File modules/template_engine/element/

Last commit: Mon Feb 24 18:36:11 2020 +0100	Jan Dankert	Documentation added.
1 # Element and Attributes 2 3 The template compiler is transforming the component tree into a tree of elements. 4 5 ## Example 6 7 form 8 + link 9 + text 10 11 is transformed into 12 13 form 14 + div 15 + a 16 + span 17 + div 18 + button 19 + button 20 21 # Values and ValueExpressions 22 23 [Value](Value.class.php)s are a string, which may contain [ValueExpression](ValueExpression.class.php) objects. 24 25 ## Example 26 27 i am ${feeling} 28 29 The value is `i am ${feeling}` and it contains a ValueExpression object based on `${feeling}`.
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History Mon, 24 Feb 2020 18:36:11 +0100 Jan Dankert Documentation added.