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view.min.js (2578B)

      1 import $ from  '../jquery-global.min.js';
      2 import Callback from "./callback.min.js";
      3 import Form     from "./form.min.js";
      4 import Notice   from "./notice.min.js";
      5 import Workbench from "./workbench.min.js";
      6 export default class View {
      7 constructor( action,method,id,params ) {
      8 this.action = action;
      9 this.method = method;
     10 = id;
     11 this.params = params;
     12 this.onCloseHandler = new Callback();
     13 this.onChangeHandler = new Callback();
     14 this.onSaveHandler = new Callback();
     15 }
     16 before() {
     17 };
     18 start( element ) {
     19 this.before();
     20 this.element = element;
     21 return this.loadView();
     22 }
     23 afterLoad() {
     24 }
     25 close() {
     27 }
     28 fireViewLoadedEvents(element) {
     29 element );
     30 }
     31 async loadView() {
     32 let url     = View.createUrl(this.action, this.method,, this.params); 
     33 let element = this.element;
     34 let view    = this;
     35 console.debug( view );
     36 try {
     37 let response = await fetch( url,{
     38 method: 'GET',
     39 headers: {
     40 'Accept': 'text/html',
     41 }
     42 } );
     43 $(element).html("");
     44 if   ( ! response.ok ) {
     45 $(element).html('<div class="or-view-central"><i class="or-image-icon or-image-icon--method-logout" /></div>');
     46 if   ( response.status == 403 ) {
     47 throw "Permission denied";
     48 }
     49 else if   ( response.status == 503 )
     50 throw "server error";
     51 else
     52 throw "failed to load the view";
     53 }
     54 let data = await response.text();
     55 if   ( ! data )
     56 data = '';
     57 $(element).html(data);
     58 $(element).find('form').each( function() {
     59 let form = new Form();
     60 form.onChangeHandler.add( () => { } );
     61 form.onSaveHandler  .add( () => { view.onSaveHandler  .fire() } );
     62 form.onCloseHandler .add( () => { view.close()                } );
     63 form.forwardHandler.add( (action, subaction, id, data) => {
     64 view.action = action;
     65 view.method = subaction;
     66     = id;
     67 view.params = data;
     68 view.loadView();
     69 } );
     70 form.initOnElement(this);
     71 });
     72 view.fireViewLoadedEvents( element );
     73 }
     74 catch( cause ) {
     75 console.error( {view:view, url:url, cause: cause} );
     76 let notice = new Notice();
     77 notice.setStatus('error');
     78 notice.msg = Workbench.language.NOTHING_DONE;
     79 notice.log = cause;
     81 }
     82 finally {
     83 }
     84 }
     85 static createUrl(action, subaction, id= 0, extraid = {}) {
     86 let url = './?';
     87 if(action)
     88 url += '&action='+action;
     89 if(subaction)
     90 url += '&subaction='+subaction;
     91 if(id)
     92 url += '&id='+id;
     93 if   ( extraid instanceof FormData ) {
     94 for (let pair of extraid.entries()) {
     95 url += '&' + pair[0] + '=' + pair[1];
     96 }
     97 }
     98 else if	( extraid instanceof Object ) {
     99 Object.keys(extraid).forEach( (key) =>  {
    100 url += '&' + key + '=' + extraid[key];
    101 });
    102 }
    103 else
    104 throw "Illegal argument";
    105 return url;
    106 }
    107 }