File modules/editor/codemirror/addon/hint/html-hint.min.js

Last commit: Tue May 22 22:39:49 2018 +0200	Jan Dankert	Fix für PHP 7.2: 'Object' darf nun nicht mehr als Klassennamen verwendet werden. AUCH NICHT IN EINEM NAMESPACE! WTF, wozu habe ich das in einen verfickten Namespace gepackt? Wozu soll der sonst da sein??? Amateure. Daher nun notgedrungen unbenannt in 'BaseObject'.
1 // CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others 2 // Distributed under an MIT license: 3 4 (function(mod) { 5 if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object") // CommonJS 6 mod(require("../../lib/codemirror"), require("./xml-hint")); 7 else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) // AMD 8 define(["../../lib/codemirror", "./xml-hint"], mod); 9 else // Plain browser env 10 mod(CodeMirror); 11 })(function(CodeMirror) { 12 "use strict"; 13 14 var langs = "ab aa af ak sq am ar an hy as av ae ay az bm ba eu be bn bh bi bs br bg my ca ch ce ny zh cv kw co cr hr cs da dv nl dz en eo et ee fo fj fi fr ff gl ka de el gn gu ht ha he hz hi ho hu ia id ie ga ig ik io is it iu ja jv kl kn kr ks kk km ki rw ky kv kg ko ku kj la lb lg li ln lo lt lu lv gv mk mg ms ml mt mi mr mh mn na nv nb nd ne ng nn no ii nr oc oj cu om or os pa pi fa pl ps pt qu rm rn ro ru sa sc sd se sm sg sr gd sn si sk sl so st es su sw ss sv ta te tg th ti bo tk tl tn to tr ts tt tw ty ug uk ur uz ve vi vo wa cy wo fy xh yi yo za zu".split(" "); 15 var targets = ["_blank", "_self", "_top", "_parent"]; 16 var charsets = ["ascii", "utf-8", "utf-16", "latin1", "latin1"]; 17 var methods = ["get", "post", "put", "delete"]; 18 var encs = ["application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "multipart/form-data", "text/plain"]; 19 var media = ["all", "screen", "print", "embossed", "braille", "handheld", "print", "projection", "screen", "tty", "tv", "speech", 20 "3d-glasses", "resolution [>][<][=] [X]", "device-aspect-ratio: X/Y", "orientation:portrait", 21 "orientation:landscape", "device-height: [X]", "device-width: [X]"]; 22 var s = { attrs: {} }; // Simple tag, reused for a whole lot of tags 23 24 var data = { 25 a: { 26 attrs: { 27 href: null, ping: null, type: null, 28 media: media, 29 target: targets, 30 hreflang: langs 31 } 32 }, 33 abbr: s, 34 acronym: s, 35 address: s, 36 applet: s, 37 area: { 38 attrs: { 39 alt: null, coords: null, href: null, target: null, ping: null, 40 media: media, hreflang: langs, type: null, 41 shape: ["default", "rect", "circle", "poly"] 42 } 43 }, 44 article: s, 45 aside: s, 46 audio: { 47 attrs: { 48 src: null, mediagroup: null, 49 crossorigin: ["anonymous", "use-credentials"], 50 preload: ["none", "metadata", "auto"], 51 autoplay: ["", "autoplay"], 52 loop: ["", "loop"], 53 controls: ["", "controls"] 54 } 55 }, 56 b: s, 57 base: { attrs: { href: null, target: targets } }, 58 basefont: s, 59 bdi: s, 60 bdo: s, 61 big: s, 62 blockquote: { attrs: { cite: null } }, 63 body: s, 64 br: s, 65 button: { 66 attrs: { 67 form: null, formaction: null, name: null, value: null, 68 autofocus: ["", "autofocus"], 69 disabled: ["", "autofocus"], 70 formenctype: encs, 71 formmethod: methods, 72 formnovalidate: ["", "novalidate"], 73 formtarget: targets, 74 type: ["submit", "reset", "button"] 75 } 76 }, 77 canvas: { attrs: { width: null, height: null } }, 78 caption: s, 79 center: s, 80 cite: s, 81 code: s, 82 col: { attrs: { span: null } }, 83 colgroup: { attrs: { span: null } }, 84 command: { 85 attrs: { 86 type: ["command", "checkbox", "radio"], 87 label: null, icon: null, radiogroup: null, command: null, title: null, 88 disabled: ["", "disabled"], 89 checked: ["", "checked"] 90 } 91 }, 92 data: { attrs: { value: null } }, 93 datagrid: { attrs: { disabled: ["", "disabled"], multiple: ["", "multiple"] } }, 94 datalist: { attrs: { data: null } }, 95 dd: s, 96 del: { attrs: { cite: null, datetime: null } }, 97 details: { attrs: { open: ["", "open"] } }, 98 dfn: s, 99 dir: s, 100 div: s, 101 dl: s, 102 dt: s, 103 em: s, 104 embed: { attrs: { src: null, type: null, width: null, height: null } }, 105 eventsource: { attrs: { src: null } }, 106 fieldset: { attrs: { disabled: ["", "disabled"], form: null, name: null } }, 107 figcaption: s, 108 figure: s, 109 font: s, 110 footer: s, 111 form: { 112 attrs: { 113 action: null, name: null, 114 "accept-charset": charsets, 115 autocomplete: ["on", "off"], 116 enctype: encs, 117 method: methods, 118 novalidate: ["", "novalidate"], 119 target: targets 120 } 121 }, 122 frame: s, 123 frameset: s, 124 h1: s, h2: s, h3: s, h4: s, h5: s, h6: s, 125 head: { 126 attrs: {}, 127 children: ["title", "base", "link", "style", "meta", "script", "noscript", "command"] 128 }, 129 header: s, 130 hgroup: s, 131 hr: s, 132 html: { 133 attrs: { manifest: null }, 134 children: ["head", "body"] 135 }, 136 i: s, 137 iframe: { 138 attrs: { 139 src: null, srcdoc: null, name: null, width: null, height: null, 140 sandbox: ["allow-top-navigation", "allow-same-origin", "allow-forms", "allow-scripts"], 141 seamless: ["", "seamless"] 142 } 143 }, 144 img: { 145 attrs: { 146 alt: null, src: null, ismap: null, usemap: null, width: null, height: null, 147 crossorigin: ["anonymous", "use-credentials"] 148 } 149 }, 150 input: { 151 attrs: { 152 alt: null, dirname: null, form: null, formaction: null, 153 height: null, list: null, max: null, maxlength: null, min: null, 154 name: null, pattern: null, placeholder: null, size: null, src: null, 155 step: null, value: null, width: null, 156 accept: ["audio/*", "video/*", "image/*"], 157 autocomplete: ["on", "off"], 158 autofocus: ["", "autofocus"], 159 checked: ["", "checked"], 160 disabled: ["", "disabled"], 161 formenctype: encs, 162 formmethod: methods, 163 formnovalidate: ["", "novalidate"], 164 formtarget: targets, 165 multiple: ["", "multiple"], 166 readonly: ["", "readonly"], 167 required: ["", "required"], 168 type: ["hidden", "text", "search", "tel", "url", "email", "password", "datetime", "date", "month", 169 "week", "time", "datetime-local", "number", "range", "color", "checkbox", "radio", 170 "file", "submit", "image", "reset", "button"] 171 } 172 }, 173 ins: { attrs: { cite: null, datetime: null } }, 174 kbd: s, 175 keygen: { 176 attrs: { 177 challenge: null, form: null, name: null, 178 autofocus: ["", "autofocus"], 179 disabled: ["", "disabled"], 180 keytype: ["RSA"] 181 } 182 }, 183 label: { attrs: { "for": null, form: null } }, 184 legend: s, 185 li: { attrs: { value: null } }, 186 link: { 187 attrs: { 188 href: null, type: null, 189 hreflang: langs, 190 media: media, 191 sizes: ["all", "16x16", "16x16 32x32", "16x16 32x32 64x64"] 192 } 193 }, 194 map: { attrs: { name: null } }, 195 mark: s, 196 menu: { attrs: { label: null, type: ["list", "context", "toolbar"] } }, 197 meta: { 198 attrs: { 199 content: null, 200 charset: charsets, 201 name: ["viewport", "application-name", "author", "description", "generator", "keywords"], 202 "http-equiv": ["content-language", "content-type", "default-style", "refresh"] 203 } 204 }, 205 meter: { attrs: { value: null, min: null, low: null, high: null, max: null, optimum: null } }, 206 nav: s, 207 noframes: s, 208 noscript: s, 209 object: { 210 attrs: { 211 data: null, type: null, name: null, usemap: null, form: null, width: null, height: null, 212 typemustmatch: ["", "typemustmatch"] 213 } 214 }, 215 ol: { attrs: { reversed: ["", "reversed"], start: null, type: ["1", "a", "A", "i", "I"] } }, 216 optgroup: { attrs: { disabled: ["", "disabled"], label: null } }, 217 option: { attrs: { disabled: ["", "disabled"], label: null, selected: ["", "selected"], value: null } }, 218 output: { attrs: { "for": null, form: null, name: null } }, 219 p: s, 220 param: { attrs: { name: null, value: null } }, 221 pre: s, 222 progress: { attrs: { value: null, max: null } }, 223 q: { attrs: { cite: null } }, 224 rp: s, 225 rt: s, 226 ruby: s, 227 s: s, 228 samp: s, 229 script: { 230 attrs: { 231 type: ["text/javascript"], 232 src: null, 233 async: ["", "async"], 234 defer: ["", "defer"], 235 charset: charsets 236 } 237 }, 238 section: s, 239 select: { 240 attrs: { 241 form: null, name: null, size: null, 242 autofocus: ["", "autofocus"], 243 disabled: ["", "disabled"], 244 multiple: ["", "multiple"] 245 } 246 }, 247 small: s, 248 source: { attrs: { src: null, type: null, media: null } }, 249 span: s, 250 strike: s, 251 strong: s, 252 style: { 253 attrs: { 254 type: ["text/css"], 255 media: media, 256 scoped: null 257 } 258 }, 259 sub: s, 260 summary: s, 261 sup: s, 262 table: s, 263 tbody: s, 264 td: { attrs: { colspan: null, rowspan: null, headers: null } }, 265 textarea: { 266 attrs: { 267 dirname: null, form: null, maxlength: null, name: null, placeholder: null, 268 rows: null, cols: null, 269 autofocus: ["", "autofocus"], 270 disabled: ["", "disabled"], 271 readonly: ["", "readonly"], 272 required: ["", "required"], 273 wrap: ["soft", "hard"] 274 } 275 }, 276 tfoot: s, 277 th: { attrs: { colspan: null, rowspan: null, headers: null, scope: ["row", "col", "rowgroup", "colgroup"] } }, 278 thead: s, 279 time: { attrs: { datetime: null } }, 280 title: s, 281 tr: s, 282 track: { 283 attrs: { 284 src: null, label: null, "default": null, 285 kind: ["subtitles", "captions", "descriptions", "chapters", "metadata"], 286 srclang: langs 287 } 288 }, 289 tt: s, 290 u: s, 291 ul: s, 292 "var": s, 293 video: { 294 attrs: { 295 src: null, poster: null, width: null, height: null, 296 crossorigin: ["anonymous", "use-credentials"], 297 preload: ["auto", "metadata", "none"], 298 autoplay: ["", "autoplay"], 299 mediagroup: ["movie"], 300 muted: ["", "muted"], 301 controls: ["", "controls"] 302 } 303 }, 304 wbr: s 305 }; 306 307 var globalAttrs = { 308 accesskey: ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"], 309 "class": null, 310 contenteditable: ["true", "false"], 311 contextmenu: null, 312 dir: ["ltr", "rtl", "auto"], 313 draggable: ["true", "false", "auto"], 314 dropzone: ["copy", "move", "link", "string:", "file:"], 315 hidden: ["hidden"], 316 id: null, 317 inert: ["inert"], 318 itemid: null, 319 itemprop: null, 320 itemref: null, 321 itemscope: ["itemscope"], 322 itemtype: null, 323 lang: ["en", "es"], 324 spellcheck: ["true", "false"], 325 style: null, 326 tabindex: ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"], 327 title: null, 328 translate: ["yes", "no"], 329 onclick: null, 330 rel: ["stylesheet", "alternate", "author", "bookmark", "help", "license", "next", "nofollow", "noreferrer", "prefetch", "prev", "search", "tag"] 331 }; 332 function populate(obj) { 333 for (var attr in globalAttrs) if (globalAttrs.hasOwnProperty(attr)) 334 obj.attrs[attr] = globalAttrs[attr]; 335 } 336 337 populate(s); 338 for (var tag in data) if (data.hasOwnProperty(tag) && data[tag] != s) 339 populate(data[tag]); 340 341 CodeMirror.htmlSchema = data; 342 function htmlHint(cm, options) { 343 var local = {schemaInfo: data}; 344 if (options) for (var opt in options) local[opt] = options[opt]; 345 return CodeMirror.hint.xml(cm, local); 346 } 347 CodeMirror.registerHelper("hint", "html", htmlHint); 348 });
Download modules/editor/codemirror/addon/hint/html-hint.min.js
History Tue, 22 May 2018 22:39:49 +0200 Jan Dankert Fix für PHP 7.2: 'Object' darf nun nicht mehr als Klassennamen verwendet werden. AUCH NICHT IN EINEM NAMESPACE! WTF, wozu habe ich das in einen verfickten Namespace gepackt? Wozu soll der sonst da sein??? Amateure. Daher nun notgedrungen unbenannt in 'BaseObject'.