File modules/editor/codemirror/mode/slim/test.min.js

Last commit: Tue May 22 22:39:52 2018 +0200	Jan Dankert	Fix für PHP 7.2: 'Object' darf nun nicht mehr als Klassennamen verwendet werden. AUCH NICHT IN EINEM NAMESPACE! WTF, wozu habe ich das in einen verfickten Namespace gepackt? Wozu soll der sonst da sein??? Amateure. Daher nun notgedrungen unbenannt in 'BaseObject'.
1 // CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others 2 // Distributed under an MIT license: 3 4 // Slim Highlighting for CodeMirror copyright (c) HicknHack Software Gmbh 5 6 (function() { 7 var mode = CodeMirror.getMode({tabSize: 4, indentUnit: 2}, "slim"); 8 function MT(name) { test.mode(name, mode,, 1)); } 9 10 // Requires at least one media query 11 MT("elementName", 12 "[tag h1] Hey There"); 13 14 MT("oneElementPerLine", 15 "[tag h1] Hey There .h2"); 16 17 MT("idShortcut", 18 "[attribute&def #test] Hey There"); 19 20 MT("tagWithIdShortcuts", 21 "[tag h1][attribute&def #test] Hey There"); 22 23 MT("classShortcut", 24 "[attribute&qualifier .hello] Hey There"); 25 26 MT("tagWithIdAndClassShortcuts", 27 "[tag h1][attribute&def #test][attribute&qualifier .hello] Hey There"); 28 29 MT("docType", 30 "[keyword doctype] xml"); 31 32 MT("comment", 33 "[comment / Hello WORLD]"); 34 35 MT("notComment", 36 "[tag h1] This is not a / comment "); 37 38 MT("attributes", 39 "[tag a]([attribute title]=[string \"test\"]) [attribute href]=[string \"link\"]}"); 40 41 MT("multiLineAttributes", 42 "[tag a]([attribute title]=[string \"test\"]", 43 " ) [attribute href]=[string \"link\"]}"); 44 45 MT("htmlCode", 46 "[tag&bracket <][tag h1][tag&bracket >]Title[tag&bracket </][tag h1][tag&bracket >]"); 47 48 MT("rubyBlock", 49 "[operator&special =][variable-2 @item]"); 50 51 MT("selectorRubyBlock", 52 "[tag a][attribute&qualifier .test][operator&special =] [variable-2 @item]"); 53 54 MT("nestedRubyBlock", 55 "[tag a]", 56 " [operator&special =][variable puts] [string \"test\"]"); 57 58 MT("multilinePlaintext", 59 "[tag p]", 60 " | Hello,", 61 " World"); 62 63 MT("multilineRuby", 64 "[tag p]", 65 " [comment /# this is a comment]", 66 " [comment and this is a comment too]", 67 " | Date/Time", 68 " [operator&special -] [variable now] [operator =] [tag DateTime][operator .][property now]", 69 " [tag strong][operator&special =] [variable now]", 70 " [operator&special -] [keyword if] [variable now] [operator >] [tag DateTime][operator .][property parse]([string \"December 31, 2006\"])", 71 " [operator&special =][string \"Happy\"]", 72 " [operator&special =][string \"Belated\"]", 73 " [operator&special =][string \"Birthday\"]"); 74 75 MT("multilineComment", 76 "[comment /]", 77 " [comment Multiline]", 78 " [comment Comment]"); 79 80 MT("hamlAfterRubyTag", 81 "[attribute&qualifier .block]", 82 " [tag strong][operator&special =] [variable now]", 83 " [attribute&qualifier .test]", 84 " [operator&special =][variable now]", 85 " [attribute&qualifier .right]"); 86 87 MT("stretchedRuby", 88 "[operator&special =] [variable puts] [string \"Hello\"],", 89 " [string \"World\"]"); 90 91 MT("interpolationInHashAttribute", 92 "[tag div]{[attribute id] = [string \"]#{[variable test]}[string _]#{[variable ting]}[string \"]} test"); 93 94 MT("interpolationInHTMLAttribute", 95 "[tag div]([attribute title]=[string \"]#{[variable test]}[string _]#{[variable ting]()}[string \"]) Test"); 96 })();
Download modules/editor/codemirror/mode/slim/test.min.js
History Tue, 22 May 2018 22:39:52 +0200 Jan Dankert Fix für PHP 7.2: 'Object' darf nun nicht mehr als Klassennamen verwendet werden. AUCH NICHT IN EINEM NAMESPACE! WTF, wozu habe ich das in einen verfickten Namespace gepackt? Wozu soll der sonst da sein??? Amateure. Daher nun notgedrungen unbenannt in 'BaseObject'.