File modules/editor/codemirror/mode/css/test.min.js

Last commit: Tue May 22 22:39:54 2018 +0200	Jan Dankert	Fix für PHP 7.2: 'Object' darf nun nicht mehr als Klassennamen verwendet werden. AUCH NICHT IN EINEM NAMESPACE! WTF, wozu habe ich das in einen verfickten Namespace gepackt? Wozu soll der sonst da sein??? Amateure. Daher nun notgedrungen unbenannt in 'BaseObject'.
1 // CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others 2 // Distributed under an MIT license: 3 4 (function() { 5 var mode = CodeMirror.getMode({indentUnit: 2}, "css"); 6 function MT(name) { test.mode(name, mode,, 1)); } 7 8 // Error, because "foobarhello" is neither a known type or property, but 9 // property was expected (after "and"), and it should be in parentheses. 10 MT("atMediaUnknownType", 11 "[def @media] [attribute screen] [keyword and] [error foobarhello] { }"); 12 13 // Soft error, because "foobarhello" is not a known property or type. 14 MT("atMediaUnknownProperty", 15 "[def @media] [attribute screen] [keyword and] ([error foobarhello]) { }"); 16 17 // Make sure nesting works with media queries 18 MT("atMediaMaxWidthNested", 19 "[def @media] [attribute screen] [keyword and] ([property max-width]: [number 25px]) { [tag foo] { } }"); 20 21 MT("atMediaFeatureValueKeyword", 22 "[def @media] ([property orientation]: [keyword landscape]) { }"); 23 24 MT("atMediaUnknownFeatureValueKeyword", 25 "[def @media] ([property orientation]: [error upsidedown]) { }"); 26 27 MT("tagSelector", 28 "[tag foo] { }"); 29 30 MT("classSelector", 31 "[qualifier .foo-bar_hello] { }"); 32 33 MT("idSelector", 34 "[builtin #foo] { [error #foo] }"); 35 36 MT("tagSelectorUnclosed", 37 "[tag foo] { [property margin]: [number 0] } [tag bar] { }"); 38 39 MT("tagStringNoQuotes", 40 "[tag foo] { [property font-family]: [variable hello] [variable world]; }"); 41 42 MT("tagStringDouble", 43 "[tag foo] { [property font-family]: [string \"hello world\"]; }"); 44 45 MT("tagStringSingle", 46 "[tag foo] { [property font-family]: [string 'hello world']; }"); 47 48 MT("tagColorKeyword", 49 "[tag foo] {", 50 " [property color]: [keyword black];", 51 " [property color]: [keyword navy];", 52 " [property color]: [keyword yellow];", 53 "}"); 54 55 MT("tagColorHex3", 56 "[tag foo] { [property background]: [atom #fff]; }"); 57 58 MT("tagColorHex4", 59 "[tag foo] { [property background]: [atom #ffff]; }"); 60 61 MT("tagColorHex6", 62 "[tag foo] { [property background]: [atom #ffffff]; }"); 63 64 MT("tagColorHex8", 65 "[tag foo] { [property background]: [atom #ffffffff]; }"); 66 67 MT("tagColorHex5Invalid", 68 "[tag foo] { [property background]: [atom&error #fffff]; }"); 69 70 MT("tagColorHexInvalid", 71 "[tag foo] { [property background]: [atom&error #ffg]; }"); 72 73 MT("tagNegativeNumber", 74 "[tag foo] { [property margin]: [number -5px]; }"); 75 76 MT("tagPositiveNumber", 77 "[tag foo] { [property padding]: [number 5px]; }"); 78 79 MT("tagVendor", 80 "[tag foo] { [meta -foo-][property box-sizing]: [meta -foo-][atom border-box]; }"); 81 82 MT("tagBogusProperty", 83 "[tag foo] { [property&error barhelloworld]: [number 0]; }"); 84 85 MT("tagTwoProperties", 86 "[tag foo] { [property margin]: [number 0]; [property padding]: [number 0]; }"); 87 88 MT("tagTwoPropertiesURL", 89 "[tag foo] { [property background]: [atom url]([string //]); [property padding]: [number 0]; }"); 90 91 MT("indent_tagSelector", 92 "[tag strong], [tag em] {", 93 " [property background]: [atom rgba](", 94 " [number 255], [number 255], [number 0], [number .2]", 95 " );", 96 "}"); 97 98 MT("indent_atMedia", 99 "[def @media] {", 100 " [tag foo] {", 101 " [property color]:", 102 " [keyword yellow];", 103 " }", 104 "}"); 105 106 MT("indent_comma", 107 "[tag foo] {", 108 " [property font-family]: [variable verdana],", 109 " [atom sans-serif];", 110 "}"); 111 112 MT("indent_parentheses", 113 "[tag foo]:[variable-3 before] {", 114 " [property background]: [atom url](", 115 "[string blahblah]", 116 "[string etc]", 117 "[string ]) [keyword !important];", 118 "}"); 119 120 MT("font_face", 121 "[def @font-face] {", 122 " [property font-family]: [string 'myfont'];", 123 " [error nonsense]: [string 'abc'];", 124 " [property src]: [atom url]([string http://blah]),", 125 " [atom url]([string http://foo]);", 126 "}"); 127 128 MT("empty_url", 129 "[def @import] [atom url]() [attribute screen];"); 130 131 MT("parens", 132 "[qualifier .foo] {", 133 " [property background-image]: [variable fade]([atom #000], [number 20%]);", 134 " [property border-image]: [atom linear-gradient](", 135 " [atom to] [atom bottom],", 136 " [variable fade]([atom #000], [number 20%]) [number 0%],", 137 " [variable fade]([atom #000], [number 20%]) [number 100%]", 138 " );", 139 "}"); 140 141 MT("css_variable", 142 ":[variable-3 root] {", 143 " [variable-2 --main-color]: [atom #06c];", 144 "}", 145 "[tag h1][builtin #foo] {", 146 " [property color]: [atom var]([variable-2 --main-color]);", 147 "}"); 148 149 MT("supports", 150 "[def @supports] ([keyword not] (([property text-align-last]: [atom justify]) [keyword or] ([meta -moz-][property text-align-last]: [atom justify])) {", 151 " [property text-align-last]: [atom justify];", 152 "}"); 153 154 MT("document", 155 "[def @document] [tag url]([string http://blah]),", 156 " [tag url-prefix]([string https://]),", 157 " [tag domain]([string]),", 158 " [tag regexp]([string \".*blah.+\"]) {", 159 " [builtin #id] {", 160 " [property background-color]: [keyword white];", 161 " }", 162 " [tag foo] {", 163 " [property font-family]: [variable Verdana], [atom sans-serif];", 164 " }", 165 "}"); 166 167 MT("document_url", 168 "[def @document] [tag url]([string http://blah]) { [qualifier .class] { } }"); 169 170 MT("document_urlPrefix", 171 "[def @document] [tag url-prefix]([string https://]) { [builtin #id] { } }"); 172 173 MT("document_domain", 174 "[def @document] [tag domain]([string]) { [tag foo] { } }"); 175 176 MT("document_regexp", 177 "[def @document] [tag regexp]([string \".*blah.+\"]) { [builtin #id] { } }"); 178 179 MT("counter-style", 180 "[def @counter-style] [variable binary] {", 181 " [property system]: [atom numeric];", 182 " [property symbols]: [number 0] [number 1];", 183 " [property suffix]: [string \".\"];", 184 " [property range]: [atom infinite];", 185 " [property speak-as]: [atom numeric];", 186 "}"); 187 188 MT("counter-style-additive-symbols", 189 "[def @counter-style] [variable simple-roman] {", 190 " [property system]: [atom additive];", 191 " [property additive-symbols]: [number 10] [variable X], [number 5] [variable V], [number 1] [variable I];", 192 " [property range]: [number 1] [number 49];", 193 "}"); 194 195 MT("counter-style-use", 196 "[tag ol][qualifier .roman] { [property list-style]: [variable simple-roman]; }"); 197 198 MT("counter-style-symbols", 199 "[tag ol] { [property list-style]: [atom symbols]([atom cyclic] [string \"*\"] [string \"\\2020\"] [string \"\\2021\"] [string \"\\A7\"]); }"); 200 201 MT("comment-does-not-disrupt", 202 "[def @font-face] [comment /* foo */] {", 203 " [property src]: [atom url]([string x]);", 204 " [property font-family]: [variable One];", 205 "}") 206 })();
Download modules/editor/codemirror/mode/css/test.min.js
History Tue, 22 May 2018 22:39:54 +0200 Jan Dankert Fix für PHP 7.2: 'Object' darf nun nicht mehr als Klassennamen verwendet werden. AUCH NICHT IN EINEM NAMESPACE! WTF, wozu habe ich das in einen verfickten Namespace gepackt? Wozu soll der sonst da sein??? Amateure. Daher nun notgedrungen unbenannt in 'BaseObject'.