File modules/editor/trumbowyg/plugins/allowtagsfrompaste/trumbowyg.allowtagsfrompaste.js

Last commit: Tue Aug 28 00:33:27 2018 +0200	Jan Dankert	Editoren für Markdown (SimpleMDE) und HTML (Trumbowyg) installiert.
1 /* =========================================================== 2 * trumbowyg.allowTagsFromPaste.js v1.0.2 3 * It cleans tags from pasted text, whilst allowing several specified tags 4 * 5 * =========================================================== 6 * Author : Fathi Anshory (0x00000F5C) 7 * Twitter : @fscchannl 8 * Notes: 9 * - removeformatPasted must be set to FALSE since it was applied prior to pasteHandlers, or else it will be useless 10 * - It is most advisable to use along with the cleanpaste plugin, or else you'd end up with dirty markup 11 */ 12 13 (function ($) { 14 'use strict'; 15 16 var defaultOptions = { 17 allowTagsFromPaste: [ 18 'a', 19 'abbr', 20 'address', 21 'b', 22 'bdi', 23 'bdo', 24 'blockquote', 25 'br', 26 'cite', 27 'code', 28 'del', 29 'dfn', 30 'details', 31 'em', 32 'h1', 33 'h2', 34 'h3', 35 'h4', 36 'h5', 37 'h6', 38 'hr', 39 'i', 40 'ins', 41 'kbd', 42 'mark', 43 'meter', 44 'pre', 45 'progress', 46 'q', 47 'rp', 48 'rt', 49 'ruby', 50 's', 51 'samp', 52 'small', 53 'span', 54 'strong', 55 'sub', 56 'summary', 57 'sup', 58 'time', 59 'u', 60 'var', 61 'wbr', 62 'img', 63 'map', 64 'area', 65 'canvas', 66 'figcaption', 67 'figure', 68 'picture', 69 'audio', 70 'source', 71 'track', 72 'video', 73 'ul', 74 'ol', 75 'li', 76 'dl', 77 'dt', 78 'dd', 79 'table', 80 'caption', 81 'th', 82 'tr', 83 'td', 84 'thead', 85 'tbody', 86 'tfoot', 87 'col', 88 'colgroup', 89 'style', 90 'div', 91 'p', 92 'form', 93 'input', 94 'textarea', 95 'button', 96 'select', 97 'optgroup', 98 'option', 99 'label', 100 'fieldset', 101 'legend', 102 'datalist', 103 'keygen', 104 'output', 105 'iframe', 106 'link', 107 'nav', 108 'header', 109 'hgroup', 110 'footer', 111 'main', 112 'section', 113 'article', 114 'aside', 115 'dialog', 116 'script', 117 'noscript', 118 'embed', 119 'object', 120 'param' 121 ] 122 }; 123 124 $.extend(true, $.trumbowyg, { 125 plugins: { 126 allowTagsFromPaste: { 127 init: function (trumbowyg) { 128 trumbowyg.o.removeformatPasted = false; 129 trumbowyg.o.plugins.allowTagsFromPaste = trumbowyg.o.allowTagsFromPaste ? $(defaultOptions.allowTagsFromPaste).not(trumbowyg.o.allowTagsFromPaste).get() : []; 130 trumbowyg.pasteHandlers.push(function () { 131 setTimeout(function () { 132 var processNodes = trumbowyg.$ed.html(); 133 $.each(trumbowyg.o.plugins.allowTagsFromPaste, function (iterator, tagName) { 134 processNodes = processNodes.replace(new RegExp('<\\/?' + tagName + '(\\s[^>]*)?>', 'gi'), ''); 135 }); 136 trumbowyg.$ed.html(processNodes); 137 }, 0); 138 }); 139 } 140 } 141 } 142 }); 143 })(jQuery);
Download modules/editor/trumbowyg/plugins/allowtagsfrompaste/trumbowyg.allowtagsfrompaste.js
History Tue, 28 Aug 2018 00:33:27 +0200 Jan Dankert Editoren für Markdown (SimpleMDE) und HTML (Trumbowyg) installiert.