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trumbowyg.lineheight.js (3315B)

      1 (function ($) {
      2     'use strict';
      4     $.extend(true, $.trumbowyg, {
      5         langs: {
      6             // jshint camelcase:false
      7             en: {
      8                 lineheight: 'Line height',
      9                 lineheights: {
     10                     '0.9':    'Small',
     11                     'normal': 'Regular',
     12                     '1.5':    'Large',
     13                     '2.0':    'Extra large'
     14                 }
     15             },
     16             fr: {
     17                 lineheight: 'Hauteur de ligne',
     18                 lineheights: {
     19                     '0.9':    'Petit',
     20                     'normal': 'Regular',
     21                     '1.5':    'Grand',
     22                     '2.0':    'Très grand'
     23                 }
     24             },
     25             nl: {
     26                 lineheight: 'Regelhoogte',
     27                 lineheights: {
     28                     '0.9':    'Klein',
     29                     'normal': 'Normaal',
     30                     '1.5':    'Groot',
     31                     '2.0':    'Extra groot'
     32                 }
     33             },
     34             tr: {
     35                 lineheight: 'Satır yüksekliği',
     36                 lineheights: {
     37                     '0.9':    'Küçük',
     38                     'normal': 'Normal',
     39                     '1.5':    'Büyük',
     40                     '2.0':    'Çok Büyük'
     41                 }
     42             }
     43         }
     44     });
     45     // jshint camelcase:true
     47     // Add dropdown with font sizes
     48     $.extend(true, $.trumbowyg, {
     49         plugins: {
     50             lineheight: {
     51                 init: function (trumbowyg) {
     52                     trumbowyg.addBtnDef('lineheight', {
     53                         dropdown: buildDropdown(trumbowyg)
     54                     });
     55                 }
     56             }
     57         }
     58     });
     60     // Build the dropdown
     61     function buildDropdown(trumbowyg) {
     62         var dropdown = [];
     63         var sizes = ['0.9', 'normal', '1.5', '2.0'];
     65         $.each(sizes, function(index, size) {
     66             trumbowyg.addBtnDef('lineheight_' + size, {
     67                 text: '<span style="line-height: ' + size + ';">' + trumbowyg.lang.lineheights[size] + '</span>',
     68                 hasIcon: false,
     69                 fn: function(){
     70                     trumbowyg.saveRange();
     71                     var text = trumbowyg.getRangeText();
     72                     if (text.replace(/\s/g, '') !== '') {
     73                         try {
     74                             var parent = getSelectionParentElement();
     75                             $(parent).css('lineHeight', size);
     76                         } catch (e) {
     77                         }
     78                     }
     79                 }
     80             });
     81             dropdown.push('lineheight_' + size);
     82         });
     84         return dropdown;
     85     }
     87     // Get the selection's parent
     88     function getSelectionParentElement() {
     89         var parentEl = null,
     90             selection;
     91         if (window.getSelection) {
     92             selection = window.getSelection();
     93             if (selection.rangeCount) {
     94                 parentEl = selection.getRangeAt(0).commonAncestorContainer;
     95                 if (parentEl.nodeType !== 1) {
     96                     parentEl = parentEl.parentNode;
     97                 }
     98             }
     99         } else if ((selection = document.selection) && selection.type !== 'Control') {
    100             parentEl = selection.createRange().parentElement();
    101         }
    102         return parentEl;
    103     }
    104 })(jQuery);