File modules/editor/codemirror/addon/hint/xml-hint.min.js

Last commit: Tue May 22 22:39:52 2018 +0200	Jan Dankert	Fix für PHP 7.2: 'Object' darf nun nicht mehr als Klassennamen verwendet werden. AUCH NICHT IN EINEM NAMESPACE! WTF, wozu habe ich das in einen verfickten Namespace gepackt? Wozu soll der sonst da sein??? Amateure. Daher nun notgedrungen unbenannt in 'BaseObject'.
1 // CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others 2 // Distributed under an MIT license: 3 4 (function(mod) { 5 if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object") // CommonJS 6 mod(require("../../lib/codemirror")); 7 else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) // AMD 8 define(["../../lib/codemirror"], mod); 9 else // Plain browser env 10 mod(CodeMirror); 11 })(function(CodeMirror) { 12 "use strict"; 13 14 var Pos = CodeMirror.Pos; 15 16 function getHints(cm, options) { 17 var tags = options && options.schemaInfo; 18 var quote = (options && options.quoteChar) || '"'; 19 if (!tags) return; 20 var cur = cm.getCursor(), token = cm.getTokenAt(cur); 21 if (token.end > { 22 token.end =; 23 token.string = token.string.slice(0, - token.start); 24 } 25 var inner = CodeMirror.innerMode(cm.getMode(), token.state); 26 if ( != "xml") return; 27 var result = [], replaceToken = false, prefix; 28 var tag = /\btag\b/.test(token.type) && !/>$/.test(token.string); 29 var tagName = tag && /^\w/.test(token.string), tagStart; 30 31 if (tagName) { 32 var before = cm.getLine(cur.line).slice(Math.max(0, token.start - 2), token.start); 33 var tagType = /<\/$/.test(before) ? "close" : /<$/.test(before) ? "open" : null; 34 if (tagType) tagStart = token.start - (tagType == "close" ? 2 : 1); 35 } else if (tag && token.string == "<") { 36 tagType = "open"; 37 } else if (tag && token.string == "</") { 38 tagType = "close"; 39 } 40 41 if (!tag && !inner.state.tagName || tagType) { 42 if (tagName) 43 prefix = token.string; 44 replaceToken = tagType; 45 var cx = inner.state.context, curTag = cx && tags[cx.tagName]; 46 var childList = cx ? curTag && curTag.children : tags["!top"]; 47 if (childList && tagType != "close") { 48 for (var i = 0; i < childList.length; ++i) if (!prefix || childList[i].lastIndexOf(prefix, 0) == 0) 49 result.push("<" + childList[i]); 50 } else if (tagType != "close") { 51 for (var name in tags) 52 if (tags.hasOwnProperty(name) && name != "!top" && name != "!attrs" && (!prefix || name.lastIndexOf(prefix, 0) == 0)) 53 result.push("<" + name); 54 } 55 if (cx && (!prefix || tagType == "close" && cx.tagName.lastIndexOf(prefix, 0) == 0)) 56 result.push("</" + cx.tagName + ">"); 57 } else { 58 // Attribute completion 59 var curTag = tags[inner.state.tagName], attrs = curTag && curTag.attrs; 60 var globalAttrs = tags["!attrs"]; 61 if (!attrs && !globalAttrs) return; 62 if (!attrs) { 63 attrs = globalAttrs; 64 } else if (globalAttrs) { // Combine tag-local and global attributes 65 var set = {}; 66 for (var nm in globalAttrs) if (globalAttrs.hasOwnProperty(nm)) set[nm] = globalAttrs[nm]; 67 for (var nm in attrs) if (attrs.hasOwnProperty(nm)) set[nm] = attrs[nm]; 68 attrs = set; 69 } 70 if (token.type == "string" || token.string == "=") { // A value 71 var before = cm.getRange(Pos(cur.line, Math.max(0, - 60)), 72 Pos(cur.line, token.type == "string" ? token.start : token.end)); 73 var atName = before.match(/([^\s\u00a0=<>\"\']+)=$/), atValues; 74 if (!atName || !attrs.hasOwnProperty(atName[1]) || !(atValues = attrs[atName[1]])) return; 75 if (typeof atValues == 'function') atValues =, cm); // Functions can be used to supply values for autocomplete widget 76 if (token.type == "string") { 77 prefix = token.string; 78 var n = 0; 79 if (/['"]/.test(token.string.charAt(0))) { 80 quote = token.string.charAt(0); 81 prefix = token.string.slice(1); 82 n++; 83 } 84 var len = token.string.length; 85 if (/['"]/.test(token.string.charAt(len - 1))) { 86 quote = token.string.charAt(len - 1); 87 prefix = token.string.substr(n, len - 2); 88 } 89 replaceToken = true; 90 } 91 for (var i = 0; i < atValues.length; ++i) if (!prefix || atValues[i].lastIndexOf(prefix, 0) == 0) 92 result.push(quote + atValues[i] + quote); 93 } else { // An attribute name 94 if (token.type == "attribute") { 95 prefix = token.string; 96 replaceToken = true; 97 } 98 for (var attr in attrs) if (attrs.hasOwnProperty(attr) && (!prefix || attr.lastIndexOf(prefix, 0) == 0)) 99 result.push(attr); 100 } 101 } 102 return { 103 list: result, 104 from: replaceToken ? Pos(cur.line, tagStart == null ? token.start : tagStart) : cur, 105 to: replaceToken ? Pos(cur.line, token.end) : cur 106 }; 107 } 108 109 CodeMirror.registerHelper("hint", "xml", getHints); 110 });
Download modules/editor/codemirror/addon/hint/xml-hint.min.js
History Tue, 22 May 2018 22:39:52 +0200 Jan Dankert Fix für PHP 7.2: 'Object' darf nun nicht mehr als Klassennamen verwendet werden. AUCH NICHT IN EINEM NAMESPACE! WTF, wozu habe ich das in einen verfickten Namespace gepackt? Wozu soll der sonst da sein??? Amateure. Daher nun notgedrungen unbenannt in 'BaseObject'.