File modules/editor/codemirror/test/sql-hint-test.min.js

Last commit: Tue May 22 22:39:52 2018 +0200	Jan Dankert	Fix für PHP 7.2: 'Object' darf nun nicht mehr als Klassennamen verwendet werden. AUCH NICHT IN EINEM NAMESPACE! WTF, wozu habe ich das in einen verfickten Namespace gepackt? Wozu soll der sonst da sein??? Amateure. Daher nun notgedrungen unbenannt in 'BaseObject'.
1 // CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others 2 // Distributed under an MIT license: 3 4 (function() { 5 var Pos = CodeMirror.Pos; 6 7 var simpleTables = { 8 "users": ["name", "score", "birthDate"], 9 "xcountries": ["name", "population", "size"] 10 }; 11 12 var schemaTables = { 13 "schema.users": ["name", "score", "birthDate"], 14 "schema.countries": ["name", "population", "size"] 15 }; 16 17 var displayTextTables = [{ 18 text: "mytable", 19 displayText: "mytable | The main table", 20 columns: [{text: "id", displayText: "id | Unique ID"}, 21 {text: "name", displayText: "name | The name"}] 22 }]; 23 24 namespace = "sql-hint_"; 25 26 function test(name, spec) { 27 testCM(name, function(cm) { 28 cm.setValue(spec.value); 29 cm.setCursor(spec.cursor); 30 var completion = CodeMirror.hint.sql(cm, {tables: spec.tables}); 31 if (!deepCompare(completion.list, spec.list)) 32 throw new Failure("Wrong completion results " + JSON.stringify(completion.list) + " vs " + JSON.stringify(spec.list)); 33 eqCharPos(completion.from, spec.from); 34 eqCharPos(,; 35 }, { 36 value: spec.value, 37 mode: spec.mode || "text/x-mysql" 38 }); 39 } 40 41 test("keywords", { 42 value: "SEL", 43 cursor: Pos(0, 3), 44 list: ["SELECT"], 45 from: Pos(0, 0), 46 to: Pos(0, 3) 47 }); 48 49 test("from", { 50 value: "SELECT * fr", 51 cursor: Pos(0, 11), 52 list: ["FROM"], 53 from: Pos(0, 9), 54 to: Pos(0, 11) 55 }); 56 57 test("table", { 58 value: "SELECT xc", 59 cursor: Pos(0, 9), 60 tables: simpleTables, 61 list: ["xcountries"], 62 from: Pos(0, 7), 63 to: Pos(0, 9) 64 }); 65 66 test("columns", { 67 value: "SELECT users.", 68 cursor: Pos(0, 13), 69 tables: simpleTables, 70 list: ["", "users.score", "users.birthDate"], 71 from: Pos(0, 7), 72 to: Pos(0, 13) 73 }); 74 75 test("singlecolumn", { 76 value: "SELECT", 77 cursor: Pos(0, 15), 78 tables: simpleTables, 79 list: [""], 80 from: Pos(0, 7), 81 to: Pos(0, 15) 82 }); 83 84 test("quoted", { 85 value: "SELECT `users`.`na", 86 cursor: Pos(0, 18), 87 tables: simpleTables, 88 list: ["`users`.`name`"], 89 from: Pos(0, 7), 90 to: Pos(0, 18) 91 }); 92 93 test("doublequoted", { 94 value: "SELECT \"users\".\"na", 95 cursor: Pos(0, 18), 96 tables: simpleTables, 97 list: ["\"users\".\"name\""], 98 from: Pos(0, 7), 99 to: Pos(0, 18), 100 mode: "text/x-sqlite" 101 }); 102 103 test("quotedcolumn", { 104 value: "SELECT users.`na", 105 cursor: Pos(0, 16), 106 tables: simpleTables, 107 list: ["`users`.`name`"], 108 from: Pos(0, 7), 109 to: Pos(0, 16) 110 }); 111 112 test("doublequotedcolumn", { 113 value: "SELECT users.\"na", 114 cursor: Pos(0, 16), 115 tables: simpleTables, 116 list: ["\"users\".\"name\""], 117 from: Pos(0, 7), 118 to: Pos(0, 16), 119 mode: "text/x-sqlite" 120 }); 121 122 test("schema", { 123 value: "SELECT schem", 124 cursor: Pos(0, 12), 125 tables: schemaTables, 126 list: ["schema.users", "schema.countries", 127 "SCHEMA", "SCHEMA_NAME", "SCHEMAS"], 128 from: Pos(0, 7), 129 to: Pos(0, 12) 130 }); 131 132 test("schemaquoted", { 133 value: "SELECT `sch", 134 cursor: Pos(0, 11), 135 tables: schemaTables, 136 list: ["`schema`.`users`", "`schema`.`countries`"], 137 from: Pos(0, 7), 138 to: Pos(0, 11) 139 }); 140 141 test("schemadoublequoted", { 142 value: "SELECT \"sch", 143 cursor: Pos(0, 11), 144 tables: schemaTables, 145 list: ["\"schema\".\"users\"", "\"schema\".\"countries\""], 146 from: Pos(0, 7), 147 to: Pos(0, 11), 148 mode: "text/x-sqlite" 149 }); 150 151 test("schemacolumn", { 152 value: "SELECT schema.users.", 153 cursor: Pos(0, 20), 154 tables: schemaTables, 155 list: ["", 156 "schema.users.score", 157 "schema.users.birthDate"], 158 from: Pos(0, 7), 159 to: Pos(0, 20) 160 }); 161 162 test("schemacolumnquoted", { 163 value: "SELECT `schema`.`users`.", 164 cursor: Pos(0, 24), 165 tables: schemaTables, 166 list: ["`schema`.`users`.`name`", 167 "`schema`.`users`.`score`", 168 "`schema`.`users`.`birthDate`"], 169 from: Pos(0, 7), 170 to: Pos(0, 24) 171 }); 172 173 test("schemacolumndoublequoted", { 174 value: "SELECT \"schema\".\"users\".", 175 cursor: Pos(0, 24), 176 tables: schemaTables, 177 list: ["\"schema\".\"users\".\"name\"", 178 "\"schema\".\"users\".\"score\"", 179 "\"schema\".\"users\".\"birthDate\""], 180 from: Pos(0, 7), 181 to: Pos(0, 24), 182 mode: "text/x-sqlite" 183 }); 184 185 test("displayText_table", { 186 value: "SELECT myt", 187 cursor: Pos(0, 10), 188 tables: displayTextTables, 189 list: [{text: "mytable", displayText: "mytable | The main table",}], 190 from: Pos(0, 7), 191 to: Pos(0, 10) 192 }); 193 194 test("displayText_column", { 195 value: "SELECT mytable.", 196 cursor: Pos(0, 15), 197 tables: displayTextTables, 198 list: [{text: "", displayText: "id | Unique ID"}, 199 {text: "", displayText: "name | The name"}], 200 from: Pos(0, 7), 201 to: Pos(0, 15) 202 }); 203 204 test("alias_complete", { 205 value: "SELECT t. FROM users t", 206 cursor: Pos(0, 9), 207 tables: simpleTables, 208 list: ["", "t.score", "t.birthDate"], 209 from: Pos(0, 7), 210 to: Pos(0, 9) 211 }); 212 213 test("alias_complete_with_displayText", { 214 value: "SELECT t. FROM mytable t", 215 cursor: Pos(0, 9), 216 tables: displayTextTables, 217 list: [{text: "", displayText: "id | Unique ID"}, 218 {text: "", displayText: "name | The name"}], 219 from: Pos(0, 7), 220 to: Pos(0, 9) 221 }) 222 223 function deepCompare(a, b) { 224 if (a === b) return true 225 if (!(a && typeof a == "object") || 226 !(b && typeof b == "object")) return false 227 var array = Array.isArray(a) 228 if (Array.isArray(b) != array) return false 229 if (array) { 230 if (a.length != b.length) return false 231 for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) if (!deepCompare(a[i], b[i])) return false 232 } else { 233 for (var p in a) if (!(p in b) || !deepCompare(a[p], b[p])) return false 234 for (var p in b) if (!(p in a)) return false 235 } 236 return true 237 } 238 })();
Download modules/editor/codemirror/test/sql-hint-test.min.js
History Tue, 22 May 2018 22:39:52 +0200 Jan Dankert Fix für PHP 7.2: 'Object' darf nun nicht mehr als Klassennamen verwendet werden. AUCH NICHT IN EINEM NAMESPACE! WTF, wozu habe ich das in einen verfickten Namespace gepackt? Wozu soll der sonst da sein??? Amateure. Daher nun notgedrungen unbenannt in 'BaseObject'.