File modules/editor/codemirror/mode/markdown/test.min.js

Last commit: Tue May 22 22:39:53 2018 +0200	Jan Dankert	Fix für PHP 7.2: 'Object' darf nun nicht mehr als Klassennamen verwendet werden. AUCH NICHT IN EINEM NAMESPACE! WTF, wozu habe ich das in einen verfickten Namespace gepackt? Wozu soll der sonst da sein??? Amateure. Daher nun notgedrungen unbenannt in 'BaseObject'.
1 // CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others 2 // Distributed under an MIT license: 3 4 (function() { 5 var config = {tabSize: 4, indentUnit: 2} 6 var mode = CodeMirror.getMode(config, "markdown"); 7 function MT(name) { test.mode(name, mode,, 1)); } 8 var modeHighlightFormatting = CodeMirror.getMode(config, {name: "markdown", highlightFormatting: true}); 9 function FT(name) { test.mode(name, modeHighlightFormatting,, 1)); } 10 var modeMT_noXml = CodeMirror.getMode(config, {name: "markdown", xml: false}); 11 function MT_noXml(name) { test.mode(name, modeMT_noXml,, 1)); } 12 var modeMT_noFencedHighlight = CodeMirror.getMode(config, {name: "markdown", fencedCodeBlockHighlighting: false}); 13 function MT_noFencedHighlight(name) { test.mode(name, modeMT_noFencedHighlight,, 1)); } 14 var modeAtxNoSpace = CodeMirror.getMode(config, {name: "markdown", allowAtxHeaderWithoutSpace: true}); 15 function AtxNoSpaceTest(name) { test.mode(name, modeAtxNoSpace,, 1)); } 16 var modeOverrideClasses = CodeMirror.getMode(config, { 17 name: "markdown", 18 strikethrough: true, 19 emoji: true, 20 tokenTypeOverrides: { 21 "header" : "override-header", 22 "code" : "override-code", 23 "quote" : "override-quote", 24 "list1" : "override-list1", 25 "list2" : "override-list2", 26 "list3" : "override-list3", 27 "hr" : "override-hr", 28 "image" : "override-image", 29 "imageAltText": "override-image-alt-text", 30 "imageMarker": "override-image-marker", 31 "linkInline" : "override-link-inline", 32 "linkEmail" : "override-link-email", 33 "linkText" : "override-link-text", 34 "linkHref" : "override-link-href", 35 "em" : "override-em", 36 "strong" : "override-strong", 37 "strikethrough" : "override-strikethrough", 38 "emoji" : "override-emoji" 39 }}); 40 function TokenTypeOverrideTest(name) { test.mode(name, modeOverrideClasses,, 1)); } 41 var modeFormattingOverride = CodeMirror.getMode(config, { 42 name: "markdown", 43 highlightFormatting: true, 44 tokenTypeOverrides: { 45 "formatting" : "override-formatting" 46 }}); 47 function FormatTokenTypeOverrideTest(name) { test.mode(name, modeFormattingOverride,, 1)); } 48 49 50 FT("formatting_emAsterisk", 51 "[em&formatting&formatting-em *][em foo][em&formatting&formatting-em *]"); 52 53 FT("formatting_emUnderscore", 54 "[em&formatting&formatting-em _][em foo][em&formatting&formatting-em _]"); 55 56 FT("formatting_strongAsterisk", 57 "[strong&formatting&formatting-strong **][strong foo][strong&formatting&formatting-strong **]"); 58 59 FT("formatting_strongUnderscore", 60 "[strong&formatting&formatting-strong __][strong foo][strong&formatting&formatting-strong __]"); 61 62 FT("formatting_codeBackticks", 63 "[comment&formatting&formatting-code `][comment foo][comment&formatting&formatting-code `]"); 64 65 FT("formatting_doubleBackticks", 66 "[comment&formatting&formatting-code ``][comment foo ` bar][comment&formatting&formatting-code ``]"); 67 68 FT("formatting_atxHeader", 69 "[header&header-1&formatting&formatting-header&formatting-header-1 # ][header&header-1 foo # bar ][header&header-1&formatting&formatting-header&formatting-header-1 #]"); 70 71 FT("formatting_setextHeader", 72 "[header&header-1 foo]", 73 "[header&header-1&formatting&formatting-header&formatting-header-1 =]"); 74 75 FT("formatting_blockquote", 76 "[quote&quote-1&formatting&formatting-quote&formatting-quote-1 > ][quote&quote-1 foo]"); 77 78 FT("formatting_list", 79 "[variable-2&formatting&formatting-list&formatting-list-ul - ][variable-2 foo]"); 80 FT("formatting_list", 81 "[variable-2&formatting&formatting-list&formatting-list-ol 1. ][variable-2 foo]"); 82 83 FT("formatting_link", 84 "[link&formatting&formatting-link [][link foo][link&formatting&formatting-link ]]][string&formatting&formatting-link-string&url (][string&url][string&formatting&formatting-link-string&url )]"); 85 86 FT("formatting_linkReference", 87 "[link&formatting&formatting-link [][link foo][link&formatting&formatting-link ]]][string&formatting&formatting-link-string&url [][string&url bar][string&formatting&formatting-link-string&url ]]]", 88 "[link&formatting&formatting-link [][link bar][link&formatting&formatting-link ]]:] [string&url]"); 89 90 FT("formatting_linkWeb", 91 "[link&formatting&formatting-link <][link][link&formatting&formatting-link >]"); 92 93 FT("formatting_linkEmail", 94 "[link&formatting&formatting-link <][link][link&formatting&formatting-link >]"); 95 96 FT("formatting_escape", 97 "[formatting-escape \\*]"); 98 99 FT("formatting_image", 100 "[formatting&formatting-image&image&image-marker !][formatting&formatting-image&image&image-alt-text&link [[][image&image-alt-text&link alt text][formatting&formatting-image&image&image-alt-text&link ]]][formatting&formatting-link-string&string&url (][url&string][formatting&formatting-link-string&string&url )]"); 101 102 FT("codeBlock", 103 "[comment&formatting&formatting-code-block ```css]", 104 "[tag foo]", 105 "[comment&formatting&formatting-code-block ```]"); 106 107 MT("plainText", 108 "foo"); 109 110 // Don't style single trailing space 111 MT("trailingSpace1", 112 "foo "); 113 114 // Two or more trailing spaces should be styled with line break character 115 MT("trailingSpace2", 116 "foo[trailing-space-a ][trailing-space-new-line ]"); 117 118 MT("trailingSpace3", 119 "foo[trailing-space-a ][trailing-space-b ][trailing-space-new-line ]"); 120 121 MT("trailingSpace4", 122 "foo[trailing-space-a ][trailing-space-b ][trailing-space-a ][trailing-space-new-line ]"); 123 124 // Code blocks using 4 spaces (regardless of CodeMirror.tabSize value) 125 MT("codeBlocksUsing4Spaces", 126 " [comment foo]"); 127 128 // Code blocks using 4 spaces with internal indentation 129 MT("codeBlocksUsing4SpacesIndentation", 130 " [comment bar]", 131 " [comment hello]", 132 " [comment world]", 133 " [comment foo]", 134 "bar"); 135 136 // Code blocks should end even after extra indented lines 137 MT("codeBlocksWithTrailingIndentedLine", 138 " [comment foo]", 139 " [comment bar]", 140 " [comment baz]", 141 " ", 142 "hello"); 143 144 // Code blocks using 1 tab (regardless of CodeMirror.indentWithTabs value) 145 MT("codeBlocksUsing1Tab", 146 "\t[comment foo]"); 147 148 // No code blocks directly after paragraph 149 // 150 MT("noCodeBlocksAfterParagraph", 151 "Foo", 152 " Bar"); 153 154 MT("codeBlocksAfterATX", 155 "[header&header-1 # foo]", 156 " [comment code]"); 157 158 MT("codeBlocksAfterSetext", 159 "[header&header-2 foo]", 160 "[header&header-2 ---]", 161 " [comment code]"); 162 163 MT("codeBlocksAfterFencedCode", 164 "[comment ```]", 165 "[comment foo]", 166 "[comment ```]", 167 " [comment code]"); 168 169 // Inline code using backticks 170 MT("inlineCodeUsingBackticks", 171 "foo [comment `bar`]"); 172 173 // Block code using single backtick (shouldn't work) 174 MT("blockCodeSingleBacktick", 175 "[comment `]", 176 "[comment foo]", 177 "[comment `]"); 178 179 // Unclosed backticks 180 // Instead of simply marking as CODE, it would be nice to have an 181 // incomplete flag for CODE, that is styled slightly different. 182 MT("unclosedBackticks", 183 "foo [comment `bar]"); 184 185 // Per documentation: "To include a literal backtick character within a 186 // code span, you can use multiple backticks as the opening and closing 187 // delimiters" 188 MT("doubleBackticks", 189 "[comment ``foo ` bar``]"); 190 191 // Tests based on Dingus 192 // 193 // 194 // Multiple backticks within an inline code block 195 MT("consecutiveBackticks", 196 "[comment `foo```bar`]"); 197 198 // Multiple backticks within an inline code block with a second code block 199 MT("consecutiveBackticks", 200 "[comment `foo```bar`] hello [comment `world`]"); 201 202 // Unclosed with several different groups of backticks 203 MT("unclosedBackticks", 204 "[comment ``foo ``` bar` hello]"); 205 206 // Closed with several different groups of backticks 207 MT("closedBackticks", 208 "[comment ``foo ``` bar` hello``] world"); 209 210 // info string cannot contain backtick, thus should result in inline code 211 MT("closingFencedMarksOnSameLine", 212 "[comment ``` code ```] foo"); 213 214 // atx headers 215 // 216 217 MT("atxH1", 218 "[header&header-1 # foo]"); 219 220 MT("atxH2", 221 "[header&header-2 ## foo]"); 222 223 MT("atxH3", 224 "[header&header-3 ### foo]"); 225 226 MT("atxH4", 227 "[header&header-4 #### foo]"); 228 229 MT("atxH5", 230 "[header&header-5 ##### foo]"); 231 232 MT("atxH6", 233 "[header&header-6 ###### foo]"); 234 235 // 236 MT("noAtxH7", 237 "####### foo"); 238 239 // 240 MT("noAtxH1WithoutSpace", 241 "#5 bolt"); 242 243 // CommonMark requires a space after # but most parsers don't 244 AtxNoSpaceTest("atxNoSpaceAllowed_H1NoSpace", 245 "[header&header-1 #foo]"); 246 247 AtxNoSpaceTest("atxNoSpaceAllowed_H4NoSpace", 248 "[header&header-4 ####foo]"); 249 250 AtxNoSpaceTest("atxNoSpaceAllowed_H1Space", 251 "[header&header-1 # foo]"); 252 253 // Inline styles should be parsed inside headers 254 MT("atxH1inline", 255 "[header&header-1 # foo ][header&header-1&em *bar*]"); 256 257 MT("atxIndentedTooMuch", 258 "[header&header-1 # foo]", 259 " [comment # bar]"); 260 261 // disable atx inside blockquote until we implement proper blockquote inner mode 262 // TODO: fix to be CommonMark-compliant 263 MT("atxNestedInsideBlockquote", 264 "[quote&quote-1 > # foo]"); 265 266 MT("atxAfterBlockquote", 267 "[quote&quote-1 > foo]", 268 "[header&header-1 # bar]"); 269 270 // Setext headers - H1, H2 271 // Per documentation, "Any number of underlining =’s or -’s will work." 272 // 273 // Ideally, the text would be marked as `header` as well, but this is 274 // not really feasible at the moment. So, instead, we're testing against 275 // what works today, to avoid any regressions. 276 // 277 // Check if single underlining = works 278 MT("setextH1", 279 "[header&header-1 foo]", 280 "[header&header-1 =]"); 281 282 // Check if 3+ ='s work 283 MT("setextH1", 284 "[header&header-1 foo]", 285 "[header&header-1 ===]"); 286 287 // Check if single underlining - works 288 MT("setextH2", 289 "[header&header-2 foo]", 290 "[header&header-2 -]"); 291 292 // Check if 3+ -'s work 293 MT("setextH2", 294 "[header&header-2 foo]", 295 "[header&header-2 ---]"); 296 297 // 298 MT("setextH2AllowSpaces", 299 "[header&header-2 foo]", 300 " [header&header-2 ---- ]"); 301 302 // 303 MT("noSetextAfterIndentedCodeBlock", 304 " [comment foo]", 305 "[hr ---]"); 306 307 MT("setextAfterFencedCode", 308 "[comment ```]", 309 "[comment foo]", 310 "[comment ```]", 311 "[header&header-2 bar]", 312 "[header&header-2 ---]"); 313 314 MT("setextAferATX", 315 "[header&header-1 # foo]", 316 "[header&header-2 bar]", 317 "[header&header-2 ---]"); 318 319 // 320 MT("noSetextAfterQuote", 321 "[quote&quote-1 > foo]", 322 "[hr ---]", 323 "", 324 "[quote&quote-1 > foo]", 325 "[quote&quote-1 bar]", 326 "[hr ---]"); 327 328 MT("noSetextAfterList", 329 "[variable-2 - foo]", 330 "[hr ---]"); 331 332 MT("noSetextAfterList_listContinuation", 333 "[variable-2 - foo]", 334 "bar", 335 "[hr ---]"); 336 337 MT("setextAfterList_afterIndentedCode", 338 "[variable-2 - foo]", 339 "", 340 " [comment bar]", 341 "[header&header-2 baz]", 342 "[header&header-2 ---]"); 343 344 MT("setextAfterList_afterFencedCodeBlocks", 345 "[variable-2 - foo]", 346 "", 347 " [comment ```]", 348 " [comment bar]", 349 " [comment ```]", 350 "[header&header-2 baz]", 351 "[header&header-2 ---]"); 352 353 MT("setextAfterList_afterHeader", 354 "[variable-2 - foo]", 355 " [variable-2&header&header-1 # bar]", 356 "[header&header-2 baz]", 357 "[header&header-2 ---]"); 358 359 MT("setextAfterList_afterHr", 360 "[variable-2 - foo]", 361 "", 362 " [hr ---]", 363 "[header&header-2 bar]", 364 "[header&header-2 ---]"); 365 366 MT("setext_nestedInlineMarkup", 367 "[header&header-1 foo ][em&header&header-1 *bar*]", 368 "[header&header-1 =]"); 369 370 MT("setext_linkDef", 371 "[link [[aaa]]:] [string&url 'title']", 372 "[hr ---]"); 373 374 // currently, looks max one line ahead, thus won't catch valid CommonMark 375 // markup 376 MT("setext_oneLineLookahead", 377 "foo", 378 "[header&header-1 bar]", 379 "[header&header-1 =]"); 380 381 // ensure we don't regard space after dash as a list 382 MT("setext_emptyList", 383 "[header&header-2 foo]", 384 "[header&header-2 - ]", 385 "foo"); 386 387 // Single-line blockquote with trailing space 388 MT("blockquoteSpace", 389 "[quote&quote-1 > foo]"); 390 391 // Single-line blockquote 392 MT("blockquoteNoSpace", 393 "[quote&quote-1 >foo]"); 394 395 // No blank line before blockquote 396 MT("blockquoteNoBlankLine", 397 "foo", 398 "[quote&quote-1 > bar]"); 399 400 MT("blockquoteNested", 401 "[quote&quote-1 > foo]", 402 "[quote&quote-1 >][quote&quote-2 > foo]", 403 "[quote&quote-1 >][quote&quote-2 >][quote&quote-3 > foo]"); 404 405 // ensure quote-level is inferred correctly even if indented 406 MT("blockquoteNestedIndented", 407 " [quote&quote-1 > foo]", 408 " [quote&quote-1 >][quote&quote-2 > foo]", 409 " [quote&quote-1 >][quote&quote-2 >][quote&quote-3 > foo]"); 410 411 // ensure quote-level is inferred correctly even if indented 412 MT("blockquoteIndentedTooMuch", 413 "foo", 414 " > bar"); 415 416 // Single-line blockquote followed by normal paragraph 417 MT("blockquoteThenParagraph", 418 "[quote&quote-1 >foo]", 419 "", 420 "bar"); 421 422 // Multi-line blockquote (lazy mode) 423 MT("multiBlockquoteLazy", 424 "[quote&quote-1 >foo]", 425 "[quote&quote-1 bar]"); 426 427 // Multi-line blockquote followed by normal paragraph (lazy mode) 428 MT("multiBlockquoteLazyThenParagraph", 429 "[quote&quote-1 >foo]", 430 "[quote&quote-1 bar]", 431 "", 432 "hello"); 433 434 // Multi-line blockquote (non-lazy mode) 435 MT("multiBlockquote", 436 "[quote&quote-1 >foo]", 437 "[quote&quote-1 >bar]"); 438 439 // Multi-line blockquote followed by normal paragraph (non-lazy mode) 440 MT("multiBlockquoteThenParagraph", 441 "[quote&quote-1 >foo]", 442 "[quote&quote-1 >bar]", 443 "", 444 "hello"); 445 446 // disallow lists inside blockquote for now because it causes problems outside blockquote 447 // TODO: fix to be CommonMark-compliant 448 MT("listNestedInBlockquote", 449 "[quote&quote-1 > - foo]"); 450 451 // disallow fenced blocks inside blockquote because it causes problems outside blockquote 452 // TODO: fix to be CommonMark-compliant 453 MT("fencedBlockNestedInBlockquote", 454 "[quote&quote-1 > ```]", 455 "[quote&quote-1 > code]", 456 "[quote&quote-1 > ```]", 457 // ensure we still allow inline code 458 "[quote&quote-1 > ][quote&quote-1&comment `code`]"); 459 460 // Header with leading space after continued blockquote (#3287, negative indentation) 461 MT("headerAfterContinuedBlockquote", 462 "[quote&quote-1 > foo]", 463 "[quote&quote-1 bar]", 464 "", 465 " [header&header-1 # hello]"); 466 467 // Check list types 468 469 MT("listAsterisk", 470 "foo", 471 "bar", 472 "", 473 "[variable-2 * foo]", 474 "[variable-2 * bar]"); 475 476 MT("listPlus", 477 "foo", 478 "bar", 479 "", 480 "[variable-2 + foo]", 481 "[variable-2 + bar]"); 482 483 MT("listDash", 484 "foo", 485 "bar", 486 "", 487 "[variable-2 - foo]", 488 "[variable-2 - bar]"); 489 490 MT("listNumber", 491 "foo", 492 "bar", 493 "", 494 "[variable-2 1. foo]", 495 "[variable-2 2. bar]"); 496 497 MT("listFromParagraph", 498 "foo", 499 "[variable-2 1. bar]", 500 "[variable-2 2. hello]"); 501 502 // List after hr 503 MT("listAfterHr", 504 "[hr ---]", 505 "[variable-2 - bar]"); 506 507 // List after header 508 MT("listAfterHeader", 509 "[header&header-1 # foo]", 510 "[variable-2 - bar]"); 511 512 // hr after list 513 MT("hrAfterList", 514 "[variable-2 - foo]", 515 "[hr -----]"); 516 517 MT("hrAfterFencedCode", 518 "[comment ```]", 519 "[comment code]", 520 "[comment ```]", 521 "[hr ---]"); 522 523 // allow hr inside lists 524 // (require prev line to be empty or hr, TODO: non-CommonMark-compliant) 525 MT("hrInsideList", 526 "[variable-2 - foo]", 527 "", 528 " [hr ---]", 529 " [hr ---]", 530 "", 531 " [comment ---]"); 532 533 MT("consecutiveHr", 534 "[hr ---]", 535 "[hr ---]", 536 "[hr ---]"); 537 538 // Formatting in lists (*) 539 MT("listAsteriskFormatting", 540 "[variable-2 * ][variable-2&em *foo*][variable-2 bar]", 541 "[variable-2 * ][variable-2&strong **foo**][variable-2 bar]", 542 "[variable-2 * ][variable-2&em&strong ***foo***][variable-2 bar]", 543 "[variable-2 * ][variable-2&comment `foo`][variable-2 bar]"); 544 545 // Formatting in lists (+) 546 MT("listPlusFormatting", 547 "[variable-2 + ][variable-2&em *foo*][variable-2 bar]", 548 "[variable-2 + ][variable-2&strong **foo**][variable-2 bar]", 549 "[variable-2 + ][variable-2&em&strong ***foo***][variable-2 bar]", 550 "[variable-2 + ][variable-2&comment `foo`][variable-2 bar]"); 551 552 // Formatting in lists (-) 553 MT("listDashFormatting", 554 "[variable-2 - ][variable-2&em *foo*][variable-2 bar]", 555 "[variable-2 - ][variable-2&strong **foo**][variable-2 bar]", 556 "[variable-2 - ][variable-2&em&strong ***foo***][variable-2 bar]", 557 "[variable-2 - ][variable-2&comment `foo`][variable-2 bar]"); 558 559 // Formatting in lists (1.) 560 MT("listNumberFormatting", 561 "[variable-2 1. ][variable-2&em *foo*][variable-2 bar]", 562 "[variable-2 2. ][variable-2&strong **foo**][variable-2 bar]", 563 "[variable-2 3. ][variable-2&em&strong ***foo***][variable-2 bar]", 564 "[variable-2 4. ][variable-2&comment `foo`][variable-2 bar]"); 565 566 // Paragraph lists 567 MT("listParagraph", 568 "[variable-2 * foo]", 569 "", 570 "[variable-2 * bar]"); 571 572 // Multi-paragraph lists 573 // 574 // 4 spaces 575 MT("listMultiParagraph", 576 "[variable-2 * foo]", 577 "", 578 "[variable-2 * bar]", 579 "", 580 " [variable-2 hello]"); 581 582 // 4 spaces, extra blank lines (should still be list, per Dingus) 583 MT("listMultiParagraphExtra", 584 "[variable-2 * foo]", 585 "", 586 "[variable-2 * bar]", 587 "", 588 "", 589 " [variable-2 hello]"); 590 591 // 4 spaces, plus 1 space (should still be list, per Dingus) 592 MT("listMultiParagraphExtraSpace", 593 "[variable-2 * foo]", 594 "", 595 "[variable-2 * bar]", 596 "", 597 " [variable-2 hello]", 598 "", 599 " [variable-2 world]"); 600 601 // 1 tab 602 MT("listTab", 603 "[variable-2 * foo]", 604 "", 605 "[variable-2 * bar]", 606 "", 607 "\t[variable-2 hello]"); 608 609 // No indent 610 MT("listNoIndent", 611 "[variable-2 * foo]", 612 "", 613 "[variable-2 * bar]", 614 "", 615 "hello"); 616 617 MT("listCommonMarkIndentationCode", 618 "[variable-2 * Code blocks also affect]", 619 " [variable-3 * The next level starts where the contents start.]", 620 " [variable-3 * Anything less than that will keep the item on the same level.]", 621 " [variable-3 * Each list item can indent the first level further and further.]", 622 " [variable-3 * For the most part, this makes sense while writing a list.]", 623 " [keyword * This means two items with same indentation can be different levels.]", 624 " [keyword * Each level has an indent requirement that can change between items.]", 625 " [keyword * A list item that meets this will be part of the next level.]", 626 " [variable-3 * Otherwise, it will be part of the level where it does meet this.]", 627 " [variable-2 * World]"); 628 629 // should handle nested and un-nested lists 630 MT("listCommonMark_MixedIndents", 631 "[variable-2 * list1]", 632 " [variable-2 list1]", 633 " [variable-2&header&header-1 # heading still part of list1]", 634 " [variable-2 text after heading still part of list1]", 635 "", 636 " [comment indented codeblock]", 637 " [variable-2 list1 after code block]", 638 " [variable-3 * list2]", 639 // amount of spaces on empty lines between lists doesn't matter 640 " ", 641 // extra empty lines irrelevant 642 "", 643 "", 644 " [variable-3 indented text part of list2]", 645 " [keyword * list3]", 646 "", 647 " [variable-3 text at level of list2]", 648 "", 649 " [variable-2 de-indented text part of list1 again]", 650 "", 651 " [variable-2&comment ```]", 652 " [comment code]", 653 " [variable-2&comment ```]", 654 "", 655 " [variable-2 text after fenced code]"); 656 657 // should correctly parse numbered list content indentation 658 MT("listCommonMark_NumeberedListIndent", 659 "[variable-2 1000. list with base indent of 6]", 660 "", 661 " [variable-2 text must be indented 6 spaces at minimum]", 662 "", 663 " [variable-2 9-spaces indented text still part of list]", 664 "", 665 " [comment indented codeblock starts at 10 spaces]", 666 "", 667 " [comment text indented by 5 spaces no longer belong to list]"); 668 669 // should consider tab as 4 spaces 670 MT("listCommonMark_TabIndented", 671 "[variable-2 * list]", 672 "\t[variable-3 * list2]", 673 "", 674 "\t\t[variable-3 part of list2]"); 675 676 MT("listAfterBlockquote", 677 "[quote&quote-1 > foo]", 678 "[variable-2 - bar]"); 679 680 // shouldn't create sublist if it's indented more than allowed 681 MT("nestedListIndentedTooMuch", 682 "[variable-2 - foo]", 683 " [variable-2 - bar]"); 684 685 MT("listIndentedTooMuchAfterParagraph", 686 "foo", 687 " - bar"); 688 689 // Blockquote 690 MT("blockquote", 691 "[variable-2 * foo]", 692 "", 693 "[variable-2 * bar]", 694 "", 695 " [variable-2&quote&quote-1 > hello]"); 696 697 // Code block 698 MT("blockquoteCode", 699 "[variable-2 * foo]", 700 "", 701 "[variable-2 * bar]", 702 "", 703 " [comment > hello]", 704 "", 705 " [variable-2 world]"); 706 707 // Code block followed by text 708 MT("blockquoteCodeText", 709 "[variable-2 * foo]", 710 "", 711 " [variable-2 bar]", 712 "", 713 " [comment hello]", 714 "", 715 " [variable-2 world]"); 716 717 // Nested list 718 719 MT("listAsteriskNested", 720 "[variable-2 * foo]", 721 "", 722 " [variable-3 * bar]"); 723 724 MT("listPlusNested", 725 "[variable-2 + foo]", 726 "", 727 " [variable-3 + bar]"); 728 729 MT("listDashNested", 730 "[variable-2 - foo]", 731 "", 732 " [variable-3 - bar]"); 733 734 MT("listNumberNested", 735 "[variable-2 1. foo]", 736 "", 737 " [variable-3 2. bar]"); 738 739 MT("listMixed", 740 "[variable-2 * foo]", 741 "", 742 " [variable-3 + bar]", 743 "", 744 " [keyword - hello]", 745 "", 746 " [variable-2 1. world]"); 747 748 MT("listBlockquote", 749 "[variable-2 * foo]", 750 "", 751 " [variable-3 + bar]", 752 "", 753 " [quote&quote-1&variable-3 > hello]"); 754 755 MT("listCode", 756 "[variable-2 * foo]", 757 "", 758 " [variable-3 + bar]", 759 "", 760 " [comment hello]"); 761 762 // Code with internal indentation 763 MT("listCodeIndentation", 764 "[variable-2 * foo]", 765 "", 766 " [comment bar]", 767 " [comment hello]", 768 " [comment world]", 769 " [comment foo]", 770 " [variable-2 bar]"); 771 772 // List nesting edge cases 773 MT("listNested", 774 "[variable-2 * foo]", 775 "", 776 " [variable-3 * bar]", 777 "", 778 " [variable-3 hello]" 779 ); 780 MT("listNested", 781 "[variable-2 * foo]", 782 "", 783 " [variable-3 * bar]", 784 "", 785 " [keyword * foo]" 786 ); 787 788 // Code followed by text 789 MT("listCodeText", 790 "[variable-2 * foo]", 791 "", 792 " [comment bar]", 793 "", 794 "hello"); 795 796 // Following tests directly from official Markdown documentation 797 // 798 799 MT("hrSpace", 800 "[hr * * *]"); 801 802 MT("hr", 803 "[hr ***]"); 804 805 MT("hrLong", 806 "[hr *****]"); 807 808 MT("hrSpaceDash", 809 "[hr - - -]"); 810 811 MT("hrDashLong", 812 "[hr ---------------------------------------]"); 813 814 //Images 815 MT("Images", 816 "[image&image-marker !][image&image-alt-text&link [[alt text]]][string&url (]") 817 818 //Images with highlight alt text 819 MT("imageEm", 820 "[image&image-marker !][image&image-alt-text&link [[][image-alt-text&em&image&link *alt text*][image&image-alt-text&link ]]][string&url (]"); 821 822 MT("imageStrong", 823 "[image&image-marker !][image&image-alt-text&link [[][image-alt-text&strong&image&link **alt text**][image&image-alt-text&link ]]][string&url (]"); 824 825 MT("imageEmStrong", 826 "[image&image-marker !][image&image-alt-text&link [[][image&image-alt-text&em&strong&link ***alt text***][image&image-alt-text&link ]]][string&url (]"); 827 828 // Inline link with title 829 MT("linkTitle", 830 "[link [[foo]]][string&url ( \"bar\")] hello"); 831 832 // Inline link without title 833 MT("linkNoTitle", 834 "[link [[foo]]][string&url (] bar"); 835 836 // Inline link with image 837 MT("linkImage", 838 "[link [[][link&image&image-marker !][link&image&image-alt-text&link [[alt text]]][string&url (][link ]]][string&url (] bar"); 839 840 // Inline link with Em 841 MT("linkEm", 842 "[link [[][link&em *foo*][link ]]][string&url (] bar"); 843 844 // Inline link with Strong 845 MT("linkStrong", 846 "[link [[][link&strong **foo**][link ]]][string&url (] bar"); 847 848 // Inline link with EmStrong 849 MT("linkEmStrong", 850 "[link [[][link&em&strong ***foo***][link ]]][string&url (] bar"); 851 852 MT("multilineLink", 853 "[link [[foo]", 854 "[link bar]]][string&url (https://foo#_a)]", 855 "should not be italics") 856 857 // Image with title 858 MT("imageTitle", 859 "[image&image-marker !][image&image-alt-text&link [[alt text]]][string&url ( \"bar\")] hello"); 860 861 // Image without title 862 MT("imageNoTitle", 863 "[image&image-marker !][image&image-alt-text&link [[alt text]]][string&url (] bar"); 864 865 // Image with asterisks 866 MT("imageAsterisks", 867 "[image&image-marker !][image&image-alt-text&link [[ ][image&image-alt-text&em&link *alt text*][image&image-alt-text&link ]]][string&url (] bar"); 868 869 // Not a link. Should be normal text due to square brackets being used 870 // regularly in text, especially in quoted material, and no space is allowed 871 // between square brackets and parentheses (per Dingus). 872 MT("notALink", 873 "[link [[foo]]] (bar)"); 874 875 // Reference-style links 876 MT("linkReference", 877 "[link [[foo]]][string&url [[bar]]] hello"); 878 879 // Reference-style links with Em 880 MT("linkReferenceEm", 881 "[link [[][link&em *foo*][link ]]][string&url [[bar]]] hello"); 882 883 // Reference-style links with Strong 884 MT("linkReferenceStrong", 885 "[link [[][link&strong **foo**][link ]]][string&url [[bar]]] hello"); 886 887 // Reference-style links with EmStrong 888 MT("linkReferenceEmStrong", 889 "[link [[][link&em&strong ***foo***][link ]]][string&url [[bar]]] hello"); 890 891 // Reference-style links with optional space separator (per documentation) 892 // "You can optionally use a space to separate the sets of brackets" 893 MT("linkReferenceSpace", 894 "[link [[foo]]] [string&url [[bar]]] hello"); 895 896 // Should only allow a single space ("...use *a* space...") 897 MT("linkReferenceDoubleSpace", 898 "[link [[foo]]] [link [[bar]]] hello"); 899 900 // Reference-style links with implicit link name 901 MT("linkImplicit", 902 "[link [[foo]]][string&url [[]]] hello"); 903 904 // @todo It would be nice if, at some point, the document was actually 905 // checked to see if the referenced link exists 906 907 // Link label, for reference-style links (taken from documentation) 908 909 MT("labelNoTitle", 910 "[link [[foo]]:] [string&url]"); 911 912 MT("labelIndented", 913 " [link [[foo]]:] [string&url]"); 914 915 MT("labelSpaceTitle", 916 "[link [[foo bar]]:] [string&url \"hello\"]"); 917 918 MT("labelDoubleTitle", 919 "[link [[foo bar]]:] [string&url \"hello\"] \"world\""); 920 921 MT("labelTitleDoubleQuotes", 922 "[link [[foo]]:] [string&url \"bar\"]"); 923 924 MT("labelTitleSingleQuotes", 925 "[link [[foo]]:] [string&url 'bar']"); 926 927 MT("labelTitleParentheses", 928 "[link [[foo]]:] [string&url (bar)]"); 929 930 MT("labelTitleInvalid", 931 "[link [[foo]]:] [string&url] bar"); 932 933 MT("labelLinkAngleBrackets", 934 "[link [[foo]]:] [string&url <> \"bar\"]"); 935 936 MT("labelTitleNextDoubleQuotes", 937 "[link [[foo]]:] [string&url]", 938 "[string \"bar\"] hello"); 939 940 MT("labelTitleNextSingleQuotes", 941 "[link [[foo]]:] [string&url]", 942 "[string 'bar'] hello"); 943 944 MT("labelTitleNextParentheses", 945 "[link [[foo]]:] [string&url]", 946 "[string (bar)] hello"); 947 948 MT("labelTitleNextMixed", 949 "[link [[foo]]:] [string&url]", 950 "(bar\" hello"); 951 952 MT("labelEscape", 953 "[link [[foo \\]] ]]:] [string&url]"); 954 955 MT("labelEscapeColon", 956 "[link [[foo \\]]: bar]]:] [string&url]"); 957 958 MT("labelEscapeEnd", 959 "\\[[foo\\]]:"); 960 961 MT("linkWeb", 962 "[link <>] foo"); 963 964 MT("linkWebDouble", 965 "[link <>] foo [link <>]"); 966 967 MT("linkEmail", 968 "[link <>] foo"); 969 970 MT("linkEmailDouble", 971 "[link <>] foo [link <>]"); 972 973 MT("emAsterisk", 974 "[em *foo*] bar"); 975 976 MT("emUnderscore", 977 "[em _foo_] bar"); 978 979 MT("emInWordAsterisk", 980 "foo[em *bar*]hello"); 981 982 MT("emInWordUnderscore", 983 "foo_bar_hello"); 984 985 // Per documentation: "...surround an * or _ with spaces, it’ll be 986 // treated as a literal asterisk or underscore." 987 988 MT("emEscapedBySpaceIn", 989 "foo [em _bar _ hello_] world"); 990 991 MT("emEscapedBySpaceOut", 992 "foo _ bar [em _hello_] world"); 993 994 MT("emEscapedByNewline", 995 "foo", 996 "_ bar [em _hello_] world"); 997 998 // Unclosed emphasis characters 999 // Instead of simply marking as EM / STRONG, it would be nice to have an 1000 // incomplete flag for EM and STRONG, that is styled slightly different. 1001 MT("emIncompleteAsterisk", 1002 "foo [em *bar]"); 1003 1004 MT("emIncompleteUnderscore", 1005 "foo [em _bar]"); 1006 1007 MT("strongAsterisk", 1008 "[strong **foo**] bar"); 1009 1010 MT("strongUnderscore", 1011 "[strong __foo__] bar"); 1012 1013 MT("emStrongAsterisk", 1014 "[em *foo][em&strong **bar*][strong hello**] world"); 1015 1016 MT("emStrongUnderscore", 1017 "[em _foo ][em&strong __bar_][strong hello__] world"); 1018 1019 // "...same character must be used to open and close an emphasis span."" 1020 MT("emStrongMixed", 1021 "[em _foo][em&strong **bar*hello__ world]"); 1022 1023 MT("emStrongMixed", 1024 "[em *foo ][em&strong __bar_hello** world]"); 1025 1026 MT("linkWithNestedParens", 1027 "[link [[foo]]][string&url (bar(baz))]") 1028 1029 // These characters should be escaped: 1030 // \ backslash 1031 // ` backtick 1032 // * asterisk 1033 // _ underscore 1034 // {} curly braces 1035 // [] square brackets 1036 // () parentheses 1037 // # hash mark 1038 // + plus sign 1039 // - minus sign (hyphen) 1040 // . dot 1041 // ! exclamation mark 1042 1043 MT("escapeBacktick", 1044 "foo \\`bar\\`"); 1045 1046 MT("doubleEscapeBacktick", 1047 "foo \\\\[comment `bar\\\\`]"); 1048 1049 MT("escapeAsterisk", 1050 "foo \\*bar\\*"); 1051 1052 MT("doubleEscapeAsterisk", 1053 "foo \\\\[em *bar\\\\*]"); 1054 1055 MT("escapeUnderscore", 1056 "foo \\_bar\\_"); 1057 1058 MT("doubleEscapeUnderscore", 1059 "foo \\\\[em _bar\\\\_]"); 1060 1061 MT("escapeHash", 1062 "\\# foo"); 1063 1064 MT("doubleEscapeHash", 1065 "\\\\# foo"); 1066 1067 MT("escapeNewline", 1068 "\\", 1069 "[em *foo*]"); 1070 1071 // Class override tests 1072 TokenTypeOverrideTest("overrideHeader1", 1073 "[override-header&override-header-1 # Foo]"); 1074 1075 TokenTypeOverrideTest("overrideHeader2", 1076 "[override-header&override-header-2 ## Foo]"); 1077 1078 TokenTypeOverrideTest("overrideHeader3", 1079 "[override-header&override-header-3 ### Foo]"); 1080 1081 TokenTypeOverrideTest("overrideHeader4", 1082 "[override-header&override-header-4 #### Foo]"); 1083 1084 TokenTypeOverrideTest("overrideHeader5", 1085 "[override-header&override-header-5 ##### Foo]"); 1086 1087 TokenTypeOverrideTest("overrideHeader6", 1088 "[override-header&override-header-6 ###### Foo]"); 1089 1090 TokenTypeOverrideTest("overrideCode", 1091 "[override-code `foo`]"); 1092 1093 TokenTypeOverrideTest("overrideCodeBlock", 1094 "[override-code ```]", 1095 "[override-code foo]", 1096 "[override-code ```]"); 1097 1098 TokenTypeOverrideTest("overrideQuote", 1099 "[override-quote&override-quote-1 > foo]", 1100 "[override-quote&override-quote-1 > bar]"); 1101 1102 TokenTypeOverrideTest("overrideQuoteNested", 1103 "[override-quote&override-quote-1 > foo]", 1104 "[override-quote&override-quote-1 >][override-quote&override-quote-2 > bar]", 1105 "[override-quote&override-quote-1 >][override-quote&override-quote-2 >][override-quote&override-quote-3 > baz]"); 1106 1107 TokenTypeOverrideTest("overrideLists", 1108 "[override-list1 - foo]", 1109 "", 1110 " [override-list2 + bar]", 1111 "", 1112 " [override-list3 * baz]", 1113 "", 1114 " [override-list1 1. qux]", 1115 "", 1116 " [override-list2 - quux]"); 1117 1118 TokenTypeOverrideTest("overrideHr", 1119 "[override-hr * * *]"); 1120 1121 TokenTypeOverrideTest("overrideImage", 1122 "[override-image&override-image-marker !][override-image&override-image-alt-text&link [[alt text]]][override-link-href&url (]"); 1123 1124 TokenTypeOverrideTest("overrideLinkText", 1125 "[override-link-text [[foo]]][override-link-href&url (]"); 1126 1127 TokenTypeOverrideTest("overrideLinkEmailAndInline", 1128 "[override-link-email <][override-link-inline>]"); 1129 1130 TokenTypeOverrideTest("overrideEm", 1131 "[override-em *foo*]"); 1132 1133 TokenTypeOverrideTest("overrideStrong", 1134 "[override-strong **foo**]"); 1135 1136 TokenTypeOverrideTest("overrideStrikethrough", 1137 "[override-strikethrough ~~foo~~]"); 1138 1139 TokenTypeOverrideTest("overrideEmoji", 1140 "[override-emoji :foo:]"); 1141 1142 FormatTokenTypeOverrideTest("overrideFormatting", 1143 "[override-formatting-escape \\*]"); 1144 1145 // Tests to make sure GFM-specific things aren't getting through 1146 1147 MT("taskList", 1148 "[variable-2 * ][link&variable-2 [[ ]]][variable-2 bar]"); 1149 1150 MT("fencedCodeBlocks", 1151 "[comment ```]", 1152 "[comment foo]", 1153 "", 1154 "[comment bar]", 1155 "[comment ```]", 1156 "baz"); 1157 1158 MT("fencedCodeBlocks_invalidClosingFence_trailingText", 1159 "[comment ```]", 1160 "[comment foo]", 1161 "[comment ``` must not have trailing text]", 1162 "[comment baz]"); 1163 1164 MT("fencedCodeBlocks_invalidClosingFence_trailingTabs", 1165 "[comment ```]", 1166 "[comment foo]", 1167 "[comment ```\t]", 1168 "[comment baz]"); 1169 1170 MT("fencedCodeBlocks_validClosingFence", 1171 "[comment ```]", 1172 "[comment foo]", 1173 // may have trailing spaces 1174 "[comment ``` ]", 1175 "baz"); 1176 1177 MT("fencedCodeBlocksInList_closingFenceIndented", 1178 "[variable-2 - list]", 1179 " [variable-2&comment ```]", 1180 " [comment foo]", 1181 " [variable-2&comment ```]", 1182 " [variable-2 baz]"); 1183 1184 MT("fencedCodeBlocksInList_closingFenceIndentedTooMuch", 1185 "[variable-2 - list]", 1186 " [variable-2&comment ```]", 1187 " [comment foo]", 1188 " [comment ```]", 1189 " [comment baz]"); 1190 1191 MT("fencedCodeBlockModeSwitching", 1192 "[comment ```javascript]", 1193 "[variable foo]", 1194 "", 1195 "[comment ```]", 1196 "bar"); 1197 1198 MT_noFencedHighlight("fencedCodeBlock_noHighlight", 1199 "[comment ```javascript]", 1200 "[comment foo]", 1201 "[comment ```]"); 1202 1203 MT("fencedCodeBlockModeSwitchingObjc", 1204 "[comment ```objective-c]", 1205 "[keyword @property] [variable NSString] [operator *] [variable foo];", 1206 "[comment ```]", 1207 "bar"); 1208 1209 MT("fencedCodeBlocksMultipleChars", 1210 "[comment `````]", 1211 "[comment foo]", 1212 "[comment ```]", 1213 "[comment foo]", 1214 "[comment `````]", 1215 "bar"); 1216 1217 MT("fencedCodeBlocksTildes", 1218 "[comment ~~~]", 1219 "[comment foo]", 1220 "[comment ~~~]", 1221 "bar"); 1222 1223 MT("fencedCodeBlocksTildesMultipleChars", 1224 "[comment ~~~~~]", 1225 "[comment ~~~]", 1226 "[comment foo]", 1227 "[comment ~~~~~]", 1228 "bar"); 1229 1230 MT("fencedCodeBlocksMultipleChars", 1231 "[comment `````]", 1232 "[comment foo]", 1233 "[comment ```]", 1234 "[comment foo]", 1235 "[comment `````]", 1236 "bar"); 1237 1238 MT("fencedCodeBlocksMixed", 1239 "[comment ~~~]", 1240 "[comment ```]", 1241 "[comment foo]", 1242 "[comment ~~~]", 1243 "bar"); 1244 1245 MT("fencedCodeBlocksAfterBlockquote", 1246 "[quote&quote-1 > foo]", 1247 "[comment ```]", 1248 "[comment bar]", 1249 "[comment ```]"); 1250 1251 // fencedCode indented too much should act as simple indentedCode 1252 // (hence has no highlight formatting) 1253 FT("tooMuchIndentedFencedCode", 1254 " [comment ```]", 1255 " [comment code]", 1256 " [comment ```]"); 1257 1258 MT("autoTerminateFencedCodeWhenLeavingList", 1259 "[variable-2 - list1]", 1260 " [variable-3 - list2]", 1261 " [variable-3&comment ```]", 1262 " [comment code]", 1263 " [variable-3 - list2]", 1264 " [variable-2&comment ```]", 1265 " [comment code]", 1266 "[quote&quote-1 > foo]"); 1267 1268 // Tests that require XML mode 1269 1270 MT("xmlMode", 1271 "[tag&bracket <][tag div][tag&bracket >]", 1272 " *foo*", 1273 " [tag&bracket <][tag][tag&bracket />]", 1274 "[tag&bracket </][tag div][tag&bracket >]", 1275 "[link <>]"); 1276 1277 MT("xmlModeWithMarkdownInside", 1278 "[tag&bracket <][tag div] [attribute markdown]=[string 1][tag&bracket >]", 1279 "[em *foo*]", 1280 "[link <>]", 1281 "[tag </div>]", 1282 "[link <>]", 1283 "[tag&bracket <][tag div][tag&bracket >]", 1284 "[tag&bracket </][tag div][tag&bracket >]"); 1285 1286 MT_noXml("xmlHighlightDisabled", 1287 "<div>foo</div>"); 1288 1289 })();
Download modules/editor/codemirror/mode/markdown/test.min.js
History Tue, 22 May 2018 22:39:53 +0200 Jan Dankert Fix für PHP 7.2: 'Object' darf nun nicht mehr als Klassennamen verwendet werden. AUCH NICHT IN EINEM NAMESPACE! WTF, wozu habe ich das in einen verfickten Namespace gepackt? Wozu soll der sonst da sein??? Amateure. Daher nun notgedrungen unbenannt in 'BaseObject'.