File geshi/geshi/haskell.php

Last commit: Fri Nov 23 00:12:00 2007 +0100	dankert	Farbige Darstellung von Code-Bl?cken mit Hilfe der Bibliothek GESHI.
1 <?php 2 /************************************************************************************* 3 * haskell.php 4 * ---------- 5 * Author: Jason Dagit ( based on ocaml.php by Flaie ( 6 * Copyright: (c) 2005 Flaie, Nigel McNie ( 7 * Release Version: 8 * CVS Revision Version: $Revision$ 9 * Date Started: 2005/08/27 10 * Last Modified: $Date$ 11 * 12 * Haskell language file for GeSHi. 13 * 14 * CHANGES 15 * ------- 16 * 2005/08/27 (1.0.0) 17 * - First Release 18 * 19 * TODO (updated 2005/08/27) 20 * ------------------------- 21 * 22 ************************************************************************************* 23 * 24 * This file is part of GeSHi. 25 * 26 * GeSHi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 27 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 28 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or 29 * (at your option) any later version. 30 * 31 * GeSHi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 32 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 33 * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the 34 * GNU General Public License for more details. 35 * 36 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 37 * along with GeSHi; if not, write to the Free Software 38 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA 39 * 40 ************************************************************************************/ 41 42 $language_data = array ( 43 'LANG_NAME' => 'Haskell', 44 'COMMENT_SINGLE' => array( 1 => '--'), 45 'COMMENT_MULTI' => array('{-' => '-}'), 46 'CASE_KEYWORDS' => 0, 47 'QUOTEMARKS' => array('"'), 48 'ESCAPE_CHAR' => "\\", 49 'KEYWORDS' => array( 50 /* main haskell keywords */ 51 1 => array( 52 'as', 53 'case', 'of', 'class', 'data', 'default', 54 'deriving', 'do', 'forall', 'hiding', 'if', 'then', 55 'else', 'import', 'infix', 'infixl', 'infixr', 56 'instance', 'let', 'in', 'module', 'newtype', 57 'qualified', 'type', 'where' 58 ), 59 /* define names of main librarys, so we can link to it */ 60 2 => array( 61 'Foreign', 'Numeric', 'Prelude' 62 ), 63 /* just link to Prelude functions, cause it's the default opened library when starting Haskell */ 64 3 => array( 65 'not', 'otherwise', 'maybe', 66 'either', 'fst', 'snd', 'curry', 'uncurry', 67 'compare', 68 'max', 'min', 'succ', 'pred', 'toEnum', 'fromEnum', 69 'enumFrom', 'enumFromThen', 'enumFromTo', 70 'enumFromThenTo', 'minBound', 'maxBound', 71 'negate', 'abs', 'signum', 72 'fromInteger', 'toRational', 'quot', 'rem', 73 'div', 'mod', 'quotRem', 'divMod', 'toInteger', 74 'recip', 'fromRational', 'pi', 'exp', 75 'log', 'sqrt', 'logBase', 'sin', 'cos', 76 'tan', 'asin', 'acos', 'atan', 'sinh', 'cosh', 77 'tanh', 'asinh', 'acosh', 'atanh', 78 'properFraction', 'truncate', 'round', 'ceiling', 79 'floor', 'floatRadix', 'floatDigits', 'floatRange', 80 'decodeFloat', 'encodeFloat', 'exponent', 81 'significand', 'scaleFloat', 'isNaN', 'isInfinite', 82 'isDenomalized', 'isNegativeZero', 'isIEEE', 83 'atan2', 'subtract', 'even', 'odd', 'gcd', 84 'lcm', 'fromIntegral', 'realToFrac', 85 'return', 'fail', 'fmap', 86 'mapM', 'mapM_', 'sequence', 'sequence_', 87 'id', 'const','flip', 88 'until', 'asTypeOf', 'error', 'undefined', 89 'seq','map','filter', 'head', 90 'last', 'tail', 'init', 'null', 'length', 91 'reverse', 'foldl', 'foldl1', 'foldr', 92 'foldr1', 'and', 'or', 'any', 'all', 'sum', 93 'product', 'concat', 'concatMap', 'maximum', 94 'minimum', 'scanl', 'scanl1', 'scanr', 'scanr1', 95 'iterate', 'repeat', 'cycle', 'take', 'drop', 96 'splitAt', 'teakWhile', 'dropWhile', 'span', 97 'break', 'elem', 'notElem', 'lookup', 'zip', 98 'zip3', 'zipWith', 'zipWith3', 'unzip', 'unzip3', 99 'unzip', 'unzip3', 'lines', 'words', 'unlines', 100 'unwords', 'showPrec', 'show', 'showList', 101 'shows', 'showChar', 'showString', 'showParen', 102 'readsPrec', 'readList', 'reads', 'readParen', 103 'read', 'lex', 'putChar', 'putStr', 'putStrLn', 104 'print', 'getChar', 'getLine', 'getContents', 105 'interact', 'readFile', 'writeFile', 'appendFile', 106 'readIO', 'readLn', 'ioError', 'userError', 'catch' 107 ), 108 /* here Prelude Types */ 109 4 => array ( 110 'Bool', 'Maybe', 'Either', 'Ord', 'Ordering', 111 'Char', 'String', 'Eq', 'Enum', 'Bounded', 112 'Int', 'Integer', 'Float', 'Double', 'Rational', 113 'Num', 'Real', 'Integral', 'Fractional', 114 'Floating', 'RealFrac', 'RealFloat', 'Monad', 115 'Functor', 'Show', 'ShowS', 'Read', 'ReadS', 116 'IO' 117 ), 118 /* finally Prelude Exceptions */ 119 5 => array ( 120 'IOError', 'IOException' 121 ) 122 ), 123 /* highlighting symbols is really important in Haskell */ 124 'SYMBOLS' => array( 125 '|', '->', '<-', '@', '!', '::', '_', '~', '=', 126 '&&', '||', '==', '/=', '<', '<=', '>', 127 '>=','+', '-', '*','/', '**', '^', '^^', 128 '>>=', '>>', '=<<', '$', '.', '$!', 129 '++', '!!' 130 ), 131 'CASE_SENSITIVE' => array( 132 GESHI_COMMENTS => true, 133 1 => true, 134 2 => true, /* functions name are case seinsitive */ 135 3 => true, /* types name too */ 136 4 => true, /* finally exceptions too */ 137 5 => true 138 ), 139 'STYLES' => array( 140 'KEYWORDS' => array( 141 1 => 'color: #06c; font-weight: bold;', /* nice blue */ 142 2 => 'color: #06c; font-weight: bold;', /* blue as well */ 143 3 => 'font-weight: bold;', /* make the preduled functions bold */ 144 4 => 'color: #cccc00; font-weight: bold;', /* give types a different bg */ 145 5 => 'color: maroon;' 146 ), 147 'COMMENTS' => array( 148 1 => 'color: #5d478b; font-style: italic;', 149 'MULTI' => 'color: #5d478b; font-style: italic;' /* light purpHle */ 150 ), 151 'ESCAPE_CHAR' => array( 152 ), 153 'BRACKETS' => array( 154 0 => 'color: green;' 155 ), 156 'STRINGS' => array( 157 0 => 'background-color: #3cb371;' /* nice green */ 158 ), 159 'NUMBERS' => array( 160 0 => 'color: red;' /* pink */ 161 ), 162 'METHODS' => array( 163 1 => 'color: #060;' /* dark green */ 164 ), 165 'REGEXPS' => array( 166 ), 167 'SYMBOLS' => array( 168 0 => 'color: #66cc66; font-weight: bold;' 169 ), 170 'SCRIPT' => array( 171 ) 172 ), 173 'URLS' => array( 174 /* some of keywords are Prelude functions */ 175 1 => '', 176 /* link to the wanted library */ 177 2 => '{FNAME}.html', 178 /* link to Prelude functions */ 179 3 => '{FNAME}', 180 /* link to Prelude types */ 181 4 => '{FNAME}', 182 /* link to Prelude exceptions */ 183 5 => '{FNAME}', 184 ), 185 'OOLANG' => false, 186 'OBJECT_SPLITTERS' => array( 187 ), 188 'REGEXPS' => array( 189 ), 190 'STRICT_MODE_APPLIES' => GESHI_NEVER, 191 'SCRIPT_DELIMITERS' => array( 192 ), 193 'HIGHLIGHT_STRICT_BLOCK' => array( 194 ) 195 ); 196 197 ?>
Download geshi/geshi/haskell.php
History Fri, 23 Nov 2007 00:12:00 +0100 dankert Farbige Darstellung von Code-Bl?cken mit Hilfe der Bibliothek GESHI.