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doc_test.js (11353B)

      1 (function() {
      2   // A minilanguage for instantiating linked CodeMirror instances and Docs
      3   function instantiateSpec(spec, place, opts) {
      4     var names = {}, pos = 0, l = spec.length, editors = [];
      5     while (spec) {
      6       var m = spec.match(/^(\w+)(\*?)(?:='([^\']*)'|<(~?)(\w+)(?:\/(\d+)-(\d+))?)\s*/);
      7       var name = m[1], isDoc = m[2], cur;
      8       if (m[3]) {
      9         cur = isDoc ? CodeMirror.Doc(m[3]) : CodeMirror(place, clone(opts, {value: m[3]}));
     10       } else {
     11         var other = m[5];
     12         if (!names.hasOwnProperty(other)) {
     13           names[other] = editors.length;
     14           editors.push(CodeMirror(place, opts));
     15         }
     16         var doc = editors[names[other]].linkedDoc({
     17           sharedHist: !m[4],
     18           from: m[6] ? Number(m[6]) : null,
     19           to: m[7] ? Number(m[7]) : null
     20         });
     21         cur = isDoc ? doc : CodeMirror(place, clone(opts, {value: doc}));
     22       }
     23       names[name] = editors.length;
     24       editors.push(cur);
     25       spec = spec.slice(m[0].length);
     26     }
     27     return editors;
     28   }
     30   function clone(obj, props) {
     31     if (!obj) return;
     32     clone.prototype = obj;
     33     var inst = new clone();
     34     if (props) for (var n in props) if (props.hasOwnProperty(n))
     35       inst[n] = props[n];
     36     return inst;
     37   }
     39   function eqAll(val) {
     40     var end = arguments.length, msg = null;
     41     if (typeof arguments[end-1] == "string")
     42       msg = arguments[--end];
     43     if (i == end) throw new Error("No editors provided to eqAll");
     44     for (var i = 1; i < end; ++i)
     45       eq(arguments[i].getValue(), val, msg)
     46   }
     48   function testDoc(name, spec, run, opts, expectFail) {
     49     if (!opts) opts = {};
     51     return test("doc_" + name, function() {
     52       var place = document.getElementById("testground");
     53       var editors = instantiateSpec(spec, place, opts);
     54       var successful = false;
     56       try {
     57         run.apply(null, editors);
     58         successful = true;
     59       } finally {
     60         if (!successful || verbose) {
     61  = "visible";
     62         } else {
     63           for (var i = 0; i < editors.length; ++i)
     64             if (editors[i] instanceof CodeMirror)
     65               place.removeChild(editors[i].getWrapperElement());
     66         }
     67       }
     68     }, expectFail);
     69   }
     71   var ie_lt8 = /MSIE [1-7]\b/.test(navigator.userAgent);
     73   function testBasic(a, b) {
     74     eqAll("x", a, b);
     75     a.setValue("hey");
     76     eqAll("hey", a, b);
     77     b.setValue("wow");
     78     eqAll("wow", a, b);
     79     a.replaceRange("u\nv\nw", Pos(0, 3));
     80     b.replaceRange("i", Pos(0, 4));
     81     b.replaceRange("j", Pos(2, 1));
     82     eqAll("wowui\nv\nwj", a, b);
     83   }
     85   testDoc("basic", "A='x' B<A", testBasic);
     86   testDoc("basicSeparate", "A='x' B<~A", testBasic);
     88   testDoc("sharedHist", "A='ab\ncd\nef' B<A", function(a, b) {
     89     a.replaceRange("x", Pos(0));
     90     b.replaceRange("y", Pos(1));
     91     a.replaceRange("z", Pos(2));
     92     eqAll("abx\ncdy\nefz", a, b);
     93     a.undo();
     94     a.undo();
     95     eqAll("abx\ncd\nef", a, b);
     96     a.redo();
     97     eqAll("abx\ncdy\nef", a, b);
     98     b.redo();
     99     eqAll("abx\ncdy\nefz", a, b);
    100     a.undo(); b.undo(); a.undo(); a.undo();
    101     eqAll("ab\ncd\nef", a, b);
    102   }, null, ie_lt8);
    104   testDoc("undoIntact", "A='ab\ncd\nef' B<~A", function(a, b) {
    105     a.replaceRange("x", Pos(0));
    106     b.replaceRange("y", Pos(1));
    107     a.replaceRange("z", Pos(2));
    108     a.replaceRange("q", Pos(0));
    109     eqAll("abxq\ncdy\nefz", a, b);
    110     a.undo();
    111     a.undo();
    112     eqAll("abx\ncdy\nef", a, b);
    113     b.undo();
    114     eqAll("abx\ncd\nef", a, b);
    115     a.redo();
    116     eqAll("abx\ncd\nefz", a, b);
    117     a.redo();
    118     eqAll("abxq\ncd\nefz", a, b);
    119     a.undo(); a.undo(); a.undo(); a.undo();
    120     eqAll("ab\ncd\nef", a, b);
    121     b.redo();
    122     eqAll("ab\ncdy\nef", a, b);
    123   });
    125   testDoc("undoConflict", "A='ab\ncd\nef' B<~A", function(a, b) {
    126     a.replaceRange("x", Pos(0));
    127     a.replaceRange("z", Pos(2));
    128     // This should clear the first undo event in a, but not the second
    129     b.replaceRange("y", Pos(0));
    130     a.undo(); a.undo();
    131     eqAll("abxy\ncd\nef", a, b);
    132     a.replaceRange("u", Pos(2));
    133     a.replaceRange("v", Pos(0));
    134     // This should clear both events in a
    135     b.replaceRange("w", Pos(0));
    136     a.undo(); a.undo();
    137     eqAll("abxyvw\ncd\nefu", a, b);
    138   });
    140   testDoc("doubleRebase", "A='ab\ncd\nef\ng' B<~A C<B", function(a, b, c) {
    141     c.replaceRange("u", Pos(3));
    142     a.replaceRange("", Pos(0, 0), Pos(1, 0));
    143     c.undo();
    144     eqAll("cd\nef\ng", a, b, c);
    145   });
    147   testDoc("undoUpdate", "A='ab\ncd\nef' B<~A", function(a, b) {
    148     a.replaceRange("x", Pos(2));
    149     b.replaceRange("u\nv\nw\n", Pos(0, 0));
    150     a.undo();
    151     eqAll("u\nv\nw\nab\ncd\nef", a, b);
    152     a.redo();
    153     eqAll("u\nv\nw\nab\ncd\nefx", a, b);
    154     a.undo();
    155     eqAll("u\nv\nw\nab\ncd\nef", a, b);
    156     b.undo();
    157     a.redo();
    158     eqAll("ab\ncd\nefx", a, b);
    159     a.undo();
    160     eqAll("ab\ncd\nef", a, b);
    161   });
    163   testDoc("undoKeepRanges", "A='abcdefg' B<A", function(a, b) {
    164     var m = a.markText(Pos(0, 1), Pos(0, 3), {className: "foo"});
    165     b.replaceRange("x", Pos(0, 0));
    166     eqCharPos(m.find().from, Pos(0, 2));
    167     b.replaceRange("yzzy", Pos(0, 1), Pos(0));
    168     eq(m.find(), null);
    169     b.undo();
    170     eqCharPos(m.find().from, Pos(0, 2));
    171     b.undo();
    172     eqCharPos(m.find().from, Pos(0, 1));
    173   });
    175   testDoc("longChain", "A='uv' B<A C<B D<C", function(a, b, c, d) {
    176     a.replaceSelection("X");
    177     eqAll("Xuv", a, b, c, d);
    178     d.replaceRange("Y", Pos(0));
    179     eqAll("XuvY", a, b, c, d);
    180   });
    182   testDoc("broadCast", "B<A C<A D<A E<A", function(a, b, c, d, e) {
    183     b.setValue("uu");
    184     eqAll("uu", a, b, c, d, e);
    185     a.replaceRange("v", Pos(0, 1));
    186     eqAll("uvu", a, b, c, d, e);
    187   });
    189   // A and B share a history, C and D share a separate one
    190   testDoc("islands", "A='x\ny\nz' B<A C<~A D<C", function(a, b, c, d) {
    191     a.replaceRange("u", Pos(0));
    192     d.replaceRange("v", Pos(2));
    193     b.undo();
    194     eqAll("x\ny\nzv", a, b, c, d);
    195     c.undo();
    196     eqAll("x\ny\nz", a, b, c, d);
    197     a.redo();
    198     eqAll("xu\ny\nz", a, b, c, d);
    199     d.redo();
    200     eqAll("xu\ny\nzv", a, b, c, d);
    201   });
    203   testDoc("unlink", "B<A C<A D<B", function(a, b, c, d) {
    204     a.setValue("hi");
    205     b.unlinkDoc(a);
    206     d.setValue("aye");
    207     eqAll("hi", a, c);
    208     eqAll("aye", b, d);
    209     a.setValue("oo");
    210     eqAll("oo", a, c);
    211     eqAll("aye", b, d);
    212   });
    214   testDoc("bareDoc", "A*='foo' B*<A C<B", function(a, b, c) {
    215     is(a instanceof CodeMirror.Doc);
    216     is(b instanceof CodeMirror.Doc);
    217     is(c instanceof CodeMirror);
    218     eqAll("foo", a, b, c);
    219     a.replaceRange("hey", Pos(0, 0), Pos(0));
    220     c.replaceRange("!", Pos(0));
    221     eqAll("hey!", a, b, c);
    222     b.unlinkDoc(a);
    223     b.setValue("x");
    224     eqAll("x", b, c);
    225     eqAll("hey!", a);
    226   });
    228   testDoc("swapDoc", "A='a' B*='b' C<A", function(a, b, c) {
    229     var d = a.swapDoc(b);
    230     d.setValue("x");
    231     eqAll("x", c, d);
    232     eqAll("b", a, b);
    233   });
    235   testDoc("docKeepsScroll", "A='x' B*='y'", function(a, b) {
    236     addDoc(a, 200, 200);
    237     a.scrollIntoView(Pos(199, 200));
    238     var c = a.swapDoc(b);
    239     a.swapDoc(c);
    240     var pos = a.getScrollInfo();
    241     is(pos.left > 0, "not at left");
    242     is( > 0, "not at top");
    243   });
    245   testDoc("copyDoc", "A='u'", function(a) {
    246     var copy = a.getDoc().copy(true);
    247     a.setValue("foo");
    248     copy.setValue("bar");
    249     var old = a.swapDoc(copy);
    250     eq(a.getValue(), "bar");
    251     a.undo();
    252     eq(a.getValue(), "u");
    253     a.swapDoc(old);
    254     eq(a.getValue(), "foo");
    255     eq(old.historySize().undo, 1);
    256     eq(old.copy(false).historySize().undo, 0);
    257   });
    259   testDoc("docKeepsMode", "A='1+1'", function(a) {
    260     var other = CodeMirror.Doc("hi", "text/x-markdown");
    261     a.setOption("mode", "text/javascript");
    262     var old = a.swapDoc(other);
    263     eq(a.getOption("mode"), "text/x-markdown");
    264     eq(a.getMode().name, "markdown");
    265     a.swapDoc(old);
    266     eq(a.getOption("mode"), "text/javascript");
    267     eq(a.getMode().name, "javascript");
    268   });
    270   testDoc("subview", "A='1\n2\n3\n4\n5' B<~A/1-3", function(a, b) {
    271     eq(b.getValue(), "2\n3");
    272     eq(b.firstLine(), 1);
    273     b.setCursor(Pos(4));
    274     eqCharPos(b.getCursor(), Pos(2, 1));
    275     a.replaceRange("-1\n0\n", Pos(0, 0));
    276     eq(b.firstLine(), 3);
    277     eqCharPos(b.getCursor(), Pos(4, 1));
    278     a.undo();
    279     eqCharPos(b.getCursor(), Pos(2, 1));
    280     b.replaceRange("oyoy\n", Pos(2, 0));
    281     eq(a.getValue(), "1\n2\noyoy\n3\n4\n5");
    282     b.undo();
    283     eq(a.getValue(), "1\n2\n3\n4\n5");
    284   });
    286   testDoc("subviewEditOnBoundary", "A='11\n22\n33\n44\n55' B<~A/1-4", function(a, b) {
    287     a.replaceRange("x\nyy\nz", Pos(0, 1), Pos(2, 1));
    288     eq(b.firstLine(), 2);
    289     eq(b.lineCount(), 2);
    290     eq(b.getValue(), "z3\n44");
    291     a.replaceRange("q\nrr\ns", Pos(3, 1), Pos(4, 1));
    292     eq(b.firstLine(), 2);
    293     eq(b.getValue(), "z3\n4q");
    294     eq(a.getValue(), "1x\nyy\nz3\n4q\nrr\ns5");
    295     a.execCommand("selectAll");
    296     a.replaceSelection("!");
    297     eqAll("!", a, b);
    298   });
    301   testDoc("sharedMarker", "A='ab\ncd\nef\ngh' B<A C<~A/1-2", function(a, b, c) {
    302     var mark = b.markText(Pos(0, 1), Pos(3, 1),
    303                           {className: "cm-searching", shared: true});
    304     var found = a.findMarksAt(Pos(0, 2));
    305     eq(found.length, 1);
    306     eq(found[0], mark);
    307     eq(c.findMarksAt(Pos(1, 1)).length, 1);
    308     eqCharPos(mark.find().from, Pos(0, 1));
    309     eqCharPos(mark.find().to, Pos(3, 1));
    310     b.replaceRange("x\ny\n", Pos(0, 0));
    311     eqCharPos(mark.find().from, Pos(2, 1));
    312     eqCharPos(mark.find().to, Pos(5, 1));
    313     var cleared = 0;
    314     CodeMirror.on(mark, "clear", function() {++cleared;});
    315     b.operation(function(){mark.clear();});
    316     eq(a.findMarksAt(Pos(3, 1)).length, 0);
    317     eq(b.findMarksAt(Pos(3, 1)).length, 0);
    318     eq(c.findMarksAt(Pos(3, 1)).length, 0);
    319     eq(mark.find(), null);
    320     eq(cleared, 1);
    321   });
    323   testDoc("sharedMarkerCopy", "A='abcde'", function(a) {
    324     var shared = a.markText(Pos(0, 1), Pos(0, 3), {shared: true});
    325     var b = a.linkedDoc();
    326     var found = b.findMarksAt(Pos(0, 2));
    327     eq(found.length, 1);
    328     eq(found[0], shared);
    329     shared.clear();
    330     eq(b.findMarksAt(Pos(0, 2)), 0);
    331   });
    333   testDoc("sharedMarkerDetach", "A='abcde' B<A C<B", function(a, b, c) {
    334     var shared = a.markText(Pos(0, 1), Pos(0, 3), {shared: true});
    335     a.unlinkDoc(b);
    336     var inB = b.findMarksAt(Pos(0, 2));
    337     eq(inB.length, 1);
    338     is(inB[0] != shared);
    339     var inC = c.findMarksAt(Pos(0, 2));
    340     eq(inC.length, 1);
    341     is(inC[0] != shared);
    342     inC[0].clear();
    343     is(shared.find());
    344   });
    346   testDoc("sharedBookmark", "A='ab\ncd\nef\ngh' B<A C<~A/1-2", function(a, b, c) {
    347     var mark = b.setBookmark(Pos(1, 1), {shared: true});
    348     var found = a.findMarksAt(Pos(1, 1));
    349     eq(found.length, 1);
    350     eq(found[0], mark);
    351     eq(c.findMarksAt(Pos(1, 1)).length, 1);
    352     eqCharPos(mark.find(), Pos(1, 1));
    353     b.replaceRange("x\ny\n", Pos(0, 0));
    354     eqCharPos(mark.find(), Pos(3, 1));
    355     var cleared = 0;
    356     CodeMirror.on(mark, "clear", function() {++cleared;});
    357     b.operation(function() {mark.clear();});
    358     eq(a.findMarks(Pos(0, 0), Pos(5)).length, 0);
    359     eq(b.findMarks(Pos(0, 0), Pos(5)).length, 0);
    360     eq(c.findMarks(Pos(0, 0), Pos(5)).length, 0);
    361     eq(mark.find(), null);
    362     eq(cleared, 1);
    363   });
    365   testDoc("undoInSubview", "A='line 0\nline 1\nline 2\nline 3\nline 4' B<A/1-4", function(a, b) {
    366     b.replaceRange("x", Pos(2, 0));
    367     a.undo();
    368     eq(a.getValue(), "line 0\nline 1\nline 2\nline 3\nline 4");
    369     eq(b.getValue(), "line 1\nline 2\nline 3");
    370   });
    371 })();