File modules/editor/codemirror/mode/q/index.html

Last commit: Sun Dec 17 01:14:09 2017 +0100	Jan Dankert	Integration eines weiteren Code-Editors: Codemirror. Demnächst müssen wir hier mal aufräumen und andere Editoren rauswerfen.
1 <!doctype html> 2 3 <title>CodeMirror: Q mode</title> 4 <meta charset="utf-8"/> 5 <link rel=stylesheet href="../../doc/docs.css"> 6 7 <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../lib/codemirror.css"> 8 <script src="../../lib/codemirror.js"></script> 9 <script src="../../addon/edit/matchbrackets.js"></script> 10 <script src="q.js"></script> 11 <style type="text/css">.CodeMirror {border-top: 1px solid black; border-bottom: 1px solid black;}</style> 12 <div id=nav> 13 <a href=""><h1>CodeMirror</h1><img id=logo src="../../doc/logo.png"></a> 14 15 <ul> 16 <li><a href="../../index.html">Home</a> 17 <li><a href="../../doc/manual.html">Manual</a> 18 <li><a href="">Code</a> 19 </ul> 20 <ul> 21 <li><a href="../index.html">Language modes</a> 22 <li><a class=active href="#">Q</a> 23 </ul> 24 </div> 25 26 <article> 27 <h2>Q mode</h2> 28 29 30 <div><textarea id="code" name="code"> 31 / utilities to quickly load a csv file - for more exhaustive analysis of the csv contents see csvguess.q 32 / 2009.09.20 - updated to match latest csvguess.q 33 34 / .csv.colhdrs[file] - return a list of colhdrs from file 35 /[file] - return a table of information about the file 36 / columns are: 37 / c - column name; ci - column index; t - load type; mw - max width; 38 / dchar - distinct characters in values; rule - rule that caught the type 39 / maybe - needs checking, _could_ be say a date, but perhaps just a float? 40 / .csv.info0[file;onlycols] - like except that it only analyses <onlycols> 41 / example: 42 / info:.csv.info0[file;(.csv.colhdrs file)like"*price"] 43 / info:.csv.infolike[file;"*price"] 44 / show delete from info where t=" " 45 /[file;info] - use the info from to read the data 46 / .csv.data10[file;info] - like but only returns the first 10 rows 47 / bulkload[file;info] - bulk loads file into table DATA (which must be already defined :: DATA:() ) 48 /[file]/read10[file] - for when you don't care about checking/tweaking the <info> before reading 49 50 \d .csv 51 DELIM:"," 52 ZAPHDRS:0b / lowercase and remove _ from colhdrs (junk characters are always removed) 53 WIDTHHDR:25000 / number of characters read to get the header 54 READLINES:222 / number of lines read and used to guess the types 55 SYMMAXWIDTH:11 / character columns narrower than this are stored as symbols 56 SYMMAXGR:10 / max symbol granularity% before we give up and keep as a * string 57 FORCECHARWIDTH:30 / every field (of any type) with values this wide or more is forced to character "*" 58 DISCARDEMPTY:0b / completely ignore empty columns if true else set them to "C" 59 CHUNKSIZE:50000000 / used in fs2 (modified .Q.fs) 60 61 k)nameltrim:{$[~@x;.z.s'x;~(*x)in aA:.Q.a,.Q.A;(+/&\~x in aA)_x;x]} 62 k)fs2:{[f;s]((-7!s)>){[f;s;x]i:1+last@&0xa=r:1:(s;x;CHUNKSIZE);f@`\:i#r;x+i}[f;s]/0j} 63 cleanhdrs:{{$[ZAPHDRS;lower x except"_";x]}x where x in DELIM,} 64 cancast:{nw:x$"";if[not x in"BXCS";nw:(min 0#;max 0#;::)@\:nw];$[not any nw in x$(11&count y)#y;$[11<count y;not any nw in x$y;1b];0b]} 65 66 read:{[file]data[file;info[file]]} 67 read10:{[file]data10[file;info[file]]} 68 69 colhdrs:{[file] 70 `$nameltrim DELIM vs cleanhdrs first read0(file;0;1+first where 0xa=read1(file;0;WIDTHHDR))} 71 data:{[file;info] 72 (exec c from info where not t=" ")xcol(exec t from info;enlist DELIM)0:file} 73 data10:{[file;info] 74 data[;info](file;0;1+last 11#where 0xa=read1(file;0;15*WIDTHHDR))} 75 info0:{[file;onlycols] 76 colhdrs:`$nameltrim DELIM vs cleanhdrs first head:read0(file;0;1+last where 0xa=read1(file;0;WIDTHHDR)); 77 loadfmts:(count colhdrs)#"S";if[count onlycols;loadfmts[where not colhdrs in onlycols]:"C"]; 78 breaks:where 0xa=read1(file;0;floor(10+READLINES)*WIDTHHDR%count head); 79 nas:count as:colhdrs xcol(loadfmts;enlist DELIM)0:(file;0;1+last((1+READLINES)&count breaks)#breaks); 80 info:([]c:key flip as;v:value flip as);as:(); 81 reserved:key`.q;reserved,:.Q.res;reserved,:`i; 82 info:update res:c in reserved from info; 83 info:update ci:i,t:"?",ipa:0b,mdot:0,mw:0,rule:0,gr:0,ndv:0,maybe:0b,empty:0b,j10:0b,j12:0b from info; 84 info:update ci:`s#ci from info; 85 if[count onlycols;info:update t:" ",rule:10 from info where not c in onlycols]; 86 info:update sdv:{string(distinct x)except`}peach v from info; 87 info:update ndv:count each sdv from info; 88 info:update gr:floor 0.5+100*ndv%nas,mw:{max count each x}peach sdv from info where 0<ndv; 89 info:update t:"*",rule:20 from info where mw>.csv.FORCECHARWIDTH; / long values 90 info:update t:"C "[.csv.DISCARDEMPTY],rule:30,empty:1b from info where t="?",mw=0; / empty columns 91 info:update dchar:{asc distinct raze x}peach sdv from info where t="?"; 92 info:update mdot:{max sum each"."=x}peach sdv from info where t="?",{"."in x}each dchar; 93 info:update t:"n",rule:40 from info where t="?",{any x in"0123456789"}each dchar; / vaguely numeric.. 94 info:update t:"I",rule:50,ipa:1b from info where t="n",mw within 7 15,mdot=3,{all x in".0123456789"}each dchar,.csv.cancast["I"]peach sdv; / ip-address 95 info:update t:"J",rule:60 from info where t="n",mdot=0,{all x in"+-0123456789"}each dchar,.csv.cancast["J"]peach sdv; 96 info:update t:"I",rule:70 from info where t="J",mw<12,.csv.cancast["I"]peach sdv; 97 info:update t:"H",rule:80 from info where t="I",mw<7,.csv.cancast["H"]peach sdv; 98 info:update t:"F",rule:90 from info where t="n",mdot<2,mw>1,.csv.cancast["F"]peach sdv; 99 info:update t:"E",rule:100,maybe:1b from info where t="F",mw<9; 100 info:update t:"M",rule:110,maybe:1b from info where t in"nIHEF",mdot<2,mw within 4 7,.csv.cancast["M"]peach sdv; 101 info:update t:"D",rule:120,maybe:1b from info where t in"nI",mdot in 0 2,mw within 6 11,.csv.cancast["D"]peach sdv; 102 info:update t:"V",rule:130,maybe:1b from info where t="I",mw in 5 6,7<count each dchar,{all x like"*[0-9][0-5][0-9][0-5][0-9]"}peach sdv,.csv.cancast["V"]peach sdv; / 235959 12345 103 info:update t:"U",rule:140,maybe:1b from info where t="H",mw in 3 4,7<count each dchar,{all x like"*[0-9][0-5][0-9]"}peach sdv,.csv.cancast["U"]peach sdv; /2359 104 info:update t:"U",rule:150,maybe:0b from info where t="n",mw in 4 5,mdot=0,{all x like"*[0-9]:[0-5][0-9]"}peach sdv,.csv.cancast["U"]peach sdv; 105 info:update t:"T",rule:160,maybe:0b from info where t="n",mw within 7 12,mdot<2,{all x like"*[0-9]:[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]*"}peach sdv,.csv.cancast["T"]peach sdv; 106 info:update t:"V",rule:170,maybe:0b from info where t="T",mw in 7 8,mdot=0,.csv.cancast["V"]peach sdv; 107 info:update t:"T",rule:180,maybe:1b from info where t in"EF",mw within 7 10,mdot=1,{all x like"*[0-9][0-5][0-9][0-5][0-9].*"}peach sdv,.csv.cancast["T"]peach sdv; 108 info:update t:"Z",rule:190,maybe:0b from info where t="n",mw within 11 24,mdot<4,.csv.cancast["Z"]peach sdv; 109 info:update t:"P",rule:200,maybe:1b from info where t="n",mw within 12 29,mdot<4,{all x like"[12]*"}peach sdv,.csv.cancast["P"]peach sdv; 110 info:update t:"N",rule:210,maybe:1b from info where t="n",mw within 3 28,mdot=1,.csv.cancast["N"]peach sdv; 111 info:update t:"?",rule:220,maybe:0b from info where t="n"; / reset remaining maybe numeric 112 info:update t:"C",rule:230,maybe:0b from info where t="?",mw=1; / char 113 info:update t:"B",rule:240,maybe:0b from info where t in"HC",mw=1,mdot=0,{$[all x in"01tTfFyYnN";(any"0fFnN"in x)and any"1tTyY"in x;0b]}each dchar; / boolean 114 info:update t:"B",rule:250,maybe:1b from info where t in"HC",mw=1,mdot=0,{all x in"01tTfFyYnN"}each dchar; / boolean 115 info:update t:"X",rule:260,maybe:0b from info where t="?",mw=2,{$[all x in"0123456789abcdefABCDEF";(any .Q.n in x)and any"abcdefABCDEF"in x;0b]}each dchar; /hex 116 info:update t:"S",rule:270,maybe:1b from info where t="?",mw<.csv.SYMMAXWIDTH,mw>1,gr<.csv.SYMMAXGR; / symbols (max width permitting) 117 info:update t:"*",rule:280,maybe:0b from info where t="?"; / the rest as strings 118 / flag those S/* columns which could be encoded to integers (.Q.j10/x10/j12/x12) to avoid symbols 119 info:update j12:1b from info where t in"S*",mw<13,{all x in .Q.nA}each dchar; 120 info:update j10:1b from info where t in"S*",mw<11,{all x in .Q.b6}each dchar; 121 select c,ci,t,maybe,empty,res,j10,j12,ipa,mw,mdot,rule,gr,ndv,dchar from info} 122 info:info0[;()] / by default don't restrict columns 123 infolike:{[file;pattern] info0[file;{x where x like y}[lower colhdrs[file];pattern]]} / .csv.infolike[file;"*time"] 124 125 \d . 126 / DATA:() 127 bulkload:{[file;info] 128 if[not`DATA in system"v";'`DATA.not.defined]; 129 if[count DATA;'`DATA.not.empty]; 130 loadhdrs:exec c from info where not t=" ";loadfmts:exec t from info; 131 .csv.fs2[{[file;loadhdrs;loadfmts] `DATA insert $[count DATA;flip loadhdrs!(loadfmts;.csv.DELIM)0:file;loadhdrs xcol(loadfmts;enlist .csv.DELIM)0:file]}[file;loadhdrs;loadfmts]]; 132 count DATA} 133 @[.:;"\\l csvutil.custom.q";::]; / save your custom settings in csvutil.custom.q to override those set at the beginning of the file 134 </textarea></div> 135 136 <script> 137 var editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("code"), { 138 lineNumbers: true, 139 matchBrackets: true 140 }); 141 </script> 142 143 <p><strong>MIME type defined:</strong> <code>text/x-q</code>.</p> 144 </article>
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History Sun, 17 Dec 2017 01:14:09 +0100 Jan Dankert Integration eines weiteren Code-Editors: Codemirror. Demnächst müssen wir hier mal aufräumen und andere Editoren rauswerfen.