", v = h; m > v; ++v) f[v] = g; + h = m - 1 + } + } + for (var h = 0, p = c; u > h; ++h) { + var r = f[h]; + "L" == p && "1" == r ? f[h] = "L" : a.test(r) && (p = r) + } + for (var h = 0; u > h; ++h) if (o.test(f[h])) { + for (var m = h + 1; u > m && o.test(f[m]); ++m) ; + for (var y = "L" == (h ? f[h - 1] : c), x = "L" == (u > m ? f[m] : c), g = y || x ? "L" : "R", v = h; m > v; ++v) f[v] = g; + h = m - 1 + } + for (var b, w = [], h = 0; u > h;) if (l.test(f[h])) { + var k = h; + for (++h; u > h && l.test(f[h]); ++h) ; + w.push(new t(0, k, h)) + } else { + var S = h, C = w.length; + for (++h; u > h && "L" != f[h]; ++h) ; + for (var v = S; h > v;) if (s.test(f[v])) { + v > S && w.splice(C, 0, new t(1, S, v)); + var L = v; + for (++v; h > v && s.test(f[v]); ++v) ; + w.splice(C, 0, new t(2, L, v)), S = v + } else ++v; + h > S && w.splice(C, 0, new t(1, S, h)) + } + return 1 == w[0].level && (b = n.match(/^\s+/)) && (w[0].from = b[0].length, w.unshift(new t(0, 0, b[0].length))), 1 == Ii(w).level && (b = n.match(/\s+$/)) && (Ii(w).to -= b[0].length, w.push(new t(0, u - b[0].length, u))), 2 == w[0].level && w.unshift(new t(1, w[0].to, w[0].to)), w[0].level != Ii(w).level && w.push(new t(w[0].level, u, u)), w + } + }(); + return e.version = "5.15.2", e + }) + }, {}], + 11: [function (t, n, r) { + !function (i) { + "object" == typeof r && "object" == typeof n ? i(t("../../lib/codemirror"), t("../markdown/markdown"), t("../../addon/mode/overlay")) : "function" == typeof e && e.amd ? e(["../../lib/codemirror", "../markdown/markdown", "../../addon/mode/overlay"], i) : i(CodeMirror) + }(function (e) { + "use strict"; + var t = /^((?:(?:aaas?|about|acap|adiumxtra|af[ps]|aim|apt|attachment|aw|beshare|bitcoin|bolo|callto|cap|chrome(?:-extension)?|cid|coap|com-eventbrite-attendee|content|crid|cvs|data|dav|dict|dlna-(?:playcontainer|playsingle)|dns|doi|dtn|dvb|ed2k|facetime|feed|file|finger|fish|ftp|geo|gg|git|gizmoproject|go|gopher|gtalk|h323|hcp|https?|iax|icap|icon|im|imap|info|ipn|ipp|irc[6s]?|iris(?:\.beep|\.lwz|\.xpc|\.xpcs)?|itms|jar|javascript|jms|keyparc|lastfm|ldaps?|magnet|mailto|maps|market|message|mid|mms|ms-help|msnim|msrps?|mtqp|mumble|mupdate|mvn|news|nfs|nih?|nntp|notes|oid|opaquelocktoken|palm|paparazzi|platform|pop|pres|proxy|psyc|query|res(?:ource)?|rmi|rsync|rtmp|rtsp|secondlife|service|session|sftp|sgn|shttp|sieve|sips?|skype|sm[bs]|snmp|soap\.beeps?|soldat|spotify|ssh|steam|svn|tag|teamspeak|tel(?:net)?|tftp|things|thismessage|tip|tn3270|tv|udp|unreal|urn|ut2004|vemmi|ventrilo|view-source|webcal|wss?|wtai|wyciwyg|xcon(?:-userid)?|xfire|xmlrpc\.beeps?|xmpp|xri|ymsgr|z39\.50[rs]?):(?:\/{1,3}|[a-z0-9%])|www\d{0,3}[.]|[a-z0-9.\-]+[.][a-z]{2,4}\/)(?:[^\s()<>]|\([^\s()<>]*\))+(?:\([^\s()<>]*\)|[^\s`*!()\[\]{};:'".,<>?«»“”‘’]))/i; + e.defineMode("gfm", function (n, r) { + function i(e) { + return e.code = !1, null + } + + var o = 0, a = { + startState: function () { + return {code: !1, codeBlock: !1, ateSpace: !1} + }, copyState: function (e) { + return {code: e.code, codeBlock: e.codeBlock, ateSpace: e.ateSpace} + }, token: function (e, n) { + if (n.combineTokens = null, n.codeBlock) return e.match(/^```+/) ? (n.codeBlock = !1, null) : (e.skipToEnd(), null); + if (e.sol() && (n.code = !1), e.sol() && e.match(/^```+/)) return e.skipToEnd(), n.codeBlock = !0, null; + if ("`" === e.peek()) { +; + var i = e.pos; + e.eatWhile("`"); + var a = 1 + e.pos - i; + return n.code ? a === o && (n.code = !1) : (o = a, n.code = !0), null + } + if (n.code) return, null; + if (e.eatSpace()) return n.ateSpace = !0, null; + if ((e.sol() || n.ateSpace) && (n.ateSpace = !1, r.gitHubSpice !== !1)) { + if (e.match(/^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+\/)?(?:[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+@)?(?:[a-f0-9]{7,40}\b)/)) return n.combineTokens = !0, "link"; + if (e.match(/^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+\/)?(?:[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+)?#[0-9]+\b/)) return n.combineTokens = !0, "link" + } + return e.match(t) && "](" != e.string.slice(e.start - 2, e.start) && (0 == e.start || /\W/.test(e.string.charAt(e.start - 1))) ? (n.combineTokens = !0, "link") : (, null) + }, blankLine: i + }, l = {underscoresBreakWords: !1, taskLists: !0, fencedCodeBlocks: "```", strikethrough: !0}; + for (var s in r) l[s] = r[s]; + return = "markdown", e.overlayMode(e.getMode(n, l), a) + }, "markdown"), e.defineMIME("text/x-gfm", "gfm") + }) + }, {"../../addon/mode/overlay": 8, "../../lib/codemirror": 10, "../markdown/markdown": 12}], + 12: [function (t, n, r) { + !function (i) { + "object" == typeof r && "object" == typeof n ? i(t("../../lib/codemirror"), t("../xml/xml"), t("../meta")) : "function" == typeof e && e.amd ? e(["../../lib/codemirror", "../xml/xml", "../meta"], i) : i(CodeMirror) + }(function (e) { + "use strict"; + e.defineMode("markdown", function (t, n) { + function r(n) { + if (e.findModeByName) { + var r = e.findModeByName(n); + r && (n = r.mime || r.mimes[0]) + } + var i = e.getMode(t, n); + return "null" == ? null : i + } + + function i(e, t, n) { + return t.f = t.inline = n, n(e, t) + } + + function o(e, t, n) { + return t.f = t.block = n, n(e, t) + } + + function a(e) { + return !e || !/\S/.test(e.string) + } + + function l(e) { + return e.linkTitle = !1, e.em = !1, e.strong = !1, e.strikethrough = !1, e.quote = 0, e.indentedCode = !1, k && e.f == c && (e.f = p, e.block = s), e.trailingSpace = 0, e.trailingSpaceNewLine = !1, e.prevLine = e.thisLine, e.thisLine = null, null + } + + function s(t, o) { + var l = t.sol(), s = o.list !== !1, c = o.indentedCode; + o.indentedCode = !1, s && (o.indentationDiff >= 0 ? (o.indentationDiff < 4 && (o.indentation -= o.indentationDiff), o.list = null) : o.indentation > 0 ? o.list = null : o.list = !1); + var f = null; + if (o.indentationDiff >= 4) return t.skipToEnd(), c || a(o.prevLine) ? (o.indentation -= 4, o.indentedCode = !0, S.code) : null; + if (t.eatSpace()) return null; + if ((f = t.match(A)) && f[1].length <= 6) return o.header = f[1].length, n.highlightFormatting && (o.formatting = "header"), o.f = o.inline, h(o); + if (!(a(o.prevLine) || o.quote || s || c) && (f = t.match(E))) return o.header = "=" == f[0].charAt(0) ? 1 : 2, n.highlightFormatting && (o.formatting = "header"), o.f = o.inline, h(o); + if (">")) return o.quote = l ? 1 : o.quote + 1, n.highlightFormatting && (o.formatting = "quote"), t.eatSpace(), h(o); + if ("[" === t.peek()) return i(t, o, y); + if (t.match(L, !0)) return = !0,; + if ((a(o.prevLine) || s) && (t.match(T, !1) || t.match(M, !1))) { + var d = null; + for (t.match(T, !0) ? d = "ul" : (t.match(M, !0), d = "ol"), o.indentation = t.column() + t.current().length, o.list = !0; o.listStack && t.column() < o.listStack[o.listStack.length - 1];) o.listStack.pop(); + return o.listStack.push(o.indentation), n.taskLists && t.match(N, !1) && (o.taskList = !0), o.f = o.inline, n.highlightFormatting && (o.formatting = ["list", "list-" + d]), h(o) + } + return n.fencedCodeBlocks && (f = t.match(I, !0)) ? (o.fencedChars = f[1], o.localMode = r(f[2]), o.localMode && (o.localState = e.startState(o.localMode)), o.f = o.block = u, n.highlightFormatting && (o.formatting = "code-block"), o.code = -1, h(o)) : i(t, o, o.inline) + } + + function c(t, n) { + var r = w.token(t, n.htmlState); + if (!k) { + var i = e.innerMode(w, n.htmlState); + ("xml" == && null === i.state.tagStart && !i.state.context && i.state.tokenize.isInText || n.md_inside && t.current().indexOf(">") > -1) && (n.f = p, n.block = s, n.htmlState = null) + } + return r + } + + function u(e, t) { + return t.fencedChars && e.match(t.fencedChars, !1) ? (t.localMode = t.localState = null, t.f = t.block = f, null) : t.localMode ? t.localMode.token(e, t.localState) : (e.skipToEnd(), S.code) + } + + function f(e, t) { + e.match(t.fencedChars), t.block = s, t.f = p, t.fencedChars = null, n.highlightFormatting && (t.formatting = "code-block"), t.code = 1; + var r = h(t); + return t.code = 0, r + } + + function h(e) { + var t = []; + if (e.formatting) { + t.push(S.formatting), "string" == typeof e.formatting && (e.formatting = [e.formatting]); + for (var r = 0; r < e.formatting.length; r++) t.push(S.formatting + "-" + e.formatting[r]), "header" === e.formatting[r] && t.push(S.formatting + "-" + e.formatting[r] + "-" + e.header), "quote" === e.formatting[r] && (!n.maxBlockquoteDepth || n.maxBlockquoteDepth >= e.quote ? t.push(S.formatting + "-" + e.formatting[r] + "-" + e.quote) : t.push("error")) + } + if (e.taskOpen) return t.push("meta"), t.length ? t.join(" ") : null; + if (e.taskClosed) return t.push("property"), t.length ? t.join(" ") : null; + if (e.linkHref ? t.push(S.linkHref, "url") : (e.strong && t.push(S.strong), e.em && t.push(S.em), e.strikethrough && t.push(S.strikethrough), e.linkText && t.push(S.linkText), e.code && t.push(S.code)), e.header && t.push(S.header, S.header + "-" + e.header), e.quote && (t.push(S.quote), !n.maxBlockquoteDepth || n.maxBlockquoteDepth >= e.quote ? t.push(S.quote + "-" + e.quote) : t.push(S.quote + "-" + n.maxBlockquoteDepth)), e.list !== !1) { + var i = (e.listStack.length - 1) % 3; + i ? 1 === i ? t.push(S.list2) : t.push(S.list3) : t.push(S.list1) + } + return e.trailingSpaceNewLine ? t.push("trailing-space-new-line") : e.trailingSpace && t.push("trailing-space-" + (e.trailingSpace % 2 ? "a" : "b")), t.length ? t.join(" ") : null + } + + function d(e, t) { + return e.match(O, !0) ? h(t) : void 0 + } + + function p(t, r) { + var i = r.text(t, r); + if ("undefined" != typeof i) return i; + if (r.list) return r.list = null, h(r); + if (r.taskList) { + var a = "x" !== t.match(N, !0)[1]; + return a ? r.taskOpen = !0 : r.taskClosed = !0, n.highlightFormatting && (r.formatting = "task"), r.taskList = !1, h(r) + } + if (r.taskOpen = !1, r.taskClosed = !1, r.header && t.match(/^#+$/, !0)) return n.highlightFormatting && (r.formatting = "header"), + h(r); + var l = t.sol(), s =; + if (r.linkTitle) { + r.linkTitle = !1; + var u = s; + "(" === s && (u = ")"), u = (u + "").replace(/([.?*+^$[\]\\(){}|-])/g, "\\$1"); + var f = "^\\s*(?:[^" + u + "\\\\]+|\\\\\\\\|\\\\.)" + u; + if (t.match(new RegExp(f), !0)) return S.linkHref + } + if ("`" === s) { + var d = r.formatting; + n.highlightFormatting && (r.formatting = "code"), t.eatWhile("`"); + var p = t.current().length; + if (0 == r.code) return r.code = p, h(r); + if (p == r.code) { + var v = h(r); + return r.code = 0, v + } + return r.formatting = d, h(r) + } + if (r.code) return h(r); + if ("\\" === s && (, n.highlightFormatting)) { + var y = h(r), x = S.formatting + "-escape"; + return y ? y + " " + x : x + } + if ("!" === s && t.match(/\[[^\]]*\] ?(?:\(|\[)/, !1)) return t.match(/\[[^\]]*\]/), r.inline = r.f = g, S.image; + if ("[" === s && t.match(/[^\]]*\](\(.*\)| ?\[.*?\])/, !1)) return r.linkText = !0, n.highlightFormatting && (r.formatting = "link"), h(r); + if ("]" === s && r.linkText && t.match(/\(.*?\)| ?\[.*?\]/, !1)) { + n.highlightFormatting && (r.formatting = "link"); + var y = h(r); + return r.linkText = !1, r.inline = r.f = g, y + } + if ("<" === s && t.match(/^(https?|ftps?):\/\/(?:[^\\>]|\\.)+>/, !1)) { + r.f = r.inline = m, n.highlightFormatting && (r.formatting = "link"); + var y = h(r); + return y ? y += " " : y = "", y + S.linkInline + } + if ("<" === s && t.match(/^[^> \\]+@(?:[^\\>]|\\.)+>/, !1)) { + r.f = r.inline = m, n.highlightFormatting && (r.formatting = "link"); + var y = h(r); + return y ? y += " " : y = "", y + S.linkEmail + } + if ("<" === s && t.match(/^(!--|\w)/, !1)) { + var b = t.string.indexOf(">", t.pos); + if (-1 != b) { + var k = t.string.substring(t.start, b); + /markdown\s*=\s*('|"){0,1}1('|"){0,1}/.test(k) && (r.md_inside = !0) + } + return t.backUp(1), r.htmlState = e.startState(w), o(t, r, c) + } + if ("<" === s && t.match(/^\/\w*?>/)) return r.md_inside = !1, "tag"; + var C = !1; + if (!n.underscoresBreakWords && "_" === s && "_" !== t.peek() && t.match(/(\w)/, !1)) { + var L = t.pos - 2; + if (L >= 0) { + var T = t.string.charAt(L); + "_" !== T && T.match(/(\w)/, !1) && (C = !0) + } + } + if ("*" === s || "_" === s && !C) if (l && " " === t.peek()) ; else { + if (r.strong === s && { + n.highlightFormatting && (r.formatting = "strong"); + var v = h(r); + return r.strong = !1, v + } + if (!r.strong && return r.strong = s, n.highlightFormatting && (r.formatting = "strong"), h(r); + if (r.em === s) { + n.highlightFormatting && (r.formatting = "em"); + var v = h(r); + return r.em = !1, v + } + if (!r.em) return r.em = s, n.highlightFormatting && (r.formatting = "em"), h(r) + } else if (" " === s && ("*") ||"_"))) { + if (" " === t.peek()) return h(r); + t.backUp(1) + } + if (n.strikethrough) if ("~" === s && t.eatWhile(s)) { + if (r.strikethrough) { + n.highlightFormatting && (r.formatting = "strikethrough"); + var v = h(r); + return r.strikethrough = !1, v + } + if (t.match(/^[^\s]/, !1)) return r.strikethrough = !0, n.highlightFormatting && (r.formatting = "strikethrough"), h(r) + } else if (" " === s && t.match(/^~~/, !0)) { + if (" " === t.peek()) return h(r); + t.backUp(2) + } + return " " === s && (t.match(/ +$/, !1) ? r.trailingSpace++ : r.trailingSpace && (r.trailingSpaceNewLine = !0)), h(r) + } + + function m(e, t) { + var r =; + if (">" === r) { + t.f = t.inline = p, n.highlightFormatting && (t.formatting = "link"); + var i = h(t); + return i ? i += " " : i = "", i + S.linkInline + } + return e.match(/^[^>]+/, !0), S.linkInline + } + + function g(e, t) { + if (e.eatSpace()) return null; + var r =; + return "(" === r || "[" === r ? (t.f = t.inline = v("(" === r ? ")" : "]", 0), n.highlightFormatting && (t.formatting = "link-string"), t.linkHref = !0, h(t)) : "error" + } + + function v(e) { + return function (t, r) { + var i =; + if (i === e) { + r.f = r.inline = p, n.highlightFormatting && (r.formatting = "link-string"); + var o = h(r); + return r.linkHref = !1, o + } + return t.match(P[e]), r.linkHref = !0, h(r) + } + } + + function y(e, t) { + return e.match(/^([^\]\\]|\\.)*\]:/, !1) ? (t.f = x,, n.highlightFormatting && (t.formatting = "link"), t.linkText = !0, h(t)) : i(e, t, p) + } + + function x(e, t) { + if (e.match(/^\]:/, !0)) { + t.f = t.inline = b, n.highlightFormatting && (t.formatting = "link"); + var r = h(t); + return t.linkText = !1, r + } + return e.match(/^([^\]\\]|\\.)+/, !0), S.linkText + } + + function b(e, t) { + return e.eatSpace() ? null : (e.match(/^[^\s]+/, !0), void 0 === e.peek() ? t.linkTitle = !0 : e.match(/^(?:\s+(?:"(?:[^"\\]|\\\\|\\.)+"|'(?:[^'\\]|\\\\|\\.)+'|\((?:[^)\\]|\\\\|\\.)+\)))?/, !0), t.f = t.inline = p, S.linkHref + " url") + } + + var w = e.getMode(t, "text/html"), k = "null" ==; + void 0 === n.highlightFormatting && (n.highlightFormatting = !1), void 0 === n.maxBlockquoteDepth && (n.maxBlockquoteDepth = 0), void 0 === n.underscoresBreakWords && (n.underscoresBreakWords = !0), void 0 === n.taskLists && (n.taskLists = !1), void 0 === n.strikethrough && (n.strikethrough = !1), void 0 === n.tokenTypeOverrides && (n.tokenTypeOverrides = {}); + var S = { + header: "header", + code: "comment", + quote: "quote", + list1: "variable-2", + list2: "variable-3", + list3: "keyword", + hr: "hr", + image: "tag", + formatting: "formatting", + linkInline: "link", + linkEmail: "link", + linkText: "link", + linkHref: "string", + em: "em", + strong: "strong", + strikethrough: "strikethrough" + }; + for (var C in S) S.hasOwnProperty(C) && n.tokenTypeOverrides[C] && (S[C] = n.tokenTypeOverrides[C]); + var L = /^([*\-_])(?:\s*\1){2,}\s*$/, T = /^[*\-+]\s+/, M = /^[0-9]+([.)])\s+/, + N = /^\[(x| )\](?=\s)/, A = n.allowAtxHeaderWithoutSpace ? /^(#+)/ : /^(#+)(?: |$)/, + E = /^ *(?:\={1,}|-{1,})\s*$/, O = /^[^#!\[\]*_\\<>` "'(~]+/, + I = new RegExp("^(" + (n.fencedCodeBlocks === !0 ? "~~~+|```+" : n.fencedCodeBlocks) + ")[ \\t]*([\\w+#-]*)"), + P = { + ")": /^(?:[^\\\(\)]|\\.|\((?:[^\\\(\)]|\\.)*\))*?(?=\))/, + "]": /^(?:[^\\\[\]]|\\.|\[(?:[^\\\[\\]]|\\.)*\])*?(?=\])/ + }, R = { + startState: function () { + return { + f: s, + prevLine: null, + thisLine: null, + block: s, + htmlState: null, + indentation: 0, + inline: p, + text: d, + formatting: !1, + linkText: !1, + linkHref: !1, + linkTitle: !1, + code: 0, + em: !1, + strong: !1, + header: 0, + hr: !1, + taskList: !1, + list: !1, + listStack: [], + quote: 0, + trailingSpace: 0, + trailingSpaceNewLine: !1, + strikethrough: !1, + fencedChars: null + } + }, copyState: function (t) { + return { + f: t.f, + prevLine: t.prevLine, + thisLine: t.thisLine, + block: t.block, + htmlState: t.htmlState && e.copyState(w, t.htmlState), + indentation: t.indentation, + localMode: t.localMode, + localState: t.localMode ? e.copyState(t.localMode, t.localState) : null, + inline: t.inline, + text: t.text, + formatting: !1, + linkTitle: t.linkTitle, + code: t.code, + em: t.em, + strong: t.strong, + strikethrough: t.strikethrough, + header: t.header, + hr:, + taskList: t.taskList, + list: t.list, + listStack: t.listStack.slice(0), + quote: t.quote, + indentedCode: t.indentedCode, + trailingSpace: t.trailingSpace, + trailingSpaceNewLine: t.trailingSpaceNewLine, + md_inside: t.md_inside, + fencedChars: t.fencedChars + } + }, token: function (e, t) { + if (t.formatting = !1, e != t.thisLine) { + var n = t.header ||; + if (t.header = 0, = !1, e.match(/^\s*$/, !0) || n) { + if (l(t), !n) return null; + t.prevLine = null + } + t.prevLine = t.thisLine, t.thisLine = e, t.taskList = !1, t.trailingSpace = 0, t.trailingSpaceNewLine = !1, t.f = t.block; + var r = e.match(/^\s*/, !0)[0].replace(/\t/g, " ").length; + if (t.indentationDiff = Math.min(r - t.indentation, 4), t.indentation = t.indentation + t.indentationDiff, r > 0) return null + } + return t.f(e, t) + }, innerMode: function (e) { + return e.block == c ? {state: e.htmlState, mode: w} : e.localState ? { + state: e.localState, + mode: e.localMode + } : {state: e, mode: R} + }, blankLine: l, getType: h, fold: "markdown" + }; + return R + }, "xml"), e.defineMIME("text/x-markdown", "markdown") + }) + }, {"../../lib/codemirror": 10, "../meta": 13, "../xml/xml": 14}], + 13: [function (t, n, r) { + !function (i) { + "object" == typeof r && "object" == typeof n ? i(t("../lib/codemirror")) : "function" == typeof e && e.amd ? e(["../lib/codemirror"], i) : i(CodeMirror) + }(function (e) { + "use strict"; + e.modeInfo = [{name: "APL", mime: "text/apl", mode: "apl", ext: ["dyalog", "apl"]}, { + name: "PGP", + mimes: ["application/pgp", "application/pgp-keys", "application/pgp-signature"], + mode: "asciiarmor", + ext: ["pgp"] + }, {name: "ASN.1", mime: "text/x-ttcn-asn", mode: "asn.1", ext: ["asn", "asn1"]}, { + name: "Asterisk", + mime: "text/x-asterisk", + mode: "asterisk", + file: /^extensions\.conf$/i + }, {name: "Brainfuck", mime: "text/x-brainfuck", mode: "brainfuck", ext: ["b", "bf"]}, { + name: "C", + mime: "text/x-csrc", + mode: "clike", + ext: ["c", "h"] + }, { + name: "C++", + mime: "text/x-c++src", + mode: "clike", + ext: ["cpp", "c++", "cc", "cxx", "hpp", "h++", "hh", "hxx"], + alias: ["cpp"] + }, {name: "Cobol", mime: "text/x-cobol", mode: "cobol", ext: ["cob", "cpy"]}, { + name: "C#", + mime: "text/x-csharp", + mode: "clike", + ext: ["cs"], + alias: ["csharp"] + }, { + name: "Clojure", + mime: "text/x-clojure", + mode: "clojure", + ext: ["clj", "cljc", "cljx"] + }, { + name: "ClojureScript", + mime: "text/x-clojurescript", + mode: "clojure", + ext: ["cljs"] + }, {name: "Closure Stylesheets (GSS)", mime: "text/x-gss", mode: "css", ext: ["gss"]}, { + name: "CMake", + mime: "text/x-cmake", + mode: "cmake", + ext: ["cmake", ""], + file: /^CMakeLists.txt$/ + }, { + name: "CoffeeScript", + mime: "text/x-coffeescript", + mode: "coffeescript", + ext: ["coffee"], + alias: ["coffee", "coffee-script"] + }, { + name: "Common Lisp", + mime: "text/x-common-lisp", + mode: "commonlisp", + ext: ["cl", "lisp", "el"], + alias: ["lisp"] + }, { + name: "Cypher", + mime: "application/x-cypher-query", + mode: "cypher", + ext: ["cyp", "cypher"] + }, { + name: "Cython", + mime: "text/x-cython", + mode: "python", + ext: ["pyx", "pxd", "pxi"] + }, {name: "Crystal", mime: "text/x-crystal", mode: "crystal", ext: ["cr"]}, { + name: "CSS", + mime: "text/css", + mode: "css", + ext: ["css"] + }, {name: "CQL", mime: "text/x-cassandra", mode: "sql", ext: ["cql"]}, { + name: "D", + mime: "text/x-d", + mode: "d", + ext: ["d"] + }, { + name: "Dart", + mimes: ["application/dart", "text/x-dart"], + mode: "dart", + ext: ["dart"] + }, {name: "diff", mime: "text/x-diff", mode: "diff", ext: ["diff", "patch"]}, { + name: "Django", + mime: "text/x-django", + mode: "django" + }, { + name: "Dockerfile", + mime: "text/x-dockerfile", + mode: "dockerfile", + file: /^Dockerfile$/ + }, {name: "DTD", mime: "application/xml-dtd", mode: "dtd", ext: ["dtd"]}, { + name: "Dylan", + mime: "text/x-dylan", + mode: "dylan", + ext: ["dylan", "dyl", "intr"] + }, {name: "EBNF", mime: "text/x-ebnf", mode: "ebnf"}, { + name: "ECL", + mime: "text/x-ecl", + mode: "ecl", + ext: ["ecl"] + }, {name: "edn", mime: "application/edn", mode: "clojure", ext: ["edn"]}, { + name: "Eiffel", + mime: "text/x-eiffel", + mode: "eiffel", + ext: ["e"] + }, {name: "Elm", mime: "text/x-elm", mode: "elm", ext: ["elm"]}, { + name: "Embedded Javascript", + mime: "application/x-ejs", + mode: "htmlembedded", + ext: ["ejs"] + }, { + name: "Embedded Ruby", + mime: "application/x-erb", + mode: "htmlembedded", + ext: ["erb"] + }, {name: "Erlang", mime: "text/x-erlang", mode: "erlang", ext: ["erl"]}, { + name: "Factor", + mime: "text/x-factor", + mode: "factor", + ext: ["factor"] + }, {name: "FCL", mime: "text/x-fcl", mode: "fcl"}, { + name: "Forth", + mime: "text/x-forth", + mode: "forth", + ext: ["forth", "fth", "4th"] + }, { + name: "Fortran", + mime: "text/x-fortran", + mode: "fortran", + ext: ["f", "for", "f77", "f90"] + }, {name: "F#", mime: "text/x-fsharp", mode: "mllike", ext: ["fs"], alias: ["fsharp"]}, { + name: "Gas", + mime: "text/x-gas", + mode: "gas", + ext: ["s"] + }, { + name: "Gherkin", + mime: "text/x-feature", + mode: "gherkin", + ext: ["feature"] + }, { + name: "GitHub Flavored Markdown", + mime: "text/x-gfm", + mode: "gfm", + file: /^(readme|contributing|history).md$/i + }, {name: "Go", mime: "text/x-go", mode: "go", ext: ["go"]}, { + name: "Groovy", + mime: "text/x-groovy", + mode: "groovy", + ext: ["groovy", "gradle"] + }, {name: "HAML", mime: "text/x-haml", mode: "haml", ext: ["haml"]}, { + name: "Haskell", + mime: "text/x-haskell", + mode: "haskell", + ext: ["hs"] + }, { + name: "Haskell (Literate)", + mime: "text/x-literate-haskell", + mode: "haskell-literate", + ext: ["lhs"] + }, {name: "Haxe", mime: "text/x-haxe", mode: "haxe", ext: ["hx"]}, { + name: "HXML", + mime: "text/x-hxml", + mode: "haxe", + ext: ["hxml"] + }, { + name: "ASP.NET", + mime: "application/x-aspx", + mode: "htmlembedded", + ext: ["aspx"], + alias: ["asp", "aspx"] + }, { + name: "HTML", + mime: "text/html", + mode: "htmlmixed", + ext: ["html", "htm"], + alias: ["xhtml"] + }, {name: "HTTP", mime: "message/http", mode: "http"}, { + name: "IDL", + mime: "text/x-idl", + mode: "idl", + ext: ["pro"] + }, {name: "Jade", mime: "text/x-jade", mode: "jade", ext: ["jade"]}, { + name: "Java", + mime: "text/x-java", + mode: "clike", + ext: ["java"] + }, { + name: "Java Server Pages", + mime: "application/x-jsp", + mode: "htmlembedded", + ext: ["jsp"], + alias: ["jsp"] + }, { + name: "JavaScript", + mimes: ["text/javascript", "text/ecmascript", "application/javascript", "application/x-javascript", "application/ecmascript"], + mode: "javascript", + ext: ["js"], + alias: ["ecmascript", "js", "node"] + }, { + name: "JSON", + mimes: ["application/json", "application/x-json"], + mode: "javascript", + ext: ["json", "map"], + alias: ["json5"] + }, { + name: "JSON-LD", + mime: "application/ld+json", + mode: "javascript", + ext: ["jsonld"], + alias: ["jsonld"] + }, {name: "JSX", mime: "text/jsx", mode: "jsx", ext: ["jsx"]}, { + name: "Jinja2", + mime: "null", + mode: "jinja2" + }, {name: "Julia", mime: "text/x-julia", mode: "julia", ext: ["jl"]}, { + name: "Kotlin", + mime: "text/x-kotlin", + mode: "clike", + ext: ["kt"] + }, {name: "LESS", mime: "text/x-less", mode: "css", ext: ["less"]}, { + name: "LiveScript", + mime: "text/x-livescript", + mode: "livescript", + ext: ["ls"], + alias: ["ls"] + }, {name: "Lua", mime: "text/x-lua", mode: "lua", ext: ["lua"]}, { + name: "Markdown", + mime: "text/x-markdown", + mode: "markdown", + ext: ["markdown", "md", "mkd"] + }, {name: "mIRC", mime: "text/mirc", mode: "mirc"}, { + name: "MariaDB SQL", + mime: "text/x-mariadb", + mode: "sql" + }, { + name: "Mathematica", + mime: "text/x-mathematica", + mode: "mathematica", + ext: ["m", "nb"] + }, {name: "Modelica", mime: "text/x-modelica", mode: "modelica", ext: ["mo"]}, { + name: "MUMPS", + mime: "text/x-mumps", + mode: "mumps", + ext: ["mps"] + }, {name: "MS SQL", mime: "text/x-mssql", mode: "sql"}, { + name: "mbox", + mime: "application/mbox", + mode: "mbox", + ext: ["mbox"] + }, {name: "MySQL", mime: "text/x-mysql", mode: "sql"}, { + name: "Nginx", + mime: "text/x-nginx-conf", + mode: "nginx", + file: /nginx.*\.conf$/i + }, {name: "NSIS", mime: "text/x-nsis", mode: "nsis", ext: ["nsh", "nsi"]}, { + name: "NTriples", + mime: "text/n-triples", + mode: "ntriples", + ext: ["nt"] + }, { + name: "Objective C", + mime: "text/x-objectivec", + mode: "clike", + ext: ["m", "mm"], + alias: ["objective-c", "objc"] + }, { + name: "OCaml", + mime: "text/x-ocaml", + mode: "mllike", + ext: ["ml", "mli", "mll", "mly"] + }, {name: "Octave", mime: "text/x-octave", mode: "octave", ext: ["m"]}, { + name: "Oz", + mime: "text/x-oz", + mode: "oz", + ext: ["oz"] + }, {name: "Pascal", mime: "text/x-pascal", mode: "pascal", ext: ["p", "pas"]}, { + name: "PEG.js", + mime: "null", + mode: "pegjs", + ext: ["jsonld"] + }, {name: "Perl", mime: "text/x-perl", mode: "perl", ext: ["pl", "pm"]}, { + name: "PHP", + mime: "application/x-httpd-php", + mode: "php", + ext: ["php", "php3", "php4", "php5", "phtml"] + }, {name: "Pig", mime: "text/x-pig", mode: "pig", ext: ["pig"]}, { + name: "Plain Text", + mime: "text/plain", + mode: "null", + ext: ["txt", "text", "conf", "def", "list", "log"] + }, {name: "PLSQL", mime: "text/x-plsql", mode: "sql", ext: ["pls"]}, { + name: "PowerShell", + mime: "application/x-powershell", + mode: "powershell", + ext: ["ps1", "psd1", "psm1"] + }, { + name: "Properties files", + mime: "text/x-properties", + mode: "properties", + ext: ["properties", "ini", "in"], + alias: ["ini", "properties"] + }, {name: "ProtoBuf", mime: "text/x-protobuf", mode: "protobuf", ext: ["proto"]}, { + name: "Python", + mime: "text/x-python", + mode: "python", + ext: ["BUILD", "bzl", "py", "pyw"], + file: /^(BUCK|BUILD)$/ + }, {name: "Puppet", mime: "text/x-puppet", mode: "puppet", ext: ["pp"]}, { + name: "Q", + mime: "text/x-q", + mode: "q", + ext: ["q"] + }, { + name: "R", + mime: "text/x-rsrc", + mode: "r", + ext: ["r"], + alias: ["rscript"] + }, { + name: "reStructuredText", + mime: "text/x-rst", + mode: "rst", + ext: ["rst"], + alias: ["rst"] + }, {name: "RPM Changes", mime: "text/x-rpm-changes", mode: "rpm"}, { + name: "RPM Spec", + mime: "text/x-rpm-spec", + mode: "rpm", + ext: ["spec"] + }, { + name: "Ruby", + mime: "text/x-ruby", + mode: "ruby", + ext: ["rb"], + alias: ["jruby", "macruby", "rake", "rb", "rbx"] + }, {name: "Rust", mime: "text/x-rustsrc", mode: "rust", ext: ["rs"]}, { + name: "SAS", + mime: "text/x-sas", + mode: "sas", + ext: ["sas"] + }, {name: "Sass", mime: "text/x-sass", mode: "sass", ext: ["sass"]}, { + name: "Scala", + mime: "text/x-scala", + mode: "clike", + ext: ["scala"] + }, {name: "Scheme", mime: "text/x-scheme", mode: "scheme", ext: ["scm", "ss"]}, { + name: "SCSS", + mime: "text/x-scss", + mode: "css", + ext: ["scss"] + }, { + name: "Shell", + mime: "text/x-sh", + mode: "shell", + ext: ["sh", "ksh", "bash"], + alias: ["bash", "sh", "zsh"], + file: /^PKGBUILD$/ + }, {name: "Sieve", mime: "application/sieve", mode: "sieve", ext: ["siv", "sieve"]}, { + name: "Slim", + mimes: ["text/x-slim", "application/x-slim"], + mode: "slim", + ext: ["slim"] + }, {name: "Smalltalk", mime: "text/x-stsrc", mode: "smalltalk", ext: ["st"]}, { + name: "Smarty", + mime: "text/x-smarty", + mode: "smarty", + ext: ["tpl"] + }, {name: "Solr", mime: "text/x-solr", mode: "solr"}, { + name: "Soy", + mime: "text/x-soy", + mode: "soy", + ext: ["soy"], + alias: ["closure template"] + }, { + name: "SPARQL", + mime: "application/sparql-query", + mode: "sparql", + ext: ["rq", "sparql"], + alias: ["sparul"] + }, { + name: "Spreadsheet", + mime: "text/x-spreadsheet", + mode: "spreadsheet", + alias: ["excel", "formula"] + }, {name: "SQL", mime: "text/x-sql", mode: "sql", ext: ["sql"]}, { + name: "Squirrel", + mime: "text/x-squirrel", + mode: "clike", + ext: ["nut"] + }, {name: "Swift", mime: "text/x-swift", mode: "swift", ext: ["swift"]}, { + name: "sTeX", + mime: "text/x-stex", + mode: "stex" + }, { + name: "LaTeX", + mime: "text/x-latex", + mode: "stex", + ext: ["text", "ltx"], + alias: ["tex"] + }, {name: "SystemVerilog", mime: "text/x-systemverilog", mode: "verilog", ext: ["v"]}, { + name: "Tcl", + mime: "text/x-tcl", + mode: "tcl", + ext: ["tcl"] + }, {name: "Textile", mime: "text/x-textile", mode: "textile", ext: ["textile"]}, { + name: "TiddlyWiki ", + mime: "text/x-tiddlywiki", + mode: "tiddlywiki" + }, {name: "Tiki wiki", mime: "text/tiki", mode: "tiki"}, { + name: "TOML", + mime: "text/x-toml", + mode: "toml", + ext: ["toml"] + }, {name: "Tornado", mime: "text/x-tornado", mode: "tornado"}, { + name: "troff", + mime: "text/troff", + mode: "troff", + ext: ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"] + }, { + name: "TTCN", + mime: "text/x-ttcn", + mode: "ttcn", + ext: ["ttcn", "ttcn3", "ttcnpp"] + }, {name: "TTCN_CFG", mime: "text/x-ttcn-cfg", mode: "ttcn-cfg", ext: ["cfg"]}, { + name: "Turtle", + mime: "text/turtle", + mode: "turtle", + ext: ["ttl"] + }, { + name: "TypeScript", + mime: "application/typescript", + mode: "javascript", + ext: ["ts"], + alias: ["ts"] + }, {name: "Twig", mime: "text/x-twig", mode: "twig"}, { + name: "Web IDL", + mime: "text/x-webidl", + mode: "webidl", + ext: ["webidl"] + }, {name: "VB.NET", mime: "text/x-vb", mode: "vb", ext: ["vb"]}, { + name: "VBScript", + mime: "text/vbscript", + mode: "vbscript", + ext: ["vbs"] + }, {name: "Velocity", mime: "text/velocity", mode: "velocity", ext: ["vtl"]}, { + name: "Verilog", + mime: "text/x-verilog", + mode: "verilog", + ext: ["v"] + }, {name: "VHDL", mime: "text/x-vhdl", mode: "vhdl", ext: ["vhd", "vhdl"]}, { + name: "XML", + mimes: ["application/xml", "text/xml"], + mode: "xml", + ext: ["xml", "xsl", "xsd"], + alias: ["rss", "wsdl", "xsd"] + }, {name: "XQuery", mime: "application/xquery", mode: "xquery", ext: ["xy", "xquery"]}, { + name: "Yacas", + mime: "text/x-yacas", + mode: "yacas", + ext: ["ys"] + }, { + name: "YAML", + mime: "text/x-yaml", + mode: "yaml", + ext: ["yaml", "yml"], + alias: ["yml"] + }, {name: "Z80", mime: "text/x-z80", mode: "z80", ext: ["z80"]}, { + name: "mscgen", + mime: "text/x-mscgen", + mode: "mscgen", + ext: ["mscgen", "mscin", "msc"] + }, {name: "xu", mime: "text/x-xu", mode: "mscgen", ext: ["xu"]}, { + name: "msgenny", + mime: "text/x-msgenny", + mode: "mscgen", + ext: ["msgenny"] + }]; + for (var t = 0; t < e.modeInfo.length; t++) { + var n = e.modeInfo[t]; + n.mimes && (n.mime = n.mimes[0]) + } + e.findModeByMIME = function (t) { + t = t.toLowerCase(); + for (var n = 0; n < e.modeInfo.length; n++) { + var r = e.modeInfo[n]; + if (r.mime == t) return r; + if (r.mimes) for (var i = 0; i < r.mimes.length; i++) if (r.mimes[i] == t) return r + } + }, e.findModeByExtension = function (t) { + for (var n = 0; n < e.modeInfo.length; n++) { + var r = e.modeInfo[n]; + if (r.ext) for (var i = 0; i < r.ext.length; i++) if (r.ext[i] == t) return r + } + }, e.findModeByFileName = function (t) { + for (var n = 0; n < e.modeInfo.length; n++) { + var r = e.modeInfo[n]; + if (r.file && r.file.test(t)) return r + } + var i = t.lastIndexOf("."), o = i > -1 && t.substring(i + 1, t.length); + return o ? e.findModeByExtension(o) : void 0 + }, e.findModeByName = function (t) { + t = t.toLowerCase(); + for (var n = 0; n < e.modeInfo.length; n++) { + var r = e.modeInfo[n]; + if ( == t) return r; + if (r.alias) for (var i = 0; i < r.alias.length; i++) if (r.alias[i].toLowerCase() == t) return r + } + } + }) + }, {"../lib/codemirror": 10}], + 14: [function (t, n, r) { + !function (i) { + "object" == typeof r && "object" == typeof n ? i(t("../../lib/codemirror")) : "function" == typeof e && e.amd ? e(["../../lib/codemirror"], i) : i(CodeMirror) + }(function (e) { + "use strict"; + var t = { + autoSelfClosers: { + area: !0, + base: !0, + br: !0, + col: !0, + command: !0, + embed: !0, + frame: !0, + hr: !0, + img: !0, + input: !0, + keygen: !0, + link: !0, + meta: !0, + param: !0, + source: !0, + track: !0, + wbr: !0, + menuitem: !0 + }, + implicitlyClosed: { + dd: !0, + li: !0, + optgroup: !0, + option: !0, + p: !0, + rp: !0, + rt: !0, + tbody: !0, + td: !0, + tfoot: !0, + th: !0, + tr: !0 + }, + contextGrabbers: { + dd: {dd: !0, dt: !0}, + dt: {dd: !0, dt: !0}, + li: {li: !0}, + option: {option: !0, optgroup: !0}, + optgroup: {optgroup: !0}, + p: { + address: !0, + article: !0, + aside: !0, + blockquote: !0, + dir: !0, + div: !0, + dl: !0, + fieldset: !0, + footer: !0, + form: !0, + h1: !0, + h2: !0, + h3: !0, + h4: !0, + h5: !0, + h6: !0, + header: !0, + hgroup: !0, + hr: !0, + menu: !0, + nav: !0, + ol: !0, + p: !0, + pre: !0, + section: !0, + table: !0, + ul: !0 + }, + rp: {rp: !0, rt: !0}, + rt: {rp: !0, rt: !0}, + tbody: {tbody: !0, tfoot: !0}, + td: {td: !0, th: !0}, + tfoot: {tbody: !0}, + th: {td: !0, th: !0}, + thead: {tbody: !0, tfoot: !0}, + tr: {tr: !0} + }, + doNotIndent: {pre: !0}, + allowUnquoted: !0, + allowMissing: !0, + caseFold: !0 + }, n = { + autoSelfClosers: {}, + implicitlyClosed: {}, + contextGrabbers: {}, + doNotIndent: {}, + allowUnquoted: !1, + allowMissing: !1, + caseFold: !1 + }; + e.defineMode("xml", function (r, i) { + function o(e, t) { + function n(n) { + return t.tokenize = n, n(e, t) + } + + var r =; + if ("<" == r) return"!") ?"[") ? e.match("CDATA[") ? n(s("atom", "]]>")) : null : e.match("--") ? n(s("comment", "-->")) : e.match("DOCTYPE", !0, !0) ? (e.eatWhile(/[\w\._\-]/), n(c(1))) : null :"?") ? (e.eatWhile(/[\w\._\-]/), t.tokenize = s("meta", "?>"), "meta") : (T ="/") ? "closeTag" : "openTag", t.tokenize = a, "tag bracket"); + if ("&" == r) { + var i; + return i ="#") ?"x") ? e.eatWhile(/[a-fA-F\d]/) &&";") : e.eatWhile(/[\d]/) &&";") : e.eatWhile(/[\w\.\-:]/) &&";"), i ? "atom" : "error" + } + return e.eatWhile(/[^&<]/), null + } + + function a(e, t) { + var n =; + if (">" == n || "/" == n &&">")) return t.tokenize = o, T = ">" == n ? "endTag" : "selfcloseTag", "tag bracket"; + if ("=" == n) return T = "equals", null; + if ("<" == n) { + t.tokenize = o, t.state = d, t.tagName = t.tagStart = null; + var r = t.tokenize(e, t); + return r ? r + " tag error" : "tag error" + } + return /[\'\"]/.test(n) ? (t.tokenize = l(n), t.stringStartCol = e.column(), t.tokenize(e, t)) : (e.match(/^[^\s\u00a0=<>\"\']*[^\s\u00a0=<>\"\'\/]/), "word") + } + + function l(e) { + var t = function (t, n) { + for (; !t.eol();) if ( == e) { + n.tokenize = a; + break + } + return "string" + }; + return t.isInAttribute = !0, t + } + + function s(e, t) { + return function (n, r) { + for (; !n.eol();) { + if (n.match(t)) { + r.tokenize = o; + break + } + + } + return e + } + } + + function c(e) { + return function (t, n) { + for (var r; null != (r =;) { + if ("<" == r) return n.tokenize = c(e + 1), n.tokenize(t, n); + if (">" == r) { + if (1 == e) { + n.tokenize = o; + break + } + return n.tokenize = c(e - 1), n.tokenize(t, n) + } + } + return "meta" + } + } + + function u(e, t, n) { + this.prev = e.context, this.tagName = t, this.indent = e.indented, this.startOfLine = n, (S.doNotIndent.hasOwnProperty(t) || e.context && e.context.noIndent) && (this.noIndent = !0) + } + + function f(e) { + e.context && (e.context = e.context.prev) + } + + function h(e, t) { + for (var n; ;) { + if (!e.context) return; + if (n = e.context.tagName, !S.contextGrabbers.hasOwnProperty(n) || !S.contextGrabbers[n].hasOwnProperty(t)) return; + f(e) + } + } + + function d(e, t, n) { + return "openTag" == e ? (n.tagStart = t.column(), p) : "closeTag" == e ? m : d + } + + function p(e, t, n) { + return "word" == e ? (n.tagName = t.current(), M = "tag", y) : (M = "error", p) + } + + function m(e, t, n) { + if ("word" == e) { + var r = t.current(); + return n.context && n.context.tagName != r && S.implicitlyClosed.hasOwnProperty(n.context.tagName) && f(n), n.context && n.context.tagName == r || S.matchClosing === !1 ? (M = "tag", g) : (M = "tag error", v) + } + return M = "error", v + } + + function g(e, t, n) { + return "endTag" != e ? (M = "error", g) : (f(n), d) + } + + function v(e, t, n) { + return M = "error", g(e, t, n) + } + + function y(e, t, n) { + if ("word" == e) return M = "attribute", x; + if ("endTag" == e || "selfcloseTag" == e) { + var r = n.tagName, i = n.tagStart; + return n.tagName = n.tagStart = null, "selfcloseTag" == e || S.autoSelfClosers.hasOwnProperty(r) ? h(n, r) : (h(n, r), n.context = new u(n, r, i == n.indented)), d + } + return M = "error", y + } + + function x(e, t, n) { + return "equals" == e ? b : (S.allowMissing || (M = "error"), y(e, t, n)) + } + + function b(e, t, n) { + return "string" == e ? w : "word" == e && S.allowUnquoted ? (M = "string", y) : (M = "error", y(e, t, n)) + } + + function w(e, t, n) { + return "string" == e ? w : y(e, t, n) + } + + var k = r.indentUnit, S = {}, C = i.htmlMode ? t : n; + for (var L in C) S[L] = C[L]; + for (var L in i) S[L] = i[L]; + var T, M; + return o.isInText = !0, { + startState: function (e) { + var t = { + tokenize: o, + state: d, + indented: e || 0, + tagName: null, + tagStart: null, + context: null + }; + return null != e && (t.baseIndent = e), t + }, + token: function (e, t) { + if (!t.tagName && e.sol() && (t.indented = e.indentation()), e.eatSpace()) return null; + T = null; + var n = t.tokenize(e, t); + return (n || T) && "comment" != n && (M = null, t.state = t.state(T || n, e, t), M && (n = "error" == M ? n + " error" : M)), n + }, + indent: function (t, n, r) { + var i = t.context; + if (t.tokenize.isInAttribute) return t.tagStart == t.indented ? t.stringStartCol + 1 : t.indented + k; + if (i && i.noIndent) return e.Pass; + if (t.tokenize != a && t.tokenize != o) return r ? r.match(/^(\s*)/)[0].length : 0; + if (t.tagName) return S.multilineTagIndentPastTag !== !1 ? t.tagStart + t.tagName.length + 2 : t.tagStart + k * (S.multilineTagIndentFactor || 1); + if (S.alignCDATA && /<!\[CDATA\[/.test(n)) return 0; + var l = n && /^<(\/)?([\w_:\.-]*)/.exec(n); + if (l && l[1]) for (; i;) { + if (i.tagName == l[2]) { + i = i.prev; + break + } + if (!S.implicitlyClosed.hasOwnProperty(i.tagName)) break; + i = i.prev + } else if (l) for (; i;) { + var s = S.contextGrabbers[i.tagName]; + if (!s || !s.hasOwnProperty(l[2])) break; + i = i.prev + } + for (; i && i.prev && !i.startOfLine;) i = i.prev; + return i ? i.indent + k : t.baseIndent || 0 + }, + electricInput: /<\/[\s\w:]+>$/, + blockCommentStart: "<!--", + blockCommentEnd: "-->", + configuration: S.htmlMode ? "html" : "xml", + helperType: S.htmlMode ? "html" : "xml", + skipAttribute: function (e) { + e.state == b && (e.state = y) + } + } + }), e.defineMIME("text/xml", "xml"), e.defineMIME("application/xml", "xml"), e.mimeModes.hasOwnProperty("text/html") || e.defineMIME("text/html", { + name: "xml", + htmlMode: !0 + }) + }) + }, {"../../lib/codemirror": 10}], + 15: [function (e, t, n) { + = function (e, t, n, r, i) { + var o, a, l = 8 * i - r - 1, s = (1 << l) - 1, c = s >> 1, u = -7, f = n ? i - 1 : 0, h = n ? -1 : 1, + d = e[t + f]; + for (f += h, o = d & (1 << -u) - 1, d >>= -u, u += l; u > 0; o = 256 * o + e[t + f], f += h, u -= 8) ; + for (a = o & (1 << -u) - 1, o >>= -u, u += r; u > 0; a = 256 * a + e[t + f], f += h, u -= 8) ; + if (0 === o) o = 1 - c; else { + if (o === s) return a ? NaN : (d ? -1 : 1) * (1 / 0); + a += Math.pow(2, r), o -= c + } + return (d ? -1 : 1) * a * Math.pow(2, o - r) + }, n.write = function (e, t, n, r, i, o) { + var a, l, s, c = 8 * o - i - 1, u = (1 << c) - 1, f = u >> 1, + h = 23 === i ? Math.pow(2, -24) - Math.pow(2, -77) : 0, d = r ? 0 : o - 1, p = r ? 1 : -1, + m = 0 > t || 0 === t && 0 > 1 / t ? 1 : 0; + for (t = Math.abs(t), isNaN(t) || t === 1 / 0 ? (l = isNaN(t) ? 1 : 0, a = u) : (a = Math.floor(Math.log(t) / Math.LN2), t * (s = Math.pow(2, -a)) < 1 && (a--, s *= 2), t += a + f >= 1 ? h / s : h * Math.pow(2, 1 - f), t * s >= 2 && (a++, s /= 2), a + f >= u ? (l = 0, a = u) : a + f >= 1 ? (l = (t * s - 1) * Math.pow(2, i), a += f) : (l = t * Math.pow(2, f - 1) * Math.pow(2, i), a = 0)); i >= 8; e[n + d] = 255 & l, d += p, l /= 256, i -= 8) ; + for (a = a << i | l, c += i; c > 0; e[n + d] = 255 & a, d += p, a /= 256, c -= 8) ; + e[n + d - p] |= 128 * m + } + }, {}], + 16: [function (e, t, n) { + var r = {}.toString; + t.exports = Array.isArray || function (e) { + return "[object Array]" == + } + }, {}], + 17: [function (t, n, r) { + (function (t) { + (function () { + function t(e) { + this.tokens = [], this.tokens.links = {}, this.options = e || h.defaults, this.rules = d.normal, this.options.gfm && (this.options.tables ? this.rules = d.tables : this.rules = d.gfm) + } + + function i(e, t) { + if (this.options = t || h.defaults, this.links = e, this.rules = p.normal, this.renderer = this.options.renderer || new o, this.renderer.options = this.options, !this.links) throw new Error("Tokens array requires a `links` property."); + this.options.gfm ? this.options.breaks ? this.rules = p.breaks : this.rules = p.gfm : this.options.pedantic && (this.rules = p.pedantic) + } + + function o(e) { + this.options = e || {} + } + + function a(e) { + this.tokens = [], this.token = null, this.options = e || h.defaults, this.options.renderer = this.options.renderer || new o, this.renderer = this.options.renderer, this.renderer.options = this.options + } + + function l(e, t) { + return e.replace(t ? /&/g : /&(?!#?\w+;)/g, "&amp;").replace(/</g, "&lt;").replace(/>/g, "&gt;").replace(/"/g, "&quot;").replace(/'/g, "&#39;") + } + + function s(e) { + return e.replace(/&([#\w]+);/g, function (e, t) { + return t = t.toLowerCase(), "colon" === t ? ":" : "#" === t.charAt(0) ? "x" === t.charAt(1) ? String.fromCharCode(parseInt(t.substring(2), 16)) : String.fromCharCode(+t.substring(1)) : "" + }) + } + + function c(e, t) { + return e = e.source, t = t || "", function n(r, i) { + return r ? (i = i.source || i, i = i.replace(/(^|[^\[])\^/g, "$1"), e = e.replace(r, i), n) : new RegExp(e, t) + } + } + + function u() { + } + + function f(e) { + for (var t, n, r = 1; r < arguments.length; r++) { + t = arguments[r]; + for (n in t), n) && (e[n] = t[n]) + } + return e + } + + function h(e, n, r) { + if (r || "function" == typeof n) { + r || (r = n, n = null), n = f({}, h.defaults, n || {}); + var i, o, s = n.highlight, c = 0; + try { + i = t.lex(e, n) + } catch (u) { + return r(u) + } + o = i.length; + var d = function (e) { + if (e) return n.highlight = s, r(e); + var t; + try { + t = a.parse(i, n) + } catch (o) { + e = o + } + return n.highlight = s, e ? r(e) : r(null, t) + }; + if (!s || s.length < 3) return d(); + if (delete n.highlight, !o) return d(); + for (; c < i.length; c++) !function (e) { + return "code" !== e.type ? --o || d() : s(e.text, e.lang, function (t, n) { + return t ? d(t) : null == n || n === e.text ? --o || d() : (e.text = n, e.escaped = !0, void(--o || d())) + }) + }(i[c]) + } else try { + return n && (n = f({}, h.defaults, n)), a.parse(t.lex(e, n), n) + } catch (u) { + if (u.message += "\nPlease report this to", (n || h.defaults).silent) return "<p>An error occured:</p><pre>" + l(u.message + "", !0) + "</pre>"; + throw u + } + } + + var d = { + newline: /^\n+/, + code: /^( {4}[^\n]+\n*)+/, + fences: u, + hr: /^( *[-*_]){3,} *(?:\n+|$)/, + heading: /^ *(#{1,6}) *([^\n]+?) *#* *(?:\n+|$)/, + nptable: u, + lheading: /^([^\n]+)\n *(=|-){2,} *(?:\n+|$)/, + blockquote: /^( *>[^\n]+(\n(?!def)[^\n]+)*\n*)+/, + list: /^( *)(bull) [\s\S]+?(?:hr|def|\n{2,}(?! )(?!\1bull )\n*|\s*$)/, + html: /^ *(?:comment *(?:\n|\s*$)|closed *(?:\n{2,}|\s*$)|closing *(?:\n{2,}|\s*$))/, + def: /^ *\[([^\]]+)\]: *<?([^\s>]+)>?(?: +["(]([^\n]+)[")])? *(?:\n+|$)/, + table: u, + paragraph: /^((?:[^\n]+\n?(?!hr|heading|lheading|blockquote|tag|def))+)\n*/, + text: /^[^\n]+/ + }; + d.bullet = /(?:[*+-]|\d+\.)/, d.item = /^( *)(bull) [^\n]*(?:\n(?!\1bull )[^\n]*)*/, d.item = c(d.item, "gm")(/bull/g, d.bullet)(), d.list = c(d.list)(/bull/g, d.bullet)("hr", "\\n+(?=\\1?(?:[-*_] *){3,}(?:\\n+|$))")("def", "\\n+(?=" + d.def.source + ")")(), d.blockquote = c(d.blockquote)("def", d.def)(), d._tag = "(?!(?:a|em|strong|small|s|cite|q|dfn|abbr|data|time|code|var|samp|kbd|sub|sup|i|b|u|mark|ruby|rt|rp|bdi|bdo|span|br|wbr|ins|del|img)\\b)\\w+(?!:/|[^\\w\\s@]*@)\\b", d.html = c(d.html)("comment", /<!--[\s\S]*?-->/)("closed", /<(tag)[\s\S]+?<\/\1>/)("closing", /<tag(?:"[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^'">])*?>/)(/tag/g, d._tag)(), d.paragraph = c(d.paragraph)("hr","heading", d.heading)("lheading", d.lheading)("blockquote", d.blockquote)("tag", "<" + d._tag)("def", d.def)(), d.normal = f({}, d), d.gfm = f({}, d.normal, { + fences: /^ *(`{3,}|~{3,})[ \.]*(\S+)? *\n([\s\S]*?)\s*\1 *(?:\n+|$)/, + paragraph: /^/, + heading: /^ *(#{1,6}) +([^\n]+?) *#* *(?:\n+|$)/ + }), d.gfm.paragraph = c(d.paragraph)("(?!", "(?!" + d.gfm.fences.source.replace("\\1", "\\2") + "|" + d.list.source.replace("\\1", "\\3") + "|")(), d.tables = f({}, d.gfm, { + nptable: /^ *(\S.*\|.*)\n *([-:]+ *\|[-| :]*)\n((?:.*\|.*(?:\n|$))*)\n*/, + table: /^ *\|(.+)\n *\|( *[-:]+[-| :]*)\n((?: *\|.*(?:\n|$))*)\n*/ + }), t.rules = d, t.lex = function (e, n) { + var r = new t(n); + return r.lex(e) + }, t.prototype.lex = function (e) { + return e = e.replace(/\r\n|\r/g, "\n").replace(/\t/g, " ").replace(/\u00a0/g, " ").replace(/\u2424/g, "\n"), this.token(e, !0) + }, t.prototype.token = function (e, t, n) { + for (var r, i, o, a, l, s, c, u, f, e = e.replace(/^ +$/gm, ""); e;) if ((o = this.rules.newline.exec(e)) && (e = e.substring(o[0].length), o[0].length > 1 && this.tokens.push({type: "space"})), o = this.rules.code.exec(e)) e = e.substring(o[0].length), o = o[0].replace(/^ {4}/gm, ""), this.tokens.push({ + type: "code", + text: this.options.pedantic ? o : o.replace(/\n+$/, "") + }); else if (o = this.rules.fences.exec(e)) e = e.substring(o[0].length), this.tokens.push({ + type: "code", + lang: o[2], + text: o[3] || "" + }); else if (o = this.rules.heading.exec(e)) e = e.substring(o[0].length), this.tokens.push({ + type: "heading", + depth: o[1].length, + text: o[2] + }); else if (t && (o = this.rules.nptable.exec(e))) { + for (e = e.substring(o[0].length), s = { + type: "table", + header: o[1].replace(/^ *| *\| *$/g, "").split(/ *\| */), + align: o[2].replace(/^ *|\| *$/g, "").split(/ *\| */), + cells: o[3].replace(/\n$/, "").split("\n") + }, u = 0; u < s.align.length; u++) /^ *-+: *$/.test(s.align[u]) ? s.align[u] = "right" : /^ *:-+: *$/.test(s.align[u]) ? s.align[u] = "center" : /^ *:-+ *$/.test(s.align[u]) ? s.align[u] = "left" : s.align[u] = null; + for (u = 0; u < s.cells.length; u++) s.cells[u] = s.cells[u].split(/ *\| */); + this.tokens.push(s) + } else if (o = this.rules.lheading.exec(e)) e = e.substring(o[0].length), this.tokens.push({ + type: "heading", + depth: "=" === o[2] ? 1 : 2, + text: o[1] + }); else if (o = e = e.substring(o[0].length), this.tokens.push({type: "hr"}); else if (o = this.rules.blockquote.exec(e)) e = e.substring(o[0].length), this.tokens.push({type: "blockquote_start"}), o = o[0].replace(/^ *> ?/gm, ""), this.token(o, t, !0), this.tokens.push({type: "blockquote_end"}); else if (o = this.rules.list.exec(e)) { + for (e = e.substring(o[0].length), a = o[2], this.tokens.push({ + type: "list_start", + ordered: a.length > 1 + }), o = o[0].match(this.rules.item), r = !1, f = o.length, u = 0; f > u; u++) s = o[u], c = s.length, s = s.replace(/^ *([*+-]|\d+\.) +/, ""), ~s.indexOf("\n ") && (c -= s.length, s = this.options.pedantic ? s.replace(/^ {1,4}/gm, "") : s.replace(new RegExp("^ {1," + c + "}", "gm"), "")), this.options.smartLists && u !== f - 1 && (l = d.bullet.exec(o[u + 1])[0], a === l || a.length > 1 && l.length > 1 || (e = o.slice(u + 1).join("\n") + e, u = f - 1)), i = r || /\n\n(?!\s*$)/.test(s), u !== f - 1 && (r = "\n" === s.charAt(s.length - 1), i || (i = r)), this.tokens.push({type: i ? "loose_item_start" : "list_item_start"}), this.token(s, !1, n), this.tokens.push({type: "list_item_end"}); + this.tokens.push({type: "list_end"}) + } else if (o = this.rules.html.exec(e)) e = e.substring(o[0].length), this.tokens.push({ + type: this.options.sanitize ? "paragraph" : "html", + pre: !this.options.sanitizer && ("pre" === o[1] || "script" === o[1] || "style" === o[1]), + text: o[0] + }); else if (!n && t && (o = this.rules.def.exec(e))) e = e.substring(o[0].length), this.tokens.links[o[1].toLowerCase()] = { + href: o[2], + title: o[3] + }; else if (t && (o = this.rules.table.exec(e))) { + for (e = e.substring(o[0].length), s = { + type: "table", + header: o[1].replace(/^ *| *\| *$/g, "").split(/ *\| */), + align: o[2].replace(/^ *|\| *$/g, "").split(/ *\| */), + cells: o[3].replace(/(?: *\| *)?\n$/, "").split("\n") + }, u = 0; u < s.align.length; u++) /^ *-+: *$/.test(s.align[u]) ? s.align[u] = "right" : /^ *:-+: *$/.test(s.align[u]) ? s.align[u] = "center" : /^ *:-+ *$/.test(s.align[u]) ? s.align[u] = "left" : s.align[u] = null; + for (u = 0; u < s.cells.length; u++) s.cells[u] = s.cells[u].replace(/^ *\| *| *\| *$/g, "").split(/ *\| */); + this.tokens.push(s) + } else if (t && (o = this.rules.paragraph.exec(e))) e = e.substring(o[0].length), this.tokens.push({ + type: "paragraph", + text: "\n" === o[1].charAt(o[1].length - 1) ? o[1].slice(0, -1) : o[1] + }); else if (o = this.rules.text.exec(e)) e = e.substring(o[0].length), this.tokens.push({ + type: "text", + text: o[0] + }); else if (e) throw new Error("Infinite loop on byte: " + e.charCodeAt(0)); + return this.tokens + }; + var p = { + escape: /^\\([\\`*{}\[\]()#+\-.!_>])/, + autolink: /^<([^ >]+(@|:\/)[^ >]+)>/, + url: u, + tag: /^<!--[\s\S]*?-->|^<\/?\w+(?:"[^"]*"|'[^']*'|[^'">])*?>/, + link: /^!?\[(inside)\]\(href\)/, + reflink: /^!?\[(inside)\]\s*\[([^\]]*)\]/, + nolink: /^!?\[((?:\[[^\]]*\]|[^\[\]])*)\]/, + strong: /^__([\s\S]+?)__(?!_)|^\*\*([\s\S]+?)\*\*(?!\*)/, + em: /^\b_((?:[^_]|__)+?)_\b|^\*((?:\*\*|[\s\S])+?)\*(?!\*)/, + code: /^(`+)\s*([\s\S]*?[^`])\s*\1(?!`)/, + br: /^ {2,}\n(?!\s*$)/, + del: u, + text: /^[\s\S]+?(?=[\\<!\[_*`]| {2,}\n|$)/ + }; + p._inside = /(?:\[[^\]]*\]|[^\[\]]|\](?=[^\[]*\]))*/, p._href = /\s*<?([\s\S]*?)>?(?:\s+['"]([\s\S]*?)['"])?\s*/, = c("inside", p._inside)("href", p._href)(), p.reflink = c(p.reflink)("inside", p._inside)(), p.normal = f({}, p), p.pedantic = f({}, p.normal, { + strong: /^__(?=\S)([\s\S]*?\S)__(?!_)|^\*\*(?=\S)([\s\S]*?\S)\*\*(?!\*)/, + em: /^_(?=\S)([\s\S]*?\S)_(?!_)|^\*(?=\S)([\s\S]*?\S)\*(?!\*)/ + }), p.gfm = f({}, p.normal, { + escape: c(p.escape)("])", "~|])")(), + url: /^(https?:\/\/[^\s<]+[^<.,:;"')\]\s])/, + del: /^~~(?=\S)([\s\S]*?\S)~~/, + text: c(p.text)("]|", "~]|")("|", "|https?://|")() + }), p.breaks = f({}, p.gfm, { + br: c("{2,}", "*")(), + text: c(p.gfm.text)("{2,}", "*")() + }), i.rules = p, i.output = function (e, t, n) { + var r = new i(t, n); + return r.output(e) + }, i.prototype.output = function (e) { + for (var t, n, r, i, o = ""; e;) if (i = this.rules.escape.exec(e)) e = e.substring(i[0].length), o += i[1]; else if (i = this.rules.autolink.exec(e)) e = e.substring(i[0].length), "@" === i[2] ? (n = ":" === i[1].charAt(6) ? this.mangle(i[1].substring(7)) : this.mangle(i[1]), r = this.mangle("mailto:") + n) : (n = l(i[1]), r = n), o +=, null, n); else if (this.inLink || !(i = this.rules.url.exec(e))) { + if (i = this.rules.tag.exec(e)) !this.inLink && /^<a /i.test(i[0]) ? this.inLink = !0 : this.inLink && /^<\/a>/i.test(i[0]) && (this.inLink = !1), e = e.substring(i[0].length), o += this.options.sanitize ? this.options.sanitizer ? this.options.sanitizer(i[0]) : l(i[0]) : i[0]; else if (i = e = e.substring(i[0].length), this.inLink = !0, o += this.outputLink(i, { + href: i[2], + title: i[3] + }), this.inLink = !1; else if ((i = this.rules.reflink.exec(e)) || (i = this.rules.nolink.exec(e))) { + if (e = e.substring(i[0].length), t = (i[2] || i[1]).replace(/\s+/g, " "), t = this.links[t.toLowerCase()], !t || !t.href) { + o += i[0].charAt(0), e = i[0].substring(1) + e; + continue + } + this.inLink = !0, o += this.outputLink(i, t), this.inLink = !1 + } else if (i = this.rules.strong.exec(e)) e = e.substring(i[0].length), o += this.renderer.strong(this.output(i[2] || i[1])); else if (i = this.rules.em.exec(e)) e = e.substring(i[0].length), o += this.renderer.em(this.output(i[2] || i[1])); else if (i = this.rules.code.exec(e)) e = e.substring(i[0].length), o += this.renderer.codespan(l(i[2], !0)); else if (i = e = e.substring(i[0].length), o +=; else if (i = this.rules.del.exec(e)) e = e.substring(i[0].length), o += this.renderer.del(this.output(i[1])); else if (i = this.rules.text.exec(e)) e = e.substring(i[0].length), o += this.renderer.text(l(this.smartypants(i[0]))); else if (e) throw new Error("Infinite loop on byte: " + e.charCodeAt(0)) + } else e = e.substring(i[0].length), n = l(i[1]), r = n, o +=, null, n); + return o + }, i.prototype.outputLink = function (e, t) { + var n = l(t.href), r = t.title ? l(t.title) : null; + return "!" !== e[0].charAt(0) ?, r, this.output(e[1])) : this.renderer.image(n, r, l(e[1])) + }, i.prototype.smartypants = function (e) { + return this.options.smartypants ? e.replace(/---/g, "—").replace(/--/g, "–").replace(/(^|[-\u2014\/(\[{"\s])'/g, "$1‘").replace(/'/g, "’").replace(/(^|[-\u2014\/(\[{\u2018\s])"/g, "$1“").replace(/"/g, "”").replace(/\.{3}/g, "…") : e + }, i.prototype.mangle = function (e) { + if (!this.options.mangle) return e; + for (var t, n = "", r = e.length, i = 0; r > i; i++) t = e.charCodeAt(i), Math.random() > .5 && (t = "x" + t.toString(16)), n += "&#" + t + ";"; + return n + }, o.prototype.code = function (e, t, n) { + if (this.options.highlight) { + var r = this.options.highlight(e, t); + null != r && r !== e && (n = !0, e = r) + } + return t ? '<pre><code class="' + this.options.langPrefix + l(t, !0) + '">' + (n ? e : l(e, !0)) + "\n</code></pre>\n" : "<pre><code>" + (n ? e : l(e, !0)) + "\n</code></pre>" + }, o.prototype.blockquote = function (e) { + return "<blockquote>\n" + e + "</blockquote>\n" + }, o.prototype.html = function (e) { + return e + }, o.prototype.heading = function (e, t, n) { + return "<h" + t + ' id="' + this.options.headerPrefix + n.toLowerCase().replace(/[^\w]+/g, "-") + '">' + e + "</h" + t + ">\n" + }, = function () { + return this.options.xhtml ? "<hr/>\n" : "<hr>\n" + }, o.prototype.list = function (e, t) { + var n = t ? "ol" : "ul"; + return "<" + n + ">\n" + e + "</" + n + ">\n" + }, o.prototype.listitem = function (e) { + return "<li>" + e + "</li>\n" + }, o.prototype.paragraph = function (e) { + return "<p>" + e + "</p>\n" + }, o.prototype.table = function (e, t) { + return "<table>\n<thead>\n" + e + "</thead>\n<tbody>\n" + t + "</tbody>\n</table>\n" + }, o.prototype.tablerow = function (e) { + return "<tr>\n" + e + "</tr>\n" + }, o.prototype.tablecell = function (e, t) { + var n = t.header ? "th" : "td", + r = t.align ? "<" + n + ' style="text-align:' + t.align + '">' : "<" + n + ">"; + return r + e + "</" + n + ">\n" + }, o.prototype.strong = function (e) { + return "<strong>" + e + "</strong>" + }, o.prototype.em = function (e) { + return "<em>" + e + "</em>" + }, o.prototype.codespan = function (e) { + return "<code>" + e + "</code>" + }, = function () { + return this.options.xhtml ? "<br/>" : "<br>" + }, o.prototype.del = function (e) { + return "<del>" + e + "</del>" + }, = function (e, t, n) { + if (this.options.sanitize) { + try { + var r = decodeURIComponent(s(e)).replace(/[^\w:]/g, "").toLowerCase() + } catch (i) { + return "" + } + if (0 === r.indexOf("javascript:") || 0 === r.indexOf("vbscript:")) return "" + } + var o = '<a href="' + e + '"'; + return t && (o += ' title="' + t + '"'), o += ">" + n + "</a>" + }, o.prototype.image = function (e, t, n) { + var r = '<img src="' + e + '" alt="' + n + '"'; + return t && (r += ' title="' + t + '"'), r += this.options.xhtml ? "/>" : ">" + }, o.prototype.text = function (e) { + return e + }, a.parse = function (e, t, n) { + var r = new a(t, n); + return r.parse(e) + }, a.prototype.parse = function (e) { + this.inline = new i(e.links, this.options, this.renderer), this.tokens = e.reverse(); + for (var t = "";;) t += this.tok(); + return t + }, = function () { + return this.token = this.tokens.pop() + }, a.prototype.peek = function () { + return this.tokens[this.tokens.length - 1] || 0 + }, a.prototype.parseText = function () { + for (var e = this.token.text; "text" === this.peek().type;) e += "\n" +; + return this.inline.output(e) + }, a.prototype.tok = function () { + switch (this.token.type) { + case"space": + return ""; + case"hr": + return; + case"heading": + return this.renderer.heading(this.inline.output(this.token.text), this.token.depth, this.token.text); + case"code": + return this.renderer.code(this.token.text, this.token.lang, this.token.escaped); + case"table": + var e, t, n, r, i, o = "", a = ""; + for (n = "", e = 0; e < this.token.header.length; e++) r = { + header: !0, + align: this.token.align[e] + }, n += this.renderer.tablecell(this.inline.output(this.token.header[e]), { + header: !0, + align: this.token.align[e] + }); + for (o += this.renderer.tablerow(n), e = 0; e < this.token.cells.length; e++) { + for (t = this.token.cells[e], n = "", i = 0; i < t.length; i++) n += this.renderer.tablecell(this.inline.output(t[i]), { + header: !1, + align: this.token.align[i] + }); + a += this.renderer.tablerow(n) + } + return this.renderer.table(o, a); + case"blockquote_start": + for (var a = ""; "blockquote_end" !==;) a += this.tok(); + return this.renderer.blockquote(a); + case"list_start": + for (var a = "", l = this.token.ordered; "list_end" !==;) a += this.tok(); + return this.renderer.list(a, l); + case"list_item_start": + for (var a = ""; "list_item_end" !==;) a += "text" === this.token.type ? this.parseText() : this.tok(); + return this.renderer.listitem(a); + case"loose_item_start": + for (var a = ""; "list_item_end" !==;) a += this.tok(); + return this.renderer.listitem(a); + case"html": + var s = this.token.pre || this.options.pedantic ? this.token.text : this.inline.output(this.token.text); + return this.renderer.html(s); + case"paragraph": + return this.renderer.paragraph(this.inline.output(this.token.text)); + case"text": + return this.renderer.paragraph(this.parseText()) + } + }, u.exec = u, h.options = h.setOptions = function (e) { + return f(h.defaults, e), h + }, h.defaults = { + gfm: !0, + tables: !0, + breaks: !1, + pedantic: !1, + sanitize: !1, + sanitizer: null, + mangle: !0, + smartLists: !1, + silent: !1, + highlight: null, + langPrefix: "lang-", + smartypants: !1, + headerPrefix: "", + renderer: new o, + xhtml: !1 + }, h.Parser = a, h.parser = a.parse, h.Renderer = o, h.Lexer = t, h.lexer = t.lex, h.InlineLexer = i, h.inlineLexer = i.output, h.parse = h, "undefined" != typeof n && "object" == typeof r ? n.exports = h : "function" == typeof e && e.amd ? e(function () { + return h + }) : this.marked = h + }).call(function () { + return this || ("undefined" != typeof window ? window : t) + }()) + }).call(this, "undefined" != typeof global ? global : "undefined" != typeof self ? self : "undefined" != typeof window ? window : {}) + }, {}], + 18: [function (e, t, n) { + (function (n, r) { + "use strict"; + var i = function (e, t, n, i) { + if (i = i || {}, this.dictionary = null, this.rules = {}, this.dictionaryTable = {}, this.compoundRules = [], this.compoundRuleCodes = {}, this.replacementTable = [], this.flags = i.flags || {}, e) { + if (this.dictionary = e, "undefined" != typeof window && "chrome" in window && "extension" in && "getURL" in t || (t = this._readFile(chrome.extension.getURL("lib/typo/dictionaries/" + e + "/" + e + ".aff"))), n || (n = this._readFile(chrome.extension.getURL("lib/typo/dictionaries/" + e + "/" + e + ".dic"))); else { + if (i.dictionaryPath) var o = i.dictionaryPath; else if ("undefined" != typeof r) var o = r + "/dictionaries"; else var o = "./dictionaries"; + t || (t = this._readFile(o + "/" + e + "/" + e + ".aff")), n || (n = this._readFile(o + "/" + e + "/" + e + ".dic")) + } + this.rules = this._parseAFF(t), this.compoundRuleCodes = {}; + for (var a = 0, l = this.compoundRules.length; l > a; a++) for (var s = this.compoundRules[a], c = 0, u = s.length; u > c; c++) this.compoundRuleCodes[s[c]] = []; + "ONLYINCOMPOUND" in this.flags && (this.compoundRuleCodes[this.flags.ONLYINCOMPOUND] = []), this.dictionaryTable = this._parseDIC(n); + for (var a in this.compoundRuleCodes) 0 == this.compoundRuleCodes[a].length && delete this.compoundRuleCodes[a]; + for (var a = 0, l = this.compoundRules.length; l > a; a++) { + for (var f = this.compoundRules[a], h = "", c = 0, u = f.length; u > c; c++) { + var d = f[c]; + h += d in this.compoundRuleCodes ? "(" + this.compoundRuleCodes[d].join("|") + ")" : d + } + this.compoundRules[a] = new RegExp(h, "i") + } + } + return this + }; + i.prototype = { + load: function (e) { + for (var t in e) this[t] = e[t]; + return this + }, _readFile: function (t, r) { + if (r || (r = "utf8"), "undefined" != typeof XMLHttpRequest) { + var i = new XMLHttpRequest; + return"GET", t, !1), i.overrideMimeType && i.overrideMimeType("text/plain; charset=" + r), i.send(null), i.responseText + } + if ("undefined" != typeof e) { + var o = e("fs"); + try { + if (o.existsSync(t)) { + var a = o.statSync(t), l = o.openSync(t, "r"), s = new n(a.size); + return o.readSync(l, s, 0, s.length, null), s.toString(r, 0, s.length) + } + console.log("Path " + t + " does not exist.") + } catch (c) { + return console.log(c), "" + } + } + }, _parseAFF: function (e) { + var t = {}; + e = this._removeAffixComments(e); + for (var n = e.split("\n"), r = 0, i = n.length; i > r; r++) { + var o = n[r], a = o.split(/\s+/), l = a[0]; + if ("PFX" == l || "SFX" == l) { + for (var s = a[1], c = a[2], u = parseInt(a[3], 10), f = [], h = r + 1, d = r + 1 + u; d > h; h++) { + var o = n[h], p = o.split(/\s+/), m = p[2], g = p[3].split("/"), v = g[0]; + "0" === v && (v = ""); + var y = this.parseRuleCodes(g[1]), x = p[4], b = {}; + b.add = v, y.length > 0 && (b.continuationClasses = y), "." !== x && ("SFX" === l ? b.match = new RegExp(x + "$") : b.match = new RegExp("^" + x)), "0" != m && ("SFX" === l ? b.remove = new RegExp(m + "$") : b.remove = m), f.push(b) + } + t[s] = {type: l, combineable: "Y" == c, entries: f}, r += u + } else if ("COMPOUNDRULE" === l) { + for (var u = parseInt(a[1], 10), h = r + 1, d = r + 1 + u; d > h; h++) { + var o = n[h], p = o.split(/\s+/); + this.compoundRules.push(p[1]) + } + r += u + } else if ("REP" === l) { + var p = o.split(/\s+/); + 3 === p.length && this.replacementTable.push([p[1], p[2]]) + } else this.flags[l] = a[1] + } + return t + }, _removeAffixComments: function (e) { + return e = e.replace(/#.*$/gm, ""), e = e.replace(/^\s\s*/m, "").replace(/\s\s*$/m, ""), e = e.replace(/\n{2,}/g, "\n"), e = e.replace(/^\s\s*/, "").replace(/\s\s*$/, "") + }, _parseDIC: function (e) { + function t(e, t) { + e in r && "object" == typeof r[e] || (r[e] = []), r[e].push(t) + } + + e = this._removeDicComments(e); + for (var n = e.split("\n"), r = {}, i = 1, o = n.length; o > i; i++) { + var a = n[i], l = a.split("/", 2), s = l[0]; + if (l.length > 1) { + var c = this.parseRuleCodes(l[1]); + "NEEDAFFIX" in this.flags && -1 != c.indexOf(this.flags.NEEDAFFIX) || t(s, c); + for (var u = 0, f = c.length; f > u; u++) { + var h = c[u], d = this.rules[h]; + if (d) for (var p = this._applyRule(s, d), m = 0, g = p.length; g > m; m++) { + var v = p[m]; + if (t(v, []), d.combineable) for (var y = u + 1; f > y; y++) { + var x = c[y], b = this.rules[x]; + if (b && b.combineable && d.type != b.type) for (var w = this._applyRule(v, b), k = 0, S = w.length; S > k; k++) { + var C = w[k]; + t(C, []) + } + } + } + h in this.compoundRuleCodes && this.compoundRuleCodes[h].push(s) + } + } else t(s.trim(), []) + } + return r + }, _removeDicComments: function (e) { + return e = e.replace(/^\t.*$/gm, "") + }, parseRuleCodes: function (e) { + if (!e) return []; + if (!("FLAG" in this.flags)) return e.split(""); + if ("long" === this.flags.FLAG) { + for (var t = [], n = 0, r = e.length; r > n; n += 2) t.push(e.substr(n, 2)); + return t + } + return "num" === this.flags.FLAG ? textCode.split(",") : void 0 + }, _applyRule: function (e, t) { + for (var n = t.entries, r = [], i = 0, o = n.length; o > i; i++) { + var a = n[i]; + if (!a.match || e.match(a.match)) { + var l = e; + if (a.remove && (l = l.replace(a.remove, "")), "SFX" === t.type ? l += a.add : l = a.add + l, r.push(l), "continuationClasses" in a) for (var s = 0, c = a.continuationClasses.length; c > s; s++) { + var u = this.rules[a.continuationClasses[s]]; + u && (r = r.concat(this._applyRule(l, u))) + } + } + } + return r + }, check: function (e) { + var t = e.replace(/^\s\s*/, "").replace(/\s\s*$/, ""); + if (this.checkExact(t)) return !0; + if (t.toUpperCase() === t) { + var n = t[0] + t.substring(1).toLowerCase(); + if (this.hasFlag(n, "KEEPCASE")) return !1; + if (this.checkExact(n)) return !0 + } + var r = t.toLowerCase(); + if (r !== t) { + if (this.hasFlag(r, "KEEPCASE")) return !1; + if (this.checkExact(r)) return !0 + } + return !1 + }, checkExact: function (e) { + var t = this.dictionaryTable[e]; + if ("undefined" == typeof t) { + if ("COMPOUNDMIN" in this.flags && e.length >= this.flags.COMPOUNDMIN) for (var n = 0, r = this.compoundRules.length; r > n; n++) if (e.match(this.compoundRules[n])) return !0; + return !1 + } + if ("object" == typeof t) { + for (var n = 0, r = t.length; r > n; n++) if (!this.hasFlag(e, "ONLYINCOMPOUND", t[n])) return !0; + return !1 + } + }, hasFlag: function (e, t, n) { + if (t in this.flags) { + if ("undefined" == typeof n) var n = Array.prototype.concat.apply([], this.dictionaryTable[e]); + if (n && -1 !== n.indexOf(this.flags[t])) return !0 + } + return !1 + }, alphabet: "", suggest: function (e, t) { + function n(e) { + for (var t = [], n = 0, r = e.length; r > n; n++) { + for (var i = e[n], o = [], a = 0, l = i.length + 1; l > a; a++) o.push([i.substring(0, a), i.substring(a, i.length)]); + for (var s = [], a = 0, l = o.length; l > a; a++) { + var u = o[a]; + u[1] && s.push(u[0] + u[1].substring(1)) + } + for (var f = [], a = 0, l = o.length; l > a; a++) { + var u = o[a]; + u[1].length > 1 && f.push(u[0] + u[1][1] + u[1][0] + u[1].substring(2)) + } + for (var h = [], a = 0, l = o.length; l > a; a++) { + var u = o[a]; + if (u[1]) for (var d = 0, p = c.alphabet.length; p > d; d++) h.push(u[0] + c.alphabet[d] + u[1].substring(1)) + } + for (var m = [], a = 0, l = o.length; l > a; a++) { + var u = o[a]; + if (u[1]) for (var d = 0, p = c.alphabet.length; p > d; d++) h.push(u[0] + c.alphabet[d] + u[1]) + } + t = t.concat(s), t = t.concat(f), t = t.concat(h), t = t.concat(m) + } + return t + } + + function r(e) { + for (var t = [], n = 0; n < e.length; n++) c.check(e[n]) && t.push(e[n]); + return t + } + + function i(e) { + function i(e, t) { + return e[1] < t[1] ? -1 : 1 + } + + for (var o = n([e]), a = n(o), l = r(o).concat(r(a)), s = {}, u = 0, f = l.length; f > u; u++) l[u] in s ? s[l[u]] += 1 : s[l[u]] = 1; + var h = []; + for (var u in s) h.push([u, s[u]]); + h.sort(i).reverse(); + for (var d = [], u = 0, f = Math.min(t, h.length); f > u; u++) c.hasFlag(h[u][0], "NOSUGGEST") || d.push(h[u][0]); + return d + } + + if (t || (t = 5), this.check(e)) return []; + for (var o = 0, a = this.replacementTable.length; a > o; o++) { + var l = this.replacementTable[o]; + if (-1 !== e.indexOf(l[0])) { + var s = e.replace(l[0], l[1]); + if (this.check(s)) return [s] + } + } + var c = this; + return c.alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", i(e) + } + }, "undefined" != typeof t && (t.exports = i) + }).call(this, e("buffer").Buffer, "/node_modules/typo-js") + }, {buffer: 3, fs: 2}], + 19: [function (e, t, n) { + var r = e("codemirror"); + r.commands.tabAndIndentMarkdownList = function (e) { + var t = e.listSelections(), n = t[0].head, r = e.getStateAfter(n.line), i = r.list !== !1; + if (i) return void e.execCommand("indentMore"); + if (e.options.indentWithTabs) e.execCommand("insertTab"); else { + var o = Array(e.options.tabSize + 1).join(" "); + e.replaceSelection(o) + } + }, r.commands.shiftTabAndUnindentMarkdownList = function (e) { + var t = e.listSelections(), n = t[0].head, r = e.getStateAfter(n.line), i = r.list !== !1; + if (i) return void e.execCommand("indentLess"); + if (e.options.indentWithTabs) e.execCommand("insertTab"); else { + var o = Array(e.options.tabSize + 1).join(" "); + e.replaceSelection(o) + } + } + }, {codemirror: 10}], + 20: [function (e, t, n) { + "use strict"; + + function r(e) { + return e = U ? e.replace("Ctrl", "Cmd") : e.replace("Cmd", "Ctrl") + } + + function i(e, t, n) { + e = e || {}; + var r = document.createElement("a"); + return t = void 0 == t ? !0 : t, e.title && t && (r.title = a(e.title, e.action, n), U && (r.title = r.title.replace("Ctrl", "⌘"), r.title = r.title.replace("Alt", "⌥"))), r.tabIndex = -1, r.className = e.className, r + } + + function o() { + var e = document.createElement("i"); + return e.className = "separator", e.innerHTML = "|", e + } + + function a(e, t, n) { + var i, o = e; + return t && (i = Y(t), n[i] && (o += " (" + r(n[i]) + ")")), o + } + + function l(e, t) { + t = t || e.getCursor("start"); + var n = e.getTokenAt(t); + if (!n.type) return {}; + for (var r, i, o = n.type.split(" "), a = {}, l = 0; l < o.length; l++) r = o[l], "strong" === r ? a.bold = !0 : "variable-2" === r ? (i = e.getLine(t.line), /^\s*\d+\.\s/.test(i) ? a["ordered-list"] = !0 : a["unordered-list"] = !0) : "atom" === r ? a.quote = !0 : "em" === r ? a.italic = !0 : "quote" === r ? a.quote = !0 : "strikethrough" === r ? a.strikethrough = !0 : "comment" === r ? a.code = !0 : "link" === r ? = !0 : "tag" === r ? a.image = !0 : r.match(/^header(\-[1-6])?$/) && (a[r.replace("header", "heading")] = !0); + return a + } + + function s(e) { + var t = e.codemirror; + t.setOption("fullScreen", !t.getOption("fullScreen")), t.getOption("fullScreen") ? (V =, = "hidden") : = V; + var n = t.getWrapperElement(); + /fullscreen/.test(n.previousSibling.className) ? n.previousSibling.className = n.previousSibling.className.replace(/\s*fullscreen\b/, "") : n.previousSibling.className += " fullscreen"; + var r = e.toolbarElements.fullscreen; + /active/.test(r.className) ? r.className = r.className.replace(/\s*active\s*/g, "") : r.className += " active"; + var i = t.getWrapperElement().nextSibling; + /editor-preview-active-side/.test(i.className) && N(e) + } + + function c(e) { + P(e, "bold", e.options.blockStyles.bold) + } + + function u(e) { + P(e, "italic", e.options.blockStyles.italic) + } + + function f(e) { + P(e, "strikethrough", "~~") + } + + function h(e) { + function t(e) { + if ("object" != typeof e) throw"fencing_line() takes a 'line' object (not a line number, or line text). Got: " + typeof e + ": " + e; + return e.styles && e.styles[2] && -1 !== e.styles[2].indexOf("formatting-code-block") + } + + function n(e) { + return e.state.base.base || e.state.base + } + + function r(e, r, i, o, a) { + i = i || e.getLineHandle(r), o = o || e.getTokenAt({ + line: r, + ch: 1 + }), a = a || !!i.text && e.getTokenAt({line: r, ch: i.text.length - 1}); + var l = o.type ? o.type.split(" ") : []; + return a && n(a).indentedCode ? "indented" : -1 === l.indexOf("comment") ? !1 : n(o).fencedChars || n(a).fencedChars || t(i) ? "fenced" : "single" + } + + function i(e, t, n, r) { + var i = t.line + 1, o = n.line + 1, a = t.line !== n.line, l = r + "\n", s = "\n" + r; + a && o++, a && 0 === && (s = r + "\n", o--), E(e, !1, [l, s]), e.setSelection({ + line: i, + ch: 0 + }, {line: o, ch: 0}) + } + + var o, a, l, s = e.options.blockStyles.code, c = e.codemirror, u = c.getCursor("start"), + f = c.getCursor("end"), h = c.getTokenAt({line: u.line, ch: || 1}), + d = c.getLineHandle(u.line), p = r(c, u.line, d, h); + if ("single" === p) { + var m = d.text.slice(0,"`", ""), g = d.text.slice("`", ""); + c.replaceRange(m + g, {line: u.line, ch: 0}, { + line: u.line, + ch: 99999999999999 + }),, u !== f &&, c.setSelection(u, f), c.focus() + } else if ("fenced" === p) if (u.line !== f.line || !== { + for (o = u.line; o >= 0 && (d = c.getLineHandle(o), !t(d)); o--) ; + var v, y, x, b, w = c.getTokenAt({line: o, ch: 1}), k = n(w).fencedChars; + t(c.getLineHandle(u.line)) ? (v = "", y = u.line) : t(c.getLineHandle(u.line - 1)) ? (v = "", y = u.line - 1) : (v = k + "\n", y = u.line), t(c.getLineHandle(f.line)) ? (x = "", b = f.line, 0 === && (b += 1)) : 0 !== && t(c.getLineHandle(f.line + 1)) ? (x = "", b = f.line + 1) : (x = k + "\n", b = f.line + 1), 0 === && (b -= 1), c.operation(function () { + c.replaceRange(x, {line: b, ch: 0}, {line: b + (x ? 0 : 1), ch: 0}), c.replaceRange(v, { + line: y, + ch: 0 + }, {line: y + (v ? 0 : 1), ch: 0}) + }), c.setSelection({line: y + (v ? 1 : 0), ch: 0}, {line: b + (v ? 1 : -1), ch: 0}), c.focus() + } else { + var S = u.line; + if (t(c.getLineHandle(u.line)) && ("fenced" === r(c, u.line + 1) ? (o = u.line, S = u.line + 1) : (a = u.line, S = u.line - 1)), void 0 === o) for (o = S; o >= 0 && (d = c.getLineHandle(o), !t(d)); o--) ; + if (void 0 === a) for (l = c.lineCount(), a = S; l > a && (d = c.getLineHandle(a), !t(d)); a++) ; + c.operation(function () { + c.replaceRange("", {line: o, ch: 0}, {line: o + 1, ch: 0}), c.replaceRange("", { + line: a - 1, + ch: 0 + }, {line: a, ch: 0}) + }), c.focus() + } else if ("indented" === p) { + if (u.line !== f.line || !== o = u.line, a = f.line, 0 === && a--; else { + for (o = u.line; o >= 0; o--) if (d = c.getLineHandle(o), !d.text.match(/^\s*$/) && "indented" !== r(c, o, d)) { + o += 1; + break + } + for (l = c.lineCount(), a = u.line; l > a; a++) if (d = c.getLineHandle(a), !d.text.match(/^\s*$/) && "indented" !== r(c, a, d)) { + a -= 1; + break + } + } + var C = c.getLineHandle(a + 1), L = C && c.getTokenAt({line: a + 1, ch: C.text.length - 1}), + T = L && n(L).indentedCode; + T && c.replaceRange("\n", {line: a + 1, ch: 0}); + for (var M = o; a >= M; M++) c.indentLine(M, "subtract"); + c.focus() + } else { + var N = u.line === f.line && === && 0 ===, A = u.line !== f.line; + N || A ? i(c, u, f, s) : E(c, !1, ["`", "`"]) + } + } + + function d(e) { + var t = e.codemirror; + I(t, "quote") + } + + function p(e) { + var t = e.codemirror; + O(t, "smaller") + } + + function m(e) { + var t = e.codemirror; + O(t, "bigger") + } + + function g(e) { + var t = e.codemirror; + O(t, void 0, 1) + } + + function v(e) { + var t = e.codemirror; + O(t, void 0, 2) + } + + function y(e) { + var t = e.codemirror; + O(t, void 0, 3) + } + + function x(e) { + var t = e.codemirror; + I(t, "unordered-list") + } + + function b(e) { + var t = e.codemirror; + I(t, "ordered-list") + } + + function w(e) { + var t = e.codemirror; + R(t) + } + + function k(e) { + var t = e.codemirror, n = l(t), r = e.options, i = "http://"; + return r.promptURLs && (i = prompt(, !i) ? !1 : void E(t,,, i) + } + + function S(e) { + var t = e.codemirror, n = l(t), r = e.options, i = "http://"; + return r.promptURLs && (i = prompt(r.promptTexts.image), !i) ? !1 : void E(t, n.image, r.insertTexts.image, i) + } + + function C(e) { + var t = e.codemirror, n = l(t), r = e.options; + E(t, n.table, r.insertTexts.table) + } + + function L(e) { + var t = e.codemirror, n = l(t), r = e.options; + E(t, n.image, r.insertTexts.horizontalRule) + } + + function T(e) { + var t = e.codemirror; + t.undo(), t.focus() + } + + function M(e) { + var t = e.codemirror; + t.redo(), t.focus() + } + + function N(e) { + var t = e.codemirror, n = t.getWrapperElement(), r = n.nextSibling, + i = e.toolbarElements["side-by-side"], o = !1; + /editor-preview-active-side/.test(r.className) ? (r.className = r.className.replace(/\s*editor-preview-active-side\s*/g, ""), i.className = i.className.replace(/\s*active\s*/g, ""), n.className = n.className.replace(/\s*CodeMirror-sided\s*/g, " ")) : (setTimeout(function () { + t.getOption("fullScreen") || s(e), r.className += " editor-preview-active-side" + }, 1), i.className += " active", n.className += " CodeMirror-sided", o = !0); + var a = n.lastChild; + if (/editor-preview-active/.test(a.className)) { + a.className = a.className.replace(/\s*editor-preview-active\s*/g, ""); + var l = e.toolbarElements.preview, c = n.previousSibling; + l.className = l.className.replace(/\s*active\s*/g, ""), c.className = c.className.replace(/\s*disabled-for-preview*/g, "") + } + var u = function () { + r.innerHTML = e.options.previewRender(e.value(), r) + }; + t.sideBySideRenderingFunction || (t.sideBySideRenderingFunction = u), o ? (r.innerHTML = e.options.previewRender(e.value(), r), t.on("update", t.sideBySideRenderingFunction)) :"update", t.sideBySideRenderingFunction), t.refresh() + } + + function A(e) { + var t = e.codemirror, n = t.getWrapperElement(), r = n.previousSibling, + i = e.options.toolbar ? e.toolbarElements.preview : !1, o = n.lastChild; + o && /editor-preview/.test(o.className) || (o = document.createElement("div"), o.className = "editor-preview", n.appendChild(o)), /editor-preview-active/.test(o.className) ? (o.className = o.className.replace(/\s*editor-preview-active\s*/g, ""), i && (i.className = i.className.replace(/\s*active\s*/g, ""), r.className = r.className.replace(/\s*disabled-for-preview*/g, ""))) : (setTimeout(function () { + o.className += " editor-preview-active" + }, 1), i && (i.className += " active", r.className += " disabled-for-preview")), o.innerHTML = e.options.previewRender(e.value(), o); + var a = t.getWrapperElement().nextSibling; + /editor-preview-active-side/.test(a.className) && N(e) + } + + function E(e, t, n, r) { + if (!/editor-preview-active/.test(e.getWrapperElement().lastChild.className)) { + var i, o = n[0], a = n[1], l = e.getCursor("start"), s = e.getCursor("end"); + r && (a = a.replace("#url#", r)), t ? (i = e.getLine(l.line), o = i.slice(0,, a = i.slice(, e.replaceRange(o + a, { + line: l.line, + ch: 0 + })) : (i = e.getSelection(), e.replaceSelection(o + i + a), += o.length, l !== s && ( += o.length)), e.setSelection(l, s), e.focus() + } + } + + function O(e, t, n) { + if (!/editor-preview-active/.test(e.getWrapperElement().lastChild.className)) { + for (var r = e.getCursor("start"), i = e.getCursor("end"), o = r.line; o <= i.line; o++) !function (r) { + var i = e.getLine(r), o =[^#]/); + i = void 0 !== t ? 0 >= o ? "bigger" == t ? "###### " + i : "# " + i : 6 == o && "smaller" == t ? i.substr(7) : 1 == o && "bigger" == t ? i.substr(2) : "bigger" == t ? i.substr(1) : "#" + i : 1 == n ? 0 >= o ? "# " + i : o == n ? i.substr(o + 1) : "# " + i.substr(o + 1) : 2 == n ? 0 >= o ? "## " + i : o == n ? i.substr(o + 1) : "## " + i.substr(o + 1) : 0 >= o ? "### " + i : o == n ? i.substr(o + 1) : "### " + i.substr(o + 1), e.replaceRange(i, { + line: r, + ch: 0 + }, {line: r, ch: 99999999999999}) + }(o); + e.focus() + } + } + + function I(e, t) { + if (!/editor-preview-active/.test(e.getWrapperElement().lastChild.className)) { + for (var n = l(e), r = e.getCursor("start"), i = e.getCursor("end"), o = { + quote: /^(\s*)\>\s+/, + "unordered-list": /^(\s*)(\*|\-|\+)\s+/, + "ordered-list": /^(\s*)\d+\.\s+/ + }, a = { + quote: "> ", + "unordered-list": "* ", + "ordered-list": "1. " + }, s = r.line; s <= i.line; s++) !function (r) { + var i = e.getLine(r); + i = n[t] ? i.replace(o[t], "$1") : a[t] + i, e.replaceRange(i, {line: r, ch: 0}, { + line: r, + ch: 99999999999999 + }) + }(s); + e.focus() + } + } + + function P(e, t, n, r) { + if (!/editor-preview-active/.test(e.codemirror.getWrapperElement().lastChild.className)) { + r = "undefined" == typeof r ? n : r; + var i, o = e.codemirror, a = l(o), s = n, c = r, u = o.getCursor("start"), f = o.getCursor("end"); + a[t] ? (i = o.getLine(u.line), s = i.slice(0,, c = i.slice(, "bold" == t ? (s = s.replace(/(\*\*|__)(?![\s\S]*(\*\*|__))/, ""), c = c.replace(/(\*\*|__)/, "")) : "italic" == t ? (s = s.replace(/(\*|_)(?![\s\S]*(\*|_))/, ""), c = c.replace(/(\*|_)/, "")) : "strikethrough" == t && (s = s.replace(/(\*\*|~~)(?![\s\S]*(\*\*|~~))/, ""), c = c.replace(/(\*\*|~~)/, "")), o.replaceRange(s + c, { + line: u.line, + ch: 0 + }, { + line: u.line, + ch: 99999999999999 + }), "bold" == t || "strikethrough" == t ? ( -= 2, u !== f && ( -= 2)) : "italic" == t && ( -= 1, u !== f && ( -= 1))) : (i = o.getSelection(), "bold" == t ? (i = i.split("**").join(""), i = i.split("__").join("")) : "italic" == t ? (i = i.split("*").join(""), i = i.split("_").join("")) : "strikethrough" == t && (i = i.split("~~").join("")), o.replaceSelection(s + i + c), += n.length, = + i.length), o.setSelection(u, f), o.focus() + } + } + + function R(e) { + if (!/editor-preview-active/.test(e.getWrapperElement().lastChild.className)) for (var t, n = e.getCursor("start"), r = e.getCursor("end"), i = n.line; i <= r.line; i++) t = e.getLine(i), t = t.replace(/^[ ]*([# ]+|\*|\-|[> ]+|[0-9]+(.|\)))[ ]*/, ""), e.replaceRange(t, { + line: i, + ch: 0 + }, {line: i, ch: 99999999999999}) + } + + function D(e, t) { + for (var n in t) t.hasOwnProperty(n) && (t[n] instanceof Array ? e[n] = t[n].concat(e[n] instanceof Array ? e[n] : []) : null !== t[n] && "object" == typeof t[n] && t[n].constructor === Object ? e[n] = D(e[n] || {}, t[n]) : e[n] = t[n]); + return e + } + + function H(e) { + for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) e = D(e, arguments[t]); + return e + } + + function W(e) { + var t = /[a-zA-Z0-9_\u0392-\u03c9\u0410-\u04F9]+|[\u4E00-\u9FFF\u3400-\u4dbf\uf900-\ufaff\u3040-\u309f\uac00-\ud7af]+/g, + n = e.match(t), r = 0; + if (null === n) return r; + for (var i = 0; i < n.length; i++) r += n[i].charCodeAt(0) >= 19968 ? n[i].length : 1; + return r + } + + function B(e) { + e = e || {}, e.parent = this; + var t = !0; + if (e.autoDownloadFontAwesome === !1 && (t = !1), e.autoDownloadFontAwesome !== !0) for (var n = document.styleSheets, r = 0; r < n.length; r++) n[r].href && n[r].href.indexOf("//") > -1 && (t = !1); + if (t) { + var i = document.createElement("link"); + i.rel = "stylesheet", i.href = "", document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(i) + } + if (e.element) this.element = e.element; else if (null === e.element) return void console.log("SimpleMDE: Error. No element was found."); + if (void 0 === e.toolbar) { + e.toolbar = []; + for (var o in K) K.hasOwnProperty(o) && (-1 != o.indexOf("separator-") && e.toolbar.push("|"), (K[o]["default"] === !0 || e.showIcons && e.showIcons.constructor === Array && -1 != e.showIcons.indexOf(o)) && e.toolbar.push(o)) + } + e.hasOwnProperty("status") || (e.status = ["autosave", "lines", "words", "cursor"]), e.previewRender || (e.previewRender = function (e) { + return this.parent.markdown(e) + }), e.parsingConfig = H({highlightFormatting: !0}, e.parsingConfig || {}), e.insertTexts = H({}, X, e.insertTexts || {}), e.promptTexts = Z, e.blockStyles = H({}, J, e.blockStyles || {}), e.shortcuts = H({}, G, e.shortcuts || {}), void 0 != e.autosave && void 0 != e.autosave.unique_id && "" != e.autosave.unique_id && (e.autosave.uniqueId = e.autosave.unique_id), this.options = e, this.render(), !e.initialValue || this.options.autosave && this.options.autosave.foundSavedValue === !0 || this.value(e.initialValue) + } + + function _() { + if ("object" != typeof localStorage) return !1; + try { + localStorage.setItem("smde_localStorage", 1), localStorage.removeItem("smde_localStorage") + } catch (e) { + return !1 + } + return !0 + } + + var F = e("codemirror"); + e("codemirror/addon/edit/continuelist.js"), e("./codemirror/tablist"), e("codemirror/addon/display/fullscreen.js"), e("codemirror/mode/markdown/markdown.js"), e("codemirror/addon/mode/overlay.js"), e("codemirror/addon/display/placeholder.js"), e("codemirror/addon/selection/mark-selection.js"), e("codemirror/mode/gfm/gfm.js"), e("codemirror/mode/xml/xml.js"); + var z = e("codemirror-spell-checker"), j = e("marked"), U = /Mac/.test(navigator.platform), q = { + toggleBold: c, + toggleItalic: u, + drawLink: k, + toggleHeadingSmaller: p, + toggleHeadingBigger: m, + drawImage: S, + toggleBlockquote: d, + toggleOrderedList: b, + toggleUnorderedList: x, + toggleCodeBlock: h, + togglePreview: A, + toggleStrikethrough: f, + toggleHeading1: g, + toggleHeading2: v, + toggleHeading3: y, + cleanBlock: w, + drawTable: C, + drawHorizontalRule: L, + undo: T, + redo: M, + toggleSideBySide: N, + toggleFullScreen: s + }, G = { + toggleBold: "Cmd-B", + toggleItalic: "Cmd-I", + drawLink: "Cmd-K", + toggleHeadingSmaller: "Cmd-H", + toggleHeadingBigger: "Shift-Cmd-H", + cleanBlock: "Cmd-E", + drawImage: "Cmd-Alt-I", + toggleBlockquote: "Cmd-'", + toggleOrderedList: "Cmd-Alt-L", + toggleUnorderedList: "Cmd-L", + toggleCodeBlock: "Cmd-Alt-C", + togglePreview: "Cmd-P", + toggleSideBySide: "F9", + toggleFullScreen: "F11" + }, Y = function (e) { + for (var t in q) if (q[t] === e) return t; + return null + }, $ = function () { + var e = !1; + return function (t) { + (/(android|bb\d+|meego).+mobile|avantgo|bada\/|blackberry|blazer|compal|elaine|fennec|hiptop|iemobile|ip(hone|od)|iris|kindle|lge |maemo|midp|mmp|mobile.+firefox|netfront|opera m(ob|in)i|palm( os)?|phone|p(ixi|re)\/|plucker|pocket|psp|series(4|6)0|symbian|treo|up\.(browser|link)|vodafone|wap|windows ce|xda|xiino|android|ipad|playbook|silk/i.test(t) || /1207|6310|6590|3gso|4thp|50[1-6]i|770s|802s|a wa|abac|ac(er|oo|s\-)|ai(ko|rn)|al(av|ca|co)|amoi|an(ex|ny|yw)|aptu|ar(ch|go)|as(te|us)|attw|au(di|\-m|r |s )|avan|be(ck|ll|nq)|bi(lb|rd)|bl(ac|az)|br(e|v)w|bumb|bw\-(n|u)|c55\/|capi|ccwa|cdm\-|cell|chtm|cldc|cmd\-|co(mp|nd)|craw|da(it|ll|ng)|dbte|dc\-s|devi|dica|dmob|do(c|p)o|ds(12|\-d)|el(49|ai)|em(l2|ul)|er(ic|k0)|esl8|ez([4-7]0|os|wa|ze)|fetc|fly(\-|_)|g1 u|g560|gene|gf\-5|g\-mo|go(\.w|od)|gr(ad|un)|haie|hcit|hd\-(m|p|t)|hei\-|hi(pt|ta)|hp( i|ip)|hs\-c|ht(c(\-| |_|a|g|p|s|t)|tp)|hu(aw|tc)|i\-(20|go|ma)|i230|iac( |\-|\/)|ibro|idea|ig01|ikom|im1k|inno|ipaq|iris|ja(t|v)a|jbro|jemu|jigs|kddi|keji|kgt( |\/)|klon|kpt |kwc\-|kyo(c|k)|le(no|xi)|lg( g|\/(k|l|u)|50|54|\-[a-w])|libw|lynx|m1\-w|m3ga|m50\/|ma(te|ui|xo)|mc(01|21|ca)|m\-cr|me(rc|ri)|mi(o8|oa|ts)|mmef|mo(01|02|bi|de|do|t(\-| |o|v)|zz)|mt(50|p1|v )|mwbp|mywa|n10[0-2]|n20[2-3]|n30(0|2)|n50(0|2|5)|n7(0(0|1)|10)|ne((c|m)\-|on|tf|wf|wg|wt)|nok(6|i)|nzph|o2im|op(ti|wv)|oran|owg1|p800|pan(a|d|t)|pdxg|pg(13|\-([1-8]|c))|phil|pire|pl(ay|uc)|pn\-2|po(ck|rt|se)|prox|psio|pt\-g|qa\-a|qc(07|12|21|32|60|\-[2-7]|i\-)|qtek|r380|r600|raks|rim9|ro(ve|zo)|s55\/|sa(ge|ma|mm|ms|ny|va)|sc(01|h\-|oo|p\-)|sdk\/|se(c(\-|0|1)|47|mc|nd|ri)|sgh\-|shar|sie(\-|m)|sk\-0|sl(45|id)|sm(al|ar|b3|it|t5)|so(ft|ny)|sp(01|h\-|v\-|v )|sy(01|mb)|t2(18|50)|t6(00|10|18)|ta(gt|lk)|tcl\-|tdg\-|tel(i|m)|tim\-|t\-mo|to(pl|sh)|ts(70|m\-|m3|m5)|tx\-9|up(\.b|g1|si)|utst|v400|v750|veri|vi(rg|te)|vk(40|5[0-3]|\-v)|vm40|voda|vulc|vx(52|53|60|61|70|80|81|83|85|98)|w3c(\-| )|webc|whit|wi(g |nc|nw)|wmlb|wonu|x700|yas\-|your|zeto|zte\-/i.test(t.substr(0, 4))) && (e = !0); + }(navigator.userAgent || navigator.vendor || window.opera), e + }, V = "", K = { + bold: {name: "bold", action: c, className: "fa fa-bold", title: "Bold", "default": !0}, + italic: {name: "italic", action: u, className: "fa fa-italic", title: "Italic", "default": !0}, + strikethrough: { + name: "strikethrough", + action: f, + className: "fa fa-strikethrough", + title: "Strikethrough" + }, + heading: {name: "heading", action: p, className: "fa fa-header", title: "Heading", "default": !0}, + "heading-smaller": { + name: "heading-smaller", + action: p, + className: "fa fa-header fa-header-x fa-header-smaller", + title: "Smaller Heading" + }, + "heading-bigger": { + name: "heading-bigger", + action: m, + className: "fa fa-header fa-header-x fa-header-bigger", + title: "Bigger Heading" + }, + "heading-1": { + name: "heading-1", + action: g, + className: "fa fa-header fa-header-x fa-header-1", + title: "Big Heading" + }, + "heading-2": { + name: "heading-2", + action: v, + className: "fa fa-header fa-header-x fa-header-2", + title: "Medium Heading" + }, + "heading-3": { + name: "heading-3", + action: y, + className: "fa fa-header fa-header-x fa-header-3", + title: "Small Heading" + }, + "separator-1": {name: "separator-1"}, + code: {name: "code", action: h, className: "fa fa-code", title: "Code"}, + quote: {name: "quote", action: d, className: "fa fa-quote-left", title: "Quote", "default": !0}, + "unordered-list": { + name: "unordered-list", + action: x, + className: "fa fa-list-ul", + title: "Generic List", + "default": !0 + }, + "ordered-list": { + name: "ordered-list", + action: b, + className: "fa fa-list-ol", + title: "Numbered List", + "default": !0 + }, + "clean-block": { + name: "clean-block", + action: w, + className: "fa fa-eraser fa-clean-block", + title: "Clean block" + }, + "separator-2": {name: "separator-2"}, + link: {name: "link", action: k, className: "fa fa-link", title: "Create Link", "default": !0}, + image: {name: "image", action: S, className: "fa fa-picture-o", title: "Insert Image", "default": !0}, + table: {name: "table", action: C, className: "fa fa-table", title: "Insert Table"}, + "horizontal-rule": { + name: "horizontal-rule", + action: L, + className: "fa fa-minus", + title: "Insert Horizontal Line" + }, + "separator-3": {name: "separator-3"}, + preview: { + name: "preview", + action: A, + className: "fa fa-eye no-disable", + title: "Toggle Preview", + "default": !0 + }, + "side-by-side": { + name: "side-by-side", + action: N, + className: "fa fa-columns no-disable no-mobile", + title: "Toggle Side by Side", + "default": !0 + }, + fullscreen: { + name: "fullscreen", + action: s, + className: "fa fa-arrows-alt no-disable no-mobile", + title: "Toggle Fullscreen", + "default": !0 + }, + "separator-4": {name: "separator-4"}, + guide: { + name: "guide", + action: "", + className: "fa fa-question-circle", + title: "Markdown Guide", + "default": !0 + }, + "separator-5": {name: "separator-5"}, + undo: {name: "undo", action: T, className: "fa fa-undo no-disable", title: "Undo"}, + redo: {name: "redo", action: M, className: "fa fa-repeat no-disable", title: "Redo"} + }, X = { + link: ["[", "](#url#)"], + image: ["![](", "#url#)"], + table: ["", "\n\n| Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |\n| -------- | -------- | -------- |\n| Text | Text | Text |\n\n"], + horizontalRule: ["", "\n\n-----\n\n"] + }, Z = {link: "URL for the link:", image: "URL of the image:"}, J = {bold: "**", code: "```", italic: "*"}; + B.prototype.markdown = function (e) { + if (j) { + var t = {}; + return this.options && this.options.renderingConfig && this.options.renderingConfig.singleLineBreaks === !1 ? t.breaks = !1 : t.breaks = !0, this.options && this.options.renderingConfig && this.options.renderingConfig.codeSyntaxHighlighting === !0 && window.hljs && (t.highlight = function (e) { + return window.hljs.highlightAuto(e).value + }), j.setOptions(t), j(e) + } + }, B.prototype.render = function (e) { + if (e || (e = this.element || document.getElementsByTagName("textarea")[0]), !this._rendered || this._rendered !== e) { + this.element = e; + var t = this.options, n = this, i = {}; + for (var o in t.shortcuts) null !== t.shortcuts[o] && null !== q[o] && !function (e) { + i[r(t.shortcuts[e])] = function () { + q[e](n) + } + }(o); + i.Enter = "newlineAndIndentContinueMarkdownList", i.Tab = "tabAndIndentMarkdownList", i["Shift-Tab"] = "shiftTabAndUnindentMarkdownList", i.Esc = function (e) { + e.getOption("fullScreen") && s(n) + }, document.addEventListener("keydown", function (e) { + e = e || window.event, 27 == e.keyCode && n.codemirror.getOption("fullScreen") && s(n) + }, !1); + var a, l; + if (t.spellChecker !== !1 ? 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"0" + i : i, t.innerHTML = "Autosaved: " + a + ":" + i + " " + o + } + this.autosaveTimeoutId = setTimeout(function () { + e.autosave() + }, this.options.autosave.delay || 1e4) + } else console.log("SimpleMDE: localStorage not available, cannot autosave") + }, B.prototype.clearAutosavedValue = function () { + if (_()) { + if (void 0 == this.options.autosave || void 0 == this.options.autosave.uniqueId || "" == this.options.autosave.uniqueId) return void console.log("SimpleMDE: You must set a uniqueId to clear the autosave value"); + localStorage.removeItem("smde_" + this.options.autosave.uniqueId) + } else console.log("SimpleMDE: localStorage not available, cannot autosave") + }, B.prototype.createSideBySide = function () { + var e = this.codemirror, t = e.getWrapperElement(), n = t.nextSibling; + n && /editor-preview-side/.test(n.className) || (n = document.createElement("div"), n.className = "editor-preview-side", t.parentNode.insertBefore(n, t.nextSibling)); + var r = !1, i = !1; + return e.on("scroll", function (e) { + if (r) return void(r = !1); + i = !0; + var t = e.getScrollInfo().height - e.getScrollInfo().clientHeight, + o = parseFloat(e.getScrollInfo().top) / t, a = (n.scrollHeight - n.clientHeight) * o; + n.scrollTop = a + }), n.onscroll = function () { + if (i) return void(i = !1); + r = !0; + var t = n.scrollHeight - n.clientHeight, o = parseFloat(n.scrollTop) / t, + a = (e.getScrollInfo().height - e.getScrollInfo().clientHeight) * o; + e.scrollTo(0, a) + }, n + }, B.prototype.createToolbar = function (e) { + if (e = e || this.options.toolbar, e && 0 !== e.length) { + var t; + for (t = 0; t < e.length; t++) void 0 != K[e[t]] && (e[t] = K[e[t]]); + var n = document.createElement("div"); + n.className = "editor-toolbar"; + var r = this, a = {}; + for (r.toolbar = e, t = 0; t < e.length; t++) if (("guide" != e[t].name || r.options.toolbarGuideIcon !== !1) && !(r.options.hideIcons && -1 != r.options.hideIcons.indexOf(e[t].name) || ("fullscreen" == e[t].name || "side-by-side" == e[t].name) && $())) { + if ("|" === e[t]) { + for (var s = !1, c = t + 1; c < e.length; c++) "|" === e[c] || r.options.hideIcons && -1 != r.options.hideIcons.indexOf(e[c].name) || (s = !0); + if (!s) continue + } + !function (e) { + var t; + t = "|" === e ? o() : i(e, r.options.toolbarTips, r.options.shortcuts), e.action && ("function" == typeof e.action ? t.onclick = function (t) { + t.preventDefault(), e.action(r) + } : "string" == typeof e.action && (t.href = e.action, = "_blank")), a[ || e] = t, n.appendChild(t) + }(e[t]) + } + r.toolbarElements = a; + var u = this.codemirror; + u.on("cursorActivity", function () { + var e = l(u); + for (var t in a) !function (t) { + var n = a[t]; + e[t] ? n.className += " active" : "fullscreen" != t && "side-by-side" != t && (n.className = n.className.replace(/\s*active\s*/g, "")) + }(t) + }); + var f = u.getWrapperElement(); + return f.parentNode.insertBefore(n, f), n + } + }, B.prototype.createStatusbar = function (e) { + e = e || this.options.status; + var t = this.options, n = this.codemirror; + if (e && 0 !== e.length) { + var r, i, o, a = []; + for (r = 0; r < e.length; r++) if (i = void 0, o = void 0, "object" == typeof e[r]) a.push({ + className: e[r].className, + defaultValue: e[r].defaultValue, + onUpdate: e[r].onUpdate + }); else { + var l = e[r]; + "words" === l ? 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