File modules/editor/codemirror/mode/mscgen/mscgen.js

Last commit: Sun Dec 17 01:14:09 2017 +0100	Jan Dankert	Integration eines weiteren Code-Editors: Codemirror. Demnächst müssen wir hier mal aufräumen und andere Editoren rauswerfen.
1 // CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others 2 // Distributed under an MIT license: 3 4 // mode(s) for the sequence chart dsl's mscgen, xù and msgenny 5 // For more information on mscgen, see the site of the original author: 6 // 7 // 8 // This mode for mscgen and the two derivative languages were 9 // originally made for use in the mscgen_js interpreter 10 // ( 11 12 (function(mod) { 13 if ( typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object")// CommonJS 14 mod(require("../../lib/codemirror")); 15 else if ( typeof define == "function" && define.amd)// AMD 16 define(["../../lib/codemirror"], mod); 17 else// Plain browser env 18 mod(CodeMirror); 19 })(function(CodeMirror) { 20 "use strict"; 21 22 var languages = { 23 mscgen: { 24 "keywords" : ["msc"], 25 "options" : ["hscale", "width", "arcgradient", "wordwraparcs"], 26 "constants" : ["true", "false", "on", "off"], 27 "attributes" : ["label", "idurl", "id", "url", "linecolor", "linecolour", "textcolor", "textcolour", "textbgcolor", "textbgcolour", "arclinecolor", "arclinecolour", "arctextcolor", "arctextcolour", "arctextbgcolor", "arctextbgcolour", "arcskip"], 28 "brackets" : ["\\{", "\\}"], // [ and ] are brackets too, but these get handled in with lists 29 "arcsWords" : ["note", "abox", "rbox", "box"], 30 "arcsOthers" : ["\\|\\|\\|", "\\.\\.\\.", "---", "--", "<->", "==", "<<=>>", "<=>", "\\.\\.", "<<>>", "::", "<:>", "->", "=>>", "=>", ">>", ":>", "<-", "<<=", "<=", "<<", "<:", "x-", "-x"], 31 "singlecomment" : ["//", "#"], 32 "operators" : ["="] 33 }, 34 xu: { 35 "keywords" : ["msc", "xu"], 36 "options" : ["hscale", "width", "arcgradient", "wordwraparcs", "watermark"], 37 "constants" : ["true", "false", "on", "off", "auto"], 38 "attributes" : ["label", "idurl", "id", "url", "linecolor", "linecolour", "textcolor", "textcolour", "textbgcolor", "textbgcolour", "arclinecolor", "arclinecolour", "arctextcolor", "arctextcolour", "arctextbgcolor", "arctextbgcolour", "arcskip"], 39 "brackets" : ["\\{", "\\}"], // [ and ] are brackets too, but these get handled in with lists 40 "arcsWords" : ["note", "abox", "rbox", "box", "alt", "else", "opt", "break", "par", "seq", "strict", "neg", "critical", "ignore", "consider", "assert", "loop", "ref", "exc"], 41 "arcsOthers" : ["\\|\\|\\|", "\\.\\.\\.", "---", "--", "<->", "==", "<<=>>", "<=>", "\\.\\.", "<<>>", "::", "<:>", "->", "=>>", "=>", ">>", ":>", "<-", "<<=", "<=", "<<", "<:", "x-", "-x"], 42 "singlecomment" : ["//", "#"], 43 "operators" : ["="] 44 }, 45 msgenny: { 46 "keywords" : null, 47 "options" : ["hscale", "width", "arcgradient", "wordwraparcs", "watermark"], 48 "constants" : ["true", "false", "on", "off", "auto"], 49 "attributes" : null, 50 "brackets" : ["\\{", "\\}"], 51 "arcsWords" : ["note", "abox", "rbox", "box", "alt", "else", "opt", "break", "par", "seq", "strict", "neg", "critical", "ignore", "consider", "assert", "loop", "ref", "exc"], 52 "arcsOthers" : ["\\|\\|\\|", "\\.\\.\\.", "---", "--", "<->", "==", "<<=>>", "<=>", "\\.\\.", "<<>>", "::", "<:>", "->", "=>>", "=>", ">>", ":>", "<-", "<<=", "<=", "<<", "<:", "x-", "-x"], 53 "singlecomment" : ["//", "#"], 54 "operators" : ["="] 55 } 56 } 57 58 CodeMirror.defineMode("mscgen", function(_, modeConfig) { 59 var language = languages[modeConfig && modeConfig.language || "mscgen"] 60 return { 61 startState: startStateFn, 62 copyState: copyStateFn, 63 token: produceTokenFunction(language), 64 lineComment : "#", 65 blockCommentStart : "/*", 66 blockCommentEnd : "*/" 67 }; 68 }); 69 70 CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/x-mscgen", "mscgen"); 71 CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/x-xu", {name: "mscgen", language: "xu"}); 72 CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/x-msgenny", {name: "mscgen", language: "msgenny"}); 73 74 function wordRegexpBoundary(pWords) { 75 return new RegExp("\\b(" + pWords.join("|") + ")\\b", "i"); 76 } 77 78 function wordRegexp(pWords) { 79 return new RegExp("(" + pWords.join("|") + ")", "i"); 80 } 81 82 function startStateFn() { 83 return { 84 inComment : false, 85 inString : false, 86 inAttributeList : false, 87 inScript : false 88 }; 89 } 90 91 function copyStateFn(pState) { 92 return { 93 inComment : pState.inComment, 94 inString : pState.inString, 95 inAttributeList : pState.inAttributeList, 96 inScript : pState.inScript 97 }; 98 } 99 100 function produceTokenFunction(pConfig) { 101 102 return function(pStream, pState) { 103 if (pStream.match(wordRegexp(pConfig.brackets), true, true)) { 104 return "bracket"; 105 } 106 /* comments */ 107 if (!pState.inComment) { 108 if (pStream.match(/\/\*[^\*\/]*/, true, true)) { 109 pState.inComment = true; 110 return "comment"; 111 } 112 if (pStream.match(wordRegexp(pConfig.singlecomment), true, true)) { 113 pStream.skipToEnd(); 114 return "comment"; 115 } 116 } 117 if (pState.inComment) { 118 if (pStream.match(/[^\*\/]*\*\//, true, true)) 119 pState.inComment = false; 120 else 121 pStream.skipToEnd(); 122 return "comment"; 123 } 124 /* strings */ 125 if (!pState.inString && pStream.match(/\"(\\\"|[^\"])*/, true, true)) { 126 pState.inString = true; 127 return "string"; 128 } 129 if (pState.inString) { 130 if (pStream.match(/[^\"]*\"/, true, true)) 131 pState.inString = false; 132 else 133 pStream.skipToEnd(); 134 return "string"; 135 } 136 /* keywords & operators */ 137 if (!!pConfig.keywords && pStream.match(wordRegexpBoundary(pConfig.keywords), true, true)) 138 return "keyword"; 139 140 if (pStream.match(wordRegexpBoundary(pConfig.options), true, true)) 141 return "keyword"; 142 143 if (pStream.match(wordRegexpBoundary(pConfig.arcsWords), true, true)) 144 return "keyword"; 145 146 if (pStream.match(wordRegexp(pConfig.arcsOthers), true, true)) 147 return "keyword"; 148 149 if (!!pConfig.operators && pStream.match(wordRegexp(pConfig.operators), true, true)) 150 return "operator"; 151 152 if (!!pConfig.constants && pStream.match(wordRegexp(pConfig.constants), true, true)) 153 return "variable"; 154 155 /* attribute lists */ 156 if (!pConfig.inAttributeList && !!pConfig.attributes && pStream.match(/\[/, true, true)) { 157 pConfig.inAttributeList = true; 158 return "bracket"; 159 } 160 if (pConfig.inAttributeList) { 161 if (pConfig.attributes !== null && pStream.match(wordRegexpBoundary(pConfig.attributes), true, true)) { 162 return "attribute"; 163 } 164 if (pStream.match(/]/, true, true)) { 165 pConfig.inAttributeList = false; 166 return "bracket"; 167 } 168 } 169 170; 171 return "base"; 172 }; 173 } 174 175 });
Download modules/editor/codemirror/mode/mscgen/mscgen.js
History Sun, 17 Dec 2017 01:14:09 +0100 Jan Dankert Integration eines weiteren Code-Editors: Codemirror. Demnächst müssen wir hier mal aufräumen und andere Editoren rauswerfen.