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upgrade_v3.html (8508B)

      1 <!doctype html>
      3 <title>CodeMirror: Version 3 upgrade guide</title>
      4 <meta charset="utf-8"/>
      5 <link rel=stylesheet href="docs.css">
      6 <script src="../lib/codemirror.js"></script>
      7 <link rel="stylesheet" href="../lib/codemirror.css">
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      9 <script src="../addon/runmode/colorize.js"></script>
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     16 <div id=nav>
     17   <a href=""><h1>CodeMirror</h1><img id=logo src="logo.png"></a>
     19   <ul>
     20     <li><a href="../index.html">Home</a>
     21     <li><a href="manual.html">Manual</a>
     22     <li><a href="">Code</a>
     23   </ul>
     24   <ul>
     25     <li><a class=active href="#upgrade">Upgrade guide</a>
     26     <li><a href="#dom">DOM structure</a></li>
     27     <li><a href="#gutters">Gutter model</a></li>
     28     <li><a href="#events">Event handling</a></li>
     29     <li><a href="#marktext">markText method arguments</a></li>
     30     <li><a href="#folding">Line folding</a></li>
     31     <li><a href="#lineclass">Line CSS classes</a></li>
     32     <li><a href="#positions">Position properties</a></li>
     33     <li><a href="#matchbrackets">Bracket matching</a></li>
     34     <li><a href="#modes">Mode management</a></li>
     35     <li><a href="#new">New features</a></li>
     36   </ul>
     37 </div>
     39 <article>
     41 <h2 id=upgrade>Upgrading to version 3</h2>
     43 <p>Version 3 does not depart too much from 2.x API, and sites that use
     44 CodeMirror in a very simple way might be able to upgrade without
     45 trouble. But it does introduce a number of incompatibilities. Please
     46 at least skim this text before upgrading.</p>
     48 <p>Note that <strong>version 3 drops full support for Internet
     49 Explorer 7</strong>. The editor will mostly work on that browser, but
     50 it'll be significantly glitchy.</p>
     52 <section id=dom>
     53   <h2>DOM structure</h2>
     55 <p>This one is the most likely to cause problems. The internal
     56 structure of the editor has changed quite a lot, mostly to implement a
     57 new scrolling model.</p>
     59 <p>Editor height is now set on the outer wrapper element (CSS
     60 class <code>CodeMirror</code>), not on the scroller element
     61 (<code>CodeMirror-scroll</code>).</p>
     63 <p>Other nodes were moved, dropped, and added. If you have any code
     64 that makes assumptions about the internal DOM structure of the editor,
     65 you'll have to re-test it and probably update it to work with v3.</p>
     67 <p>See the <a href="manual.html#styling">styling section</a> of the
     68 manual for more information.</p>
     69 </section>
     70 <section id=gutters>
     71   <h2>Gutter model</h2>
     73 <p>In CodeMirror 2.x, there was a single gutter, and line markers
     74 created with <code>setMarker</code> would have to somehow coexist with
     75 the line numbers (if present). Version 3 allows you to specify an
     76 array of gutters, <a href="manual.html#option_gutters">by class
     77 name</a>,
     78 use <a href="manual.html#setGutterMarker"><code>setGutterMarker</code></a>
     79 to add or remove markers in individual gutters, and clear whole
     80 gutters
     81 with <a href="manual.html#clearGutter"><code>clearGutter</code></a>.
     82 Gutter markers are now specified as DOM nodes, rather than HTML
     83 snippets.</p>
     85 <p>The gutters no longer horizontally scrolls along with the content.
     86 The <code>fixedGutter</code> option was removed (since it is now the
     87 only behavior).</p>
     89 <pre data-lang="text/html">
     90 &lt;style>
     91   /* Define a gutter style */
     92   .note-gutter { width: 3em; background: cyan; }
     93 &lt;/style>
     94 &lt;script>
     95   // Create an instance with two gutters -- line numbers and notes
     96   var cm = new CodeMirror(document.body, {
     97     gutters: ["note-gutter", "CodeMirror-linenumbers"],
     98     lineNumbers: true
     99   });
    100   // Add a note to line 0
    101   cm.setGutterMarker(0, "note-gutter", document.createTextNode("hi"));
    102 &lt;/script>
    103 </pre>
    104 </section>
    105 <section id=events>
    106   <h2>Event handling</h2>
    108 <p>Most of the <code>onXYZ</code> options have been removed. The same
    109 effect is now obtained by calling
    110 the <a href="manual.html#on"><code>on</code></a> method with a string
    111 identifying the event type. Multiple handlers can now be registered
    112 (and individually unregistered) for an event, and objects such as line
    113 handlers now also expose events. See <a href="manual.html#events">the
    114 full list here</a>.</p>
    116 <p>(The <code>onKeyEvent</code> and <code>onDragEvent</code> options,
    117 which act more as hooks than as event handlers, are still there in
    118 their old form.)</p>
    120 <pre data-lang="javascript">
    121 cm.on("change", function(cm, change) {
    122   console.log("something changed! (" + change.origin + ")");
    123 });
    124 </pre>
    125 </section>
    126 <section id=marktext>
    127   <h2>markText method arguments</h2>
    129 <p>The <a href="manual.html#markText"><code>markText</code></a> method
    130 (which has gained some interesting new features, such as creating
    131 atomic and read-only spans, or replacing spans with widgets) no longer
    132 takes the CSS class name as a separate argument, but makes it an
    133 optional field in the options object instead.</p>
    135 <pre data-lang="javascript">
    136 // Style first ten lines, and forbid the cursor from entering them
    137 cm.markText({line: 0, ch: 0}, {line: 10, ch: 0}, {
    138   className: "magic-text",
    139   inclusiveLeft: true,
    140   atomic: true
    141 });
    142 </pre>
    143 </section>
    144 <section id=folding>
    145   <h2>Line folding</h2>
    147 <p>The interface for hiding lines has been
    148 removed. <a href="manual.html#markText"><code>markText</code></a> can
    149 now be used to do the same in a more flexible and powerful way.</p>
    151 <p>The <a href="../demo/folding.html">folding script</a> has been
    152 updated to use the new interface, and should now be more robust.</p>
    154 <pre data-lang="javascript">
    155 // Fold a range, replacing it with the text "??"
    156 var range = cm.markText({line: 4, ch: 2}, {line: 8, ch: 1}, {
    157   replacedWith: document.createTextNode("??"),
    158   // Auto-unfold when cursor moves into the range
    159   clearOnEnter: true
    160 });
    161 // Get notified when auto-unfolding
    162 CodeMirror.on(range, "clear", function() {
    163   console.log("boom");
    164 });
    165 </pre>
    166 </section>
    167 <section id=lineclass>
    168   <h2>Line CSS classes</h2>
    170 <p>The <code>setLineClass</code> method has been replaced
    171 by <a href="manual.html#addLineClass"><code>addLineClass</code></a>
    172 and <a href="manual.html#removeLineClass"><code>removeLineClass</code></a>,
    173 which allow more modular control over the classes attached to a line.</p>
    175 <pre data-lang="javascript">
    176 var marked = cm.addLineClass(10, "background", "highlighted-line");
    177 setTimeout(function() {
    178   cm.removeLineClass(marked, "background", "highlighted-line");
    179 });
    180 </pre>
    181 </section>
    182 <section id=positions>
    183   <h2>Position properties</h2>
    185 <p>All methods that take or return objects that represent screen
    186 positions now use <code>{left, top, bottom, right}</code> properties
    187 (not always all of them) instead of the <code>{x, y, yBot}</code> used
    188 by some methods in v2.x.</p>
    190 <p>Affected methods
    191 are <a href="manual.html#cursorCoords"><code>cursorCoords</code></a>, <a href="manual.html#charCoords"><code>charCoords</code></a>, <a href="manual.html#coordsChar"><code>coordsChar</code></a>,
    192 and <a href="manual.html#getScrollInfo"><code>getScrollInfo</code></a>.</p>
    193 </section>
    194 <section id=matchbrackets>
    195   <h2>Bracket matching no longer in core</h2>
    197 <p>The <a href="manual.html#addon_matchbrackets"><code>matchBrackets</code></a>
    198 option is no longer defined in the core editor.
    199 Load <code>addon/edit/matchbrackets.js</code> to enable it.</p>
    200 </section>
    201 <section id=modes>
    202   <h2>Mode management</h2>
    204 <p>The <code>CodeMirror.listModes</code>
    205 and <code>CodeMirror.listMIMEs</code> functions, used for listing
    206 defined modes, are gone. You are now encouraged to simply
    207 inspect <code>CodeMirror.modes</code> (mapping mode names to mode
    208 constructors) and <code>CodeMirror.mimeModes</code> (mapping MIME
    209 strings to mode specs).</p>
    210 </section>
    211 <section id=new>
    212   <h2>New features</h2>
    214 <p>Some more reasons to upgrade to version 3.</p>
    216 <ul>
    217   <li>Bi-directional text support. CodeMirror will now mostly do the
    218   right thing when editing Arabic or Hebrew text.</li>
    219   <li>Arbitrary line heights. Using fonts with different heights
    220   inside the editor (whether off by one pixel or fifty) is now
    221   supported and handled gracefully.</li>
    222   <li>In-line widgets. See <a href="../demo/widget.html">the demo</a>
    223   and <a href="manual.html#addLineWidget">the docs</a>.</li>
    224   <li>Defining custom options
    225   with <a href="manual.html#defineOption"><code>CodeMirror.defineOption</code></a>.</li>
    226 </ul>
    227 </section>
    228 </article>
    230 <script>setTimeout(function(){CodeMirror.colorize();}, 20);</script>