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sql.js (45165B)

      1 // CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others
      2 // Distributed under an MIT license:
      4 (function(mod) {
      5   if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object") // CommonJS
      6     mod(require("../../lib/codemirror"));
      7   else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) // AMD
      8     define(["../../lib/codemirror"], mod);
      9   else // Plain browser env
     10     mod(CodeMirror);
     11 })(function(CodeMirror) {
     12 "use strict";
     14 CodeMirror.defineMode("sql", function(config, parserConfig) {
     15   "use strict";
     17   var client         = parserConfig.client || {},
     18       atoms          = parserConfig.atoms || {"false": true, "true": true, "null": true},
     19       builtin        = parserConfig.builtin || {},
     20       keywords       = parserConfig.keywords || {},
     21       operatorChars  = parserConfig.operatorChars || /^[*+\-%<>!=&|~^]/,
     22       support        = || {},
     23       hooks          = parserConfig.hooks || {},
     24       dateSQL        = parserConfig.dateSQL || {"date" : true, "time" : true, "timestamp" : true};
     26   function tokenBase(stream, state) {
     27     var ch =;
     29     // call hooks from the mime type
     30     if (hooks[ch]) {
     31       var result = hooks[ch](stream, state);
     32       if (result !== false) return result;
     33     }
     35     if (support.hexNumber &&
     36       ((ch == "0" && stream.match(/^[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+/))
     37       || (ch == "x" || ch == "X") && stream.match(/^'[0-9a-fA-F]+'/))) {
     38       // hex
     39       // ref:
     40       return "number";
     41     } else if (support.binaryNumber &&
     42       (((ch == "b" || ch == "B") && stream.match(/^'[01]+'/))
     43       || (ch == "0" && stream.match(/^b[01]+/)))) {
     44       // bitstring
     45       // ref:
     46       return "number";
     47     } else if (ch.charCodeAt(0) > 47 && ch.charCodeAt(0) < 58) {
     48       // numbers
     49       // ref:
     50       stream.match(/^[0-9]*(\.[0-9]+)?([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?/);
     51       support.decimallessFloat && stream.match(/^\.(?!\.)/);
     52       return "number";
     53     } else if (ch == "?" && (stream.eatSpace() || stream.eol() ||";"))) {
     54       // placeholders
     55       return "variable-3";
     56     } else if (ch == "'" || (ch == '"' && support.doubleQuote)) {
     57       // strings
     58       // ref:
     59       state.tokenize = tokenLiteral(ch);
     60       return state.tokenize(stream, state);
     61     } else if ((((support.nCharCast && (ch == "n" || ch == "N"))
     62         || (support.charsetCast && ch == "_" && stream.match(/[a-z][a-z0-9]*/i)))
     63         && (stream.peek() == "'" || stream.peek() == '"'))) {
     64       // charset casting: _utf8'str', N'str', n'str'
     65       // ref:
     66       return "keyword";
     67     } else if (/^[\(\),\;\[\]]/.test(ch)) {
     68       // no highlighting
     69       return null;
     70     } else if (support.commentSlashSlash && ch == "/" &&"/")) {
     71       // 1-line comment
     72       stream.skipToEnd();
     73       return "comment";
     74     } else if ((support.commentHash && ch == "#")
     75         || (ch == "-" &&"-") && (!support.commentSpaceRequired ||" ")))) {
     76       // 1-line comments
     77       // ref:
     78       stream.skipToEnd();
     79       return "comment";
     80     } else if (ch == "/" &&"*")) {
     81       // multi-line comments
     82       // ref:
     83       state.tokenize = tokenComment(1);
     84       return state.tokenize(stream, state);
     85     } else if (ch == ".") {
     86       // .1 for 0.1
     87       if (support.zerolessFloat && stream.match(/^(?:\d+(?:e[+-]?\d+)?)/i))
     88         return "number";
     89       if (stream.match(/^\.+/))
     90         return null
     91       // .table_name (ODBC)
     92       // // ref:
     93       if (support.ODBCdotTable && stream.match(/^[\w\d_]+/))
     94         return "variable-2";
     95     } else if (operatorChars.test(ch)) {
     96       // operators
     97       stream.eatWhile(operatorChars);
     98       return null;
     99     } else if (ch == '{' &&
    100         (stream.match(/^( )*(d|D|t|T|ts|TS)( )*'[^']*'( )*}/) || stream.match(/^( )*(d|D|t|T|ts|TS)( )*"[^"]*"( )*}/))) {
    101       // dates (weird ODBC syntax)
    102       // ref:
    103       return "number";
    104     } else {
    105       stream.eatWhile(/^[_\w\d]/);
    106       var word = stream.current().toLowerCase();
    107       // dates (standard SQL syntax)
    108       // ref:
    109       if (dateSQL.hasOwnProperty(word) && (stream.match(/^( )+'[^']*'/) || stream.match(/^( )+"[^"]*"/)))
    110         return "number";
    111       if (atoms.hasOwnProperty(word)) return "atom";
    112       if (builtin.hasOwnProperty(word)) return "builtin";
    113       if (keywords.hasOwnProperty(word)) return "keyword";
    114       if (client.hasOwnProperty(word)) return "string-2";
    115       return null;
    116     }
    117   }
    119   // 'string', with char specified in quote escaped by '\'
    120   function tokenLiteral(quote) {
    121     return function(stream, state) {
    122       var escaped = false, ch;
    123       while ((ch = != null) {
    124         if (ch == quote && !escaped) {
    125           state.tokenize = tokenBase;
    126           break;
    127         }
    128         escaped = !escaped && ch == "\\";
    129       }
    130       return "string";
    131     };
    132   }
    133   function tokenComment(depth) {
    134     return function(stream, state) {
    135       var m = stream.match(/^.*?(\/\*|\*\/)/)
    136       if (!m) stream.skipToEnd()
    137       else if (m[1] == "/*") state.tokenize = tokenComment(depth + 1)
    138       else if (depth > 1) state.tokenize = tokenComment(depth - 1)
    139       else state.tokenize = tokenBase
    140       return "comment"
    141     }
    142   }
    144   function pushContext(stream, state, type) {
    145     state.context = {
    146       prev: state.context,
    147       indent: stream.indentation(),
    148       col: stream.column(),
    149       type: type
    150     };
    151   }
    153   function popContext(state) {
    154     state.indent = state.context.indent;
    155     state.context = state.context.prev;
    156   }
    158   return {
    159     startState: function() {
    160       return {tokenize: tokenBase, context: null};
    161     },
    163     token: function(stream, state) {
    164       if (stream.sol()) {
    165         if (state.context && state.context.align == null)
    166           state.context.align = false;
    167       }
    168       if (state.tokenize == tokenBase && stream.eatSpace()) return null;
    170       var style = state.tokenize(stream, state);
    171       if (style == "comment") return style;
    173       if (state.context && state.context.align == null)
    174         state.context.align = true;
    176       var tok = stream.current();
    177       if (tok == "(")
    178         pushContext(stream, state, ")");
    179       else if (tok == "[")
    180         pushContext(stream, state, "]");
    181       else if (state.context && state.context.type == tok)
    182         popContext(state);
    183       return style;
    184     },
    186     indent: function(state, textAfter) {
    187       var cx = state.context;
    188       if (!cx) return CodeMirror.Pass;
    189       var closing = textAfter.charAt(0) == cx.type;
    190       if (cx.align) return cx.col + (closing ? 0 : 1);
    191       else return cx.indent + (closing ? 0 : config.indentUnit);
    192     },
    194     blockCommentStart: "/*",
    195     blockCommentEnd: "*/",
    196     lineComment: support.commentSlashSlash ? "//" : support.commentHash ? "#" : "--"
    197   };
    198 });
    200 (function() {
    201   "use strict";
    203   // `identifier`
    204   function hookIdentifier(stream) {
    205     // MySQL/MariaDB identifiers
    206     // ref:
    207     var ch;
    208     while ((ch = != null) {
    209       if (ch == "`" && !"`")) return "variable-2";
    210     }
    211     stream.backUp(stream.current().length - 1);
    212     return stream.eatWhile(/\w/) ? "variable-2" : null;
    213   }
    215   // "identifier"
    216   function hookIdentifierDoublequote(stream) {
    217     // Standard SQL /SQLite identifiers
    218     // ref:
    219     // ref:
    220     var ch;
    221     while ((ch = != null) {
    222       if (ch == "\"" && !"\"")) return "variable-2";
    223     }
    224     stream.backUp(stream.current().length - 1);
    225     return stream.eatWhile(/\w/) ? "variable-2" : null;
    226   }
    228   // variable token
    229   function hookVar(stream) {
    230     // variables
    231     // @@prefix.varName @varName
    232     // varName can be quoted with ` or ' or "
    233     // ref:
    234     if ("@")) {
    235       stream.match(/^session\./);
    236       stream.match(/^local\./);
    237       stream.match(/^global\./);
    238     }
    240     if ("'")) {
    241       stream.match(/^.*'/);
    242       return "variable-2";
    243     } else if ('"')) {
    244       stream.match(/^.*"/);
    245       return "variable-2";
    246     } else if ("`")) {
    247       stream.match(/^.*`/);
    248       return "variable-2";
    249     } else if (stream.match(/^[0-9a-zA-Z$\.\_]+/)) {
    250       return "variable-2";
    251     }
    252     return null;
    253   };
    255   // short client keyword token
    256   function hookClient(stream) {
    257     // \N means NULL
    258     // ref:
    259     if ("N")) {
    260         return "atom";
    261     }
    262     // \g, etc
    263     // ref:
    264     return stream.match(/^[a-zA-Z.#!?]/) ? "variable-2" : null;
    265   }
    267   // these keywords are used by all SQL dialects (however, a mode can still overwrite it)
    268   var sqlKeywords = "alter and as asc between by count create delete desc distinct drop from group having in insert into is join like not on or order select set table union update values where limit ";
    270   // turn a space-separated list into an array
    271   function set(str) {
    272     var obj = {}, words = str.split(" ");
    273     for (var i = 0; i < words.length; ++i) obj[words[i]] = true;
    274     return obj;
    275   }
    277   // A generic SQL Mode. It's not a standard, it just try to support what is generally supported
    278   CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/x-sql", {
    279     name: "sql",
    280     keywords: set(sqlKeywords + "begin"),
    281     builtin: set("bool boolean bit blob enum long longblob longtext medium mediumblob mediumint mediumtext time timestamp tinyblob tinyint tinytext text bigint int int1 int2 int3 int4 int8 integer float float4 float8 double char varbinary varchar varcharacter precision real date datetime year unsigned signed decimal numeric"),
    282     atoms: set("false true null unknown"),
    283     operatorChars: /^[*+\-%<>!=]/,
    284     dateSQL: set("date time timestamp"),
    285     support: set("ODBCdotTable doubleQuote binaryNumber hexNumber")
    286   });
    288   CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/x-mssql", {
    289     name: "sql",
    290     client: set("charset clear connect edit ego exit go help nopager notee nowarning pager print prompt quit rehash source status system tee"),
    291     keywords: set(sqlKeywords + "begin trigger proc view index for add constraint key primary foreign collate clustered nonclustered declare exec"),
    292     builtin: set("bigint numeric bit smallint decimal smallmoney int tinyint money float real char varchar text nchar nvarchar ntext binary varbinary image cursor timestamp hierarchyid uniqueidentifier sql_variant xml table "),
    293     atoms: set("false true null unknown"),
    294     operatorChars: /^[*+\-%<>!=]/,
    295     dateSQL: set("date datetimeoffset datetime2 smalldatetime datetime time"),
    296     hooks: {
    297       "@":   hookVar
    298     }
    299   });
    301   CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/x-mysql", {
    302     name: "sql",
    303     client: set("charset clear connect edit ego exit go help nopager notee nowarning pager print prompt quit rehash source status system tee"),
    304     keywords: set(sqlKeywords + "accessible action add after algorithm all analyze asensitive at authors auto_increment autocommit avg avg_row_length before binary binlog both btree cache call cascade cascaded case catalog_name chain change changed character check checkpoint checksum class_origin client_statistics close coalesce code collate collation collations column columns comment commit committed completion concurrent condition connection consistent constraint contains continue contributors convert cross current current_date current_time current_timestamp current_user cursor data database databases day_hour day_microsecond day_minute day_second deallocate dec declare default delay_key_write delayed delimiter des_key_file describe deterministic dev_pop dev_samp deviance diagnostics directory disable discard distinctrow div dual dumpfile each elseif enable enclosed end ends engine engines enum errors escape escaped even event events every execute exists exit explain extended fast fetch field fields first flush for force foreign found_rows full fulltext function general get global grant grants group group_concat handler hash help high_priority hosts hour_microsecond hour_minute hour_second if ignore ignore_server_ids import index index_statistics infile inner innodb inout insensitive insert_method install interval invoker isolation iterate key keys kill language last leading leave left level limit linear lines list load local localtime localtimestamp lock logs low_priority master master_heartbeat_period master_ssl_verify_server_cert masters match max max_rows maxvalue message_text middleint migrate min min_rows minute_microsecond minute_second mod mode modifies modify mutex mysql_errno natural next no no_write_to_binlog offline offset one online open optimize option optionally out outer outfile pack_keys parser partition partitions password phase plugin plugins prepare preserve prev primary privileges procedure processlist profile profiles purge query quick range read read_write reads real rebuild recover references regexp relaylog release remove rename reorganize repair repeatable replace require resignal restrict resume return returns revoke right rlike rollback rollup row row_format rtree savepoint schedule schema schema_name schemas second_microsecond security sensitive separator serializable server session share show signal slave slow smallint snapshot soname spatial specific sql sql_big_result sql_buffer_result sql_cache sql_calc_found_rows sql_no_cache sql_small_result sqlexception sqlstate sqlwarning ssl start starting starts status std stddev stddev_pop stddev_samp storage straight_join subclass_origin sum suspend table_name table_statistics tables tablespace temporary terminated to trailing transaction trigger triggers truncate uncommitted undo uninstall unique unlock upgrade usage use use_frm user user_resources user_statistics using utc_date utc_time utc_timestamp value variables varying view views warnings when while with work write xa xor year_month zerofill begin do then else loop repeat"),
    305     builtin: set("bool boolean bit blob decimal double float long longblob longtext medium mediumblob mediumint mediumtext time timestamp tinyblob tinyint tinytext text bigint int int1 int2 int3 int4 int8 integer float float4 float8 double char varbinary varchar varcharacter precision date datetime year unsigned signed numeric"),
    306     atoms: set("false true null unknown"),
    307     operatorChars: /^[*+\-%<>!=&|^]/,
    308     dateSQL: set("date time timestamp"),
    309     support: set("ODBCdotTable decimallessFloat zerolessFloat binaryNumber hexNumber doubleQuote nCharCast charsetCast commentHash commentSpaceRequired"),
    310     hooks: {
    311       "@":   hookVar,
    312       "`":   hookIdentifier,
    313       "\\":  hookClient
    314     }
    315   });
    317   CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/x-mariadb", {
    318     name: "sql",
    319     client: set("charset clear connect edit ego exit go help nopager notee nowarning pager print prompt quit rehash source status system tee"),
    320     keywords: set(sqlKeywords + "accessible action add after algorithm all always analyze asensitive at authors auto_increment autocommit avg avg_row_length before binary binlog both btree cache call cascade cascaded case catalog_name chain change changed character check checkpoint checksum class_origin client_statistics close coalesce code collate collation collations column columns comment commit committed completion concurrent condition connection consistent constraint contains continue contributors convert cross current current_date current_time current_timestamp current_user cursor data database databases day_hour day_microsecond day_minute day_second deallocate dec declare default delay_key_write delayed delimiter des_key_file describe deterministic dev_pop dev_samp deviance diagnostics directory disable discard distinctrow div dual dumpfile each elseif enable enclosed end ends engine engines enum errors escape escaped even event events every execute exists exit explain extended fast fetch field fields first flush for force foreign found_rows full fulltext function general generated get global grant grants group groupby_concat handler hard hash help high_priority hosts hour_microsecond hour_minute hour_second if ignore ignore_server_ids import index index_statistics infile inner innodb inout insensitive insert_method install interval invoker isolation iterate key keys kill language last leading leave left level limit linear lines list load local localtime localtimestamp lock logs low_priority master master_heartbeat_period master_ssl_verify_server_cert masters match max max_rows maxvalue message_text middleint migrate min min_rows minute_microsecond minute_second mod mode modifies modify mutex mysql_errno natural next no no_write_to_binlog offline offset one online open optimize option optionally out outer outfile pack_keys parser partition partitions password persistent phase plugin plugins prepare preserve prev primary privileges procedure processlist profile profiles purge query quick range read read_write reads real rebuild recover references regexp relaylog release remove rename reorganize repair repeatable replace require resignal restrict resume return returns revoke right rlike rollback rollup row row_format rtree savepoint schedule schema schema_name schemas second_microsecond security sensitive separator serializable server session share show shutdown signal slave slow smallint snapshot soft soname spatial specific sql sql_big_result sql_buffer_result sql_cache sql_calc_found_rows sql_no_cache sql_small_result sqlexception sqlstate sqlwarning ssl start starting starts status std stddev stddev_pop stddev_samp storage straight_join subclass_origin sum suspend table_name table_statistics tables tablespace temporary terminated to trailing transaction trigger triggers truncate uncommitted undo uninstall unique unlock upgrade usage use use_frm user user_resources user_statistics using utc_date utc_time utc_timestamp value variables varying view views virtual warnings when while with work write xa xor year_month zerofill begin do then else loop repeat"),
    321     builtin: set("bool boolean bit blob decimal double float long longblob longtext medium mediumblob mediumint mediumtext time timestamp tinyblob tinyint tinytext text bigint int int1 int2 int3 int4 int8 integer float float4 float8 double char varbinary varchar varcharacter precision date datetime year unsigned signed numeric"),
    322     atoms: set("false true null unknown"),
    323     operatorChars: /^[*+\-%<>!=&|^]/,
    324     dateSQL: set("date time timestamp"),
    325     support: set("ODBCdotTable decimallessFloat zerolessFloat binaryNumber hexNumber doubleQuote nCharCast charsetCast commentHash commentSpaceRequired"),
    326     hooks: {
    327       "@":   hookVar,
    328       "`":   hookIdentifier,
    329       "\\":  hookClient
    330     }
    331   });
    333   // provided by the phpLiteAdmin project -
    334   CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/x-sqlite", {
    335     name: "sql",
    336     // commands of the official SQLite client, ref:
    337     client: set("auth backup bail binary changes check clone databases dbinfo dump echo eqp exit explain fullschema headers help import imposter indexes iotrace limit lint load log mode nullvalue once open output print prompt quit read restore save scanstats schema separator session shell show stats system tables testcase timeout timer trace vfsinfo vfslist vfsname width"),
    338     // ref:
    339     keywords: set(sqlKeywords + "abort action add after all analyze attach autoincrement before begin cascade case cast check collate column commit conflict constraint cross current_date current_time current_timestamp database default deferrable deferred detach each else end escape except exclusive exists explain fail for foreign full glob if ignore immediate index indexed initially inner instead intersect isnull key left limit match natural no notnull null of offset outer plan pragma primary query raise recursive references regexp reindex release rename replace restrict right rollback row savepoint temp temporary then to transaction trigger unique using vacuum view virtual when with without"),
    340     // SQLite is weakly typed, ref: This is just a list of some common types.
    341     builtin: set("bool boolean bit blob decimal double float long longblob longtext medium mediumblob mediumint mediumtext time timestamp tinyblob tinyint tinytext text clob bigint int int2 int8 integer float double char varchar date datetime year unsigned signed numeric real"),
    342     // ref:
    343     atoms: set("null current_date current_time current_timestamp"),
    344     // ref:
    345     operatorChars: /^[*+\-%<>!=&|/~]/,
    346     // SQLite is weakly typed, ref: This is just a list of some common types.
    347     dateSQL: set("date time timestamp datetime"),
    348     support: set("decimallessFloat zerolessFloat"),
    349     identifierQuote: "\"",  //ref:
    350     hooks: {
    351       // bind-parameters ref:
    352       "@":   hookVar,
    353       ":":   hookVar,
    354       "?":   hookVar,
    355       "$":   hookVar,
    356       // The preferred way to escape Identifiers is using double quotes, ref:
    357       "\"":   hookIdentifierDoublequote,
    358       // there is also support for backtics, ref:
    359       "`":   hookIdentifier
    360     }
    361   });
    363   // the query language used by Apache Cassandra is called CQL, but this mime type
    364   // is called Cassandra to avoid confusion with Contextual Query Language
    365   CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/x-cassandra", {
    366     name: "sql",
    367     client: { },
    368     keywords: set("add all allow alter and any apply as asc authorize batch begin by clustering columnfamily compact consistency count create custom delete desc distinct drop each_quorum exists filtering from grant if in index insert into key keyspace keyspaces level limit local_one local_quorum modify nan norecursive nosuperuser not of on one order password permission permissions primary quorum rename revoke schema select set storage superuser table three to token truncate ttl two type unlogged update use user users using values where with writetime"),
    369     builtin: set("ascii bigint blob boolean counter decimal double float frozen inet int list map static text timestamp timeuuid tuple uuid varchar varint"),
    370     atoms: set("false true infinity NaN"),
    371     operatorChars: /^[<>=]/,
    372     dateSQL: { },
    373     support: set("commentSlashSlash decimallessFloat"),
    374     hooks: { }
    375   });
    377   // this is based on Peter Raganitsch's 'plsql' mode
    378   CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/x-plsql", {
    379     name:       "sql",
    380     client:     set("appinfo arraysize autocommit autoprint autorecovery autotrace blockterminator break btitle cmdsep colsep compatibility compute concat copycommit copytypecheck define describe echo editfile embedded escape exec execute feedback flagger flush heading headsep instance linesize lno loboffset logsource long longchunksize markup native newpage numformat numwidth pagesize pause pno recsep recsepchar release repfooter repheader serveroutput shiftinout show showmode size spool sqlblanklines sqlcase sqlcode sqlcontinue sqlnumber sqlpluscompatibility sqlprefix sqlprompt sqlterminator suffix tab term termout time timing trimout trimspool ttitle underline verify version wrap"),
    381     keywords:   set("abort accept access add all alter and any array arraylen as asc assert assign at attributes audit authorization avg base_table begin between binary_integer body boolean by case cast char char_base check close cluster clusters colauth column comment commit compress connect connected constant constraint crash create current currval cursor data_base database date dba deallocate debugoff debugon decimal declare default definition delay delete desc digits dispose distinct do drop else elseif elsif enable end entry escape exception exception_init exchange exclusive exists exit external fast fetch file for force form from function generic goto grant group having identified if immediate in increment index indexes indicator initial initrans insert interface intersect into is key level library like limited local lock log logging long loop master maxextents maxtrans member minextents minus mislabel mode modify multiset new next no noaudit nocompress nologging noparallel not nowait number_base object of off offline on online only open option or order out package parallel partition pctfree pctincrease pctused pls_integer positive positiven pragma primary prior private privileges procedure public raise range raw read rebuild record ref references refresh release rename replace resource restrict return returning returns reverse revoke rollback row rowid rowlabel rownum rows run savepoint schema segment select separate session set share snapshot some space split sql start statement storage subtype successful synonym tabauth table tables tablespace task terminate then to trigger truncate type union unique unlimited unrecoverable unusable update use using validate value values variable view views when whenever where while with work"),
    382     builtin:    set("abs acos add_months ascii asin atan atan2 average bfile bfilename bigserial bit blob ceil character chartorowid chr clob concat convert cos cosh count dec decode deref dual dump dup_val_on_index empty error exp false float floor found glb greatest hextoraw initcap instr instrb int integer isopen last_day least length lengthb ln lower lpad ltrim lub make_ref max min mlslabel mod months_between natural naturaln nchar nclob new_time next_day nextval nls_charset_decl_len nls_charset_id nls_charset_name nls_initcap nls_lower nls_sort nls_upper nlssort no_data_found notfound null number numeric nvarchar2 nvl others power rawtohex real reftohex round rowcount rowidtochar rowtype rpad rtrim serial sign signtype sin sinh smallint soundex sqlcode sqlerrm sqrt stddev string substr substrb sum sysdate tan tanh to_char text to_date to_label to_multi_byte to_number to_single_byte translate true trunc uid unlogged upper user userenv varchar varchar2 variance varying vsize xml"),
    383     operatorChars: /^[*+\-%<>!=~]/,
    384     dateSQL:    set("date time timestamp"),
    385     support:    set("doubleQuote nCharCast zerolessFloat binaryNumber hexNumber")
    386   });
    388   // Created to support specific hive keywords
    389   CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/x-hive", {
    390     name: "sql",
    391     keywords: set("select alter $elem$ $key$ $value$ add after all analyze and archive as asc before between binary both bucket buckets by cascade case cast change cluster clustered clusterstatus collection column columns comment compute concatenate continue create cross cursor data database databases dbproperties deferred delete delimited desc describe directory disable distinct distribute drop else enable end escaped exclusive exists explain export extended external false fetch fields fileformat first format formatted from full function functions grant group having hold_ddltime idxproperties if import in index indexes inpath inputdriver inputformat insert intersect into is items join keys lateral left like limit lines load local location lock locks mapjoin materialized minus msck no_drop nocompress not of offline on option or order out outer outputdriver outputformat overwrite partition partitioned partitions percent plus preserve procedure purge range rcfile read readonly reads rebuild recordreader recordwriter recover reduce regexp rename repair replace restrict revoke right rlike row schema schemas semi sequencefile serde serdeproperties set shared show show_database sort sorted ssl statistics stored streamtable table tables tablesample tblproperties temporary terminated textfile then tmp to touch transform trigger true unarchive undo union uniquejoin unlock update use using utc utc_tmestamp view when where while with"),
    392     builtin: set("bool boolean long timestamp tinyint smallint bigint int float double date datetime unsigned string array struct map uniontype"),
    393     atoms: set("false true null unknown"),
    394     operatorChars: /^[*+\-%<>!=]/,
    395     dateSQL: set("date timestamp"),
    396     support: set("ODBCdotTable doubleQuote binaryNumber hexNumber")
    397   });
    399   CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/x-pgsql", {
    400     name: "sql",
    401     client: set("source"),
    402     //
    403     keywords: set(sqlKeywords + "a abort abs absent absolute access according action ada add admin after aggregate all allocate also always analyse analyze any are array array_agg array_max_cardinality asensitive assertion assignment asymmetric at atomic attribute attributes authorization avg backward base64 before begin begin_frame begin_partition bernoulli binary bit_length blob blocked bom both breadth c cache call called cardinality cascade cascaded case cast catalog catalog_name ceil ceiling chain characteristics characters character_length character_set_catalog character_set_name character_set_schema char_length check checkpoint class class_origin clob close cluster coalesce cobol collate collation collation_catalog collation_name collation_schema collect column columns column_name command_function command_function_code comment comments commit committed concurrently condition condition_number configuration conflict connect connection connection_name constraint constraints constraint_catalog constraint_name constraint_schema constructor contains content continue control conversion convert copy corr corresponding cost covar_pop covar_samp cross csv cube cume_dist current current_catalog current_date current_default_transform_group current_path current_role current_row current_schema current_time current_timestamp current_transform_group_for_type current_user cursor cursor_name cycle data database datalink datetime_interval_code datetime_interval_precision day db deallocate dec declare default defaults deferrable deferred defined definer degree delimiter delimiters dense_rank depth deref derived describe descriptor deterministic diagnostics dictionary disable discard disconnect dispatch dlnewcopy dlpreviouscopy dlurlcomplete dlurlcompleteonly dlurlcompletewrite dlurlpath dlurlpathonly dlurlpathwrite dlurlscheme dlurlserver dlvalue do document domain dynamic dynamic_function dynamic_function_code each element else empty enable encoding encrypted end end-exec end_frame end_partition enforced enum equals escape event every except exception exclude excluding exclusive exec execute exists exp explain expression extension external extract false family fetch file filter final first first_value flag float floor following for force foreign fortran forward found frame_row free freeze fs full function functions fusion g general generated get global go goto grant granted greatest grouping groups handler header hex hierarchy hold hour id identity if ignore ilike immediate immediately immutable implementation implicit import including increment indent index indexes indicator inherit inherits initially inline inner inout input insensitive instance instantiable instead integrity intersect intersection invoker isnull isolation k key key_member key_type label lag language large last last_value lateral lead leading leakproof least left length level library like_regex link listen ln load local localtime localtimestamp location locator lock locked logged lower m map mapping match matched materialized max maxvalue max_cardinality member merge message_length message_octet_length message_text method min minute minvalue mod mode modifies module month more move multiset mumps name names namespace national natural nchar nclob nesting new next nfc nfd nfkc nfkd nil no none normalize normalized nothing notify notnull nowait nth_value ntile null nullable nullif nulls number object occurrences_regex octets octet_length of off offset oids old only open operator option options ordering ordinality others out outer output over overlaps overlay overriding owned owner p pad parallel parameter parameter_mode parameter_name parameter_ordinal_position parameter_specific_catalog parameter_specific_name parameter_specific_schema parser partial partition pascal passing passthrough password percent percentile_cont percentile_disc percent_rank period permission placing plans pli policy portion position position_regex power precedes preceding prepare prepared preserve primary prior privileges procedural procedure program public quote range rank read reads reassign recheck recovery recursive ref references referencing refresh regr_avgx regr_avgy regr_count regr_intercept regr_r2 regr_slope regr_sxx regr_sxy regr_syy reindex relative release rename repeatable replace replica requiring reset respect restart restore restrict restricted result return returned_cardinality returned_length returned_octet_length returned_sqlstate returning returns revoke right role rollback rollup routine routine_catalog routine_name routine_schema row rows row_count row_number rule savepoint scale schema schema_name scope scope_catalog scope_name scope_schema scroll search second section security selective self sensitive sequence sequences serializable server server_name session session_user setof sets share show similar simple size skip snapshot some source space specific specifictype specific_name sql sqlcode sqlerror sqlexception sqlstate sqlwarning sqrt stable standalone start state statement static statistics stddev_pop stddev_samp stdin stdout storage strict strip structure style subclass_origin submultiset substring substring_regex succeeds sum symmetric sysid system system_time system_user t tables tablesample tablespace table_name temp template temporary then ties timezone_hour timezone_minute to token top_level_count trailing transaction transactions_committed transactions_rolled_back transaction_active transform transforms translate translate_regex translation treat trigger trigger_catalog trigger_name trigger_schema trim trim_array true truncate trusted type types uescape unbounded uncommitted under unencrypted unique unknown unlink unlisten unlogged unnamed unnest until untyped upper uri usage user user_defined_type_catalog user_defined_type_code user_defined_type_name user_defined_type_schema using vacuum valid validate validator value value_of varbinary variadic var_pop var_samp verbose version versioning view views volatile when whenever whitespace width_bucket window within work wrapper write xmlagg xmlattributes xmlbinary xmlcast xmlcomment xmlconcat xmldeclaration xmldocument xmlelement xmlexists xmlforest xmliterate xmlnamespaces xmlparse xmlpi xmlquery xmlroot xmlschema xmlserialize xmltable xmltext xmlvalidate year yes loop repeat attach path depends detach zone"),
    404     //
    405     builtin: set("bigint int8 bigserial serial8 bit varying varbit boolean bool box bytea character char varchar cidr circle date double precision float8 inet integer int int4 interval json jsonb line lseg macaddr macaddr8 money numeric decimal path pg_lsn point polygon real float4 smallint int2 smallserial serial2 serial serial4 text time without zone with timetz timestamp timestamptz tsquery tsvector txid_snapshot uuid xml"),
    406     atoms: set("false true null unknown"),
    407     operatorChars: /^[*+\-%<>!=&|^\/#@?~]/,
    408     dateSQL: set("date time timestamp"),
    409     support: set("ODBCdotTable decimallessFloat zerolessFloat binaryNumber hexNumber nCharCast charsetCast")
    410   });
    412   // Google's SQL-like query language, GQL
    413   CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/x-gql", {
    414     name: "sql",
    415     keywords: set("ancestor and asc by contains desc descendant distinct from group has in is limit offset on order select superset where"),
    416     atoms: set("false true"),
    417     builtin: set("blob datetime first key __key__ string integer double boolean null"),
    418     operatorChars: /^[*+\-%<>!=]/
    419   });
    421   // Greenplum
    422   CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/x-gpsql", {
    423     name: "sql",
    424     client: set("source"),
    425     //
    426     keywords: set("abort absolute access action active add admin after aggregate all also alter always analyse analyze and any array as asc assertion assignment asymmetric at authorization backward before begin between bigint binary bit boolean both by cache called cascade cascaded case cast chain char character characteristics check checkpoint class close cluster coalesce codegen collate column comment commit committed concurrency concurrently configuration connection constraint constraints contains content continue conversion copy cost cpu_rate_limit create createdb createexttable createrole createuser cross csv cube current current_catalog current_date current_role current_schema current_time current_timestamp current_user cursor cycle data database day deallocate dec decimal declare decode default defaults deferrable deferred definer delete delimiter delimiters deny desc dictionary disable discard distinct distributed do document domain double drop dxl each else enable encoding encrypted end enum errors escape every except exchange exclude excluding exclusive execute exists explain extension external extract false family fetch fields filespace fill filter first float following for force foreign format forward freeze from full function global grant granted greatest group group_id grouping handler hash having header hold host hour identity if ignore ilike immediate immutable implicit in including inclusive increment index indexes inherit inherits initially inline inner inout input insensitive insert instead int integer intersect interval into invoker is isnull isolation join key language large last leading least left level like limit list listen load local localtime localtimestamp location lock log login mapping master match maxvalue median merge minute minvalue missing mode modifies modify month move name names national natural nchar new newline next no nocreatedb nocreateexttable nocreaterole nocreateuser noinherit nologin none noovercommit nosuperuser not nothing notify notnull nowait null nullif nulls numeric object of off offset oids old on only operator option options or order ordered others out outer over overcommit overlaps overlay owned owner parser partial partition partitions passing password percent percentile_cont percentile_disc placing plans position preceding precision prepare prepared preserve primary prior privileges procedural procedure protocol queue quote randomly range read readable reads real reassign recheck recursive ref references reindex reject relative release rename repeatable replace replica reset resource restart restrict returning returns revoke right role rollback rollup rootpartition row rows rule savepoint scatter schema scroll search second security segment select sequence serializable session session_user set setof sets share show similar simple smallint some split sql stable standalone start statement statistics stdin stdout storage strict strip subpartition subpartitions substring superuser symmetric sysid system table tablespace temp template temporary text then threshold ties time timestamp to trailing transaction treat trigger trim true truncate trusted type unbounded uncommitted unencrypted union unique unknown unlisten until update user using vacuum valid validation validator value values varchar variadic varying verbose version view volatile web when where whitespace window with within without work writable write xml xmlattributes xmlconcat xmlelement xmlexists xmlforest xmlparse xmlpi xmlroot xmlserialize year yes zone"),
    427     builtin: set("bigint int8 bigserial serial8 bit varying varbit boolean bool box bytea character char varchar cidr circle date double precision float float8 inet integer int int4 interval json jsonb line lseg macaddr macaddr8 money numeric decimal path pg_lsn point polygon real float4 smallint int2 smallserial serial2 serial serial4 text time without zone with timetz timestamp timestamptz tsquery tsvector txid_snapshot uuid xml"),
    428     atoms: set("false true null unknown"),
    429     operatorChars: /^[*+\-%<>!=&|^\/#@?~]/,
    430     dateSQL: set("date time timestamp"),
    431     support: set("ODBCdotTable decimallessFloat zerolessFloat binaryNumber hexNumber nCharCast charsetCast")
    432   });
    434   // Spark SQL
    435   CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/x-sparksql", {
    436     name: "sql",
    437     keywords: set("add after all alter analyze and anti archive array as asc at between bucket buckets by cache cascade case cast change clear cluster clustered codegen collection column columns comment commit compact compactions compute concatenate cost create cross cube current current_date current_timestamp database databases datata dbproperties defined delete delimited desc describe dfs directories distinct distribute drop else end escaped except exchange exists explain export extended external false fields fileformat first following for format formatted from full function functions global grant group grouping having if ignore import in index indexes inner inpath inputformat insert intersect interval into is items join keys last lateral lazy left like limit lines list load local location lock locks logical macro map minus msck natural no not null nulls of on option options or order out outer outputformat over overwrite partition partitioned partitions percent preceding principals purge range recordreader recordwriter recover reduce refresh regexp rename repair replace reset restrict revoke right rlike role roles rollback rollup row rows schema schemas select semi separated serde serdeproperties set sets show skewed sort sorted start statistics stored stratify struct table tables tablesample tblproperties temp temporary terminated then to touch transaction transactions transform true truncate unarchive unbounded uncache union unlock unset use using values view when where window with"),
    438     builtin: set("tinyint smallint int bigint boolean float double string binary timestamp decimal array map struct uniontype delimited serde sequencefile textfile rcfile inputformat outputformat"),
    439     atoms: set("false true null"),
    440     operatorChars: /^[*+\-%<>!=~&|^]/,
    441     dateSQL: set("date time timestamp"),
    442     support: set("ODBCdotTable doubleQuote zerolessFloat")
    443   });
    445   // Esper
    446   CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/x-esper", {
    447     name: "sql",
    448     client: set("source"),
    449     //
    450     keywords: set("alter and as asc between by count create delete desc distinct drop from group having in insert into is join like not on or order select set table union update values where limit after all and as at asc avedev avg between by case cast coalesce count create current_timestamp day days delete define desc distinct else end escape events every exists false first from full group having hour hours in inner insert instanceof into irstream is istream join last lastweekday left limit like max match_recognize matches median measures metadatasql min minute minutes msec millisecond milliseconds not null offset on or order outer output partition pattern prev prior regexp retain-union retain-intersection right rstream sec second seconds select set some snapshot sql stddev sum then true unidirectional until update variable weekday when where window"),
    451     builtin: {},
    452     atoms: set("false true null"),
    453     operatorChars: /^[*+\-%<>!=&|^\/#@?~]/,
    454     dateSQL: set("time"),
    455     support: set("decimallessFloat zerolessFloat binaryNumber hexNumber")
    456   });
    457 }());
    459 });
    461 /*
    462   How Properties of Mime Types are used by SQL Mode
    463   =================================================
    465   keywords:
    466     A list of keywords you want to be highlighted.
    467   builtin:
    468     A list of builtin types you want to be highlighted (if you want types to be of class "builtin" instead of "keyword").
    469   operatorChars:
    470     All characters that must be handled as operators.
    471   client:
    472     Commands parsed and executed by the client (not the server).
    473   support:
    474     A list of supported syntaxes which are not common, but are supported by more than 1 DBMS.
    475     * ODBCdotTable: .tableName
    476     * zerolessFloat: .1
    477     * doubleQuote
    478     * nCharCast: N'string'
    479     * charsetCast: _utf8'string'
    480     * commentHash: use # char for comments
    481     * commentSlashSlash: use // for comments
    482     * commentSpaceRequired: require a space after -- for comments
    483   atoms:
    484     Keywords that must be highlighted as atoms,. Some DBMS's support more atoms than others:
    486   dateSQL:
    487     Used for date/time SQL standard syntax, because not all DBMS's support same temporal types.
    488 */