File modules/editor/codemirror/doc/releases.html

Last commit: Tue May 22 22:39:53 2018 +0200	Jan Dankert	Fix für PHP 7.2: 'Object' darf nun nicht mehr als Klassennamen verwendet werden. AUCH NICHT IN EINEM NAMESPACE! WTF, wozu habe ich das in einen verfickten Namespace gepackt? Wozu soll der sonst da sein??? Amateure. Daher nun notgedrungen unbenannt in 'BaseObject'.
1 <!doctype html> 2 3 <title>CodeMirror: Release History</title> 4 <meta charset="utf-8"/> 5 <link rel=stylesheet href="docs.css"> 6 <script src="activebookmark.js"></script> 7 8 <div id=nav> 9 <a href=""><h1>CodeMirror</h1><img id=logo src="logo.png"></a> 10 11 <ul> 12 <li><a href="../index.html">Home</a> 13 <li><a href="manual.html">Manual</a> 14 <li><a href="">Code</a> 15 </ul> 16 <ul> 17 <li><a class=active data-default="true" href="#v5">Version 5.x</a> 18 <li><a href="#v4">Version 4.x</a> 19 <li><a href="#v3">Version 3.x</a> 20 <li><a href="#v2">Version 2.x</a> 21 <li><a href="#v1">Version 0.x</a> 22 </ul> 23 </div> 24 25 <article> 26 27 <h2>Release notes and version history</h2> 28 29 <section id=v5 class=first> 30 31 <h2>Version 5.x</h2> 32 33 <p class="rel">22-11-2017: <a href="">Version 5.32.0</a>:</p> 34 35 <ul class="rel-note"> 36 <li>Increase contrast on default bracket-matching colors.</li> 37 <li><a href="">javascript mode</a>: Recognize TypeScript type parameters for calls, type guards, and type parameter defaults. Improve handling of <code>enum</code> and <code>module</code> keywords.</li> 38 <li><a href="">comment addon</a>: Fix bug when uncommenting a comment that spans all but the last selected line.</li> 39 <li><a href="">searchcursor addon</a>: Fix bug in case folding.</li> 40 <li><a href="">emacs bindings</a>: Prevent single-character deletions from resetting the kill ring.</li> 41 <li><a href="">closebrackets addon</a>: Tweak quote matching behavior.</li> 42 <li><a href="">continuelist addon</a>: Increment ordered list numbers when adding one.</li> 43 </ul> 44 45 <p class="rel">20-10-2017: <a href="">Version 5.31.0</a>:</p> 46 47 <ul class="rel-note"> 48 <li>Modes added with <a href=""><code>addOverlay</code></a> now have access to a <a href=""><code>baseToken</code></a> method on their input stream, giving access to the tokens of the underlying mode.</li> 49 <li>Further improve selection drawing and cursor motion in right-to-left documents.</li> 50 <li><a href="">vim bindings</a>: Fix ctrl-w behavior, support quote-dot and backtick-dot marks, make the wide cursor visible in contentEditable <a href="">input mode</a>.</li> 51 <li><a href="">continuecomment addon</a>: Fix bug when pressing enter after a single-line block comment.</li> 52 <li><a href="">markdown mode</a>: Fix issue with leaving indented fenced code blocks.</li> 53 <li><a href="">javascript mode</a>: Fix bad parsing of operators without spaces between them. Fix some corner cases around semicolon insertion and regexps.</li> 54 </ul> 55 56 <p class="rel">20-09-2017: <a href="">Version 5.30.0</a>:</p> 57 58 <ul class="rel-note"> 59 <li>Fixed a number of issues with drawing right-to-left selections and mouse selection in bidirectional text.</li> 60 <li><a href="">search addon</a>: Fix crash when restarting search after doing empty search.</li> 61 <li><a href="http://cm/doc/manual.html#addon_mark-selection">mark-selection addon</a>: Fix off-by-one bug.</li> 62 <li><a href="">tern addon</a>: Fix bad request made when editing at the bottom of a large document.</li> 63 <li><a href="">javascript mode</a>: Improve parsing in a number of corner cases.</li> 64 <li><a href="">markdown mode</a>: Fix crash when a sub-mode doesn't support indentation, allow uppercase X in task lists.</li> 65 <li><a href="">gfm mode</a>: Don't highlight SHA1 'hashes' without numbers to avoid false positives.</li> 66 <li><a href="">soy mode</a>: Support injected data and <code>@param</code> in comments.</li> 67 <li><a href="">simple mode addon</a>: Allow groups in regexps when <code>token</code> isn't an array.</li> 68 </ul> 69 70 <p class="rel">24-08-2017: <a href="">Version 5.29.0</a>:</p> 71 72 <ul class="rel-note"> 73 <li>Fix crash in contentEditable input style when editing near a bookmark.</li> 74 <li>Make sure change origins are preserved when splitting changes on <a href="">read-only marks</a>.</li> 75 <li><a href="">javascript mode</a>: More support for TypeScript syntax.</li> 76 <li><a href="">d mode</a>: Support nested comments.</li> 77 <li><a href="">python mode</a>: Improve tokenizing of operators.</li> 78 <li><a href="">markdown mode</a>: Further improve CommonMark conformance.</li> 79 <li><a href="">css mode</a>: Don't run comment tokens through the mode's state machine.</li> 80 <li><a href="">shell mode</a>: Allow strings to span lines.</li> 81 <li><a href="">search addon</a>: Fix crash in persistent search when <code>extraKeys</code> is null.</li> 82 </ul> 83 84 <p class="rel">21-07-2017: <a href="">Version 5.28.0</a>:</p> 85 86 <ul class="rel-note"> 87 <li>Fix copying of, or replacing editor content with, a single dash character when copying a big selection in some corner cases.</li> 88 <li>Make <a href=""><code>&quot;goLineLeft&quot;</code></a>/<code>&quot;goLineRight&quot;</code> behave better on wrapped lines.</li> 89 <li><a href="">sql mode</a>: Fix tokenizing of multi-dot operator and allow digits in subfield names.</li> 90 <li><a href="">searchcursor addon</a>: Fix infinite loop on some composed character inputs.</li> 91 <li><a href="">markdown mode</a>: Make list parsing more CommonMark-compliant.</li> 92 <li><a href="">gfm mode</a>: Highlight colon syntax for emoji.</li> 93 </ul> 94 95 <p class="rel">29-06-2017: <a href="">Version 5.27.4</a>:</p> 96 97 <ul class="rel-note"> 98 <li>Fix crash when using mode lookahead.</li> 99 <li><a href="">markdown mode</a>: Don't block inner mode's indentation support.</li> 100 </ul> 101 102 <p class="rel">22-06-2017: <a href="">Version 5.27.2</a>:</p> 103 104 <ul class="rel-note"> 105 <li>Fix crash in the <a href="">simple mode</a> addon.</li> 106 </ul> 107 108 <p class="rel">22-06-2017: <a href="">Version 5.27.0</a>:</p> 109 110 <ul class="rel-note"> 111 <li>Fix infinite loop in forced display update.</li> 112 <li>Properly disable the hidden textarea when <code>readOnly</code> is <code>&quot;nocursor&quot;</code>.</li> 113 <li>Calling the <code>Doc</code> constructor without <code>new</code> works again.</li> 114 <li><a href="">sql mode</a>: Handle nested comments.</li> 115 <li><a href="">javascript mode</a>: Improve support for TypeScript syntax.</li> 116 <li><a href="">markdown mode</a>: Fix bug where markup was ignored on indented paragraph lines.</li> 117 <li><a href="">vim bindings</a>: Referencing invalid registers no longer causes an uncaught exception.</li> 118 <li><a href="">rust mode</a>: Add the correct MIME type.</li> 119 <li><a href="">matchbrackets addon</a>: Document options.</li> 120 <li>Mouse button clicks can now be bound in keymaps by using names like <code>&quot;LeftClick&quot;</code> or <code>&quot;Ctrl-Alt-MiddleTripleClick&quot;</code>. When bound to a function, that function will be passed the position of the click as second argument.</li> 121 <li>The behavior of mouse selection and dragging can now be customized with the <a href=""><code>configureMouse</code></a> option.</li> 122 <li>Modes can now look ahead across line boundaries with the <a href=""><code>StringStream</code></a><code>.lookahead</code> method.</li> 123 <li>Introduces a <code>&quot;type&quot;</code> token type, makes modes that recognize types output it, and add styling for it to the themes.</li> 124 <li>New <a href=""><code>pasteLinesPerSelection</code></a> option to control the behavior of pasting multiple lines into multiple selections.</li> 125 <li><a href="">searchcursor addon</a>: Support multi-line regular expression matches, and normalize strings when matching.</li> 126 </ul> 127 128 <p class="rel">22-05-2017: <a href="">Version 5.26.0</a>:</p> 129 130 <ul class="rel-note"> 131 <li>In textarea-mode, don't reset the input field during composition.</li> 132 <li>More careful restoration of selections in widgets, during editor redraw.</li> 133 <li><a href="">vim bindings</a>: Parse line offsets in line or range specs.</li> 134 <li><a href="">javascript mode</a>: More TypeScript parsing fixes.</li> 135 <li><a href="">julia mode</a>: Fix issue where the mode gets stuck.</li> 136 <li><a href="">markdown mode</a>: Understand cross-line links, parse all bracketed things as links.</li> 137 <li><a href="">soy mode</a>: Support single-quoted strings.</li> 138 <li><a href="">go mode</a>: Don't try to indent inside strings or comments.</li> 139 </ul> 140 141 <p class="rel">20-04-2017: <a href="">Version 5.25.2</a>:</p> 142 143 <ul class="rel-note"> 144 <li>Better handling of selections that cover the whole viewport in contentEditable-mode.</li> 145 <li>No longer accidentally scroll the editor into view when calling <code>setValue</code>.</li> 146 <li>Work around Chrome Android bug when converting screen coordinates to editor positions.</li> 147 <li>Make sure long-clicking a selection sets a cursor and doesn't show the editor losing focus.</li> 148 <li>Fix issue where pointer events were incorrectly disabled on Chrome's overlay scrollbars.</li> 149 <li><a href="">javascript mode</a>: Recognize annotations and TypeScript-style type parameters.</li> 150 <li><a href="">shell mode</a>: Handle nested braces.</li> 151 <li><a href="">markdown mode</a>: Make parsing of strong/em delimiters CommonMark-compliant.</li> 152 </ul> 153 154 <p class="rel">20-03-2017: <a href="">Version 5.25.0</a>:</p> 155 156 <ul class=rel-note> 157 <li>In contentEditable-mode, properly locate changes that repeat a character when inserted with IME.</li> 158 <li>Fix handling of selections bigger than the viewport in contentEditable mode.</li> 159 <li>Improve handling of changes that insert or delete lines in contentEditable mode.</li> 160 <li>Count Unicode control characters 0x80 to 0x9F as special (non-printing) chars.</li> 161 <li>Fix handling of shadow DOM roots when finding the active element.</li> 162 <li>Add <code>role=presentation</code> to more DOM elements to improve screen reader support.</li> 163 <li><a href="">merge addon</a>: Make aligning of unchanged chunks more robust.</li> 164 <li><a href="">comment addon</a>: Fix comment-toggling on a block of text that starts and ends in a (differnet) block comment.</li> 165 <li><a href="">javascript mode</a>: Improve support for TypeScript syntax.</li> 166 <li><a href="">r mode</a>: Fix indentation after semicolon-less statements.</li> 167 <li><a href="">shell mode</a>: Properly handle escaped parentheses in parenthesized expressions.</li> 168 <li><a href="">markdown mode</a>: Fix a few bugs around leaving fenced code blocks.</li> 169 <li><a href="">soy mode</a>: Improve indentation.</li> 170 <li><a href="">lint addon</a>: Support asynchronous linters that return promises.</li> 171 <li><a href="">continuelist addon</a>: Support continuing task lists.</li> 172 <li><a href="">vim bindings</a>: Make Y behave like yy.</li> 173 <li><a href="">sql mode</a>: Support sqlite dialect.</li> 174 </ul> 175 176 <p class="rel">22-02-2017: <a href="">Version 5.24.2</a>:</p> 177 178 <ul class=rel-note> 179 <li><a href="">javascript mode</a>: Support computed class method names.</li> 180 <li><a href="">merge addon</a>: Improve aligning of unchanged code in the presence of marks and line widgets.</li> 181 </ul> 182 183 <p class="rel">20-02-2017: <a href="">Version 5.24.0</a>:</p> 184 185 <ul class=rel-note> 186 <li>Positions now support a <code>sticky</code> property which determines whether they should be associated with the character before (value <code>"before"</code>) or after (value <code>"after"</code>) them.</li> 187 <li><a href="">vim bindings</a>: Make it possible to remove built-in bindings through the API.</li> 188 <li><a href="">comment addon</a>: Support a per-mode <code>useInnerComments</code> option to optionally suppress descending to the inner modes to get comment strings.</li> 189 <li>A cursor directly before a line-wrapping break is now drawn before or after the line break depending on which direction you arrived from.</li> 190 <li>Visual cursor motion in line-wrapped right-to-left text should be much more correct.</li> 191 <li>Fix bug in handling of read-only marked text.</li> 192 <li><a href="">shell mode</a>: Properly tokenize nested parentheses.</li> 193 <li><a href="">python mode</a>: Support underscores in number literals.</li> 194 <li><a href="">sass mode</a>: Uses the full list of CSS properties and keywords from the CSS mode, rather than defining its own incomplete subset. Now depends on the css mode.</li> 195 <li><a href="">css mode</a>: Expose <code>lineComment</code> property for LESS and SCSS dialects. Recognize vendor prefixes on pseudo-elements.</li> 196 <li><a href="">julia mode</a>: Properly indent <code>elseif</code> lines.</li> 197 <li><a href="">markdown mode</a>: Properly recognize the end of fenced code blocks when inside other markup.</li> 198 <li><a href="">scala mode</a>: Improve handling of operators containing <code>#</code>, <code>@</code>, and <code>:</code> chars.</li> 199 <li><a href="">xml mode</a>: Allow dashes in HTML tag names.</li> 200 <li><a href="">javascript mode</a>: Improve parsing of async methods, TypeScript-style comma-separated superclass lists.</li> 201 <li><a href="">indent-fold addon</a>: Ignore comment lines.</li> 202 </ul> 203 204 <p class="rel">19-01-2017: <a href="">Version 5.23.0</a>:</p> 205 206 <ul class=rel-note> 207 <li>Presentation-related elements DOM elements are now marked as such to help screen readers.</li> 208 <li><a href="">markdown mode</a>: Be more picky about what HTML tags look like to avoid false positives.</li> 209 <li><code>findModeByMIME</code> now understands <code>+json</code> and <code>+xml</code> MIME suffixes.</li> 210 <li><a href="">closebrackets addon</a>: Add support for an <code>override</code> option to ignore language-specific defaults.</li> 211 <li><a href="">panel addon</a>: Add a <code>stable</code> option that auto-scrolls the content to keep it in the same place when inserting/removing a panel.</li> 212 </ul> 213 214 <p class="rel">20-12-2016: <a href="">Version 5.22.0</a>:</p> 215 216 <ul class=rel-note> 217 <li><a href="">sublime bindings</a>: Make <code>selectBetweenBrackets</code> work with multiple cursors.</li> 218 <li><a href="">javascript mode</a>: Fix issues with parsing complex TypeScript types, imports, and exports.</li> 219 <li>A contentEditable editor instance with autofocus enabled no longer crashes during initializing.</li> 220 <li><a href="">emacs bindings</a>: Export <code>CodeMirror.emacs</code> to allow other addons to hook into Emacs-style functionality.</li> 221 <li><a href="">active-line addon</a>: Add <code>nonEmpty</code> option.</li> 222 <li>New event: <a href=""><code>optionChange</code></a>.</li> 223 </ul> 224 225 <p class="rel">21-11-2016: <a href="">Version 5.21.0</a>:</p> 226 227 <ul class=rel-note> 228 <li>Tapping/clicking the editor in <a href="">contentEditable mode</a> on Chrome now puts the cursor at the tapped position.</li> 229 <li>Fix various crashes and misbehaviors when reading composition events in <a href="">contentEditable mode</a>.</li> 230 <li>Catches and ignores an IE 'Unspecified Error' when creating an editor in an iframe before there is a <code>&lt;body&gt;</code>.</li> 231 <li><a href="">merge addon</a>: Fix several issues in the chunk-aligning feature.</li> 232 <li><a href="">verilog mode</a>: Rewritten to address various issues.</li> 233 <li><a href="">julia mode</a>: Recognize Julia 0.5 syntax.</li> 234 <li><a href="">swift mode</a>: Various fixes and adjustments to current syntax.</li> 235 <li><a href="">markdown mode</a>: Allow lists without a blank line above them.</li> 236 <li>The <a href=""><code>setGutterMarker</code></a>, <a href=""><code>clearGutter</code></a>, and <a href=""><code>lineInfo</code></a> methods are now available on <code>Doc</code> objects.</li> 237 <li>The <a href=""><code>heightAtLine</code></a> method now takes an extra argument to allow finding the height at the top of the line's line widgets.</li> 238 <li><a href="">ruby mode</a>: <code>else</code> and <code>elsif</code> are now immediately indented.</li> 239 <li><a href="">vim bindings</a>: Bind Ctrl-T and Ctrl-D to in- and dedent in insert mode.</li> 240 </ul> 241 242 <p class="rel">20-10-2016: <a href="">Version 5.20.0</a>:</p> 243 244 <ul class=rel-note> 245 <li>Make <code>newlineAndIndent</code> command work with multiple cursors on the same line.</li> 246 <li>Make sure keypress events for backspace are ignored.</li> 247 <li>Tokens styled with overlays no longer get a nonsense <code>cm-cm-overlay</code> class.</li> 248 <li>Line endings for pasted content are now normalized to the editor's <a href="">preferred ending</a>.</li> 249 <li><a href="">javascript mode</a>: Improve support for class expressions. Support TypeScript optional class properties, the <code>abstract</code> keyword, and return type declarations for arrow functions.</li> 250 <li><a href="">css mode</a>: Fix highlighting of mixed-case keywords.</li> 251 <li><a href="">closebrackets addon</a>: Improve behavior when typing a quote before a string.</li> 252 <li>The core is now maintained as a number of small files, using ES6 syntax and modules, under the <code>src/</code> directory. A git checkout no longer contains a working <code>codemirror.js</code> until you <code>npm build</code> (but when installing from NPM, it is included).</li> 253 <li>The <a href=""><code>refresh</code></a> event is now documented and stable.</li> 254 </ul> 255 256 <p class="rel">20-09-2016: <a href="">Version 5.19.0</a>:</p> 257 258 <ul class=rel-note> 259 <li><a href="">erlang mode</a>: Fix mode crash when trying to read an empty context.</li> 260 <li><a href="">comment addon</a>: Fix broken behavior when toggling comments inside a comment.</li> 261 <li>xml-fold addon: Fix a null-dereference bug.</li> 262 <li>Page up and page down now do something even in single-line documents.</li> 263 <li>Fix an issue where the cursor position could be off in really long (~8000 character) tokens.</li> 264 <li><a href="">javascript mode</a>: Better indentation when semicolons are missing. Better support for TypeScript classes, optional parameters, and the <code>type</code> keyword.</li> 265 <li>The <a href=""><code>blur</code></a> and <a href=""><code>focus</code></a> events now pass the DOM event to their handlers.</li> 266 </ul> 267 268 <p class="rel">23-08-2016: <a href="">Version 5.18.2</a>:</p> 269 270 <ul class=rel-note> 271 <li><a href="">vue mode</a>: Fix outdated references to renamed Pug mode dependency.</li> 272 </ul> 273 274 <p class="rel">22-08-2016: <a href="">Version 5.18.0</a>:</p> 275 276 <ul class=rel-note> 277 <li>Make sure <a href="">gutter backgrounds</a> stick to the rest of the gutter during horizontal scrolling.</li> 278 <li>The contenteditable <a href=""><code>inputStyle</code></a> now properly supports pasting on pre-Edge IE versions.</li> 279 <li><a href="">javascript mode</a>: Fix some small parsing bugs and improve TypeScript support.</li> 280 <li><a href="">matchbrackets addon</a>: Fix bug where active highlighting was left in editor when the addon was disabled.</li> 281 <li><a href="">match-highlighter addon</a>: Only start highlighting things when the editor gains focus.</li> 282 <li><a href="">javascript-hint addon</a>: Also complete non-enumerable properties.</li> 283 <li>The <a href=""><code>addOverlay</code></a> method now supports a <code>priority</code> option to control the order in which overlays are applied.</li> 284 <li>MIME types that end in <code>+json</code> now default to the JSON mode when the MIME itself is not defined.</li> 285 <li>The mode formerly known as Jade was renamed to <a href="">Pug</a>.</li> 286 <li>The <a href="">Python mode</a> now defaults to Python 3 (rather than 2) syntax.</li> 287 </ul> 288 289 <p class="rel">19-07-2016: <a href="">Version 5.17.0</a>:</p> 290 291 <ul class="rel-note"> 292 <li>Fix problem with wrapped trailing whitespace displaying incorrectly.</li> 293 <li>Prevent IME dialog from overlapping typed content in Chrome.</li> 294 <li>Improve measuring of characters near a line wrap.</li> 295 <li><a href="">javascript mode</a>: Improve support for <code>async</code>, allow trailing commas in <code>import</code> lists.</li> 296 <li><a href="">vim bindings</a>: Fix backspace in replace mode.</li> 297 <li><a href="">sublime bindings</a>: Fix some key bindings on OS X to match Sublime Text.</li> 298 <li><a href="">markdown mode</a>: Add more classes to image links in highlight-formatting mode.</li> 299 </ul> 300 301 <p class="rel">20-06-2016: <a href="">Version 5.16.0</a>:</p> 302 303 <ul class="rel-note"> 304 <li>Fix glitches when dragging content caused by the drop indicator receiving mouse events.</li> 305 <li>Make Control-drag work on Firefox.</li> 306 <li>Make clicking or selection-dragging at the end of a wrapped line select the right position.</li> 307 <li><a href="">show-hint addon</a>: Prevent widget scrollbar from hiding part of the hint text.</li> 308 <li><a href="">rulers addon</a>: Prevent rulers from forcing a horizontal editor scrollbar.</li> 309 <li><a href="">search addon</a>: Automatically bind search-related keys in persistent dialog.</li> 310 <li><a href="">sublime keymap</a>: Add a multi-cursor aware smart backspace binding.</li> 311 </ul> 312 313 <p class="rel">20-05-2016: <a href="">Version 5.15.2</a>:</p> 314 315 <ul class="rel-note"> 316 <li>Fix a critical document corruption bug that occurs when a document is gradually grown.</li> 317 </ul> 318 319 <p class="rel">20-05-2016: <a href="">Version 5.15.0</a>:</p> 320 321 <ul class="rel-note"> 322 <li>Fix bug that caused the selection to reset when focusing the editor in contentEditable input mode.</li> 323 <li>Fix issue where not all ASCII control characters were being replaced by placeholders.</li> 324 <li>Remove the assumption that all modes have a <code>startState</code> method from several wrapping modes.</li> 325 <li>Fix issue where the editor would complain about overlapping collapsed ranges when there weren't any.</li> 326 <li>Optimize document tree building when loading or pasting huge chunks of content.</li> 327 <li>Explicitly bind Ctrl-O on OS X to make that binding (“open line”) act as expected.</li> 328 <li>Pasting <a href="">linewise-copied</a> content when there is no selection now inserts the lines above the current line.</li> 329 <li><a href="">markdown mode</a>: Fix several issues in matching link targets.</li> 330 <li><a href="">clike mode</a>: Improve indentation of C++ template declarations.</li> 331 <li><a href="">javascript mode</a>: Support <code>async</code>/<code>await</code> and improve support for TypeScript type syntax.</li> 332 </ul> 333 334 <p class="rel">20-04-2016: <a href="">Version 5.14.0</a>:</p> 335 336 <ul class="rel-note"> 337 <li><a href=""><code>posFromIndex</code></a> and <a href=""><code>indexFromPos</code></a> now take <a href=""><code>lineSeparator</code></a> into account</li> 338 <li><a href="">vim bindings</a>: Only call <code>.save()</code> when it is actually available</li> 339 <li><a href="">comment addon</a>: Be careful not to mangle multi-line strings</li> 340 <li><a href="">Python mode</a>: Improve distinguishing of decorators from <code>@</code> operators</li> 341 <li><a href=""><code>findMarks</code></a>: No longer return marks that touch but don't overlap given range</li> 342 <li><a href="">vim bindings</a>: Add yank command</li> 343 <li><a href="">match-highlighter addon</a>: Add <code>trim</code> option to disable ignoring of whitespace</li> 344 <li><a href="">PowerShell mode</a>: Added</li> 345 <li><a href="">Yacas mode</a>: Added</li> 346 <li><a href="">Web IDL mode</a>: Added</li> 347 <li><a href="">SAS mode</a>: Added</li> 348 <li><a href="">mbox mode</a>: Added</li> 349 <li>Full <a href="">list of patches</a></li> 350 </ul> 351 352 <p class="rel">21-03-2016: <a href="">Version 5.13.2</a>:</p> 353 354 <ul class="rel-note"> 355 <li>Solves a problem where the gutter would sometimes not extend all the way to the end of the document.</li> 356 </ul> 357 358 <p class="rel">21-03-2016: <a href="">Version 5.13</a>:</p> 359 360 <ul class="rel-note"> 361 <li>New DOM event forwarded: <a href=""><code>&quot;dragleave&quot;</code></a>.</li> 362 <li><a href="">protobuf mode</a>: Newly added.</li> 363 <li>Fix problem where <a href=""><code>findMarks</code></a> sometimes failed to find multi-line marks.</li> 364 <li>Fix crash that showed up when atomic ranges and bidi text were combined.</li> 365 <li><a href="">show-hint addon</a>: Completion widgets no longer close when the line indented or dedented.</li> 366 <li><a href="">merge addon</a>: Fix bug when merging chunks at the end of the file.</li> 367 <li><a href="">placeholder addon</a>: No longer gets confused by <a href=""><code>swapDoc</code></a>.</li> 368 <li><a href="">simplescrollbars addon</a>: Fix invalid state when deleting at end of document.</li> 369 <li><a href="">clike mode</a>: No longer gets confused when a comment starts after an operator.</li> 370 <li><a href="">markdown mode</a>: Now supports CommonMark-style flexible list indentation.</li> 371 <li><a href="">dylan mode</a>: Several improvements and fixes.</li> 372 <li>Full <a href="">list of patches</a></li> 373 </ul> 374 375 <p class="rel">19-02-2016: <a href="">Version 5.12</a>:</p> 376 377 <ul class="rel-note"> 378 <li><a href="">Vim bindings</a>: Ctrl-Q is now an alias for Ctrl-V.</li> 379 <li><a href="">Vim bindings</a>: The Vim API now exposes an <code>unmap</code> method to unmap bindings.</li> 380 <li><a href="">active-line addon</a>: This addon can now style the active line's gutter.</li> 381 <li><a href="">FCL mode</a>: Newly added.</li> 382 <li><a href="">SQL mode</a>: Now has a Postgresql dialect.</li> 383 <li>Fix <a href="">issue</a> where trying to scroll to a horizontal position outside of the document's width could cause the gutter to be positioned incorrectly.</li> 384 <li>Use absolute, rather than fixed positioning in the context-menu intercept hack, to work around a <a href="">problem</a> when the editor is inside a transformed parent container.</li> 385 <li>Solve a <a href="">problem</a> where the horizontal scrollbar could hide text in Firefox.</li> 386 <li>Fix a <a href="">bug</a> that caused phantom scroll space under the text in some situations.</li> 387 <li><a href="">Sublime Text bindings</a>: Bind delete-line to Shift-Ctrl-K on OS X.</li> 388 <li><a href="">Markdown mode</a>: Fix <a href="">issue</a> where the mode would keep state related to fenced code blocks in an unsafe way, leading to occasional corrupted parses.</li> 389 <li><a href="">Markdown mode</a>: Ignore backslashes in code fragments.</li> 390 <li><a href="">Markdown mode</a>: Use whichever mode is registered as <code>text/html</code> to parse HTML.</li> 391 <li><a href="">Clike mode</a>: Improve indentation of Scala <code>=&gt;</code> functions.</li> 392 <li><a href="">Python mode</a>: Improve indentation of bracketed code.</li> 393 <li><a href="">HTMLMixed mode</a>: Support multi-line opening tags for sub-languages (<code>&lt;script&gt;</code>, <code>&lt;style&gt;</code>, etc).</li> 394 <li><a href="">Spreadsheet mode</a>: Fix bug where the mode did not advance the stream when finding a backslash.</li> 395 <li><a href="">XML mode</a>: The mode now takes a <code>matchClosing</code> option to configure whether mismatched closing tags should be highlighted as errors.</li> 396 </ul> 397 398 <p class="rel">20-01-2016: <a href="">Version 5.11</a>:</p> 399 400 <ul class="rel-note"> 401 <li>New modes: <a href="../mode/jsx/index.html">JSX</a>, <a href="../mode/haskell-literate/index.html">literate Haskell</a></li> 402 <li>The editor now forwards more <a href="manual.html#event_dom">DOM events</a>: <code>cut</code>, <code>copy</code>, <code>paste</code>, and <code>touchstart</code>. It will also forward <code>mousedown</code> for drag events</li> 403 <li>Fixes a bug where bookmarks next to collapsed spans were not rendered</li> 404 <li>The <a href="../mode/swift/index.html">Swift</a> mode now supports auto-indentation</li> 405 <li>Frontmatters in the <a href="../mode/yaml-frontmatter/index.html">YAML frontmatter</a> mode are now optional as intended</li> 406 <li>Full <a href="">list of patches</a></li> 407 </ul> 408 409 <p class="rel">21-12-2015: <a href="">Version 5.10</a>:</p> 410 411 <ul class="rel-note"> 412 <li>Modify the way <a href="manual.html#mark_atomic">atomic ranges</a> are skipped by selection to try and make it less surprising.</li> 413 <li>The <a href="../mode/swift/index.html">Swift mode</a> was rewritten.</li> 414 <li>New addon: <a href="manual.html#addon_jump-to-line">jump-to-line</a>.</li> 415 <li>New method: <a href="manual.html#isReadOnly"><code>isReadOnly</code></a>.</li> 416 <li>The <a href="manual.html#addon_show-hint">show-hint addon</a> now defaults to picking completions on single click.</li> 417 <li>The object passed to <a href="manual.html#event_beforeSelectionChange"><code>&quot;beforeSelectionChange&quot;</code></a> events now has an <code>origin</code> property.</li> 418 <li>New mode: <a href="../mode/crystal/index.html">Crystal</a>.</li> 419 <li>Full <a href="">list of patches</a></li> 420 </ul> 421 422 <p class="rel">23-11-2015: <a href="">Version 5.9</a>:</p> 423 424 <ul class="rel-note"> 425 <li>Improve the way overlay (OS X-style) scrollbars are handled</li> 426 <li>Make <a href="manual.html#addon_annotatescrollbar">annotatescrollbar</a> and scrollpastend addons work properly together</li> 427 <li>Make <a href="manual.html#addon_show-hint">show-hint</a> addon select options on single click by default, move selection to hovered item</li> 428 <li>Properly fold comments that include block-comment-start markers</li> 429 <li>Many small language mode fixes</li> 430 <li>Full <a href="">list of patches</a></li> 431 </ul> 432 433 <p class="rel">20-10-2015: <a href="">Version 5.8</a>:</p> 434 435 <ul class="rel-note"> 436 <li>Fixes an infinite loop in 437 the <a href="manual.html#addon_hardwrap">hardwrap 438 addon</a></li> 439 <li>New modes: <a href="../mode/nsis/index.html">NSIS</a>, <a href="../mode/clike/index.html">Ceylon</a></li> 440 <li>The Kotlin mode is now a <a href="../mode/clike/index.html">clike</a> dialect, rather than a stand-alone mode</li> 441 <li>New option: <a href="manual.html#option_allowDropFileTypes"><code>allowDropFileTypes</code></a>. Binary files can no longer be dropped into CodeMirror</li> 442 <li>New themes: <a href="../demo/theme.html#bespin">bespin</a>, <a href="../demo/theme.html#hopscotch">hopscotch</a>, <a href="../demo/theme.html#isotope">isotope</a>, <a href="../demo/theme.html#railscasts">railscasts</a></li> 443 <li>Full <a href="">list of patches</a></li> 444 </ul> 445 446 <p class="rel">20-09-2015: <a href="">Version 5.7</a>:</p> 447 448 <ul class="rel-note"> 449 <li>New modes: <a href="../mode/vue/index.html">Vue</a>, <a href="../mode/oz/index.html">Oz</a>, <a href="../mode/mscgen/index.html">MscGen</a> (and dialects), <a href="../mode/css/gss.html">Closure Stylesheets</a></li> 450 <li>Implement <a href="">CommonMark</a>-style flexible list indent and cross-line code spans in <a href="../mode/markdown/index.html">Markdown</a> mode</li> 451 <li>Add a replace-all button to the <a href="manual.html#addon_search">search addon</a>, and make the persistent search dialog transparent when it obscures the match</li> 452 <li>Handle <code>acync</code>/<code>await</code> and ocal and binary numbers in <a href="../mode/javascript/index.html">JavaScript mode</a></li> 453 <li>Fix various issues with the <a href="../mode/haxe/index.html">Haxe mode</a></li> 454 <li>Make the <a href="manual.html#addon_closebrackets">closebrackets addon</a> select only the wrapped text when wrapping selection in brackets</li> 455 <li>Tokenize properties as properties in the <a href="../mode/coffeescript/index.html">CoffeeScript mode</a></li> 456 <li>The <a href="manual.html#addon_placeholder">placeholder addon</a> now accepts a DOM node as well as a string placeholder</li> 457 <li>Full <a href="">list of patches</a></li> 458 </ul> 459 460 <p class="rel">20-08-2015: <a href="">Version 5.6</a>:</p> 461 462 <ul class="rel-note"> 463 <li>Fix bug where you could paste into a <code>readOnly</code> editor</li> 464 <li>Show a cursor at the drop location when dragging over the editor</li> 465 <li>The <a href="../mode/rust/index.html">Rust mode</a> was rewritten to handle modern Rust</li> 466 <li>The editor and theme CSS was cleaned up. Some selectors are now less specific than before</li> 467 <li>New theme: <a href="../demo/theme.html#abcdef">abcdef</a></li> 468 <li>Lines longer than <a href="manual.html#option_maxHighlightLength"><code>maxHighlightLength</code></a> are now less likely to mess up indentation</li> 469 <li>New addons: <a href="manual.html#addon_autorefresh"><code>autorefresh</code></a> for refreshing an editor the first time it becomes visible, and <code>html-lint</code> for using <a href="">HTMLHint</a></li> 470 <li>The <a href="manual.html#addon_search"><code>search</code></a> addon now recognizes <code>\r</code> and <code>\n</code> in pattern and replacement input</li> 471 <li>Full <a href="">list of patches</a></li> 472 </ul> 473 474 <p class="rel">20-07-2015: <a href="">Version 5.5</a>:</p> 475 476 <ul class="rel-note"> 477 <li>New option: <a href="manual.html#option_lineSeparator"><code>lineSeparator</code></a> (with corresponding <a href="manual.html#lineSeparator">method</a>) 478 <li>New themes: <a href="../demo/theme.html#dracula">dracula</a>, <a href="../demo/theme.html#seti">seti</a>, <a href="../demo/theme.html#yeti">yeti</a>, <a href="../demo/theme.html#material">material</a>, and <a href="../demo/theme.html#icecoder">icecoder</a></li> 479 <li>New modes: <a href="../mode/brainfuck/index.html">Brainfuck</a>, <a href="../mode/vhdl/index.html">VHDL</a>, Squirrel (<a href="../mode/clike/index.html">clike</a> dialect)</li> 480 <li>Define a <code>findPersistent</code> command in 481 the <a href="../demo/search.html">search</a> addon, for a dialog 482 that stays open as you cycle through matches</li> 483 <li>From this release on, the NPM module doesn't include documentation and demos</li> 484 <li>Full <a href="">list of patches</a></li> 485 </ul> 486 487 <p class="rel">25-06-2015: <a href="">Version 5.4</a>:</p> 488 489 <ul class="rel-note"> 490 <li>New modes: <a href="../mode/twig/index.html">Twig</a>, <a href="../mode/elm/index.html">Elm</a>, <a href="../mode/factor/index.html">Factor</a>, <a href="../mode/swift/index.html">Swift</a></li> 491 <li>Prefer clipboard API (if available) when pasting</li> 492 <li>Refined definition highlighting in <a href="../mode/clike/index.html">clike</a> mode</li> 493 <li>Full <a href="">list of patches</a></li> 494 </ul> 495 496 <p class="rel">20-05-2015: <a href="">Version 5.3</a>:</p> 497 498 <ul class="rel-note"> 499 <li>Fix several regressions in the <a href="manual.html#addon_show-hint"><code>show-hint</code></a> addon (<code>completeSingle</code> option, <code>"shown"</code> and <code>"close"</code> events)</li> 500 <li>The <a href="../demo/vim.html">vim mode</a> API was <a href="manual.html#vimapi">documented</a></li> 501 <li>New modes: <a href="../mode/asn.1/index.html">ASN.1</a>, <a href="../mode/ttcn/index.html">TTCN</a>, and <a href="../mode/ttcn-cfg/index.html">TTCN-CFG</a></li> 502 <li>The <a href="../mode/clike/index.html">clike</a> mode can now deep-indent <code>switch</code> statements, and roughly recognizes types and defined identifiers</li> 503 <li>Full <a href="">list of patches</a></li> 504 </ul> 505 506 <p class="rel">20-04-2015: <a href="">Version 5.2</a>:</p> 507 508 <ul class="rel-note"> 509 <li>Fix several race conditions 510 in <a href="manual.html#addon_show-hint"><code>show-hint</code></a>'s 511 asynchronous mode</li> 512 <li>Fix backspace binding in <a href="../demo/sublime.html">Sublime bindings</a></li> 513 <li>Change the way IME is handled in the <code>"textarea"</code> <a href="manual.html#option_inputStyle">input style</a></li> 514 515 <li>New modes: <a href="../mode/mumps/index.html">MUMPS</a>, <a href="../mode/handlebars/index.html">Handlebars</a></li> 516 <li>Rewritten modes: <a href="../mode/django/index.html">Django</a>, <a href="../mode/z80/index.html">Z80</a></li> 517 <li>New theme: <a href="../demo/theme.html#liquibyte">Liquibyte</a></li> 518 <li>New option: <a href="manual.html#option_lineWiseCopyCut"><code>lineWiseCopyCut</code></a></li> 519 <li>The <a href="../demo/vim.html">Vim mode</a> now supports buffer-local options and the <code>filetype</code> setting</li> 520 <li>Full <a href="">list of patches</a></li> 521 </ul> 522 523 <p class="rel">23-03-2015: <a href="">Version 5.1</a>:</p> 524 525 <ul class="rel-note"> 526 <li>New modes: <a href="../mode/asciiarmor/index.html">ASCII armor</a> (PGP data), <a href="../mode/troff/index.html">Troff</a>, and <a href="../mode/cmake/index.html">CMake</a>.</li> 527 <li>Remove SmartyMixed mode, rewrite <a href="../mode/smarty/index.html">Smarty</a> mode to supersede it.</li> 528 <li>New commands in the <a href="manual.html#addon_merge">merge 529 addon</a>: <code>goNextDiff</code> and <code>goPrevDiff</code>.</li> 530 <li>The <a href="manual.html#addon_closebrackets">closebrackets addon</a> can now be configured per mode.</li> 531 <li>Full <a href="">list of patches</a>.</li> 532 </ul> 533 534 <p class="rel">20-02-2015: <a href="">Version 5.0</a>:</p> 535 536 <ul class="rel-note"> 537 <li>Experimental mobile support (tested on iOS, Android Chrome, stock Android browser)</li> 538 <li>New option <a href="manual.html#option_inputStyle"><code>inputStyle</code></a> to switch between hidden textarea and contenteditable input.</li> 539 <li>The <a href="manual.html#getInputField"><code>getInputField</code></a> 540 method is no longer guaranteed to return a textarea.</li> 541 <li>Full <a href="">list of patches</a>.</li> 542 </ul> 543 544 </section> 545 546 <section id=v4 class=first> 547 548 <h2>Version 4.x</h2> 549 550 <p class="rel">20-02-2015: <a href="">Version 4.13</a>:</p> 551 552 <ul class="rel-note"> 553 <li>Fix the way the <a href="../demo/closetag.html"><code>closetag</code></a> demo handles the slash character.</li> 554 <li>New modes: <a href="../mode/forth/index.html">Forth</a>, <a href="../mode/stylus/index.html">Stylus</a>.</li> 555 <li>Make the <a href="../mode/css/index.html">CSS mode</a> understand some modern CSS extensions.</li> 556 <li>Have the <a href="../mode/clike/index.html">Scala mode</a> handle symbols and triple-quoted strings.</li> 557 <li>Full <a href="">list of patches</a>.</li> 558 </ul> 559 560 <p class="rel">22-01-2015: <a href="">Version 4.12</a>:</p> 561 562 <ul class="rel-note"> 563 <li>The <a href="manual.html#addon_closetag"><code>closetag</code></a> 564 addon now defines a <code>"closeTag"</code> command.</li> 565 <li>Adds a <code>findModeByFileName</code> to the <a href="manual.html#addon_meta">mode metadata</a> 566 addon.</li> 567 <li><a href="../demo/simplemode.html">Simple mode</a> rules can 568 now contain a <code>sol</code> property to only match at the start 569 of a line.</li> 570 <li>New 571 addon: <a href="manual.html#addon_selection-pointer"><code>selection-pointer</code></a> 572 to style the mouse cursor over the selection.</li> 573 <li>Improvements to the <a href="../mode/sass/index.html">Sass mode</a>'s indentation.</li> 574 <li>The <a href="../demo/vim.html">Vim keymap</a>'s search functionality now 575 supports <a href="manual.html#addon_matchesonscrollbar">scrollbar 576 annotation</a>.</li> 577 <li>Full <a href="">list of patches</a>.</li> 578 </ul> 579 580 <p class="rel">9-01-2015: <a href="">Version 4.11</a>:</p> 581 582 <p class="rel-note">Unfortunately, 4.10 did not take care of the 583 Firefox scrolling issue entirely. This release adds two more patches 584 to address that.</p> 585 586 <p class="rel">29-12-2014: <a href="">Version 4.10</a>:</p> 587 588 <p class="rel-note">Emergency single-patch update to 4.9. Fixes 589 Firefox-specific problem where the cursor could end up behind the 590 horizontal scrollbar.</p> 591 592 <p class="rel">23-12-2014: <a href="">Version 4.9</a>:</p> 593 594 <ul class="rel-note"> 595 <li>Overhauled scroll bar handling. 596 Add pluggable <a href="../demo/simplescrollbars.html">scrollbar 597 implementations</a>.</li> 598 <li>Tweaked behavior for 599 the <a href="manual.html#addon_show-hint">completion addons</a> to 600 not take text after cursor into account.</li> 601 <li>Two new optional features in 602 the <a href="manual.html#addon_merge">merge addon</a>: aligning 603 editors, and folding unchanged text.</li> 604 <li>New 605 modes: <a href="../mode/dart/index.html">Dart</a>, <a href="../mode/ebnf/index.html">EBNF</a>, <a href="../mode/spreadsheet/index.html">spreadsheet</a>, 606 and <a href="../mode/soy/index.html">Soy</a>.</li> 607 <li>New <a href="../demo/panel.html">addon</a> to show persistent panels below/above an editor.</li> 608 <li>New themes: <a href="../demo/theme.html#zenburn">zenburn</a> 609 and <a href="../demo/theme.html#tomorrow-night-bright">tomorrow night 610 bright</a>.</li> 611 <li>Allow ctrl-click to clear existing cursors.</li> 612 <li>Full <a href="">list of patches</a>.</li> 613 </ul> 614 615 <p class="rel">22-11-2014: <a href="">Version 4.8</a>:</p> 616 617 <ul class="rel-note"> 618 <li>Built-in support for <a href="manual.html#normalizeKeyMap">multi-stroke key bindings</a>.</li> 619 <li>New method: <a href="manual.html#getLineTokens"><code>getLineTokens</code></a>.</li> 620 <li>New modes: <a href="../mode/dockerfile/index.html">dockerfile</a>, <a href="../mode/idl/index.html">IDL</a>, <a href="../mode/clike/index.html">Objective C</a> (crude).</li> 621 <li>Support styling of gutter backgrounds, allow <code>"gutter"</code> styles in <a href="manual.html#addLineClass"><code>addLineClass</code></a>.</li> 622 <li>Many improvements to the <a href="../demo/vim.html">Vim mode</a>, rewritten visual mode.</li> 623 <li>Improvements to modes: <a href="../mode/gfm/index.html">gfm</a> (strikethrough), <a href="../mode/sparql/index.html">SPARQL</a> (version 1.1 support), and <a href="../mode/stex/index.html">sTeX</a> (no more runaway math mode). 624 <li>Full <a href="">list of patches</a>.</li> 625 </ul> 626 627 <p class="rel">20-10-2014: <a href="">Version 4.7</a>:</p> 628 629 <ul class="rel-note"> 630 <li><strong>Incompatible</strong>: 631 The <a href="../demo/lint.html">lint addon</a> now passes the 632 editor's value as first argument to asynchronous lint functions, 633 for consistency. The editor is still passed, as fourth 634 argument.</li> 635 <li>Improved handling of unicode identifiers in modes for 636 languages that support them.</li> 637 <li>More mode 638 improvements: <a href="../mode/coffeescript/index.html">CoffeeScript</a> 639 (indentation), <a href="../mode/verilog/index.html">Verilog</a> 640 (indentation), <a href="../mode/clike/index.html">Scala</a> 641 (indentation, triple-quoted strings), 642 and <a href="../mode/php/index.html">PHP</a> (interpolated 643 variables in heredoc strings).</li> 644 <li>New modes: <a href="../mode/textile/index.html">Textile</a> and <a href="../mode/tornado/index.html">Tornado templates</a>.</li> 645 <li>Experimental new <a href="../demo/simplemode.html">way to define modes</a>.</li> 646 <li>Improvements to the <a href="../demo/vim.html">Vim 647 bindings</a>: Arbitrary insert mode key mappings are now possible, 648 and text objects are supported in visual mode.</li> 649 <li>The mode <a href="../mode/meta.js">meta-information file</a> 650 now includes information about file extensions, 651 and <a href="manual.html#addon_meta">helper 652 functions</a> <code>findModeByMIME</code> 653 and <code>findModeByExtension</code>.</li> 654 <li>New logo!</li> 655 <li>Full <a href="">list of patches</a>.</li> 656 </ul> 657 658 <p class="rel">19-09-2014: <a href="">Version 4.6</a>:</p> 659 660 <ul class="rel-note"> 661 <li>New mode: <a href="../mode/modelica/index.html">Modelica</a></li> 662 <li>New method: <a href="manual.html#findWordAt"><code>findWordAt</code></a></li> 663 <li>Make it easier to <a href="../demo/markselection.html">use text background styling</a></li> 664 <li>Full <a href="">list of patches</a>.</li> 665 </ul> 666 667 <p class="rel">21-08-2014: <a href="">Version 4.5</a>:</p> 668 669 <ul class="rel-note"> 670 <li>Fix several serious bugs with horizontal scrolling</li> 671 <li>New mode: <a href="../mode/slim/index.html">Slim</a></li> 672 <li>New command: <a href="manual.html#command_goLineLeftSmart"><code>goLineLeftSmart</code></a></li> 673 <li>More fixes and extensions for the <a href="../demo/vim.html">Vim</a> visual block mode</li> 674 <li>Full <a href="">list of patches</a>.</li> 675 </ul> 676 677 <p class="rel">21-07-2014: <a href="">Version 4.4</a>:</p> 678 679 <ul class="rel-note"> 680 <li><strong>Note:</strong> Some events might now fire in slightly 681 different order (<code>"change"</code> is still guaranteed to fire 682 before <code>"cursorActivity"</code>)</li> 683 <li>Nested operations in multiple editors are now synced (complete 684 at same time, reducing DOM reflows)</li> 685 <li>Visual block mode for <a href="../demo/vim.html">vim</a> (&lt;C-v>) is nearly complete</li> 686 <li>New mode: <a href="../mode/kotlin/index.html">Kotlin</a></li> 687 <li>Better multi-selection paste for text copied from multiple CodeMirror selections</li> 688 <li>Full <a href="">list of patches</a>.</li> 689 </ul> 690 691 <p class="rel">23-06-2014: <a href="">Version 4.3</a>:</p> 692 693 <ul class="rel-note"> 694 <li>Several <a href="../demo/vim.html">vim bindings</a> 695 improvements: search and exCommand history, global flag 696 for <code>:substitute</code>, <code>:global</code> command. 697 <li>Allow hiding the cursor by 698 setting <a href="manual.html#option_cursorBlinkRate"><code>cursorBlinkRate</code></a> 699 to a negative value.</li> 700 <li>Make gutter markers themeable, use this in foldgutter.</li> 701 <li>Full <a href="">list of patches</a>.</li> 702 </ul> 703 704 <p class="rel">19-05-2014: <a href="">Version 4.2</a>:</p> 705 706 <ul class="rel-note"> 707 <li>Fix problem where some modes were broken by the fact that empty tokens were forbidden.</li> 708 <li>Several fixes to context menu handling.</li> 709 <li>On undo, scroll <em>change</em>, not cursor, into view.</li> 710 <li>Rewritten <a href="../mode/jade/index.html">Jade</a> mode.</li> 711 <li>Various improvements to <a href="../mode/shell/index.html">Shell</a> (support for more syntax) and <a href="../mode/python/index.html">Python</a> (better indentation) modes.</li> 712 <li>New mode: <a href="../mode/cypher/index.html">Cypher</a>.</li> 713 <li>New theme: <a href="../demo/theme.html#neo">Neo</a>.</li> 714 <li>Support direct styling options (color, line style, width) in the <a href="manual.html#addon_rulers">rulers</a> addon.</li> 715 <li>Recognize per-editor configuration for the <a href="manual.html#addon_show-hint">show-hint</a> and <a href="manual.html#addon_foldcode">foldcode</a> addons.</li> 716 <li>More intelligent scanning for existing close tags in <a href="manual.html#addon_closetag">closetag</a> addon.</li> 717 <li>In the <a href="../demo/vim.html">Vim bindings</a>: Fix bracket matching, support case conversion in visual mode, visual paste, append action.</li> 718 <li>Full <a href="">list of patches</a>.</li> 719 </ul> 720 721 <p class="rel">22-04-2014: <a href="">Version 4.1</a>:</p> 722 723 <ul class="rel-note"> 724 <li><em>Slightly incompatible</em>: 725 The <a href="manual.html#event_cursorActivity"><code>"cursorActivity"</code></a> 726 event now fires after all other events for the operation (and only 727 for handlers that were actually registered at the time the 728 activity happened).</li> 729 <li>New command: <a href="manual.html#command_insertSoftTab"><code>insertSoftTab</code></a>.</li> 730 <li>New mode: <a href="../mode/django/index.html">Django</a>.</li> 731 <li>Improved modes: <a href="../mode/verilog/index.html">Verilog</a> (rewritten), <a href="../mode/jinja2/index.html">Jinja2</a>, <a href="../mode/haxe/index.html">Haxe</a>, <a href="../mode/php/index.html">PHP</a> (string interpolation highlighted), <a href="../mode/javascript/index.html">JavaScript</a> (indentation of trailing else, template strings), <a href="../mode/livescript/index.html">LiveScript</a> (multi-line strings).</li> 732 <li>Many small issues from the 3.x→4.x transition were found and fixed.</li> 733 <li>Full <a href="">list of patches</a>.</li> 734 </ul> 735 736 <p class="rel">20-03-2014: <a href="">Version 4.0</a>:</p> 737 738 <p class="rel-note">This is a new major version of CodeMirror. There 739 are a few <strong>incompatible</strong> changes in the API. Upgrade 740 with care, and read the <a href="upgrade_v4.html">upgrading 741 guide</a>.</p> 742 743 <ul class="rel-note"> 744 <li>Multiple selections (ctrl-click, alt-drag, <a href="manual.html#setSelections">API</a>).</li> 745 <li>Sublime Text <a href="../demo/sublime.html">bindings</a>.</li> 746 <li><a href="manual.html#modloader">Module loader shims</a> wrapped around all modules.</li> 747 <li>Selection <a href="manual.html#command_undoSelection">undo</a>/<a href="manual.html#command_redoSelection">redo</a>.</li> 748 <li>Improved character measuring (faster, handles wrapped lines more robustly).</li> 749 <li>Full <a href="">list of patches</a>.</li> 750 </ul> 751 752 </section> 753 754 <section id=v3> 755 756 <h2>Version 3.x</h2> 757 758 <p class="rel">22-04-2014: <a href="">Version 3.24</a>:</p> 759 760 <p class="rel-note">Merges the improvements from 4.1 that could 761 easily be applied to the 3.x code. Also improves the way the editor 762 size is updated when line widgets change.</p> 763 764 <p class="rel">20-03-2014: <a href="">Version 3.23</a>:</p> 765 766 <ul class="rel-note"> 767 <li>In the <a href="../mode/xml/index.html">XML mode</a>, 768 add <code>brackets</code> style to angle brackets, fix 769 case-sensitivity of tags for HTML.</li> 770 <li>New mode: <a href="../mode/dylan/index.html">Dylan</a>.</li> 771 <li>Many improvements to the <a href="../demo/vim.html">Vim bindings</a>.</li> 772 </ul> 773 774 <p class="rel">21-02-2014: <a href="">Version 3.22</a>:</p> 775 776 <ul class="rel-note"> 777 <li>Adds the <a href="manual.html#findMarks"><code>findMarks</code></a> method.</li> 778 <li>New addons: <a href="manual.html#addon_rulers">rulers</a>, markdown-fold, yaml-lint.</li> 779 <li>New theme: <a href="../demo/theme.html#mdn-like">mdn-like</a>.</li> 780 <li>New mode: <a href="../mode/solr/index.html">Solr</a>.</li> 781 <li>Full <a href="">list of patches</a>.</li> 782 </ul> 783 784 <p class="rel">16-01-2014: <a href="">Version 3.21</a>:</p> 785 786 <ul class="rel-note"> 787 <li>Auto-indenting a block will no longer add trailing whitespace to blank lines.</li> 788 <li>Marking text has a new option <a href="manual.html#markText"><code>clearWhenEmpty</code></a> to control auto-removal.</li> 789 <li>Several bugfixes in the handling of bidirectional text.</li> 790 <li>The <a href="../mode/xml/index.html">XML</a> and <a href="../mode/css/index.html">CSS</a> modes were largely rewritten. <a href="../mode/css/less.html">LESS</a> support was added to the CSS mode.</li> 791 <li>The OCaml mode was moved to an <a href="../mode/mllike/index.html">mllike</a> mode, F# support added.</li> 792 <li>Make it possible to fetch multiple applicable helper values with <a href="manual.html#getHelpers"><code>getHelpers</code></a>, and to register helpers matched on predicates with <a href="manual.html#registerGlobalHelper"><code>registerGlobalHelper</code></a>.</li> 793 <li>New theme <a href="../demo/theme.html#pastel-on-dark">pastel-on-dark</a>.</li> 794 <li>Better ECMAScript 6 support in <a href="../mode/javascript/index.html">JavaScript</a> mode.</li> 795 <li>Full <a href="">list of patches</a>.</li> 796 </ul> 797 798 <p class="rel">21-11-2013: <a href="">Version 3.20</a>:</p> 799 800 <ul class="rel-note"> 801 <li>New modes: <a href="../mode/julia/index.html">Julia</a> and <a href="../mode/pegjs/index.html">PEG.js</a>.</li> 802 <li>Support ECMAScript 6 in the <a href="../mode/javascript/index.html">JavaScript mode</a>.</li> 803 <li>Improved indentation for the <a href="../mode/coffeescript/index.html">CoffeeScript mode</a>.</li> 804 <li>Make non-printable-character representation <a href="manual.html#option_specialChars">configurable</a>.</li> 805 <li>Add ‘notification’ functionality to <a href="manual.html#addon_dialog">dialog</a> addon.</li> 806 <li>Full <a href="">list of patches</a>.</li> 807 </ul> 808 809 <p class="rel">21-10-2013: <a href="">Version 3.19</a>:</p> 810 811 <ul class="rel-note"> 812 <li>New modes: <a href="../mode/eiffel/index.html">Eiffel</a>, <a href="../mode/gherkin/index.html">Gherkin</a>, <a href="../mode/sql/?mime=text/x-mssql">MSSQL dialect</a>.</li> 813 <li>New addons: <a href="manual.html#addon_hardwrap">hardwrap</a>, <a href="manual.html#addon_sql-hint">sql-hint</a>.</li> 814 <li>New theme: <a href="../demo/theme.html#mbo">MBO</a>.</li> 815 <li>Add <a href="manual.html#token_style_line">support</a> for line-level styling from mode tokenizers.</li> 816 <li>Full <a href="">list of patches</a>.</li> 817 </ul> 818 819 <p class="rel">23-09-2013: <a href="">Version 3.18</a>:</p> 820 821 <p class="rel-note">Emergency release to fix a problem in 3.17 822 where <code>.setOption("lineNumbers", false)</code> would raise an 823 error.</p> 824 825 <p class="rel">23-09-2013: <a href="">Version 3.17</a>:</p> 826 827 <ul class="rel-note"> 828 <li>New modes: <a href="../mode/fortran/index.html">Fortran</a>, <a href="../mode/octave/index.html">Octave</a> (Matlab), <a href="../mode/toml/index.html">TOML</a>, and <a href="../mode/dtd/index.html">DTD</a>.</li> 829 <li>New addons: <a href="../addon/lint/css-lint.js"><code>css-lint</code></a>, <a href="manual.html#addon_css-hint"><code>css-hint</code></a>.</li> 830 <li>Improve resilience to CSS 'frameworks' that globally mess up <code>box-sizing</code>.</li> 831 <li>Full <a href="">list of patches</a>.</li> 832 </ul> 833 834 <p class="rel">21-08-2013: <a href="">Version 3.16</a>:</p> 835 836 <ul class="rel-note"> 837 <li>The whole codebase is now under a single <a href="../LICENSE">license</a> file.</li> 838 <li>The project page was overhauled and redesigned.</li> 839 <li>New themes: <a href="../demo/theme.html#paraiso-dark">Paraiso</a> (<a href="../demo/theme.html#paraiso-light">light</a>), <a href="../demo/theme.html#the-matrix">The Matrix</a>.</li> 840 <li>Improved interaction between themes and <a href="manual.html#addon_active-line">active-line</a>/<a href="manual.html#addon_matchbrackets">matchbrackets</a> addons.</li> 841 <li>New <a href="manual.html#addon_foldcode">folding</a> function <code>CodeMirror.fold.comment</code>.</li> 842 <li>Added <a href="manual.html#addon_fullscreen">fullscreen</a> addon.</li> 843 <li>Full <a href="">list of patches</a>.</li> 844 </ul> 845 846 <p class="rel">29-07-2013: <a href="">Version 3.15</a>:</p> 847 848 <ul class="rel-note"> 849 <li>New modes: <a href="../mode/jade/index.html">Jade</a>, <a href="../mode/nginx/index.html">Nginx</a>.</li> 850 <li>New addons: <a href="../demo/tern.html">Tern</a>, <a href="manual.html#addon_matchtags">matchtags</a>, and <a href="manual.html#addon_foldgutter">foldgutter</a>.</li> 851 <li>Introduced <a href="manual.html#getHelper"><em>helper</em></a> concept (<a href="!msg/codemirror/cOc0xvUUEUU/nLrX1-qnidgJ">context</a>).</li> 852 <li>New method: <a href="manual.html#getModeAt"><code>getModeAt</code></a>.</li> 853 <li>New themes: base16 <a href="../demo/theme.html#base16-dark">dark</a>/<a href="../demo/theme.html#base16-light">light</a>, 3024 <a href="../demo/theme.html#3024-night">dark</a>/<a href="../demo/theme.html#3024-day">light</a>, <a href="../demo/theme.html#tomorrow-night-eighties">tomorrow-night</a>.</li> 854 <li>Full <a href="">list of patches</a>.</li> 855 </ul> 856 857 <p class="rel">20-06-2013: <a href="">Version 3.14</a>:</p> 858 859 <ul class="rel-note"> 860 <li>New 861 addons: <a href="manual.html#addon_trailingspace">trailing 862 space highlight</a>, <a href="manual.html#addon_xml-hint">XML 863 completion</a> (rewritten), 864 and <a href="manual.html#addon_merge">diff merging</a>.</li> 865 <li><a href="manual.html#markText"><code>markText</code></a> 866 and <a href="manual.html#addLineWidget"><code>addLineWidget</code></a> 867 now take a <code>handleMouseEvents</code> option.</li> 868 <li>New methods: <a href="manual.html#lineAtHeight"><code>lineAtHeight</code></a>, 869 <a href="manual.html#getTokenTypeAt"><code>getTokenTypeAt</code></a>.</li> 870 <li>More precise cleanness-tracking 871 using <a href="manual.html#changeGeneration"><code>changeGeneration</code></a> 872 and <a href="manual.html#isClean"><code>isClean</code></a>.</li> 873 <li>Many extensions to <a href="../demo/emacs.html">Emacs</a> mode 874 (prefixes, more navigation units, and more).</li> 875 <li>New 876 events <a href="manual.html#event_keyHandled"><code>"keyHandled"</code></a> 877 and <a href="manual.html#event_inputRead"><code>"inputRead"</code></a>.</li> 878 <li>Various improvements to <a href="../mode/ruby/index.html">Ruby</a>, 879 <a href="../mode/smarty/index.html">Smarty</a>, <a href="../mode/sql/index.html">SQL</a>, 880 and <a href="../demo/vim.html">Vim</a> modes.</li> 881 <li>Full <a href="">list of patches</a>.</li> 882 </ul> 883 884 <p class="rel">20-05-2013: <a href="">Version 3.13</a>:</p> 885 886 <ul class="rel-note"> 887 <li>New modes: <a href="../mode/cobol/index.html">COBOL</a> and <a href="../mode/haml/index.html">HAML</a>.</li> 888 <li>New options: <a href="manual.html#option_cursorScrollMargin"><code>cursorScrollMargin</code></a> and <a href="manual.html#option_coverGutterNextToScrollbar"><code>coverGutterNextToScrollbar</code></a>.</li> 889 <li>New addon: <a href="manual.html#addon_comment">commenting</a>.</li> 890 <li>More features added to the <a href="../demo/vim.html">Vim keymap</a>.</li> 891 <li>Full <a href="">list of patches</a>.</li> 892 </ul> 893 894 <p class="rel">19-04-2013: <a href="">Version 3.12</a>:</p> 895 896 <ul class="rel-note"> 897 <li>New mode: <a href="../mode/gas/index.html">GNU assembler</a>.</li> 898 <li>New 899 options: <a href="manual.html#option_maxHighlightLength"><code>maxHighlightLength</code></a> 900 and <a href="manual.html#option_historyEventDelay"><code>historyEventDelay</code></a>.</li> 901 <li>Added <a href="manual.html#mark_addToHistory"><code>addToHistory</code></a> 902 option for <code>markText</code>.</li> 903 <li>Various fixes to JavaScript tokenization and indentation corner cases.</li> 904 <li>Further improvements to the vim mode.</li> 905 <li>Full <a href="">list of patches</a>.</li> 906 </ul> 907 908 <p class="rel">20-03-2013: <a href="">Version 3.11</a>:</p> 909 910 <ul class="rel-note"> 911 <li><strong>Removed code:</strong> <code>collapserange</code>, 912 <code>formatting</code>, and <code>simple-hint</code> 913 addons. <code>plsql</code> and <code>mysql</code> modes 914 (use <a href="../mode/sql/index.html"><code>sql</code></a> mode).</li> 915 <li><strong>Moved code:</strong> the range-finding functions for folding now have <a href="../addon/fold/">their own files</a>.</li> 916 <li><strong>Changed interface:</strong> 917 the <a href="manual.html#addon_continuecomment"><code>continuecomment</code></a> 918 addon now exposes an option, rather than a command.</li> 919 <li>New 920 modes: <a href="../mode/css/scss.html">SCSS</a>, <a href="../mode/tcl/index.html">Tcl</a>, <a href="../mode/livescript/index.html">LiveScript</a>, 921 and <a href="../mode/mirc/index.html">mIRC</a>.</li> 922 <li>New addons: <a href="../demo/placeholder.html"><code>placeholder</code></a>, <a href="../demo/html5complete.html">HTML completion</a>.</li> 923 <li>New 924 methods: <a href="manual.html#hasFocus"><code>hasFocus</code></a>, <a href="manual.html#defaultCharWidth"><code>defaultCharWidth</code></a>.</li> 925 <li>New events: <a href="manual.html#event_beforeCursorEnter"><code>beforeCursorEnter</code></a>, <a href="manual.html#event_renderLine"><code>renderLine</code></a>.</li> 926 <li>Many improvements to the <a href="manual.html#addon_show-hint"><code>show-hint</code></a> completion 927 dialog addon.</li> 928 <li>Tweak behavior of by-word cursor motion.</li> 929 <li>Further improvements to the <a href="../demo/vim.html">vim mode</a>.</li> 930 <li>Full <a href="">list of patches</a>.</li> 931 </ul> 932 933 <p class="rel">21-02-2013: <a href="">Version 3.1</a>:</p> 934 935 <ul class="rel-note"> 936 <li><strong>Incompatible:</strong> key handlers may 937 now <em>return</em>, rather 938 than <em>throw</em> <code>CodeMirror.Pass</code> to signal they 939 didn't handle the key.</li> 940 <li>Make documents a <a href="manual.html#api_doc">first-class 941 construct</a>, support split views and subviews.</li> 942 <li>Add a <a href="manual.html#addon_show-hint">new module</a> 943 for showing completion hints. 944 Deprecate <code>simple-hint.js</code>.</li> 945 <li>Extend <a href="../mode/htmlmixed/index.html">htmlmixed mode</a> 946 to allow custom handling of script types.</li> 947 <li>Support an <code>insertLeft</code> option 948 to <a href="manual.html#setBookmark"><code>setBookmark</code></a>.</li> 949 <li>Add an <a href="manual.html#eachLine"><code>eachLine</code></a> 950 method to iterate over a document.</li> 951 <li>New addon modules: <a href="../demo/markselection.html">selection 952 marking</a>, <a href="../demo/lint.html">linting</a>, 953 and <a href="../demo/closebrackets.html">automatic bracket 954 closing</a>.</li> 955 <li>Add <a href="manual.html#event_beforeChange"><code>"beforeChange"</code></a> 956 and <a href="manual.html#event_beforeSelectionChange"><code>"beforeSelectionChange"</code></a> 957 events.</li> 958 <li>Add <a href="manual.html#event_hide"><code>"hide"</code></a> 959 and <a href="manual.html#event_unhide"><code>"unhide"</code></a> 960 events to marked ranges.</li> 961 <li>Fix <a href="manual.html#coordsChar"><code>coordsChar</code></a>'s 962 interpretation of its argument to match the documentation.</li> 963 <li>New modes: <a href="../mode/turtle/index.html">Turtle</a> 964 and <a href="../mode/q/index.html">Q</a>.</li> 965 <li>Further improvements to the <a href="../demo/vim.html">vim mode</a>.</li> 966 <li>Full <a href="">list of patches</a>.</li> 967 </ul> 968 969 970 <p class="rel">25-01-2013: <a href="">Version 3.02</a>:</p> 971 972 <p class="rel-note">Single-bugfix release. Fixes a problem that 973 prevents CodeMirror instances from being garbage-collected after 974 they become unused.</p> 975 976 <p class="rel">21-01-2013: <a href="">Version 3.01</a>:</p> 977 978 <ul class="rel-note"> 979 <li>Move all add-ons into an organized directory structure 980 under <a href="../addon/"><code>/addon</code></a>. <strong>You might have to adjust your 981 paths.</strong></li> 982 <li>New 983 modes: <a href="../mode/d/index.html">D</a>, <a href="../mode/sass/index.html">Sass</a>, <a href="../mode/apl/index.html">APL</a>, <a href="../mode/sql/index.html">SQL</a> 984 (configurable), and <a href="../mode/asterisk/index.html">Asterisk</a>.</li> 985 <li>Several bugfixes in right-to-left text support.</li> 986 <li>Add <a href="manual.html#option_rtlMoveVisually"><code>rtlMoveVisually</code></a> option.</li> 987 <li>Improvements to vim keymap.</li> 988 <li>Add built-in (lightweight) <a href="manual.html#addOverlay">overlay mode</a> support.</li> 989 <li>Support <code>showIfHidden</code> option for <a href="manual.html#addLineWidget">line widgets</a>.</li> 990 <li>Add simple <a href="manual.html#addon_python-hint">Python hinter</a>.</li> 991 <li>Bring back the <a href="manual.html#option_fixedGutter"><code>fixedGutter</code></a> option.</li> 992 <li>Full <a href="">list of patches</a>.</li> 993 </ul> 994 995 <p class="rel">10-12-2012: <a href="">Version 3.0</a>:</p> 996 997 <p class="rel-note"><strong>New major version</strong>. Only 998 partially backwards-compatible. See 999 the <a href="upgrade_v3.html">upgrading guide</a> for more 1000 information. Changes since release candidate 2:</p> 1001 1002 <ul class="rel-note"> 1003 <li>Rewritten VIM mode.</li> 1004 <li>Fix a few minor scrolling and sizing issues.</li> 1005 <li>Work around Safari segfault when dragging.</li> 1006 <li>Full <a href="">list of patches</a>.</li> 1007 </ul> 1008 1009 <p class="rel">20-11-2012: <a href="">Version 3.0, release candidate 2</a>:</p> 1010 1011 <ul class="rel-note"> 1012 <li>New mode: <a href="../mode/http/index.html">HTTP</a>.</li> 1013 <li>Improved handling of selection anchor position.</li> 1014 <li>Improve IE performance on longer lines.</li> 1015 <li>Reduce gutter glitches during horiz. scrolling.</li> 1016 <li>Add <a href="manual.html#addKeyMap"><code>addKeyMap</code></a> and <a href="manual.html#removeKeyMap"><code>removeKeyMap</code></a> methods.</li> 1017 <li>Rewrite <code>formatting</code> and <code>closetag</code> add-ons.</li> 1018 <li>Full <a href="">list of patches</a>.</li> 1019 </ul> 1020 1021 <p class="rel">20-11-2012: <a href="">Version 3.0, release candidate 1</a>:</p> 1022 1023 <ul class="rel-note"> 1024 <li>New theme: <a href="../demo/theme.html#solarized%20light">Solarized</a>.</li> 1025 <li>Introduce <a href="manual.html#addLineClass"><code>addLineClass</code></a> 1026 and <a href="manual.html#removeLineClass"><code>removeLineClass</code></a>, 1027 drop <code>setLineClass</code>.</li> 1028 <li>Add a <em>lot</em> of 1029 new <a href="manual.html#markText">options for marked text</a> 1030 (read-only, atomic, collapsed, widget replacement).</li> 1031 <li>Remove the old code folding interface in favour of these new ranges.</li> 1032 <li>Add <a href="manual.html#isClean"><code>isClean</code></a>/<a href="manual.html#markClean"><code>markClean</code></a> methods.</li> 1033 <li>Remove <code>compoundChange</code> method, use better undo-event-combining heuristic.</li> 1034 <li>Improve scrolling performance smoothness.</li> 1035 <li>Full <a href="">list of patches</a>.</li> 1036 </ul> 1037 1038 <p class="rel">22-10-2012: <a href="">Version 3.0, beta 2</a>:</p> 1039 1040 <ul class="rel-note"> 1041 <li>Fix page-based coordinate computation.</li> 1042 <li>Fix firing of <a href="manual.html#event_gutterClick"><code>gutterClick</code></a> event.</li> 1043 <li>Add <a href="manual.html#option_cursorHeight"><code>cursorHeight</code></a> option.</li> 1044 <li>Fix bi-directional text regression.</li> 1045 <li>Add <a href="manual.html#option_viewportMargin"><code>viewportMargin</code></a> option.</li> 1046 <li>Directly handle mousewheel events (again, hopefully better).</li> 1047 <li>Make vertical cursor movement more robust (through widgets, big line gaps).</li> 1048 <li>Add <a href="manual.html#option_flattenSpans"><code>flattenSpans</code></a> option.</li> 1049 <li>Many optimizations. Poor responsiveness should be fixed.</li> 1050 <li>Initialization in hidden state works again.</li> 1051 <li>Full <a href="">list of patches</a>.</li> 1052 </ul> 1053 1054 <p class="rel">19-09-2012: <a href="">Version 3.0, beta 1</a>:</p> 1055 1056 <ul class="rel-note"> 1057 <li>Bi-directional text support.</li> 1058 <li>More powerful gutter model.</li> 1059 <li>Support for arbitrary text/widget height.</li> 1060 <li>In-line widgets.</li> 1061 <li>Generalized event handling.</li> 1062 </ul> 1063 1064 </section> 1065 1066 <section id=v2> 1067 1068 <h2>Version 2.x</h2> 1069 1070 <p class="rel">21-01-2013: <a href="">Version 2.38</a>:</p> 1071 1072 <p class="rel-note">Integrate some bugfixes, enhancements to the vim keymap, and new 1073 modes 1074 (<a href="../mode/d/index.html">D</a>, <a href="../mode/sass/index.html">Sass</a>, <a href="../mode/apl/index.html">APL</a>) 1075 from the v3 branch.</p> 1076 1077 <p class="rel">20-12-2012: <a href="">Version 2.37</a>:</p> 1078 1079 <ul class="rel-note"> 1080 <li>New mode: <a href="../mode/sql/index.html">SQL</a> (will replace <a href="../mode/plsql/index.html">plsql</a> and <a href="../mode/mysql/index.html">mysql</a> modes).</li> 1081 <li>Further work on the new VIM mode.</li> 1082 <li>Fix Cmd/Ctrl keys on recent Operas on OS X.</li> 1083 <li>Full <a href="">list of patches</a>.</li> 1084 </ul> 1085 1086 <p class="rel">20-11-2012: <a href="">Version 2.36</a>:</p> 1087 1088 <ul class="rel-note"> 1089 <li>New mode: <a href="../mode/z80/index.html">Z80 assembly</a>.</li> 1090 <li>New theme: <a href="../demo/theme.html#twilight">Twilight</a>.</li> 1091 <li>Add command-line compression helper.</li> 1092 <li>Make <a href="manual.html#scrollIntoView"><code>scrollIntoView</code></a> public.</li> 1093 <li>Add <a href="manual.html#defaultTextHeight"><code>defaultTextHeight</code></a> method.</li> 1094 <li>Various extensions to the vim keymap.</li> 1095 <li>Make <a href="../mode/php/index.html">PHP mode</a> build on <a href="../mode/htmlmixed/index.html">mixed HTML mode</a>.</li> 1096 <li>Add <a href="manual.html#addon_continuecomment">comment-continuing</a> add-on.</li> 1097 <li>Full <a href="../">list of patches</a>.</li> 1098 </ul> 1099 1100 <p class="rel">22-10-2012: <a href="">Version 2.35</a>:</p> 1101 1102 <ul class="rel-note"> 1103 <li>New (sub) mode: <a href="../mode/javascript/typescript.html">TypeScript</a>.</li> 1104 <li>Don't overwrite (insert key) when pasting.</li> 1105 <li>Fix several bugs in <a href="manual.html#markText"><code>markText</code></a>/undo interaction.</li> 1106 <li>Better indentation of JavaScript code without semicolons.</li> 1107 <li>Add <a href="manual.html#defineInitHook"><code>defineInitHook</code></a> function.</li> 1108 <li>Full <a href="">list of patches</a>.</li> 1109 </ul> 1110 1111 <p class="rel">19-09-2012: <a href="">Version 2.34</a>:</p> 1112 1113 <ul class="rel-note"> 1114 <li>New mode: <a href="../mode/commonlisp/index.html">Common Lisp</a>.</li> 1115 <li>Fix right-click select-all on most browsers.</li> 1116 <li>Change the way highlighting happens:<br>&nbsp; Saves memory and CPU cycles.<br>&nbsp; <code>compareStates</code> is no longer needed.<br>&nbsp; <code>onHighlightComplete</code> no longer works.</li> 1117 <li>Integrate mode (Markdown, XQuery, CSS, sTex) tests in central testsuite.</li> 1118 <li>Add a <a href="manual.html#version"><code>CodeMirror.version</code></a> property.</li> 1119 <li>More robust handling of nested modes in <a href="../demo/formatting.html">formatting</a> and <a href="../demo/closetag.html">closetag</a> plug-ins.</li> 1120 <li>Un/redo now preserves <a href="manual.html#markText">marked text</a> and bookmarks.</li> 1121 <li><a href="">Full list</a> of patches.</li> 1122 </ul> 1123 1124 <p class="rel">23-08-2012: <a href="">Version 2.33</a>:</p> 1125 1126 <ul class="rel-note"> 1127 <li>New mode: <a href="../mode/sieve/index.html">Sieve</a>.</li> 1128 <li>New <a href="manual.html#getViewport"><code>getViewPort</code></a> and <a href="manual.html#option_onViewportChange"><code>onViewportChange</code></a> API.</li> 1129 <li><a href="manual.html#option_cursorBlinkRate">Configurable</a> cursor blink rate.</li> 1130 <li>Make binding a key to <code>false</code> disabling handling (again).</li> 1131 <li>Show non-printing characters as red dots.</li> 1132 <li>More tweaks to the scrolling model.</li> 1133 <li>Expanded testsuite. Basic linter added.</li> 1134 <li>Remove most uses of <code>innerHTML</code>. Remove <code>CodeMirror.htmlEscape</code>.</li> 1135 <li><a href="">Full list</a> of patches.</li> 1136 </ul> 1137 1138 <p class="rel">23-07-2012: <a href="">Version 2.32</a>:</p> 1139 1140 <p class="rel-note">Emergency fix for a bug where an editor with 1141 line wrapping on IE will break when there is <em>no</em> 1142 scrollbar.</p> 1143 1144 <p class="rel">20-07-2012: <a href="">Version 2.31</a>:</p> 1145 1146 <ul class="rel-note"> 1147 <li>New modes: <a href="../mode/ocaml/index.html">OCaml</a>, <a href="../mode/haxe/index.html">Haxe</a>, and <a href="../mode/vb/index.html">VB.NET</a>.</li> 1148 <li>Several fixes to the new scrolling model.</li> 1149 <li>Add a <a href="manual.html#setSize"><code>setSize</code></a> method for programmatic resizing.</li> 1150 <li>Add <a href="manual.html#getHistory"><code>getHistory</code></a> and <a href="manual.html#setHistory"><code>setHistory</code></a> methods.</li> 1151 <li>Allow custom line separator string in <a href="manual.html#getValue"><code>getValue</code></a> and <a href="manual.html#getRange"><code>getRange</code></a>.</li> 1152 <li>Support double- and triple-click drag, double-clicking whitespace.</li> 1153 <li>And more... <a href="">(all patches)</a></li> 1154 </ul> 1155 1156 <p class="rel">22-06-2012: <a href="">Version 2.3</a>:</p> 1157 1158 <ul class="rel-note"> 1159 <li><strong>New scrollbar implementation</strong>. Should flicker less. Changes DOM structure of the editor.</li> 1160 <li>New theme: <a href="../demo/theme.html#vibrant-ink">vibrant-ink</a>.</li> 1161 <li>Many extensions to the VIM keymap (including text objects).</li> 1162 <li>Add <a href="../demo/multiplex.html">mode-multiplexing</a> utility script.</li> 1163 <li>Fix bug where right-click paste works in read-only mode.</li> 1164 <li>Add a <a href="manual.html#getScrollInfo"><code>getScrollInfo</code></a> method.</li> 1165 <li>Lots of other <a href="">fixes</a>.</li> 1166 </ul> 1167 1168 <p class="rel">23-05-2012: <a href="">Version 2.25</a>:</p> 1169 1170 <ul class="rel-note"> 1171 <li>New mode: <a href="../mode/erlang/index.html">Erlang</a>.</li> 1172 <li><strong>Remove xmlpure mode</strong> (use <a href="../mode/xml/index.html">xml.js</a>).</li> 1173 <li>Fix line-wrapping in Opera.</li> 1174 <li>Fix X Windows middle-click paste in Chrome.</li> 1175 <li>Fix bug that broke pasting of huge documents.</li> 1176 <li>Fix backspace and tab key repeat in Opera.</li> 1177 </ul> 1178 1179 <p class="rel">23-04-2012: <a href="">Version 2.24</a>:</p> 1180 1181 <ul class="rel-note"> 1182 <li><strong>Drop support for Internet Explorer 6</strong>.</li> 1183 <li>New 1184 modes: <a href="../mode/shell/index.html">Shell</a>, <a href="../mode/tiki/index.html">Tiki 1185 wiki</a>, <a href="../mode/pig/index.html">Pig Latin</a>.</li> 1186 <li>New themes: <a href="../demo/theme.html#ambiance">Ambiance</a>, <a href="../demo/theme.html#blackboard">Blackboard</a>.</li> 1187 <li>More control over drag/drop 1188 with <a href="manual.html#option_dragDrop"><code>dragDrop</code></a> 1189 and <a href="manual.html#option_onDragEvent"><code>onDragEvent</code></a> 1190 options.</li> 1191 <li>Make HTML mode a bit less pedantic.</li> 1192 <li>Add <a href="manual.html#compoundChange"><code>compoundChange</code></a> API method.</li> 1193 <li>Several fixes in undo history and line hiding.</li> 1194 <li>Remove (broken) support for <code>catchall</code> in key maps, 1195 add <code>nofallthrough</code> boolean field instead.</li> 1196 </ul> 1197 1198 <p class="rel">26-03-2012: <a href="">Version 2.23</a>:</p> 1199 1200 <ul class="rel-note"> 1201 <li>Change <strong>default binding for tab</strong> <a href="javascript:void(document.getElementById('tabbinding').style.display='')">[more]</a> 1202 <div style="display: none" id=tabbinding> 1203 Starting in 2.23, these bindings are default: 1204 <ul><li>Tab: Insert tab character</li> 1205 <li>Shift-tab: Reset line indentation to default</li> 1206 <li>Ctrl/Cmd-[: Reduce line indentation (old tab behaviour)</li> 1207 <li>Ctrl/Cmd-]: Increase line indentation (old shift-tab behaviour)</li> 1208 </ul> 1209 </div> 1210 </li> 1211 <li>New modes: <a href="../mode/xquery/index.html">XQuery</a> and <a href="../mode/vbscript/index.html">VBScript</a>.</li> 1212 <li>Two new themes: <a href="../mode/less/index.html">lesser-dark</a> and <a href="../mode/xquery/index.html">xq-dark</a>.</li> 1213 <li>Differentiate between background and text styles in <a href="manual.html#setLineClass"><code>setLineClass</code></a>.</li> 1214 <li>Fix drag-and-drop in IE9+.</li> 1215 <li>Extend <a href="manual.html#charCoords"><code>charCoords</code></a> 1216 and <a href="manual.html#cursorCoords"><code>cursorCoords</code></a> with a <code>mode</code> argument.</li> 1217 <li>Add <a href="manual.html#option_autofocus"><code>autofocus</code></a> option.</li> 1218 <li>Add <a href="manual.html#findMarksAt"><code>findMarksAt</code></a> method.</li> 1219 </ul> 1220 1221 <p class="rel">27-02-2012: <a href="">Version 2.22</a>:</p> 1222 1223 <ul class="rel-note"> 1224 <li>Allow <a href="manual.html#keymaps">key handlers</a> to pass up events, allow binding characters.</li> 1225 <li>Add <a href="manual.html#option_autoClearEmptyLines"><code>autoClearEmptyLines</code></a> option.</li> 1226 <li>Properly use tab stops when rendering tabs.</li> 1227 <li>Make PHP mode more robust.</li> 1228 <li>Support indentation blocks in <a href="manual.html#addon_foldcode">code folder</a>.</li> 1229 <li>Add a script for <a href="manual.html#addon_match-highlighter">highlighting instances of the selection</a>.</li> 1230 <li>New <a href="../mode/properties/index.html">.properties</a> mode.</li> 1231 <li>Fix many bugs.</li> 1232 </ul> 1233 1234 <p class="rel">27-01-2012: <a href="">Version 2.21</a>:</p> 1235 1236 <ul class="rel-note"> 1237 <li>Added <a href="../mode/less/index.html">LESS</a>, <a href="../mode/mysql/index.html">MySQL</a>, 1238 <a href="../mode/go/index.html">Go</a>, and <a href="../mode/verilog/index.html">Verilog</a> modes.</li> 1239 <li>Add <a href="manual.html#option_smartIndent"><code>smartIndent</code></a> 1240 option.</li> 1241 <li>Support a cursor in <a href="manual.html#option_readOnly"><code>readOnly</code></a>-mode.</li> 1242 <li>Support assigning multiple styles to a token.</li> 1243 <li>Use a new approach to drawing the selection.</li> 1244 <li>Add <a href="manual.html#scrollTo"><code>scrollTo</code></a> method.</li> 1245 <li>Allow undo/redo events to span non-adjacent lines.</li> 1246 <li>Lots and lots of bugfixes.</li> 1247 </ul> 1248 1249 <p class="rel">20-12-2011: <a href="">Version 2.2</a>:</p> 1250 1251 <ul class="rel-note"> 1252 <li>Slightly incompatible API changes. Read <a href="upgrade_v2.2.html">this</a>.</li> 1253 <li>New approach 1254 to <a href="manual.html#option_extraKeys">binding</a> keys, 1255 support for <a href="manual.html#option_keyMap">custom 1256 bindings</a>.</li> 1257 <li>Support for overwrite (insert).</li> 1258 <li><a href="manual.html#option_tabSize">Custom-width</a> 1259 and <a href="../demo/visibletabs.html">stylable</a> tabs.</li> 1260 <li>Moved more code into <a href="manual.html#addons">add-on scripts</a>.</li> 1261 <li>Support for sane vertical cursor movement in wrapped lines.</li> 1262 <li>More reliable handling of 1263 editing <a href="manual.html#markText">marked text</a>.</li> 1264 <li>Add minimal <a href="../demo/emacs.html">emacs</a> 1265 and <a href="../demo/vim.html">vim</a> bindings.</li> 1266 <li>Rename <code>coordsFromIndex</code> 1267 to <a href="manual.html#posFromIndex"><code>posFromIndex</code></a>, 1268 add <a href="manual.html#indexFromPos"><code>indexFromPos</code></a> 1269 method.</li> 1270 </ul> 1271 1272 <p class="rel">21-11-2011: <a href="">Version 2.18</a>:</p> 1273 <p class="rel-note">Fixes <code>TextMarker.clear</code>, which is broken in 2.17.</p> 1274 1275 <p class="rel">21-11-2011: <a href="">Version 2.17</a>:</p> 1276 <ul class="rel-note"> 1277 <li>Add support for <a href="manual.html#option_lineWrapping">line 1278 wrapping</a> and <a href="manual.html#hideLine">code 1279 folding</a>.</li> 1280 <li>Add <a href="../mode/gfm/index.html">Github-style Markdown</a> mode.</li> 1281 <li>Add <a href="../theme/monokai.css">Monokai</a> 1282 and <a href="../theme/rubyblue.css">Rubyblue</a> themes.</li> 1283 <li>Add <a href="manual.html#setBookmark"><code>setBookmark</code></a> method.</li> 1284 <li>Move some of the demo code into reusable components 1285 under <a href="../addon/"><code>lib/util</code></a>.</li> 1286 <li>Make screen-coord-finding code faster and more reliable.</li> 1287 <li>Fix drag-and-drop in Firefox.</li> 1288 <li>Improve support for IME.</li> 1289 <li>Speed up content rendering.</li> 1290 <li>Fix browser's built-in search in Webkit.</li> 1291 <li>Make double- and triple-click work in IE.</li> 1292 <li>Various fixes to modes.</li> 1293 </ul> 1294 1295 <p class="rel">27-10-2011: <a href="">Version 2.16</a>:</p> 1296 <ul class="rel-note"> 1297 <li>Add <a href="../mode/perl/index.html">Perl</a>, <a href="../mode/rust/index.html">Rust</a>, <a href="../mode/tiddlywiki/index.html">TiddlyWiki</a>, and <a href="../mode/groovy/index.html">Groovy</a> modes.</li> 1298 <li>Dragging text inside the editor now moves, rather than copies.</li> 1299 <li>Add a <a href="manual.html#coordsFromIndex"><code>coordsFromIndex</code></a> method.</li> 1300 <li><strong>API change</strong>: <code>setValue</code> now no longer clears history. Use <a href="manual.html#clearHistory"><code>clearHistory</code></a> for that.</li> 1301 <li><strong>API change</strong>: <a href="manual.html#markText"><code>markText</code></a> now 1302 returns an object with <code>clear</code> and <code>find</code> 1303 methods. Marked text is now more robust when edited.</li> 1304 <li>Fix editing code with tabs in Internet Explorer.</li> 1305 </ul> 1306 1307 <p class="rel">26-09-2011: <a href="">Version 2.15</a>:</p> 1308 <p class="rel-note">Fix bug that snuck into 2.14: Clicking the 1309 character that currently has the cursor didn't re-focus the 1310 editor.</p> 1311 1312 <p class="rel">26-09-2011: <a href="">Version 2.14</a>:</p> 1313 <ul class="rel-note"> 1314 <li>Add <a href="../mode/clojure/index.html">Clojure</a>, <a href="../mode/pascal/index.html">Pascal</a>, <a href="../mode/ntriples/index.html">NTriples</a>, <a href="../mode/jinja2/index.html">Jinja2</a>, and <a href="../mode/markdown/index.html">Markdown</a> modes.</li> 1315 <li>Add <a href="../theme/cobalt.css">Cobalt</a> and <a href="../theme/eclipse.css">Eclipse</a> themes.</li> 1316 <li>Add a <a href="manual.html#option_fixedGutter"><code>fixedGutter</code></a> option.</li> 1317 <li>Fix bug with <code>setValue</code> breaking cursor movement.</li> 1318 <li>Make gutter updates much more efficient.</li> 1319 <li>Allow dragging of text out of the editor (on modern browsers).</li> 1320 </ul> 1321 1322 1323 <p class="rel">23-08-2011: <a href="">Version 2.13</a>:</p> 1324 <ul class="rel-note"> 1325 <li>Add <a href="../mode/ruby/index.html">Ruby</a>, <a href="../mode/r/index.html">R</a>, <a href="../mode/coffeescript/index.html">CoffeeScript</a>, and <a href="../mode/velocity/index.html">Velocity</a> modes.</li> 1326 <li>Add <a href="manual.html#getGutterElement"><code>getGutterElement</code></a> to API.</li> 1327 <li>Several fixes to scrolling and positioning.</li> 1328 <li>Add <a href="manual.html#option_smartHome"><code>smartHome</code></a> option.</li> 1329 <li>Add an experimental <a href="../mode/xmlpure/index.html">pure XML</a> mode.</li> 1330 </ul> 1331 1332 <p class="rel">25-07-2011: <a href="">Version 2.12</a>:</p> 1333 <ul class="rel-note"> 1334 <li>Add a <a href="../mode/sparql/index.html">SPARQL</a> mode.</li> 1335 <li>Fix bug with cursor jumping around in an unfocused editor in IE.</li> 1336 <li>Allow key and mouse events to bubble out of the editor. Ignore widget clicks.</li> 1337 <li>Solve cursor flakiness after undo/redo.</li> 1338 <li>Fix block-reindent ignoring the last few lines.</li> 1339 <li>Fix parsing of multi-line attrs in XML mode.</li> 1340 <li>Use <code>innerHTML</code> for HTML-escaping.</li> 1341 <li>Some fixes to indentation in C-like mode.</li> 1342 <li>Shrink horiz scrollbars when long lines removed.</li> 1343 <li>Fix width feedback loop bug that caused the width of an inner DIV to shrink.</li> 1344 </ul> 1345 1346 <p class="rel">04-07-2011: <a href="">Version 2.11</a>:</p> 1347 <ul class="rel-note"> 1348 <li>Add a <a href="../mode/scheme/index.html">Scheme mode</a>.</li> 1349 <li>Add a <code>replace</code> method to search cursors, for cursor-preserving replacements.</li> 1350 <li>Make the <a href="../mode/clike/index.html">C-like mode</a> mode more customizable.</li> 1351 <li>Update XML mode to spot mismatched tags.</li> 1352 <li>Add <code>getStateAfter</code> API and <code>compareState</code> mode API methods for finer-grained mode magic.</li> 1353 <li>Add a <code>getScrollerElement</code> API method to manipulate the scrolling DIV.</li> 1354 <li>Fix drag-and-drop for Firefox.</li> 1355 <li>Add a C# configuration for the <a href="../mode/clike/index.html">C-like mode</a>.</li> 1356 <li>Add <a href="../demo/fullscreen.html">full-screen editing</a> and <a href="../demo/changemode.html">mode-changing</a> demos.</li> 1357 </ul> 1358 1359 <p class="rel">07-06-2011: <a href="">Version 2.1</a>:</p> 1360 <p class="rel-note">Add 1361 a <a href="manual.html#option_theme">theme</a> system 1362 (<a href="../demo/theme.html">demo</a>). Note that this is not 1363 backwards-compatible—you'll have to update your styles and 1364 modes!</p> 1365 1366 <p class="rel">07-06-2011: <a href="">Version 2.02</a>:</p> 1367 <ul class="rel-note"> 1368 <li>Add a <a href="../mode/lua/index.html">Lua mode</a>.</li> 1369 <li>Fix reverse-searching for a regexp.</li> 1370 <li>Empty lines can no longer break highlighting.</li> 1371 <li>Rework scrolling model (the outer wrapper no longer does the scrolling).</li> 1372 <li>Solve horizontal jittering on long lines.</li> 1373 <li>Add <a href="../demo/runmode.html">runmode.js</a>.</li> 1374 <li>Immediately re-highlight text when typing.</li> 1375 <li>Fix problem with 'sticking' horizontal scrollbar.</li> 1376 </ul> 1377 1378 <p class="rel">26-05-2011: <a href="">Version 2.01</a>:</p> 1379 <ul class="rel-note"> 1380 <li>Add a <a href="../mode/smalltalk/index.html">Smalltalk mode</a>.</li> 1381 <li>Add a <a href="../mode/rst/index.html">reStructuredText mode</a>.</li> 1382 <li>Add a <a href="../mode/python/index.html">Python mode</a>.</li> 1383 <li>Add a <a href="../mode/plsql/index.html">PL/SQL mode</a>.</li> 1384 <li><code>coordsChar</code> now works</li> 1385 <li>Fix a problem where <code>onCursorActivity</code> interfered with <code>onChange</code>.</li> 1386 <li>Fix a number of scrolling and mouse-click-position glitches.</li> 1387 <li>Pass information about the changed lines to <code>onChange</code>.</li> 1388 <li>Support cmd-up/down on OS X.</li> 1389 <li>Add triple-click line selection.</li> 1390 <li>Don't handle shift when changing the selection through the API.</li> 1391 <li>Support <code>"nocursor"</code> mode for <code>readOnly</code> option.</li> 1392 <li>Add an <code>onHighlightComplete</code> option.</li> 1393 <li>Fix the context menu for Firefox.</li> 1394 </ul> 1395 1396 <p class="rel">28-03-2011: <a href="">Version 2.0</a>:</p> 1397 <p class="rel-note">CodeMirror 2 is a complete rewrite that's 1398 faster, smaller, simpler to use, and less dependent on browser 1399 quirks. See <a href="internals.html">this</a> 1400 and <a href="">this</a> 1401 for more information.</p> 1402 1403 <p class="rel">22-02-2011: <a href="">Version 2.0 beta 2</a>:</p> 1404 <p class="rel-note">Somewhat more mature API, lots of bugs shaken out.</p> 1405 1406 <p class="rel">17-02-2011: <a href="">Version 0.94</a>:</p> 1407 <ul class="rel-note"> 1408 <li><code>tabMode: "spaces"</code> was modified slightly (now indents when something is selected).</li> 1409 <li>Fixes a bug that would cause the selection code to break on some IE versions.</li> 1410 <li>Disabling spell-check on WebKit browsers now works.</li> 1411 </ul> 1412 1413 <p class="rel">08-02-2011: <a href="">Version 2.0 beta 1</a>:</p> 1414 <p class="rel-note">CodeMirror 2 is a complete rewrite of 1415 CodeMirror, no longer depending on an editable frame.</p> 1416 1417 <p class="rel">19-01-2011: <a href="">Version 0.93</a>:</p> 1418 <ul class="rel-note"> 1419 <li>Added a <a href="contrib/regex/index.html">Regular Expression</a> parser.</li> 1420 <li>Fixes to the PHP parser.</li> 1421 <li>Support for regular expression in search/replace.</li> 1422 <li>Add <code>save</code> method to instances created with <code>fromTextArea</code>.</li> 1423 <li>Add support for MS T-SQL in the SQL parser.</li> 1424 <li>Support use of CSS classes for highlighting brackets.</li> 1425 <li>Fix yet another hang with line-numbering in hidden editors.</li> 1426 </ul> 1427 </section> 1428 1429 <section id=v1> 1430 1431 <h2>Version 0.x</h2> 1432 1433 <p class="rel">28-03-2011: <a href="">Version 1.0</a>:</p> 1434 <ul class="rel-note"> 1435 <li>Fix error when debug history overflows.</li> 1436 <li>Refine handling of C# verbatim strings.</li> 1437 <li>Fix some issues with JavaScript indentation.</li> 1438 </ul> 1439 1440 <p class="rel">17-12-2010: <a href="">Version 0.92</a>:</p> 1441 <ul class="rel-note"> 1442 <li>Make CodeMirror work in XHTML documents.</li> 1443 <li>Fix bug in handling of backslashes in Python strings.</li> 1444 <li>The <code>styleNumbers</code> option is now officially 1445 supported and documented.</li> 1446 <li><code>onLineNumberClick</code> option added.</li> 1447 <li>More consistent names <code>onLoad</code> and 1448 <code>onCursorActivity</code> callbacks. Old names still work, but 1449 are deprecated.</li> 1450 <li>Add a <a href="contrib/freemarker/index.html">Freemarker</a> mode.</li> 1451 </ul> 1452 1453 <p class="rel">11-11-2010: <a 1454 href="">Version 0.91</a>:</p> 1455 <ul class="rel-note"> 1456 <li>Adds support for <a href="contrib/java">Java</a>.</li> 1457 <li>Small additions to the <a href="contrib/php">PHP</a> and <a href="contrib/sql">SQL</a> parsers.</li> 1458 <li>Work around various <a href="">Webkit</a> <a href="">issues</a>.</li> 1459 <li>Fix <code>toTextArea</code> to update the code in the textarea.</li> 1460 <li>Add a <code>noScriptCaching</code> option (hack to ease development).</li> 1461 <li>Make sub-modes of <a href="mixedtest.html">HTML mixed</a> mode configurable.</li> 1462 </ul> 1463 1464 <p class="rel">02-10-2010: <a 1465 href="">Version 0.9</a>:</p> 1466 <ul class="rel-note"> 1467 <li>Add support for searching backwards.</li> 1468 <li>There are now parsers for <a href="contrib/scheme/index.html">Scheme</a>, <a href="contrib/xquery/index.html">XQuery</a>, and <a href="contrib/ometa/index.html">OmetaJS</a>.</li> 1469 <li>Makes <code>height: "dynamic"</code> more robust.</li> 1470 <li>Fixes bug where paste did not work on OS X.</li> 1471 <li>Add a <code>enterMode</code> and <code>electricChars</code> options to make indentation even more customizable.</li> 1472 <li>Add <code>firstLineNumber</code> option.</li> 1473 <li>Fix bad handling of <code>@media</code> rules by the CSS parser.</li> 1474 <li>Take a new, more robust approach to working around the invisible-last-line bug in WebKit.</li> 1475 </ul> 1476 1477 <p class="rel">22-07-2010: <a 1478 href="">Version 0.8</a>:</p> 1479 <ul class="rel-note"> 1480 <li>Add a <code>cursorCoords</code> method to find the screen 1481 coordinates of the cursor.</li> 1482 <li>A number of fixes and support for more syntax in the PHP parser.</li> 1483 <li>Fix indentation problem with JSON-mode JS parser in Webkit.</li> 1484 <li>Add a <a href="compress.html">minification</a> UI.</li> 1485 <li>Support a <code>height: dynamic</code> mode, where the editor's 1486 height will adjust to the size of its content.</li> 1487 <li>Better support for IME input mode.</li> 1488 <li>Fix JavaScript parser getting confused when seeing a no-argument 1489 function call.</li> 1490 <li>Have CSS parser see the difference between selectors and other 1491 identifiers.</li> 1492 <li>Fix scrolling bug when pasting in a horizontally-scrolled 1493 editor.</li> 1494 <li>Support <code>toTextArea</code> method in instances created with 1495 <code>fromTextArea</code>.</li> 1496 <li>Work around new Opera cursor bug that causes the cursor to jump 1497 when pressing backspace at the end of a line.</li> 1498 </ul> 1499 1500 <p class="rel">27-04-2010: <a 1501 href="">Version 1502 0.67</a>:</p> 1503 <p class="rel-note">More consistent page-up/page-down behaviour 1504 across browsers. Fix some issues with hidden editors looping forever 1505 when line-numbers were enabled. Make PHP parser parse 1506 <code>"\\"</code> correctly. Have <code>jumpToLine</code> work on 1507 line handles, and add <code>cursorLine</code> function to fetch the 1508 line handle where the cursor currently is. Add new 1509 <code>setStylesheet</code> function to switch style-sheets in a 1510 running editor.</p> 1511 1512 <p class="rel">01-03-2010: <a 1513 href="">Version 1514 0.66</a>:</p> 1515 <p class="rel-note">Adds <code>removeLine</code> method to API. 1516 Introduces the <a href="contrib/plsql/index.html">PLSQL parser</a>. 1517 Marks XML errors by adding (rather than replacing) a CSS class, so 1518 that they can be disabled by modifying their style. Fixes several 1519 selection bugs, and a number of small glitches.</p> 1520 1521 <p class="rel">12-11-2009: <a 1522 href="">Version 1523 0.65</a>:</p> 1524 <p class="rel-note">Add support for having both line-wrapping and 1525 line-numbers turned on, make paren-highlighting style customisable 1526 (<code>markParen</code> and <code>unmarkParen</code> config 1527 options), work around a selection bug that Opera 1528 <em>re</em>introduced in version 10.</p> 1529 1530 <p class="rel">23-10-2009: <a 1531 href="">Version 1532 0.64</a>:</p> 1533 <p class="rel-note">Solves some issues introduced by the 1534 paste-handling changes from the previous release. Adds 1535 <code>setSpellcheck</code>, <code>setTextWrapping</code>, 1536 <code>setIndentUnit</code>, <code>setUndoDepth</code>, 1537 <code>setTabMode</code>, and <code>setLineNumbers</code> to 1538 customise a running editor. Introduces an <a 1539 href="contrib/sql/index.html">SQL</a> parser. Fixes a few small 1540 problems in the <a href="contrib/python/index.html">Python</a> 1541 parser. And, as usual, add workarounds for various newly discovered 1542 browser incompatibilities.</p> 1543 1544 <p class="rel">31-08-2009: <a href="">Version 0.63</a>:</p> 1545 <p class="rel-note"> Overhaul of paste-handling (less fragile), fixes for several 1546 serious IE8 issues (cursor jumping, end-of-document bugs) and a number 1547 of small problems.</p> 1548 1549 <p class="rel">30-05-2009: <a href="">Version 0.62</a>:</p> 1550 <p class="rel-note">Introduces <a href="contrib/python/index.html">Python</a> 1551 and <a href="contrib/lua/index.html">Lua</a> parsers. Add 1552 <code>setParser</code> (on-the-fly mode changing) and 1553 <code>clearHistory</code> methods. Make parsing passes time-based 1554 instead of lines-based (see the <code>passTime</code> option).</p> 1555 1556 </section> 1557 </article>
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History Tue, 22 May 2018 22:39:53 +0200 Jan Dankert Fix für PHP 7.2: 'Object' darf nun nicht mehr als Klassennamen verwendet werden. AUCH NICHT IN EINEM NAMESPACE! WTF, wozu habe ich das in einen verfickten Namespace gepackt? Wozu soll der sonst da sein??? Amateure. Daher nun notgedrungen unbenannt in 'BaseObject'.