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apache.php (6241B)

      1 <?php
      2 /*************************************************************************************
      3  * apache.php
      4  * ----------
      5  * Author: Tux (
      6  * Copyright: (c) 2004 Tux (, Nigel McNie (
      7  * Release Version:
      8  * Date Started: 2004/29/07
      9  *
     10  * Apache language file for GeSHi.
     11  * Words are from SciTe configuration file
     12  *
     13  * CHANGES
     14  * -------
     15  * 2004/11/27 (1.0.2)
     16  *  -  Added support for multiple object splitters
     17  * 2004/10/27 (1.0.1)
     18  *   -  Added support for URLs
     19  * 2004/08/05 (1.0.0)
     20  *   -  First Release
     21  *
     22  * TODO (updated 2004/07/29)
     23  * -------------------------
     24  *
     25  *************************************************************************************
     26  *
     27  *     This file is part of GeSHi.
     28  *
     29  *   GeSHi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
     30  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     31  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
     32  *   (at your option) any later version.
     33  *
     34  *   GeSHi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     35  *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     37  *   GNU General Public License for more details.
     38  *
     39  *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     40  *   along with GeSHi; if not, write to the Free Software
     41  *   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
     42  *
     43  ************************************************************************************/
     45 $language_data = array (
     46 	'LANG_NAME' => 'Apache Log',
     47 	'COMMENT_SINGLE' => array(1 => '#'),
     48 	'COMMENT_MULTI' => array(),
     50 	'QUOTEMARKS' => array("'", '"'),
     51 	'ESCAPE_CHAR' => '\\',
     52 	'KEYWORDS' => array(
     53 		/*keywords*/
     54 	        1 => array(
     55 			'accessconfig','accessfilename','action','addalt',
     56 			'addaltbyencoding','addaltbytype','addcharset',
     57 			'adddefaultcharset','adddescription',
     58 			'addencoding','addhandler','addicon','addiconbyencoding',
     59 			'addiconbytype','addlanguage','addmodule','addmoduleinfo',
     60 			'addtype','agentlog','alias','aliasmatch',
     61 			'allow','allowconnect','allowoverride','anonymous',
     62 			'anonymous_authoritative','anonymous_logemail','anonymous_mustgiveemail',
     63 			'anonymous_nouserid','anonymous_verifyemail','authauthoritative',
     64 			'authdbauthoritative','authdbgroupfile','authdbmauthoritative',
     65 			'authdbmgroupfile','authdbmgroupfile','authdbuserfile','authdbmuserfile',
     66 			'authdigestfile','authgroupfile','authname','authtype',
     67 			'authuserfile','bindaddress','browsermatch','browsermatchnocase',
     68 			'bs2000account','cachedefaultexpire','cachedirlength','cachedirlevels',
     69 			'cacheforcecompletion','cachegcinterval','cachelastmodifiedfactor','cachemaxexpire',
     70 			'cachenegotiateddocs','cacheroot','cachesize','checkspelling',
     71 			'clearmodulelist','contentdigest','cookieexpires','cookielog',
     72 			'cookielog','cookietracking','coredumpdirectory','customlog',
     73 			'defaulticon','defaultlanguage','defaulttype','define',
     74 			'deny','directory','directorymatch','directoryindex',
     75 			'documentroot','errordocument','errorlog','example',
     76 			'expiresactive','expiresbytype','expiresdefault','extendedstatus',
     77 			'fancyindexing','files','filesmatch','forcetype',
     78 			'group','header','headername','hostnamelookups',
     79 			'identitycheck','ifdefine','ifmodule','imapbase',
     80 			'imapdefault','imapmenu','include','indexignore',
     81 			'indexoptions','keepalive','keepalivetimeout','languagepriority',
     82 			'limit','limitexcept','limitrequestbody','limitrequestfields',
     83 			'limitrequestfieldsize','limitrequestline','listen','listenbacklog',
     84 			'loadfile','loadmodule','location','locationmatch',
     85 			'lockfile','logformat','loglevel','maxclients',
     86 			'maxkeepaliverequests','maxrequestsperchild','maxspareservers','metadir',
     87 			'metafiles','metasuffix','mimemagicfile','minspareservers',
     88 			'mmapfile','namevirtualhost','nocache','options','order',
     89 			'passenv','pidfile','port','proxyblock','proxydomain',
     90 			'proxypass','proxypassreverse','proxyreceivebuffersize','proxyremote',
     91 			'proxyrequests','proxyvia','qsc','readmename',
     92 			'redirect','redirectmatch','redirectpermanent','redirecttemp',
     93 			'refererignore','refererlog','removehandler','require',
     94 			'resourceconfig','rewritebase','rewritecond','rewriteengine',
     95 			'rewritelock','rewritelog','rewriteloglevel','rewritemap',
     96 			'rewriteoptions','rewriterule','rlimitcpu','rlimitmem',
     97 			'rlimitnproc','satisfy','scoreboardfile','script',
     98 			'scriptalias','scriptaliasmatch','scriptinterpretersource','scriptlog',
     99 			'scriptlogbuffer','scriptloglength','sendbuffersize',
    100 			'serveradmin','serveralias','servername','serverpath',
    101 			'serverroot','serversignature','servertokens','servertype',
    102 			'setenv','setenvif','setenvifnocase','sethandler',
    103 			'singlelisten','startservers','threadsperchild','timeout',
    104 			'transferlog','typesconfig','unsetenv','usecanonicalname',
    105 			'user','userdir','virtualhost','virtualdocumentroot',
    106 			'virtualdocumentrootip','virtualscriptalias','virtualscriptaliasip',
    107 			'xbithack','from','all'
    108 		  ),
    109 		/*keyords 2*/
    110 		2 => array(
    111 			'on','off','standalone','inetd',
    112 			'force-response-1.0','downgrade-1.0','nokeepalive',
    113 			'ndexes','includes','followsymlinks','none',
    114 			'x-compress','x-gzip'
    115 		)
    116 	),
    117 	'SYMBOLS' => array(
    118 		'(', ')'
    119 		),
    120 	'CASE_SENSITIVE' => array(
    121 		GESHI_COMMENTS => true,
    122 		1 => false,
    123 		2 => false,
    124 		),
    125 	'STYLES' => array(
    126 		'KEYWORDS' => array(
    127 			1 => 'color: #00007f;',
    128 			2 => 'color: #0000ff;',
    129 			),
    130 		'COMMENTS' => array(
    131 			1 => 'color: #adadad; font-style: italic;',
    132 			),
    133 		'ESCAPE_CHAR' => array(
    134 			0 => 'color: #000099; font-weight: bold;'
    135 			),
    136 		'BRACKETS' => array(
    137 			0 => 'color: #66cc66;'
    138 			),
    139 		'STRINGS' => array(
    140 			0 => 'color: #7f007f;'
    141 			),
    142 		'NUMBERS' => array(
    143 			0 => 'color: #ff0000;'
    144 			),
    145 		'METHODS' => array(
    146 			),
    147 		'SYMBOLS' => array(
    148 			0 => 'color: #66cc66;'
    149 			),
    150 		'REGEXPS' => array(
    151 			),
    152 		'SCRIPT' => array(
    153 			)
    154 		),
    155 	'URLS' => array(
    156 		1 => '',
    157 		2 => ''
    158 		),
    159 	'OOLANG' => false,
    160 	'OBJECT_SPLITTERS' => array(
    161 		),
    162 	'REGEXPS' => array(
    163 		),
    165 	'SCRIPT_DELIMITERS' => array(
    166 		),
    167 	'HIGHLIGHT_STRICT_BLOCK' => array(
    168 		)
    169 );
    171 ?>