File modules/editor/codemirror/mode/textile/test.min.js

Last commit: Tue May 22 22:39:49 2018 +0200	Jan Dankert	Fix für PHP 7.2: 'Object' darf nun nicht mehr als Klassennamen verwendet werden. AUCH NICHT IN EINEM NAMESPACE! WTF, wozu habe ich das in einen verfickten Namespace gepackt? Wozu soll der sonst da sein??? Amateure. Daher nun notgedrungen unbenannt in 'BaseObject'.
1 // CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others 2 // Distributed under an MIT license: 3 4 (function() { 5 var mode = CodeMirror.getMode({tabSize: 4}, 'textile'); 6 function MT(name) { test.mode(name, mode,, 1)); } 7 8 MT('simpleParagraphs', 9 'Some text.', 10 '', 11 'Some more text.'); 12 13 /* 14 * Phrase Modifiers 15 */ 16 17 MT('em', 18 'foo [em _bar_]'); 19 20 MT('emBoogus', 21 'code_mirror'); 22 23 MT('strong', 24 'foo [strong *bar*]'); 25 26 MT('strongBogus', 27 '3 * 3 = 9'); 28 29 MT('italic', 30 'foo [em __bar__]'); 31 32 MT('italicBogus', 33 'code__mirror'); 34 35 MT('bold', 36 'foo [strong **bar**]'); 37 38 MT('boldBogus', 39 '3 ** 3 = 27'); 40 41 MT('simpleLink', 42 '[link "CodeMirror":]'); 43 44 MT('referenceLink', 45 '[link "CodeMirror":code_mirror]', 46 'Normal Text.', 47 '[link [[code_mirror]]]'); 48 49 MT('footCite', 50 'foo bar[qualifier [[1]]]'); 51 52 MT('footCiteBogus', 53 'foo bar[[1a2]]'); 54 55 MT('special-characters', 56 'Registered [tag (r)], ' + 57 'Trademark [tag (tm)], and ' + 58 'Copyright [tag (c)] 2008'); 59 60 MT('cite', 61 "A book is [keyword ??The Count of Monte Cristo??] by Dumas."); 62 63 MT('additionAndDeletion', 64 'The news networks declared [negative -Al Gore-] ' + 65 '[positive +George W. Bush+] the winner in Florida.'); 66 67 MT('subAndSup', 68 'f(x, n) = log [builtin ~4~] x [builtin ^n^]'); 69 70 MT('spanAndCode', 71 'A [quote %span element%] and [atom @code element@]'); 72 73 MT('spanBogus', 74 'Percentage 25% is not a span.'); 75 76 MT('citeBogus', 77 'Question? is not a citation.'); 78 79 MT('codeBogus', 80 ''); 81 82 MT('subBogus', 83 '~username'); 84 85 MT('supBogus', 86 'foo ^ bar'); 87 88 MT('deletionBogus', 89 '3 - 3 = 0'); 90 91 MT('additionBogus', 92 '3 + 3 = 6'); 93 94 MT('image', 95 'An image: [string !!]'); 96 97 MT('imageWithAltText', 98 'An image: [string ! (Alt Text)!]'); 99 100 MT('imageWithUrl', 101 'An image: [string !!:]'); 102 103 /* 104 * Headers 105 */ 106 107 MT('h1', 108 '[header&header-1 h1. foo]'); 109 110 MT('h2', 111 '[header&header-2 h2. foo]'); 112 113 MT('h3', 114 '[header&header-3 h3. foo]'); 115 116 MT('h4', 117 '[header&header-4 h4. foo]'); 118 119 MT('h5', 120 '[header&header-5 h5. foo]'); 121 122 MT('h6', 123 '[header&header-6 h6. foo]'); 124 125 MT('h7Bogus', 126 'h7. foo'); 127 128 MT('multipleHeaders', 129 '[header&header-1 h1. Heading 1]', 130 '', 131 'Some text.', 132 '', 133 '[header&header-2 h2. Heading 2]', 134 '', 135 'More text.'); 136 137 MT('h1inline', 138 '[header&header-1 h1. foo ][header&header-1&em _bar_][header&header-1 baz]'); 139 140 /* 141 * Lists 142 */ 143 144 MT('ul', 145 'foo', 146 'bar', 147 '', 148 '[variable-2 * foo]', 149 '[variable-2 * bar]'); 150 151 MT('ulNoBlank', 152 'foo', 153 'bar', 154 '[variable-2 * foo]', 155 '[variable-2 * bar]'); 156 157 MT('ol', 158 'foo', 159 'bar', 160 '', 161 '[variable-2 # foo]', 162 '[variable-2 # bar]'); 163 164 MT('olNoBlank', 165 'foo', 166 'bar', 167 '[variable-2 # foo]', 168 '[variable-2 # bar]'); 169 170 MT('ulFormatting', 171 '[variable-2 * ][variable-2&em _foo_][variable-2 bar]', 172 '[variable-2 * ][variable-2&strong *][variable-2&em&strong _foo_]' + 173 '[variable-2&strong *][variable-2 bar]', 174 '[variable-2 * ][variable-2&strong *foo*][variable-2 bar]'); 175 176 MT('olFormatting', 177 '[variable-2 # ][variable-2&em _foo_][variable-2 bar]', 178 '[variable-2 # ][variable-2&strong *][variable-2&em&strong _foo_]' + 179 '[variable-2&strong *][variable-2 bar]', 180 '[variable-2 # ][variable-2&strong *foo*][variable-2 bar]'); 181 182 MT('ulNested', 183 '[variable-2 * foo]', 184 '[variable-3 ** bar]', 185 '[keyword *** bar]', 186 '[variable-2 **** bar]', 187 '[variable-3 ** bar]'); 188 189 MT('olNested', 190 '[variable-2 # foo]', 191 '[variable-3 ## bar]', 192 '[keyword ### bar]', 193 '[variable-2 #### bar]', 194 '[variable-3 ## bar]'); 195 196 MT('ulNestedWithOl', 197 '[variable-2 * foo]', 198 '[variable-3 ## bar]', 199 '[keyword *** bar]', 200 '[variable-2 #### bar]', 201 '[variable-3 ** bar]'); 202 203 MT('olNestedWithUl', 204 '[variable-2 # foo]', 205 '[variable-3 ** bar]', 206 '[keyword ### bar]', 207 '[variable-2 **** bar]', 208 '[variable-3 ## bar]'); 209 210 MT('definitionList', 211 '[number - coffee := Hot ][number&em _and_][number black]', 212 '', 213 'Normal text.'); 214 215 MT('definitionListSpan', 216 '[number - coffee :=]', 217 '', 218 '[number Hot ][number&em _and_][number black =:]', 219 '', 220 'Normal text.'); 221 222 MT('boo', 223 '[number - dog := woof woof]', 224 '[number - cat := meow meow]', 225 '[number - whale :=]', 226 '[number Whale noises.]', 227 '', 228 '[number Also, ][number&em _splashing_][number . =:]'); 229 230 /* 231 * Attributes 232 */ 233 234 MT('divWithAttribute', 235 '[punctuation div][punctuation&attribute (#my-id)][punctuation . foo bar]'); 236 237 MT('divWithAttributeAnd2emRightPadding', 238 '[punctuation div][punctuation&attribute (#my-id)((][punctuation . foo bar]'); 239 240 MT('divWithClassAndId', 241 '[punctuation div][punctuation&attribute (my-class#my-id)][punctuation . foo bar]'); 242 243 MT('paragraphWithCss', 244 'p[attribute {color:red;}]. foo bar'); 245 246 MT('paragraphNestedStyles', 247 'p. [strong *foo ][strong&em _bar_][strong *]'); 248 249 MT('paragraphWithLanguage', 250 'p[attribute [[fr]]]. Parlez-vous français?'); 251 252 MT('paragraphLeftAlign', 253 'p[attribute <]. Left'); 254 255 MT('paragraphRightAlign', 256 'p[attribute >]. Right'); 257 258 MT('paragraphRightAlign', 259 'p[attribute =]. Center'); 260 261 MT('paragraphJustified', 262 'p[attribute <>]. Justified'); 263 264 MT('paragraphWithLeftIndent1em', 265 'p[attribute (]. Left'); 266 267 MT('paragraphWithRightIndent1em', 268 'p[attribute )]. Right'); 269 270 MT('paragraphWithLeftIndent2em', 271 'p[attribute ((]. Left'); 272 273 MT('paragraphWithRightIndent2em', 274 'p[attribute ))]. Right'); 275 276 MT('paragraphWithLeftIndent3emRightIndent2em', 277 'p[attribute ((())]. Right'); 278 279 MT('divFormatting', 280 '[punctuation div. ][punctuation&strong *foo ]' + 281 '[punctuation&strong&em _bar_][punctuation&strong *]'); 282 283 MT('phraseModifierAttributes', 284 'p[attribute (my-class)]. This is a paragraph that has a class and' + 285 ' this [em _][em&attribute (#special-phrase)][em emphasized phrase_]' + 286 ' has an id.'); 287 288 MT('linkWithClass', 289 '[link "(my-class). This is a link with class":]'); 290 291 /* 292 * Layouts 293 */ 294 295 MT('paragraphLayouts', 296 'p. This is one paragraph.', 297 '', 298 'p. This is another.'); 299 300 MT('div', 301 '[punctuation div. foo bar]'); 302 303 MT('pre', 304 '[operator pre. Text]'); 305 306 MT('bq.', 307 '[bracket bq. foo bar]', 308 '', 309 'Normal text.'); 310 311 MT('footnote', 312 '[variable fn123. foo ][variable&strong *bar*]'); 313 314 /* 315 * Spanning Layouts 316 */ 317 318 MT('bq..ThenParagraph', 319 '[bracket bq.. foo bar]', 320 '', 321 '[bracket More quote.]', 322 'p. Normal Text'); 323 324 MT('bq..ThenH1', 325 '[bracket bq.. foo bar]', 326 '', 327 '[bracket More quote.]', 328 '[header&header-1 h1. Header Text]'); 329 330 MT('bc..ThenParagraph', 331 '[atom bc.. # Some ruby code]', 332 '[atom obj = {foo: :bar}]', 333 '[atom puts obj]', 334 '', 335 '[atom obj[[:love]] = "*love*"]', 336 '[atom puts]', 337 '', 338 'p. Normal text.'); 339 340 MT('fn1..ThenParagraph', 341 '[variable fn1.. foo bar]', 342 '', 343 '[variable More.]', 344 'p. Normal Text'); 345 346 MT('pre..ThenParagraph', 347 '[operator pre.. foo bar]', 348 '', 349 '[operator More.]', 350 'p. Normal Text'); 351 352 /* 353 * Tables 354 */ 355 356 MT('table', 357 '[variable-3&operator |_. name |_. age|]', 358 '[variable-3 |][variable-3&strong *Walter*][variable-3 | 5 |]', 359 '[variable-3 |Florence| 6 |]', 360 '', 361 'p. Normal text.'); 362 363 MT('tableWithAttributes', 364 '[variable-3&operator |_. name |_. age|]', 365 '[variable-3 |][variable-3&attribute /2.][variable-3 Jim |]', 366 '[variable-3 |][variable-3&attribute \\2{color: red}.][variable-3 Sam |]'); 367 368 /* 369 * HTML 370 */ 371 372 MT('html', 373 '[comment <div id="wrapper">]', 374 '[comment <section id="introduction">]', 375 '', 376 '[header&header-1 h1. Welcome]', 377 '', 378 '[variable-2 * Item one]', 379 '[variable-2 * Item two]', 380 '', 381 '[comment <a href="">Example</a>]', 382 '', 383 '[comment </section>]', 384 '[comment </div>]'); 385 386 MT('inlineHtml', 387 'I can use HTML directly in my [comment <span class="youbetcha">Textile</span>].'); 388 389 /* 390 * No-Textile 391 */ 392 393 MT('notextile', 394 '[string-2 notextile. *No* formatting]'); 395 396 MT('notextileInline', 397 'Use [string-2 ==*asterisks*==] for [strong *strong*] text.'); 398 399 MT('notextileWithPre', 400 '[operator pre. *No* formatting]'); 401 402 MT('notextileWithSpanningPre', 403 '[operator pre.. *No* formatting]', 404 '', 405 '[operator *No* formatting]'); 406 407 /* Only toggling phrases between non-word chars. */ 408 409 MT('phrase-in-word', 410 'foo_bar_baz'); 411 412 MT('phrase-non-word', 413 '[negative -x-] aaa-bbb ccc-ddd [negative -eee-] fff [negative -ggg-]'); 414 415 MT('phrase-lone-dash', 416 'foo - bar - baz'); 417 })();
Download modules/editor/codemirror/mode/textile/test.min.js
History Tue, 22 May 2018 22:39:49 +0200 Jan Dankert Fix für PHP 7.2: 'Object' darf nun nicht mehr als Klassennamen verwendet werden. AUCH NICHT IN EINEM NAMESPACE! WTF, wozu habe ich das in einen verfickten Namespace gepackt? Wozu soll der sonst da sein??? Amateure. Daher nun notgedrungen unbenannt in 'BaseObject'.