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trumbowyg.mathml.js (4108B)

      1 /* ===========================================================
      2  * trumbowyg.mathMl.js v1.0
      3  * MathML plugin for Trumbowyg
      4  *
      5  * ===========================================================
      6  * Author : loclamor
      7  */
      9 /* globals MathJax */
     10 (function($) {
     11     'use strict';
     12     $.extend(true, $.trumbowyg, {
     13         langs: {
     14             en: {
     15                 mathml: 'Insert Formulas',
     16                 formulas: 'Formulas',
     17                 inline: 'Inline'
     18             },
     19             fr: {
     20                 mathml: 'Inserer une formule',
     21                 formulas: 'Formule',
     22                 inline: 'En ligne'
     23             },
     24             tr: {
     25                 mathml: 'Formül Ekle',
     26                 formulas: 'Formüller',
     27                 inline: 'Satır içi'
     28             }
     29         },
     30         plugins: {
     31             mathml: {
     32                 init: function(trumbowyg) {
     33                     var btnDef = {
     34                         fn: function() {
     35                             trumbowyg.saveRange();
     36                             var mathMLoptions = {
     37                                 formulas: {
     38                                     label: trumbowyg.lang.formulas,
     39                                     required: true,
     40                                     value: ''
     41                                 },
     42                                 inline: {
     43                                     label: trumbowyg.lang.inline,
     44                                     attributes: {
     45                                         checked: true
     46                                     },
     47                                     type: 'checkbox',
     48                                     required: false,
     49                                 }
     50                             };
     52                             var mathmlCallback = function(v) {
     53                                 var delimitor = v.inline ? '$' : '$$';
     54                                 if (trumbowyg.currentMathNode) {
     55                                     $(trumbowyg.currentMathNode).html(delimitor + ' ' + v.formulas + ' ' + delimitor).attr('formulas', v.formulas).attr('inline', (v.inline ? 'true' : 'false'));
     56                                 } else {
     57                                     var html = '<span class="mathMlContainer" contenteditable="false" formulas="' + v.formulas + '" inline="' + (v.inline ? 'true' : 'false') + '" >' + delimitor + ' ' + v.formulas + ' ' + delimitor + '</span>';
     58                                     var node = $(html)[0];
     59                                     node.onclick = function(e) {
     60                                         trumbowyg.currentMathNode = this;
     61                                         mathMLoptions.formulas.value = $(this).attr('formulas');
     62                                         if ($(this).attr('inline') === "true") {
     63                                             mathMLoptions.inline.attributes.checked = true;
     64                                         } else {
     65                                             delete mathMLoptions.inline.attributes.checked;
     66                                         }
     67                                         trumbowyg.openModalInsert(trumbowyg.lang.mathml, mathMLoptions, mathmlCallback);
     68                                     };
     69                                     trumbowyg.range.deleteContents();
     70                                     trumbowyg.range.insertNode(node);
     71                                 }
     73                                 trumbowyg.currentMathNode = false;
     74                                 MathJax.Hub.Queue(['Typeset', MathJax.Hub]);
     75                                 return true;
     76                             };
     78                             mathMLoptions.formulas.value = trumbowyg.getRangeText();
     79                             mathMLoptions.inline.attributes.checked = true;
     80                             trumbowyg.openModalInsert(trumbowyg.lang.mathml, mathMLoptions, mathmlCallback);
     81                         }
     82                     };
     83                     trumbowyg.addBtnDef('mathml', btnDef);
     84                 }
     85             }
     86         }
     87     });
     88 })(jQuery);