File modules/editor/codemirror/mode/sass/test.min.js

Last commit: Tue May 22 22:39:52 2018 +0200	Jan Dankert	Fix für PHP 7.2: 'Object' darf nun nicht mehr als Klassennamen verwendet werden. AUCH NICHT IN EINEM NAMESPACE! WTF, wozu habe ich das in einen verfickten Namespace gepackt? Wozu soll der sonst da sein??? Amateure. Daher nun notgedrungen unbenannt in 'BaseObject'.
1 // CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others 2 // Distributed under an MIT license: 3 4 (function() { 5 var mode = CodeMirror.getMode({indentUnit: 2}, "sass"); 6 // Since Sass has an indent-based syntax, is almost impossible to test correctly the indentation in all cases. 7 // So disable it for tests. 8 mode.indent = undefined; 9 function MT(name) { test.mode(name, mode,, 1)); } 10 11 MT("comment", 12 "[comment // this is a comment]", 13 "[comment also this is a comment]") 14 15 MT("comment_multiline", 16 "[comment /* this is a comment]", 17 "[comment also this is a comment]") 18 19 MT("variable", 20 "[variable-2 $page-width][operator :] [number 800][unit px]") 21 22 MT("global_attributes", 23 "[tag body]", 24 " [property font][operator :]", 25 " [property family][operator :] [atom sans-serif]", 26 " [property size][operator :] [number 30][unit em]", 27 " [property weight][operator :] [atom bold]") 28 29 MT("scoped_styles", 30 "[builtin #contents]", 31 " [property width][operator :] [variable-2 $page-width]", 32 " [builtin #sidebar]", 33 " [property float][operator :] [atom right]", 34 " [property width][operator :] [variable-2 $sidebar-width]", 35 " [builtin #main]", 36 " [property width][operator :] [variable-2 $page-width] [operator -] [variable-2 $sidebar-width]", 37 " [property background][operator :] [variable-2 $primary-color]", 38 " [tag h2]", 39 " [property color][operator :] [keyword blue]") 40 41 // Sass allows to write the colon as first char instead of a "separator". 42 // :color red 43 // Not supported 44 // MT("property_syntax", 45 // "[qualifier .foo]", 46 // " [operator :][property color] [keyword red]") 47 48 MT("import", 49 "[def @import] [string \"sass/variables\"]", 50 // Probably it should parsed as above: as a string even without the " or ' 51 // "[def @import] [string sass/baz]" 52 "[def @import] [tag sass][operator /][tag baz]") 53 54 MT("def", 55 "[def @if] [variable-2 $foo] [def @else]") 56 57 MT("tag_on_more_lines", 58 "[tag td],", 59 "[tag th]", 60 " [property font-family][operator :] [string \"Arial\"], [atom serif]") 61 62 MT("important", 63 "[qualifier .foo]", 64 " [property text-decoration][operator :] [atom none] [keyword !important]", 65 "[tag h1]", 66 " [property font-size][operator :] [number 2.5][unit em]") 67 68 MT("selector", 69 // SCSS doesn't highlight the : 70 // "[tag h1]:[variable-3 before],", 71 // "[tag h2]:[variable-3 before]", 72 "[tag h1][variable-3 :before],", 73 "[tag h2][variable-3 :before]", 74 " [property content][operator :] [string \"::\"]") 75 76 MT("definition_mixin_equal", 77 "[variable-2 $defined-bs-type][operator :] [atom border-box] [keyword !default]", 78 "[meta =bs][operator (][variable-2 $bs-type][operator :] [variable-2 $defined-bs-type][operator )]", 79 " [meta -webkit-][property box-sizing][operator :] [variable-2 $bs-type]", 80 " [property box-sizing][operator :] [variable-2 $bs-type]") 81 82 MT("definition_mixin_with_space", 83 "[variable-2 $defined-bs-type][operator :] [atom border-box] [keyword !default]", 84 "[def @mixin] [tag bs][operator (][variable-2 $bs-type][operator :] [variable-2 $defined-bs-type][operator )] ", 85 " [meta -moz-][property box-sizing][operator :] [variable-2 $bs-type]", 86 " [property box-sizing][operator :] [variable-2 $bs-type]") 87 88 MT("numbers_start_dot_include_plus", 89 // The % is not highlighted correctly 90 // "[meta =button-links][operator (][variable-2 $button-base][operator :] [atom darken][operator (][variable-2 $color11], [number 10][unit %][operator )][operator )]", 91 "[meta =button-links][operator (][variable-2 $button-base][operator :] [atom darken][operator (][variable-2 $color11], [number 10][operator %))]", 92 " [property padding][operator :] [number .3][unit em] [number .6][unit em]", 93 " [variable-3 +border-radius][operator (][number 8][unit px][operator )]", 94 " [property background-color][operator :] [variable-2 $button-base]") 95 96 MT("include", 97 "[qualifier .bar]", 98 " [def @include] [tag border-radius][operator (][number 8][unit px][operator )]") 99 100 MT("reference_parent", 101 "[qualifier .col]", 102 " [property clear][operator :] [atom both]", 103 // SCSS doesn't highlight the : 104 // " &:[variable-3 after]", 105 " &[variable-3 :after]", 106 " [property content][operator :] [string '']", 107 " [property clear][operator :] [atom both]") 108 109 MT("reference_parent_with_spaces", 110 "[tag section]", 111 " [property border-left][operator :] [number 20][unit px] [atom transparent] [atom solid] ", 112 " &[qualifier .section3]", 113 " [qualifier .title]", 114 " [property color][operator :] [keyword white] ", 115 " [qualifier .vermas]", 116 " [property display][operator :] [atom none]") 117 118 MT("font_face", 119 "[def @font-face]", 120 " [property font-family][operator :] [string 'icomoon']", 121 " [property src][operator :] [atom url][operator (][string fonts/icomoon.ttf][operator )]") 122 })();
Download modules/editor/codemirror/mode/sass/test.min.js
History Tue, 22 May 2018 22:39:52 +0200 Jan Dankert Fix für PHP 7.2: 'Object' darf nun nicht mehr als Klassennamen verwendet werden. AUCH NICHT IN EINEM NAMESPACE! WTF, wozu habe ich das in einen verfickten Namespace gepackt? Wozu soll der sonst da sein??? Amateure. Daher nun notgedrungen unbenannt in 'BaseObject'.