File modules/editor/trumbowyg/plugins/history/trumbowyg.history.js

Last commit: Tue Aug 28 00:33:27 2018 +0200	Jan Dankert	Editoren für Markdown (SimpleMDE) und HTML (Trumbowyg) installiert.
1 /*/* =========================================================== 2 * trumbowyg.history.js v1.0 3 * history plugin for Trumbowyg 4 * 5 * =========================================================== 6 * Author : Sven Dunemann [] 7 */ 8 9 (function ($) { 10 'use strict'; 11 $.extend(true, $.trumbowyg, { 12 langs: { 13 de: { 14 history: { 15 redo: 'Wiederholen', 16 undo: 'Rückgängig' 17 } 18 }, 19 en: { 20 history: { 21 redo: 'Redo', 22 undo: 'Undo' 23 } 24 }, 25 fr: { 26 history: { 27 redo: 'Annuler', 28 undo: 'Rétablir' 29 } 30 } 31 }, 32 plugins: { 33 history: { 34 init: function (t) { 35 t.o.plugins.history = $.extend(true, { 36 _stack: [], 37 _index: -1, 38 _focusEl: undefined 39 }, t.o.plugins.history || {}); 40 41 var btnBuildDefRedo = { 42 title: t.lang.history.redo, 43 ico: 'redo', 44 key: 'Y', 45 fn: function () { 46 if (t.o.plugins.history._index < t.o.plugins.history._stack.length - 1) { 47 t.o.plugins.history._index += 1; 48 var index = t.o.plugins.history._index; 49 var newState = t.o.plugins.history._stack[index]; 50 51 t.execCmd('html', newState); 52 // because of some semantic optimisations we have to save the state back 53 // to history 54 t.o.plugins.history._stack[index] = t.$ed.html(); 55 56 carretToEnd(); 57 toggleButtonStates(); 58 } 59 } 60 }; 61 62 var btnBuildDefUndo = { 63 title: t.lang.history.undo, 64 ico: 'undo', 65 key: 'Z', 66 fn: function () { 67 if (t.o.plugins.history._index > 0) { 68 t.o.plugins.history._index -= 1; 69 var index = t.o.plugins.history._index, 70 newState = t.o.plugins.history._stack[index]; 71 72 t.execCmd('html', newState); 73 // because of some semantic optimisations we have to save the state back 74 // to history 75 t.o.plugins.history._stack[index] = t.$ed.html(); 76 77 carretToEnd(); 78 toggleButtonStates(); 79 } 80 } 81 }; 82 83 var pushToHistory = function () { 84 var index = t.o.plugins.history._index, 85 stack = t.o.plugins.history._stack, 86 latestState = stack.slice(-1)[0] || '<p></p>', 87 prevState = stack[index], 88 newState = t.$ed.html(), 89 focusEl = t.doc.getSelection().focusNode, 90 focusElText = '', 91 latestStateTagsList, 92 newStateTagsList, 93 prevFocusEl = t.o.plugins.history._focusEl; 94 95 latestStateTagsList = $('<div>' + latestState + '</div>').find('*').map(function () { 96 return this.localName; 97 }); 98 newStateTagsList = $('<div>' + newState + '</div>').find('*').map(function () { 99 return this.localName; 100 }); 101 if (focusEl) { 102 t.o.plugins.history._focusEl = focusEl; 103 focusElText = focusEl.outerHTML || focusEl.textContent; 104 } 105 106 if (newState !== prevState) { 107 // a new stack entry is defined when current insert ends on a whitespace character 108 // or count of node elements has been changed 109 // or focused element differs from previous one 110 if (focusElText.slice(-1).match(/\s/) || 111 !arraysAreIdentical(latestStateTagsList, newStateTagsList) || 112 t.o.plugins.history._index <= 0 || focusEl !== prevFocusEl) 113 { 114 t.o.plugins.history._index += 1; 115 // remove newer entries in history when something new was added 116 // because timeline was changes with interaction 117 t.o.plugins.history._stack = stack.slice( 118 0, t.o.plugins.history._index 119 ); 120 // now add new state to modifed history 121 t.o.plugins.history._stack.push(newState); 122 } else { 123 // modify last stack entry 124 t.o.plugins.history._stack[index] = newState; 125 } 126 127 toggleButtonStates(); 128 } 129 }; 130 131 var toggleButtonStates = function () { 132 var index = t.o.plugins.history._index, 133 stackSize = t.o.plugins.history._stack.length, 134 undoState = (index > 0), 135 redoState = (stackSize !== 0 && index !== stackSize - 1); 136 137 toggleButtonState('historyUndo', undoState); 138 toggleButtonState('historyRedo', redoState); 139 }; 140 141 var toggleButtonState = function (btn, enable) { 142 var button = t.$box.find('.trumbowyg-' + btn + '-button'); 143 144 if (enable) { 145 button.removeClass('trumbowyg-disable'); 146 } else if (!button.hasClass('trumbowyg-disable')) { 147 button.addClass('trumbowyg-disable'); 148 } 149 }; 150 151 var arraysAreIdentical = function (a, b) { 152 if (a === b) { 153 return true; 154 } 155 if (a == null || b == null) { 156 return false; 157 } 158 if (a.length !== b.length) { 159 return false; 160 } 161 162 for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i += 1) { 163 if (a[i] !== b[i]) { 164 return false; 165 } 166 } 167 return true; 168 }; 169 170 var carretToEnd = function () { 171 var node = t.doc.getSelection().focusNode, 172 range = t.doc.createRange(); 173 174 if (node.childNodes.length > 0) { 175 range.setStartAfter(node.childNodes[node.childNodes.length - 1]); 176 range.setEndAfter(node.childNodes[node.childNodes.length - 1]); 177 t.doc.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); 178 t.doc.getSelection().addRange(range); 179 } 180 }; 181 182 t.$c.on('tbwinit tbwchange', pushToHistory); 183 184 t.addBtnDef('historyRedo', btnBuildDefRedo); 185 t.addBtnDef('historyUndo', btnBuildDefUndo); 186 } 187 } 188 } 189 }); 190 })(jQuery);
Download modules/editor/trumbowyg/plugins/history/trumbowyg.history.js
History Tue, 28 Aug 2018 00:33:27 +0200 Jan Dankert Editoren für Markdown (SimpleMDE) und HTML (Trumbowyg) installiert.